提交 6510f48a 编写于 作者: Y Yifei Feng

Release doc update.

上级 d898f2dc
......@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@ The returned memory region can be accessed from many threads in parallel.
The ownership of the returned ReadOnlyMemoryRegion is passed to the caller and the object should be deleted when is not used. The memory region object shouldn't live longer than the Env object.
#### `bool tensorflow::Env::FileExists(const string &fname)` {#bool_tensorflow_Env_FileExists}
#### `Status tensorflow::Env::FileExists(const string &fname)` {#Status_tensorflow_Env_FileExists}
Returns true iff the named file exists.
Returns OK if the named path exists and NOT_FOUND otherwise.
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Original contents of *results are dropped.
#### `virtual bool tensorflow::Env::MatchPath(const string &path, const string &pattern)=0` {#virtual_bool_tensorflow_Env_MatchPath}
Returns true if the path matches the given pattern. The wildcards allowed in pattern are described below (GetMatchingPaths).
Returns true if the path matches the given pattern. The wildcards allowed in pattern are described in FileSystem::GetMatchingPaths.
......@@ -100,13 +100,7 @@ Returns true if the path matches the given pattern. The wildcards allowed in pat
Given a pattern, stores in *results the set of paths that matches that pattern. *results is cleared.
pattern must match all of a name, not just a substring. pattern: { term } term: &apos;*&apos;: matches any sequence of non-&apos;/&apos; characters &apos;?&apos;: matches a single non-&apos;/&apos; character &apos;[&apos; [ &apos;^&apos; ] { match-list } &apos;]&apos;: matches any single character (not) on the list c: matches character c (c != &apos;*&apos;, &apos;?&apos;, &apos;\&apos;, &apos;[&apos;) &apos;\&apos; c: matches character c character-range: c: matches character c (c != &apos;\&apos;, &apos;-&apos;, &apos;]&apos;) &apos;\&apos; c: matches character c lo &apos;-&apos; hi: matches character c for lo <= c <= hi
Typical return codes
OK - no errors
UNIMPLEMENTED - Some underlying functions (like GetChildren) are not implemented The default implementation uses a combination of GetChildren, MatchPath and IsDirectory.
More details about `pattern` in FileSystem::GetMatchingPaths.
#### `Status tensorflow::Env::DeleteFile(const string &fname)` {#Status_tensorflow_Env_DeleteFile}
......@@ -238,6 +232,12 @@ Caller takes ownership of the result and must delete it eventually (the deletion
#### `virtual string tensorflow::Env::FormatLibraryFileName(const string &name, const string &version)=0` {#virtual_string_tensorflow_Env_FormatLibraryFileName}
#### `static Env* tensorflow::Env::Default()` {#static_Env_tensorflow_Env_Default}
Returns a default environment suitable for the current operating system.
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Returns the file system schemes registered for this Env .
#### `bool tensorflow::EnvWrapper::MatchPath(const string &path, const string &pattern) override` {#bool_tensorflow_EnvWrapper_MatchPath}
Returns true if the path matches the given pattern. The wildcards allowed in pattern are described below (GetMatchingPaths).
Returns true if the path matches the given pattern. The wildcards allowed in pattern are described in FileSystem::GetMatchingPaths.
......@@ -89,3 +89,9 @@ Caller takes ownership of the result and must delete it eventually (the deletion
#### `string tensorflow::EnvWrapper::FormatLibraryFileName(const string &name, const string &version) override` {#string_tensorflow_EnvWrapper_FormatLibraryFileName}
# `class tensorflow::Status`
Denotes success or failure of a call in Tensorflow.
......@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
Represents the shape of a Tensor .
A tensor&apos;s shape is denoted by its number of dimensions and a size for each dimension. For example, a Tensor represented by a 3 x 4 matrix would have a shape of 2-D, [3,4].
If you know the exact shape of your Tensor when you create the TensorShape object, you can specify it then, or you can create a TensorShape with zero dimensions and one element, and call AddDim() to add dimensions later.
###Member Details
......@@ -72,8 +72,14 @@ Returns a ` TensorShape ` whose dimensions are `dims[0]`, `dims[1]`, ..., `dims[
#### `bool tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::StartsWith(const TensorShape &shape0, const TensorShape &shape1)` {#bool_tensorflow_TensorShapeUtils_StartsWith}
#### `bool tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::StartsWith(const TensorShape &shape, const TensorShape &prefix)` {#bool_tensorflow_TensorShapeUtils_StartsWith}
Returns true iff `shape` starts with `prefix`.
#### `bool tensorflow::TensorShapeUtils::EndsWith(const TensorShape &shape, const TensorShape &suffix)` {#bool_tensorflow_TensorShapeUtils_EndsWith}
Returns true iff `shape` ends with `suffix`.
# `class tensorflow::Thread`
Represents a thread used to run a Tensorflow function.
# `struct tensorflow::TensorShapeDim`
Represents the value of one dimension in a TensorShape .
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ fill([2, 3], 9) ==> [[9, 9, 9]
- - -
### `tf.constant(value, dtype=None, shape=None, name='Const')` {#constant}
### `tf.constant(value, dtype=None, shape=None, name='Const', verify_shape=False)` {#constant}
Creates a constant tensor.
......@@ -216,6 +216,9 @@ Creates a constant tensor.
* <b>`name`</b>: Optional name for the tensor.
* <b>`verify_shape`</b>: Boolean that enables verification of a shape of values.
##### Returns:
A Constant Tensor.
......@@ -78,7 +78,10 @@ can have speed penalty, specially in distributed settings.
`batch_size`. The normalization is over all but the last dimension if
`data_format` is `NHWC` and the second dimension if `data_format` is
* <b>`decay`</b>: decay for the moving average.
* <b>`decay`</b>: decay for the moving average. Reasonable values for `decay` are close
to 1.0, typically in the multiple-nines range: 0.999, 0.99, 0.9, etc. Lower
`decay` value (recommend trying `decay`=0.9) if model experiences reasonably
good training performance but poor validation and/or test performance.
* <b>`center`</b>: If True, subtract `beta`. If False, `beta` is ignored.
* <b>`scale`</b>: If True, multiply by `gamma`. If False, `gamma` is
not used. When the next layer is linear (also e.g. `nn.relu`), this can be
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ permits static shape optimizations.
- - -
### `tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(values, dtype=None, shape=None)` {#make_tensor_proto}
### `tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(values, dtype=None, shape=None, verify_shape=False)` {#make_tensor_proto}
Create a TensorProto.
......@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ Create a TensorProto.
* <b>`values`</b>: Values to put in the TensorProto.
* <b>`dtype`</b>: Optional tensor_pb2 DataType value.
* <b>`shape`</b>: List of integers representing the dimensions of tensor.
* <b>`verify_shape`</b>: Boolean that enables verification of a shape of values.
##### Returns:
......@@ -65,7 +66,8 @@ Create a TensorProto.
* <b>`TypeError`</b>: if unsupported types are provided.
* <b>`ValueError`</b>: if arguments have inappropriate values.
* <b>`ValueError`</b>: if arguments have inappropriate values or if verify_shape is
True and shape of values is not equals to a shape from the argument.
make_tensor_proto accepts "values" of a python scalar, a python list, a
numpy ndarray, or a numpy scalar.
......@@ -2862,6 +2862,17 @@ The following standard keys are defined:
* `WEIGHTS`: weights inside neural network layers
* `BIASES`: biases inside neural network layers
* `ACTIVATIONS`: activations of neural network layers
- - -
#### `tf.GraphKeys.VARIABLES` {#GraphKeys.VARIABLES}
THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. It will be removed after 2017-03-02.
Instructions for updating:
VARIABLES collection name is deprecated, please use GLOBAL_VARIABLES instead
## Defining new operations
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.ByteSize()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.ByteSize}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.Clear()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.Clear}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.ClearExtension(extension_handle)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.ClearExtension}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.ClearField(field_name)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.ClearField}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.CopyFrom(other_msg)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.CopyFrom}
Copies the content of the specified message into the current message.
The method clears the current message and then merges the specified
message using MergeFrom.
##### Args:
* <b>`other_msg`</b>: Message to copy into the current one.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.DiscardUnknownFields()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.DiscardUnknownFields}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.FindInitializationErrors()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.FindInitializationErrors}
Finds required fields which are not initialized.
##### Returns:
A list of strings. Each string is a path to an uninitialized field from
the top-level message, e.g. "foo.bar[5].baz".
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.FromString(s)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.FromString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.HasExtension(extension_handle)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.HasExtension}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.HasField(field_name)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.HasField}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.IsInitialized(errors=None)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.IsInitialized}
Checks if all required fields of a message are set.
##### Args:
* <b>`errors`</b>: A list which, if provided, will be populated with the field
paths of all missing required fields.
##### Returns:
True iff the specified message has all required fields set.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.ListFields()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.ListFields}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.MergeFrom(msg)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.MergeFrom}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.MergeFromString(serialized)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.MergeFromString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.ParseFromString(serialized)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.ParseFromString}
Parse serialized protocol buffer data into this message.
Like MergeFromString(), except we clear the object first and
do not return the value that MergeFromString returns.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.RegisterExtension(extension_handle)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.RegisterExtension}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.SerializePartialToString()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.SerializePartialToString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.SerializeToString()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.SerializeToString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.SetInParent()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.SetInParent}
Sets the _cached_byte_size_dirty bit to true,
and propagates this to our listener iff this was a state change.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.WhichOneof(oneof_name)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.WhichOneof}
Returns the name of the currently set field inside a oneof, or None.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__deepcopy__(memo=None)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__deepcopy__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__eq__(other)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__eq__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__getstate__()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__getstate__}
......@@ -6,3 +187,66 @@
Support the pickle protocol.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__hash__()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__hash__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__init__(**kwargs)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__init__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__ne__(other_msg)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__ne__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__repr__()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__repr__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__setstate__(state)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__setstate__}
Support the pickle protocol.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__str__()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__str__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__unicode__()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__unicode__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.run_metadata` {#TaggedRunMetadata.run_metadata}
Magic attribute generated for "run_metadata" proto field.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.tag` {#TaggedRunMetadata.tag}
Magic attribute generated for "tag" proto field.
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Generates values in an interval.
A sequence of `num` evenly-spaced values are generated beginning at `start`.
If `num > 1`, the values in the sequence increase by `(stop - start) / (num - 1)`,
If `num > 1`, the values in the sequence increase by `stop - start / num - 1`,
so that the last one is exactly `stop`.
For example:
......@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ the full softmax loss.
At inference time, you can compute full softmax probabilities with the
expression `tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(inputs, tf.transpose(weights)) + biases)`.
See our
[Candidate Sampling Algorithms Reference](../../extras/candidate_sampling.pdf)
See our [Candidate Sampling Algorithms Reference]
Also see Section 3 of [Jean et al., 2014](http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.2007)
([pdf](http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.2007.pdf)) for the math.
### `tf.constant(value, dtype=None, shape=None, name='Const')` {#constant}
### `tf.constant(value, dtype=None, shape=None, name='Const', verify_shape=False)` {#constant}
Creates a constant tensor.
......@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ Creates a constant tensor.
* <b>`name`</b>: Optional name for the tensor.
* <b>`verify_shape`</b>: Boolean that enables verification of a shape of values.
##### Returns:
A Constant Tensor.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.ByteSize()` {#SummaryDescription.ByteSize}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.Clear()` {#SummaryDescription.Clear}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.ClearExtension(extension_handle)` {#SummaryDescription.ClearExtension}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.ClearField(field_name)` {#SummaryDescription.ClearField}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.CopyFrom(other_msg)` {#SummaryDescription.CopyFrom}
Copies the content of the specified message into the current message.
The method clears the current message and then merges the specified
message using MergeFrom.
##### Args:
* <b>`other_msg`</b>: Message to copy into the current one.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.DiscardUnknownFields()` {#SummaryDescription.DiscardUnknownFields}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.FindInitializationErrors()` {#SummaryDescription.FindInitializationErrors}
Finds required fields which are not initialized.
##### Returns:
A list of strings. Each string is a path to an uninitialized field from
the top-level message, e.g. "foo.bar[5].baz".
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.FromString(s)` {#SummaryDescription.FromString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.HasExtension(extension_handle)` {#SummaryDescription.HasExtension}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.HasField(field_name)` {#SummaryDescription.HasField}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.IsInitialized(errors=None)` {#SummaryDescription.IsInitialized}
Checks if all required fields of a message are set.
##### Args:
* <b>`errors`</b>: A list which, if provided, will be populated with the field
paths of all missing required fields.
##### Returns:
True iff the specified message has all required fields set.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.ListFields()` {#SummaryDescription.ListFields}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.MergeFrom(msg)` {#SummaryDescription.MergeFrom}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.MergeFromString(serialized)` {#SummaryDescription.MergeFromString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.ParseFromString(serialized)` {#SummaryDescription.ParseFromString}
Parse serialized protocol buffer data into this message.
Like MergeFromString(), except we clear the object first and
do not return the value that MergeFromString returns.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.RegisterExtension(extension_handle)` {#SummaryDescription.RegisterExtension}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.SerializePartialToString()` {#SummaryDescription.SerializePartialToString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.SerializeToString()` {#SummaryDescription.SerializeToString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.SetInParent()` {#SummaryDescription.SetInParent}
Sets the _cached_byte_size_dirty bit to true,
and propagates this to our listener iff this was a state change.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.WhichOneof(oneof_name)` {#SummaryDescription.WhichOneof}
Returns the name of the currently set field inside a oneof, or None.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__deepcopy__(memo=None)` {#SummaryDescription.__deepcopy__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__eq__(other)` {#SummaryDescription.__eq__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__getstate__()` {#SummaryDescription.__getstate__}
......@@ -6,3 +187,59 @@
Support the pickle protocol.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__hash__()` {#SummaryDescription.__hash__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__init__(**kwargs)` {#SummaryDescription.__init__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__ne__(other_msg)` {#SummaryDescription.__ne__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__repr__()` {#SummaryDescription.__repr__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__setstate__(state)` {#SummaryDescription.__setstate__}
Support the pickle protocol.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__str__()` {#SummaryDescription.__str__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__unicode__()` {#SummaryDescription.__unicode__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.type_hint` {#SummaryDescription.type_hint}
Magic attribute generated for "type_hint" proto field.
......@@ -173,125 +173,6 @@ Checks that for all elements of farray1 and farray2
* <b>`err`</b>: a float value.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertBetween(value, minv, maxv, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertBetween}
Asserts that value is between minv and maxv (inclusive).
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertCommandFails(command, regexes, env=None, close_fds=True, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertCommandFails}
Asserts a shell command fails and the error matches a regex in a list.
##### Args:
* <b>`command`</b>: List or string representing the command to run.
* <b>`regexes`</b>: the list of regular expression strings.
* <b>`env`</b>: Dictionary of environment variable settings.
* <b>`close_fds`</b>: Whether or not to close all open fd's in the child after
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertCommandSucceeds(command, regexes=('',), env=None, close_fds=True, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertCommandSucceeds}
Asserts that a shell command succeeds (i.e. exits with code 0).
##### Args:
* <b>`command`</b>: List or string representing the command to run.
* <b>`regexes`</b>: List of regular expression byte strings that match success.
* <b>`env`</b>: Dictionary of environment variable settings.
* <b>`close_fds`</b>: Whether or not to close all open fd's in the child after
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertContainsExactSubsequence(container, subsequence, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertContainsExactSubsequence}
Assert that "container" contains "subsequence" as an exact subsequence.
Asserts that "container" contains all the elements of "subsequence", in
order, and without other elements interspersed. For example, [1, 2, 3] is an
exact subsequence of [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0] but not of [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0].
##### Args:
* <b>`container`</b>: the list we're testing for subsequence inclusion.
* <b>`subsequence`</b>: the list we hope will be an exact subsequence of container.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertContainsInOrder(strings, target, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertContainsInOrder}
Asserts that the strings provided are found in the target in order.
This may be useful for checking HTML output.
##### Args:
* <b>`strings`</b>: A list of strings, such as [ 'fox', 'dog' ]
* <b>`target`</b>: A target string in which to look for the strings, such as
'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertContainsSubsequence(container, subsequence, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertContainsSubsequence}
Assert that "container" contains "subsequence" as a subsequence.
Asserts that "container" contains all the elements of "subsequence", in
order, but possibly with other elements interspersed. For example, [1, 2, 3]
is a subsequence of [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0] but not of [0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 0].
##### Args:
* <b>`container`</b>: the list we're testing for subsequence inclusion.
* <b>`subsequence`</b>: the list we hope will be a subsequence of container.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertContainsSubset(expected_subset, actual_set, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertContainsSubset}
Checks whether actual iterable is a superset of expected iterable.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertCountEqual(*args, **kwargs)` {#TestCase.assertCountEqual}
An unordered sequence specific comparison.
Equivalent to assertItemsEqual(). This method is a compatibility layer
for Python 3k, since 2to3 does not convert assertItemsEqual() calls into
assertCountEqual() calls.
##### Args:
* <b>`expected_seq`</b>: A sequence containing elements we are expecting.
* <b>`actual_seq`</b>: The sequence that we are testing.
* <b>`msg`</b>: The message to be printed if the test fails.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertDeviceEqual(device1, device2)` {#TestCase.assertDeviceEqual}
......@@ -314,49 +195,10 @@ Checks whether actual is a superset of expected.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertDictEqual(a, b, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertDictEqual}
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertDictEqual(d1, d2, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertDictEqual}
Raises AssertionError if a and b are not equal dictionaries.
##### Args:
* <b>`a`</b>: A dict, the expected value.
* <b>`b`</b>: A dict, the actual value.
* <b>`msg`</b>: An optional str, the associated message.
##### Raises:
* <b>`AssertionError`</b>: if the dictionaries are not equal.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertEmpty(container, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertEmpty}
Assert that an object has zero length.
##### Args:
* <b>`container`</b>: Anything that implements the collections.Sized interface.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertEndsWith(actual, expected_end, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertEndsWith}
Assert that actual.endswith(expected_end) is True.
##### Args:
* <b>`actual`</b>: str
* <b>`expected_end`</b>: str
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
......@@ -440,11 +282,10 @@ Included for symmetry with assertIsNone.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertItemsEqual(*args, **kwargs)` {#TestCase.assertItemsEqual}
An unordered sequence specific comparison.
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertItemsEqual(expected_seq, actual_seq, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertItemsEqual}
It asserts that actual_seq and expected_seq have the same element counts.
An unordered sequence specific comparison. It asserts that
actual_seq and expected_seq have the same element counts.
Equivalent to::
......@@ -457,30 +298,6 @@ Asserts that each element has the same count in both sequences.
- [0, 1, 1] and [1, 0, 1] compare equal.
- [0, 0, 1] and [0, 1] compare unequal.
##### Args:
* <b>`expected_seq`</b>: A sequence containing elements we are expecting.
* <b>`actual_seq`</b>: The sequence that we are testing.
* <b>`msg`</b>: The message to be printed if the test fails.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertJsonEqual(first, second, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertJsonEqual}
Asserts that the JSON objects defined in two strings are equal.
A summary of the differences will be included in the failure message
using assertSameStructure.
##### Args:
* <b>`first`</b>: A string contining JSON to decode and compare to second.
* <b>`second`</b>: A string contining JSON to decode and compare to first.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Additional text to include in the failure message.
- - -
......@@ -550,13 +367,6 @@ if not.
* <b>`msg`</b>: An optional string message to append to the failure message.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertNoCommonElements(expected_seq, actual_seq, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertNoCommonElements}
Checks whether actual iterable and expected iterable are disjoint.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertNotAlmostEqual(first, second, places=None, msg=None, delta=None)` {#TestCase.assertNotAlmostEqual}
......@@ -587,33 +397,6 @@ as significant digits (measured from the most signficant digit).
Objects that are equal automatically fail.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertNotEmpty(container, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertNotEmpty}
Assert that an object has non-zero length.
##### Args:
* <b>`container`</b>: Anything that implements the collections.Sized interface.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertNotEndsWith(actual, unexpected_end, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertNotEndsWith}
Assert that actual.endswith(unexpected_end) is False.
##### Args:
* <b>`actual`</b>: str
* <b>`unexpected_end`</b>: str
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertNotEqual(first, second, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertNotEqual}
......@@ -651,20 +434,6 @@ Included for symmetry with assertIsInstance.
Fail the test if the text matches the regular expression.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertNotStartsWith(actual, unexpected_start, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertNotStartsWith}
Assert that actual.startswith(unexpected_start) is False.
##### Args:
* <b>`actual`</b>: str
* <b>`unexpected_start`</b>: str
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertProtoEquals(expected_message_maybe_ascii, message)` {#TestCase.assertProtoEquals}
......@@ -739,38 +508,6 @@ Asserts that the message in a raised exception matches a regexp.
* <b>`kwargs`</b>: Extra kwargs.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertRaisesWithLiteralMatch(expected_exception, expected_exception_message, callable_obj=None, *args, **kwargs)` {#TestCase.assertRaisesWithLiteralMatch}
Asserts that the message in a raised exception equals the given string.
Unlike assertRaisesRegexp, this method takes a literal string, not
a regular expression.
with self.assertRaisesWithLiteralMatch(ExType, 'message'):
##### Args:
* <b>`expected_exception`</b>: Exception class expected to be raised.
* <b>`expected_exception_message`</b>: String message expected in the raised
exception. For a raise exception e, expected_exception_message must
equal str(e).
* <b>`callable_obj`</b>: Function to be called, or None to return a context.
* <b>`args`</b>: Extra args.
* <b>`kwargs`</b>: Extra kwargs.
##### Returns:
A context manager if callable_obj is None. Otherwise, None.
##### Raises:
self.failureException if callable_obj does not raise a macthing exception.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch(exception_type, expected_err_re_or_predicate)` {#TestCase.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch}
......@@ -795,71 +532,6 @@ predicate search.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertRaisesWithRegexpMatch(expected_exception, expected_regexp, callable_obj=None, *args, **kwargs)` {#TestCase.assertRaisesWithRegexpMatch}
Asserts that the message in a raised exception matches the given regexp.
This is just a wrapper around assertRaisesRegexp. Please use
assertRaisesRegexp instead of assertRaisesWithRegexpMatch.
##### Args:
* <b>`expected_exception`</b>: Exception class expected to be raised.
* <b>`expected_regexp`</b>: Regexp (re pattern object or string) expected to be
found in error message.
* <b>`callable_obj`</b>: Function to be called, or None to return a context.
* <b>`args`</b>: Extra args.
* <b>`kwargs`</b>: Extra keyword args.
##### Returns:
A context manager if callable_obj is None. Otherwise, None.
##### Raises:
self.failureException if callable_obj does not raise a macthing exception.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertRegexMatch(actual_str, regexes, message=None)` {#TestCase.assertRegexMatch}
Asserts that at least one regex in regexes matches str.
If possible you should use assertRegexpMatches, which is a simpler
version of this method. assertRegexpMatches takes a single regular
expression (a string or re compiled object) instead of a list.
1. This function uses substring matching, i.e. the matching
succeeds if *any* substring of the error message matches *any*
regex in the list. This is more convenient for the user than
full-string matching.
2. If regexes is the empty list, the matching will always fail.
3. Use regexes=[''] for a regex that will always pass.
4. '.' matches any single character *except* the newline. To
match any character, use '(.|
5. '^' matches the beginning of each line, not just the beginning
of the string. Similarly, '$' matches the end of each line.
6. An exception will be thrown if regexes contains an invalid
actual_str: The string we try to match with the items in regexes.
regexes: The regular expressions we want to match against str.
See "Notes" above for detailed notes on how this is interpreted.
message: The message to be printed if the test fails.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertRegexpMatches(text, expected_regexp, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertRegexpMatches}
......@@ -867,79 +539,6 @@ Asserts that at least one regex in regexes matches str.
Fail the test unless the text matches the regular expression.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertSameElements(expected_seq, actual_seq, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertSameElements}
Assert that two sequences have the same elements (in any order).
This method, unlike assertItemsEqual, doesn't care about any
duplicates in the expected and actual sequences.
>> assertSameElements([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1])
# Doesn't raise an AssertionError
If possible, you should use assertItemsEqual instead of
##### Args:
* <b>`expected_seq`</b>: A sequence containing elements we are expecting.
* <b>`actual_seq`</b>: The sequence that we are testing.
* <b>`msg`</b>: The message to be printed if the test fails.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertSameStructure(a, b, aname='a', bname='b', msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertSameStructure}
Asserts that two values contain the same structural content.
The two arguments should be data trees consisting of trees of dicts and
lists. They will be deeply compared by walking into the contents of dicts
and lists; other items will be compared using the == operator.
If the two structures differ in content, the failure message will indicate
the location within the structures where the first difference is found.
This may be helpful when comparing large structures.
##### Args:
* <b>`a`</b>: The first structure to compare.
* <b>`b`</b>: The second structure to compare.
* <b>`aname`</b>: Variable name to use for the first structure in assertion messages.
* <b>`bname`</b>: Variable name to use for the second structure.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Additional text to include in the failure message.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertSequenceAlmostEqual(expected_seq, actual_seq, places=None, msg=None, delta=None)` {#TestCase.assertSequenceAlmostEqual}
An approximate equality assertion for ordered sequences.
Fail if the two sequences are unequal as determined by their value
differences rounded to the given number of decimal places (default 7) and
comparing to zero, or by comparing that the difference between each value
in the two sequences is more than the given delta.
Note that decimal places (from zero) are usually not the same as significant
digits (measured from the most signficant digit).
If the two sequences compare equal then they will automatically compare
almost equal.
##### Args:
* <b>`expected_seq`</b>: A sequence containing elements we are expecting.
* <b>`actual_seq`</b>: The sequence that we are testing.
* <b>`places`</b>: The number of decimal places to compare.
* <b>`msg`</b>: The message to be printed if the test fails.
* <b>`delta`</b>: The OK difference between compared values.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertSequenceEqual(seq1, seq2, msg=None, seq_type=None)` {#TestCase.assertSequenceEqual}
......@@ -960,26 +559,6 @@ which can be indexed, has a length, and has an equality operator.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertSequenceStartsWith(prefix, whole, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertSequenceStartsWith}
An equality assertion for the beginning of ordered sequences.
If prefix is an empty sequence, it will raise an error unless whole is also
an empty sequence.
If prefix is not a sequence, it will raise an error if the first element of
whole does not match.
##### Args:
* <b>`prefix`</b>: A sequence expected at the beginning of the whole parameter.
* <b>`whole`</b>: The sequence in which to look for prefix.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertSetEqual(set1, set2, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertSetEqual}
......@@ -1031,51 +610,6 @@ Assert that actual.startswith(expected_start) is True.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertTotallyOrdered(*groups, **kwargs)` {#TestCase.assertTotallyOrdered}
Asserts that total ordering has been implemented correctly.
For example, say you have a class A that compares only on its attribute x.
Comparators other than __lt__ are omitted for brevity.
class A(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.x)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.x < other.x
except AttributeError:
return NotImplemented
assertTotallyOrdered will check that instances can be ordered correctly.
For example,
[None], # None should come before everything else.
[1], # Integers sort earlier.
[A(1, 'a')],
[A(2, 'b')], # 2 is after 1.
[A(3, 'c'), A(3, 'd')], # The second argument is irrelevant.
[A(4, 'z')],
['foo']) # Strings sort last.
##### Args:
* <b>`*groups`</b>: A list of groups of elements. Each group of elements is a list
of objects that are equal. The elements in each group must be less than
the elements in the group after it. For example, these groups are
totally ordered: [None], [1], [2, 2], [3].
* <b>`**kwargs`</b>: optional msg keyword argument can be passed.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertTrue(expr, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertTrue}
......@@ -1098,13 +632,6 @@ A tuple-specific equality assertion.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertUrlEqual(a, b, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertUrlEqual}
Asserts that urls are equal, ignoring ordering of query params.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assert_(expr, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assert_}
......@@ -1166,9 +693,9 @@ tearDown.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.fail(msg=None, prefix=None)` {#TestCase.fail}
#### `tf.test.TestCase.fail(msg=None)` {#TestCase.fail}
Fail immediately with the given message, optionally prefixed.
Fail immediately, with the given message.
- - -
......@@ -1220,13 +747,6 @@ Fail immediately with the given message, optionally prefixed.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.getRecordedProperties()` {#TestCase.getRecordedProperties}
Return any properties that the user has recorded.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.get_temp_dir()` {#TestCase.get_temp_dir}
......@@ -1241,20 +761,6 @@ Return any properties that the user has recorded.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.recordProperty(property_name, property_value)` {#TestCase.recordProperty}
Record an arbitrary property for later use.
##### Args:
* <b>`property_name`</b>: str, name of property to record; must be a valid XML
attribute name
* <b>`property_value`</b>: value of property; must be valid XML attribute value
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.run(result=None)` {#TestCase.run}
......@@ -1280,18 +786,11 @@ Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.
#### `tf.test.TestCase.shortDescription()` {#TestCase.shortDescription}
Format both the test method name and the first line of its docstring.
If no docstring is given, only returns the method name.
This method overrides unittest.TestCase.shortDescription(), which
only returns the first line of the docstring, obscuring the name
of the test upon failure.
##### Returns:
Returns a one-line description of the test, or None if no
description has been provided.
* <b>`desc`</b>: A short description of a test method.
The default implementation of this method returns the first line of
the specified test method's docstring.
- - -
......@@ -28,7 +28,10 @@ can have speed penalty, specially in distributed settings.
`batch_size`. The normalization is over all but the last dimension if
`data_format` is `NHWC` and the second dimension if `data_format` is
* <b>`decay`</b>: decay for the moving average.
* <b>`decay`</b>: decay for the moving average. Reasonable values for `decay` are close
to 1.0, typically in the multiple-nines range: 0.999, 0.99, 0.9, etc. Lower
`decay` value (recommend trying `decay`=0.9) if model experiences reasonably
good training performance but poor validation and/or test performance.
* <b>`center`</b>: If True, subtract `beta`. If False, `beta` is ignored.
* <b>`scale`</b>: If True, multiply by `gamma`. If False, `gamma` is
not used. When the next layer is linear (also e.g. `nn.relu`), this can be
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ for k in 0..in_channels-1
filter[di, dj, k, q]
Must have `strides[0] = strides[3] = 1`. For the most common case of the same
horizontal and vertical strides, `strides = [1, stride, stride, 1]`.
horizontal and vertices strides, `strides = [1, stride, stride, 1]`.
##### Args:
......@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ with an otherwise unused class.
where a sampled class equals one of the target classes. If set to
`True`, this is a "Sampled Logistic" loss instead of NCE, and we are
learning to generate log-odds instead of log probabilities. See
our [Candidate Sampling Algorithms Reference](../../extras/candidate_sampling.pdf).
our [Candidate Sampling Algorithms Reference]
Default is False.
* <b>`partition_strategy`</b>: A string specifying the partitioning strategy, relevant
if `len(weights) > 1`. Currently `"div"` and `"mod"` are supported.
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.RegisterExtension(extension_handle)` {#SummaryDescription.RegisterExtension}
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.FromString(s)` {#SummaryDescription.FromString}
### `tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(values, dtype=None, shape=None)` {#make_tensor_proto}
### `tf.contrib.util.make_tensor_proto(values, dtype=None, shape=None, verify_shape=False)` {#make_tensor_proto}
Create a TensorProto.
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Create a TensorProto.
* <b>`values`</b>: Values to put in the TensorProto.
* <b>`dtype`</b>: Optional tensor_pb2 DataType value.
* <b>`shape`</b>: List of integers representing the dimensions of tensor.
* <b>`verify_shape`</b>: Boolean that enables verification of a shape of values.
##### Returns:
......@@ -20,7 +21,8 @@ Create a TensorProto.
* <b>`TypeError`</b>: if unsupported types are provided.
* <b>`ValueError`</b>: if arguments have inappropriate values.
* <b>`ValueError`</b>: if arguments have inappropriate values or if verify_shape is
True and shape of values is not equals to a shape from the argument.
make_tensor_proto accepts "values" of a python scalar, a python list, a
numpy ndarray, or a numpy scalar.
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.RegisterExtension(extension_handle)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.RegisterExtension}
......@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ each component is divided by the weighted, squared sum of inputs within
sum(input[a, b, c, d - depth_radius : d + depth_radius + 1] ** 2)
output = input / (bias + alpha * sqr_sum) ** beta
For details, see
[Krizhevsky et al., ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks (NIPS 2012)](http://papers.nips.cc/paper/4824-imagenet-classification-with-deep-convolutional-neural-networks).
For details, see [Krizhevsky et al., ImageNet classification with deep
convolutional neural networks (NIPS 2012)](http://papers.nips.cc/paper/4824-imagenet-classification-with-deep-convolutional-neural-networks).
##### Args:
......@@ -42,3 +42,14 @@ The following standard keys are defined:
* `WEIGHTS`: weights inside neural network layers
* `BIASES`: biases inside neural network layers
* `ACTIVATIONS`: activations of neural network layers
- - -
#### `tf.GraphKeys.VARIABLES` {#GraphKeys.VARIABLES}
THIS FUNCTION IS DEPRECATED. It will be removed after 2017-03-02.
Instructions for updating:
VARIABLES collection name is deprecated, please use GLOBAL_VARIABLES instead
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ In detail, with the default NHWC format,
filter[di, dj, q, k]
Must have `strides[0] = strides[3] = 1`. For the most common case of the same
horizontal and vertical strides, `strides = [1, stride, stride, 1]`.
horizontal and vertices strides, `strides = [1, stride, stride, 1]`.
##### Args:
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.FromString(s)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.FromString}
......@@ -454,6 +454,187 @@ metadata is stored in its NodeDef. This method retrieves the description.
### `class tf.summary.SummaryDescription` {#SummaryDescription}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.ByteSize()` {#SummaryDescription.ByteSize}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.Clear()` {#SummaryDescription.Clear}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.ClearExtension(extension_handle)` {#SummaryDescription.ClearExtension}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.ClearField(field_name)` {#SummaryDescription.ClearField}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.CopyFrom(other_msg)` {#SummaryDescription.CopyFrom}
Copies the content of the specified message into the current message.
The method clears the current message and then merges the specified
message using MergeFrom.
##### Args:
* <b>`other_msg`</b>: Message to copy into the current one.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.DiscardUnknownFields()` {#SummaryDescription.DiscardUnknownFields}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.FindInitializationErrors()` {#SummaryDescription.FindInitializationErrors}
Finds required fields which are not initialized.
##### Returns:
A list of strings. Each string is a path to an uninitialized field from
the top-level message, e.g. "foo.bar[5].baz".
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.FromString(s)` {#SummaryDescription.FromString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.HasExtension(extension_handle)` {#SummaryDescription.HasExtension}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.HasField(field_name)` {#SummaryDescription.HasField}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.IsInitialized(errors=None)` {#SummaryDescription.IsInitialized}
Checks if all required fields of a message are set.
##### Args:
* <b>`errors`</b>: A list which, if provided, will be populated with the field
paths of all missing required fields.
##### Returns:
True iff the specified message has all required fields set.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.ListFields()` {#SummaryDescription.ListFields}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.MergeFrom(msg)` {#SummaryDescription.MergeFrom}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.MergeFromString(serialized)` {#SummaryDescription.MergeFromString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.ParseFromString(serialized)` {#SummaryDescription.ParseFromString}
Parse serialized protocol buffer data into this message.
Like MergeFromString(), except we clear the object first and
do not return the value that MergeFromString returns.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.RegisterExtension(extension_handle)` {#SummaryDescription.RegisterExtension}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.SerializePartialToString()` {#SummaryDescription.SerializePartialToString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.SerializeToString()` {#SummaryDescription.SerializeToString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.SetInParent()` {#SummaryDescription.SetInParent}
Sets the _cached_byte_size_dirty bit to true,
and propagates this to our listener iff this was a state change.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.WhichOneof(oneof_name)` {#SummaryDescription.WhichOneof}
Returns the name of the currently set field inside a oneof, or None.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__deepcopy__(memo=None)` {#SummaryDescription.__deepcopy__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__eq__(other)` {#SummaryDescription.__eq__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__getstate__()` {#SummaryDescription.__getstate__}
......@@ -461,12 +642,249 @@ metadata is stored in its NodeDef. This method retrieves the description.
Support the pickle protocol.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__hash__()` {#SummaryDescription.__hash__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__init__(**kwargs)` {#SummaryDescription.__init__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__ne__(other_msg)` {#SummaryDescription.__ne__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__repr__()` {#SummaryDescription.__repr__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__setstate__(state)` {#SummaryDescription.__setstate__}
Support the pickle protocol.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__str__()` {#SummaryDescription.__str__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.__unicode__()` {#SummaryDescription.__unicode__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.SummaryDescription.type_hint` {#SummaryDescription.type_hint}
Magic attribute generated for "type_hint" proto field.
- - -
### `class tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata` {#TaggedRunMetadata}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.ByteSize()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.ByteSize}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.Clear()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.Clear}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.ClearExtension(extension_handle)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.ClearExtension}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.ClearField(field_name)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.ClearField}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.CopyFrom(other_msg)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.CopyFrom}
Copies the content of the specified message into the current message.
The method clears the current message and then merges the specified
message using MergeFrom.
##### Args:
* <b>`other_msg`</b>: Message to copy into the current one.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.DiscardUnknownFields()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.DiscardUnknownFields}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.FindInitializationErrors()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.FindInitializationErrors}
Finds required fields which are not initialized.
##### Returns:
A list of strings. Each string is a path to an uninitialized field from
the top-level message, e.g. "foo.bar[5].baz".
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.FromString(s)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.FromString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.HasExtension(extension_handle)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.HasExtension}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.HasField(field_name)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.HasField}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.IsInitialized(errors=None)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.IsInitialized}
Checks if all required fields of a message are set.
##### Args:
* <b>`errors`</b>: A list which, if provided, will be populated with the field
paths of all missing required fields.
##### Returns:
True iff the specified message has all required fields set.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.ListFields()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.ListFields}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.MergeFrom(msg)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.MergeFrom}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.MergeFromString(serialized)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.MergeFromString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.ParseFromString(serialized)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.ParseFromString}
Parse serialized protocol buffer data into this message.
Like MergeFromString(), except we clear the object first and
do not return the value that MergeFromString returns.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.RegisterExtension(extension_handle)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.RegisterExtension}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.SerializePartialToString()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.SerializePartialToString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.SerializeToString()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.SerializeToString}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.SetInParent()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.SetInParent}
Sets the _cached_byte_size_dirty bit to true,
and propagates this to our listener iff this was a state change.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.WhichOneof(oneof_name)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.WhichOneof}
Returns the name of the currently set field inside a oneof, or None.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__deepcopy__(memo=None)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__deepcopy__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__eq__(other)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__eq__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__getstate__()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__getstate__}
......@@ -474,4 +892,67 @@ Support the pickle protocol.
Support the pickle protocol.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__hash__()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__hash__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__init__(**kwargs)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__init__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__ne__(other_msg)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__ne__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__repr__()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__repr__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__setstate__(state)` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__setstate__}
Support the pickle protocol.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__str__()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__str__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.__unicode__()` {#TaggedRunMetadata.__unicode__}
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.run_metadata` {#TaggedRunMetadata.run_metadata}
Magic attribute generated for "run_metadata" proto field.
- - -
#### `tf.summary.TaggedRunMetadata.tag` {#TaggedRunMetadata.tag}
Magic attribute generated for "tag" proto field.
......@@ -213,125 +213,6 @@ Checks that for all elements of farray1 and farray2
* <b>`err`</b>: a float value.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertBetween(value, minv, maxv, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertBetween}
Asserts that value is between minv and maxv (inclusive).
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertCommandFails(command, regexes, env=None, close_fds=True, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertCommandFails}
Asserts a shell command fails and the error matches a regex in a list.
##### Args:
* <b>`command`</b>: List or string representing the command to run.
* <b>`regexes`</b>: the list of regular expression strings.
* <b>`env`</b>: Dictionary of environment variable settings.
* <b>`close_fds`</b>: Whether or not to close all open fd's in the child after
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertCommandSucceeds(command, regexes=('',), env=None, close_fds=True, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertCommandSucceeds}
Asserts that a shell command succeeds (i.e. exits with code 0).
##### Args:
* <b>`command`</b>: List or string representing the command to run.
* <b>`regexes`</b>: List of regular expression byte strings that match success.
* <b>`env`</b>: Dictionary of environment variable settings.
* <b>`close_fds`</b>: Whether or not to close all open fd's in the child after
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertContainsExactSubsequence(container, subsequence, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertContainsExactSubsequence}
Assert that "container" contains "subsequence" as an exact subsequence.
Asserts that "container" contains all the elements of "subsequence", in
order, and without other elements interspersed. For example, [1, 2, 3] is an
exact subsequence of [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0] but not of [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0].
##### Args:
* <b>`container`</b>: the list we're testing for subsequence inclusion.
* <b>`subsequence`</b>: the list we hope will be an exact subsequence of container.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertContainsInOrder(strings, target, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertContainsInOrder}
Asserts that the strings provided are found in the target in order.
This may be useful for checking HTML output.
##### Args:
* <b>`strings`</b>: A list of strings, such as [ 'fox', 'dog' ]
* <b>`target`</b>: A target string in which to look for the strings, such as
'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog'.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertContainsSubsequence(container, subsequence, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertContainsSubsequence}
Assert that "container" contains "subsequence" as a subsequence.
Asserts that "container" contains all the elements of "subsequence", in
order, but possibly with other elements interspersed. For example, [1, 2, 3]
is a subsequence of [0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0] but not of [0, 0, 1, 3, 0, 2, 0].
##### Args:
* <b>`container`</b>: the list we're testing for subsequence inclusion.
* <b>`subsequence`</b>: the list we hope will be a subsequence of container.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertContainsSubset(expected_subset, actual_set, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertContainsSubset}
Checks whether actual iterable is a superset of expected iterable.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertCountEqual(*args, **kwargs)` {#TestCase.assertCountEqual}
An unordered sequence specific comparison.
Equivalent to assertItemsEqual(). This method is a compatibility layer
for Python 3k, since 2to3 does not convert assertItemsEqual() calls into
assertCountEqual() calls.
##### Args:
* <b>`expected_seq`</b>: A sequence containing elements we are expecting.
* <b>`actual_seq`</b>: The sequence that we are testing.
* <b>`msg`</b>: The message to be printed if the test fails.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertDeviceEqual(device1, device2)` {#TestCase.assertDeviceEqual}
......@@ -354,49 +235,10 @@ Checks whether actual is a superset of expected.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertDictEqual(a, b, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertDictEqual}
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertDictEqual(d1, d2, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertDictEqual}
Raises AssertionError if a and b are not equal dictionaries.
##### Args:
* <b>`a`</b>: A dict, the expected value.
* <b>`b`</b>: A dict, the actual value.
* <b>`msg`</b>: An optional str, the associated message.
##### Raises:
* <b>`AssertionError`</b>: if the dictionaries are not equal.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertEmpty(container, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertEmpty}
Assert that an object has zero length.
##### Args:
* <b>`container`</b>: Anything that implements the collections.Sized interface.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertEndsWith(actual, expected_end, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertEndsWith}
Assert that actual.endswith(expected_end) is True.
##### Args:
* <b>`actual`</b>: str
* <b>`expected_end`</b>: str
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
......@@ -480,11 +322,10 @@ Included for symmetry with assertIsNone.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertItemsEqual(*args, **kwargs)` {#TestCase.assertItemsEqual}
An unordered sequence specific comparison.
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertItemsEqual(expected_seq, actual_seq, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertItemsEqual}
It asserts that actual_seq and expected_seq have the same element counts.
An unordered sequence specific comparison. It asserts that
actual_seq and expected_seq have the same element counts.
Equivalent to::
......@@ -497,30 +338,6 @@ Asserts that each element has the same count in both sequences.
- [0, 1, 1] and [1, 0, 1] compare equal.
- [0, 0, 1] and [0, 1] compare unequal.
##### Args:
* <b>`expected_seq`</b>: A sequence containing elements we are expecting.
* <b>`actual_seq`</b>: The sequence that we are testing.
* <b>`msg`</b>: The message to be printed if the test fails.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertJsonEqual(first, second, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertJsonEqual}
Asserts that the JSON objects defined in two strings are equal.
A summary of the differences will be included in the failure message
using assertSameStructure.
##### Args:
* <b>`first`</b>: A string contining JSON to decode and compare to second.
* <b>`second`</b>: A string contining JSON to decode and compare to first.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Additional text to include in the failure message.
- - -
......@@ -590,13 +407,6 @@ if not.
* <b>`msg`</b>: An optional string message to append to the failure message.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertNoCommonElements(expected_seq, actual_seq, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertNoCommonElements}
Checks whether actual iterable and expected iterable are disjoint.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertNotAlmostEqual(first, second, places=None, msg=None, delta=None)` {#TestCase.assertNotAlmostEqual}
......@@ -627,33 +437,6 @@ as significant digits (measured from the most signficant digit).
Objects that are equal automatically fail.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertNotEmpty(container, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertNotEmpty}
Assert that an object has non-zero length.
##### Args:
* <b>`container`</b>: Anything that implements the collections.Sized interface.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertNotEndsWith(actual, unexpected_end, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertNotEndsWith}
Assert that actual.endswith(unexpected_end) is False.
##### Args:
* <b>`actual`</b>: str
* <b>`unexpected_end`</b>: str
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertNotEqual(first, second, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertNotEqual}
......@@ -691,20 +474,6 @@ Included for symmetry with assertIsInstance.
Fail the test if the text matches the regular expression.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertNotStartsWith(actual, unexpected_start, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertNotStartsWith}
Assert that actual.startswith(unexpected_start) is False.
##### Args:
* <b>`actual`</b>: str
* <b>`unexpected_start`</b>: str
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertProtoEquals(expected_message_maybe_ascii, message)` {#TestCase.assertProtoEquals}
......@@ -779,38 +548,6 @@ Asserts that the message in a raised exception matches a regexp.
* <b>`kwargs`</b>: Extra kwargs.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertRaisesWithLiteralMatch(expected_exception, expected_exception_message, callable_obj=None, *args, **kwargs)` {#TestCase.assertRaisesWithLiteralMatch}
Asserts that the message in a raised exception equals the given string.
Unlike assertRaisesRegexp, this method takes a literal string, not
a regular expression.
with self.assertRaisesWithLiteralMatch(ExType, 'message'):
##### Args:
* <b>`expected_exception`</b>: Exception class expected to be raised.
* <b>`expected_exception_message`</b>: String message expected in the raised
exception. For a raise exception e, expected_exception_message must
equal str(e).
* <b>`callable_obj`</b>: Function to be called, or None to return a context.
* <b>`args`</b>: Extra args.
* <b>`kwargs`</b>: Extra kwargs.
##### Returns:
A context manager if callable_obj is None. Otherwise, None.
##### Raises:
self.failureException if callable_obj does not raise a macthing exception.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch(exception_type, expected_err_re_or_predicate)` {#TestCase.assertRaisesWithPredicateMatch}
......@@ -835,71 +572,6 @@ predicate search.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertRaisesWithRegexpMatch(expected_exception, expected_regexp, callable_obj=None, *args, **kwargs)` {#TestCase.assertRaisesWithRegexpMatch}
Asserts that the message in a raised exception matches the given regexp.
This is just a wrapper around assertRaisesRegexp. Please use
assertRaisesRegexp instead of assertRaisesWithRegexpMatch.
##### Args:
* <b>`expected_exception`</b>: Exception class expected to be raised.
* <b>`expected_regexp`</b>: Regexp (re pattern object or string) expected to be
found in error message.
* <b>`callable_obj`</b>: Function to be called, or None to return a context.
* <b>`args`</b>: Extra args.
* <b>`kwargs`</b>: Extra keyword args.
##### Returns:
A context manager if callable_obj is None. Otherwise, None.
##### Raises:
self.failureException if callable_obj does not raise a macthing exception.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertRegexMatch(actual_str, regexes, message=None)` {#TestCase.assertRegexMatch}
Asserts that at least one regex in regexes matches str.
If possible you should use assertRegexpMatches, which is a simpler
version of this method. assertRegexpMatches takes a single regular
expression (a string or re compiled object) instead of a list.
1. This function uses substring matching, i.e. the matching
succeeds if *any* substring of the error message matches *any*
regex in the list. This is more convenient for the user than
full-string matching.
2. If regexes is the empty list, the matching will always fail.
3. Use regexes=[''] for a regex that will always pass.
4. '.' matches any single character *except* the newline. To
match any character, use '(.|
5. '^' matches the beginning of each line, not just the beginning
of the string. Similarly, '$' matches the end of each line.
6. An exception will be thrown if regexes contains an invalid
actual_str: The string we try to match with the items in regexes.
regexes: The regular expressions we want to match against str.
See "Notes" above for detailed notes on how this is interpreted.
message: The message to be printed if the test fails.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertRegexpMatches(text, expected_regexp, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertRegexpMatches}
......@@ -907,79 +579,6 @@ Asserts that at least one regex in regexes matches str.
Fail the test unless the text matches the regular expression.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertSameElements(expected_seq, actual_seq, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertSameElements}
Assert that two sequences have the same elements (in any order).
This method, unlike assertItemsEqual, doesn't care about any
duplicates in the expected and actual sequences.
>> assertSameElements([1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1])
# Doesn't raise an AssertionError
If possible, you should use assertItemsEqual instead of
##### Args:
* <b>`expected_seq`</b>: A sequence containing elements we are expecting.
* <b>`actual_seq`</b>: The sequence that we are testing.
* <b>`msg`</b>: The message to be printed if the test fails.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertSameStructure(a, b, aname='a', bname='b', msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertSameStructure}
Asserts that two values contain the same structural content.
The two arguments should be data trees consisting of trees of dicts and
lists. They will be deeply compared by walking into the contents of dicts
and lists; other items will be compared using the == operator.
If the two structures differ in content, the failure message will indicate
the location within the structures where the first difference is found.
This may be helpful when comparing large structures.
##### Args:
* <b>`a`</b>: The first structure to compare.
* <b>`b`</b>: The second structure to compare.
* <b>`aname`</b>: Variable name to use for the first structure in assertion messages.
* <b>`bname`</b>: Variable name to use for the second structure.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Additional text to include in the failure message.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertSequenceAlmostEqual(expected_seq, actual_seq, places=None, msg=None, delta=None)` {#TestCase.assertSequenceAlmostEqual}
An approximate equality assertion for ordered sequences.
Fail if the two sequences are unequal as determined by their value
differences rounded to the given number of decimal places (default 7) and
comparing to zero, or by comparing that the difference between each value
in the two sequences is more than the given delta.
Note that decimal places (from zero) are usually not the same as significant
digits (measured from the most signficant digit).
If the two sequences compare equal then they will automatically compare
almost equal.
##### Args:
* <b>`expected_seq`</b>: A sequence containing elements we are expecting.
* <b>`actual_seq`</b>: The sequence that we are testing.
* <b>`places`</b>: The number of decimal places to compare.
* <b>`msg`</b>: The message to be printed if the test fails.
* <b>`delta`</b>: The OK difference between compared values.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertSequenceEqual(seq1, seq2, msg=None, seq_type=None)` {#TestCase.assertSequenceEqual}
......@@ -1000,26 +599,6 @@ which can be indexed, has a length, and has an equality operator.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertSequenceStartsWith(prefix, whole, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertSequenceStartsWith}
An equality assertion for the beginning of ordered sequences.
If prefix is an empty sequence, it will raise an error unless whole is also
an empty sequence.
If prefix is not a sequence, it will raise an error if the first element of
whole does not match.
##### Args:
* <b>`prefix`</b>: A sequence expected at the beginning of the whole parameter.
* <b>`whole`</b>: The sequence in which to look for prefix.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertSetEqual(set1, set2, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertSetEqual}
......@@ -1071,51 +650,6 @@ Assert that actual.startswith(expected_start) is True.
* <b>`msg`</b>: Optional message to report on failure.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertTotallyOrdered(*groups, **kwargs)` {#TestCase.assertTotallyOrdered}
Asserts that total ordering has been implemented correctly.
For example, say you have a class A that compares only on its attribute x.
Comparators other than __lt__ are omitted for brevity.
class A(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.x)
def __lt__(self, other):
return self.x < other.x
except AttributeError:
return NotImplemented
assertTotallyOrdered will check that instances can be ordered correctly.
For example,
[None], # None should come before everything else.
[1], # Integers sort earlier.
[A(1, 'a')],
[A(2, 'b')], # 2 is after 1.
[A(3, 'c'), A(3, 'd')], # The second argument is irrelevant.
[A(4, 'z')],
['foo']) # Strings sort last.
##### Args:
* <b>`*groups`</b>: A list of groups of elements. Each group of elements is a list
of objects that are equal. The elements in each group must be less than
the elements in the group after it. For example, these groups are
totally ordered: [None], [1], [2, 2], [3].
* <b>`**kwargs`</b>: optional msg keyword argument can be passed.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertTrue(expr, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertTrue}
......@@ -1138,13 +672,6 @@ A tuple-specific equality assertion.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assertUrlEqual(a, b, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assertUrlEqual}
Asserts that urls are equal, ignoring ordering of query params.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.assert_(expr, msg=None)` {#TestCase.assert_}
......@@ -1206,9 +733,9 @@ tearDown.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.fail(msg=None, prefix=None)` {#TestCase.fail}
#### `tf.test.TestCase.fail(msg=None)` {#TestCase.fail}
Fail immediately with the given message, optionally prefixed.
Fail immediately, with the given message.
- - -
......@@ -1260,13 +787,6 @@ Fail immediately with the given message, optionally prefixed.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.getRecordedProperties()` {#TestCase.getRecordedProperties}
Return any properties that the user has recorded.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.get_temp_dir()` {#TestCase.get_temp_dir}
......@@ -1281,20 +801,6 @@ Return any properties that the user has recorded.
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.recordProperty(property_name, property_value)` {#TestCase.recordProperty}
Record an arbitrary property for later use.
##### Args:
* <b>`property_name`</b>: str, name of property to record; must be a valid XML
attribute name
* <b>`property_value`</b>: value of property; must be valid XML attribute value
- - -
#### `tf.test.TestCase.run(result=None)` {#TestCase.run}
......@@ -1320,18 +826,11 @@ Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.
#### `tf.test.TestCase.shortDescription()` {#TestCase.shortDescription}
Format both the test method name and the first line of its docstring.
If no docstring is given, only returns the method name.
This method overrides unittest.TestCase.shortDescription(), which
only returns the first line of the docstring, obscuring the name
of the test upon failure.
##### Returns:
Returns a one-line description of the test, or None if no
description has been provided.
* <b>`desc`</b>: A short description of a test method.
The default implementation of this method returns the first line of
the specified test method's docstring.
- - -
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