• S
    Adds Signal Library RFFT OP (#2056) · f22888af
    suleshahid 提交于
    Second OP for the TFLM Signal library, Real-Valued Fast Fourier Transform.
    The RFFT OP provides three resolutions: `FLOAT, INT16, INT32`
    Similar usage as to previous Window OP:
    * `op_resolver.AddRfft()` (which will add all resolutions, and determine the type at runtime)
    * `op_resolver.AddRfftFloat()`, `op_resolver.AddRfftInt16()`, `op_resolver.AddRfftInt32()` for a specific resolution type.
    * or via python as can be seen in `fft_ops_test.py`
    3 testing options are provided:
    * Micro(C++): bazel run signal/micro/kernels:fft_test
    * Tensorflow/Micro(Python): bazel run python/tflite_micro/signal:fft_ops_test
    * Makefile(C++): make -f tensorflow/lite/micro/tools/make/Makefile test_kernel_fft_test
BUILD 477 字节