未验证 提交 dfaf418f 编写于 作者: Y yuegu520 提交者: GitHub

This closes # 1704, support set the data labels position for the chart (#1755)

- Breaking change: remove the Sizes field in the ChartSeries data type
- Add new field DataLabelPosition in the ChartSeries data type, support to sets the position of the chart series data label
- Add new field BubbleSize in the Chart data type, support set the bubble size in all data series for the bubble chart or 3D bubble chart
- Add new exported ChartDataLabelPositionType data type
- Update docs and unit test for the AddChart function
- Fix a v2.7.1 regression bug, the bubble is hidden in the bubble or 3D bubble chart, commit ID: c2d6707a
上级 284345e4
......@@ -688,11 +688,11 @@ func (opts *Chart) parseTitle() {
// Name
// Categories
// Sizes
// Values
// Fill
// Line
// Marker
// DataLabelPosition
// Name: Set the name for the series. The name is displayed in the chart legend
// and in the formula bar. The 'Name' property is optional and if it isn't
......@@ -703,8 +703,6 @@ func (opts *Chart) parseTitle() {
// the same as the X axis. In most chart types the 'Categories' property is
// optional and the chart will just assume a sequential series from 1..n.
// Sizes: This sets the bubble size in a data series.
// Values: This is the most important property of a series and is the only
// mandatory option for every chart object. This option links the chart with
// the worksheet data that it displays.
......@@ -733,6 +731,8 @@ func (opts *Chart) parseTitle() {
// x
// auto
// DataLabelPosition: This sets the position of the chart series data label.
// Set properties of the chart legend. The options that can be set are:
// Position
......@@ -776,11 +776,11 @@ func (opts *Chart) parseTitle() {
// Specifies that each data marker in the series has a different color by
// 'VaryColors'. The default value is true.
// Set chart offset, scale, aspect ratio setting and print settings by format,
// Set chart offset, scale, aspect ratio setting and print settings by 'Format',
// same as function 'AddPicture'.
// Set the position of the chart plot area by PlotArea. The properties that can
// be set are:
// Set the position of the chart plot area by 'PlotArea'. The properties that
// can be set are:
// SecondPlotValues
// ShowBubbleSize
......@@ -891,6 +891,15 @@ func (opts *Chart) parseTitle() {
// Set chart size by 'Dimension' property. The 'Dimension' property is optional.
// The default width is 480, and height is 260.
// Set the bubble size in all data series for the bubble chart or 3D bubble
// chart by 'BubbleSizes' property. The 'BubbleSizes' property is optional.
// The default width is 100, and the value should be great than 0 and less or
// equal than 300.
// Set the doughnut hole size in all data series for the doughnut chart by
// 'HoleSize' property. The 'HoleSize' property is optional. The default width
// is 75, and the value should be great than 0 and less or equal than 90.
// combo: Specifies the create a chart that combines two or more chart types in
// a single chart. For example, create a clustered column - line chart with
// data Sheet1!$E$1:$L$15:
......@@ -176,14 +176,14 @@ func TestAddChart(t *testing.T) {
series3 := []ChartSeries{{Name: "Sheet1!$A$30", Categories: "Sheet1!$A$30:$D$37", Values: "Sheet1!$B$30:$B$37"}}
series4 := []ChartSeries{
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$30", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$30:$D$30", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$30:$D$30"},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$31", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$31:$D$31", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$31:$D$31"},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$32", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$32:$D$32", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$32:$D$32"},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$33", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$33:$D$33", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$33:$D$33"},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$34", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$34:$D$34", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$34:$D$34"},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$35", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$35:$D$35", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$35:$D$35"},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$36", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$36:$D$36", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$36:$D$36"},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$37", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$37:$D$37", Sizes: "Sheet1!$B$37:$D$37"},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$30", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$30:$D$30", DataLabelPosition: ChartDataLabelsPositionAbove},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$31", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$31:$D$31", DataLabelPosition: ChartDataLabelsPositionLeft},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$32", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$32:$D$32", DataLabelPosition: ChartDataLabelsPositionBestFit},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$33", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$33:$D$33", DataLabelPosition: ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$34", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$34:$D$34", DataLabelPosition: ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideBase},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$35", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$35:$D$35", DataLabelPosition: ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideEnd},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$36", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$36:$D$36", DataLabelPosition: ChartDataLabelsPositionOutsideEnd},
{Name: "Sheet1!$A$37", Categories: "Sheet1!$B$29:$D$29", Values: "Sheet1!$B$37:$D$37", DataLabelPosition: ChartDataLabelsPositionRight},
format := GraphicOptions{
ScaleX: defaultDrawingScale,
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ func TestAddChart(t *testing.T) {
{sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "AV32", opts: &Chart{Type: Contour, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Contour Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}},
{sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "BD1", opts: &Chart{Type: WireframeContour, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Wireframe Contour Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}},
// bubble chart
{sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "BD16", opts: &Chart{Type: Bubble, Series: series4, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Bubble Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}},
{sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "BD16", opts: &Chart{Type: Bubble, Series: series4, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Bubble Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", BubbleSize: 75}},
{sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "BD32", opts: &Chart{Type: Bubble3D, Series: series4, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Bubble 3D Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}, YAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}}},
// pie of pie chart
{sheetName: "Sheet2", cell: "BD48", opts: &Chart{Type: PieOfPie, Series: series3, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Pie of Pie Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}, YAxis: ChartAxis{MajorGridLines: true}}},
......@@ -659,6 +659,9 @@ func (f *File) drawBubbleChart(opts *Chart) *cPlotArea {
ValAx: []*cAxs{f.drawPlotAreaCatAx(opts)[0], f.drawPlotAreaValAx(opts)[0]},
if opts.BubbleSize > 0 && opts.BubbleSize <= 300 {
plotArea.BubbleChart.BubbleScale = &attrValFloat{Val: float64Ptr(float64(opts.BubbleSize))}
return plotArea
......@@ -710,7 +713,7 @@ func (f *File) drawChartSeries(opts *Chart) *[]cSer {
SpPr: f.drawChartSeriesSpPr(k, opts),
Marker: f.drawChartSeriesMarker(k, opts),
DPt: f.drawChartSeriesDPt(k, opts),
DLbls: f.drawChartSeriesDLbls(opts),
DLbls: f.drawChartSeriesDLbls(k, opts),
InvertIfNegative: &attrValBool{Val: boolPtr(false)},
Cat: f.drawChartSeriesCat(opts.Series[k], opts),
Smooth: &attrValBool{Val: boolPtr(opts.Series[k].Line.Smooth)},
......@@ -885,12 +888,12 @@ func (f *File) drawChartSeriesYVal(v ChartSeries, opts *Chart) *cVal {
// drawCharSeriesBubbleSize provides a function to draw the c:bubbleSize
// element by given chart series and format sets.
func (f *File) drawCharSeriesBubbleSize(v ChartSeries, opts *Chart) *cVal {
if _, ok := map[ChartType]bool{Bubble: true, Bubble3D: true}[opts.Type]; !ok || v.Sizes == "" {
if _, ok := map[ChartType]bool{Bubble: true, Bubble3D: true}[opts.Type]; !ok {
return nil
return &cVal{
NumRef: &cNumRef{
F: v.Sizes,
F: v.Values,
......@@ -932,16 +935,33 @@ func (f *File) drawChartDLbls(opts *Chart) *cDLbls {
// inSupportedChartDataLabelsPositionType provides a method to check if an
// element is present in an array, and return the index of its location,
// otherwise return -1.
func inSupportedChartDataLabelsPositionType(a []ChartDataLabelPositionType, x ChartDataLabelPositionType) int {
for idx, n := range a {
if x == n {
return idx
return -1
// drawChartSeriesDLbls provides a function to draw the c:dLbls element by
// given format sets.
func (f *File) drawChartSeriesDLbls(opts *Chart) *cDLbls {
func (f *File) drawChartSeriesDLbls(i int, opts *Chart) *cDLbls {
dLbls := f.drawChartDLbls(opts)
chartSeriesDLbls := map[ChartType]*cDLbls{
Scatter: nil, Surface3D: nil, WireframeSurface3D: nil, Contour: nil, WireframeContour: nil, Bubble: nil, Bubble3D: nil,
Scatter: nil, Surface3D: nil, WireframeSurface3D: nil, Contour: nil, WireframeContour: nil,
if _, ok := chartSeriesDLbls[opts.Type]; ok {
return nil
if types, ok := supportedChartDataLabelsPosition[opts.Type]; ok && opts.Series[i].DataLabelPosition != ChartDataLabelsPositionUnset {
if inSupportedChartDataLabelsPositionType(types, opts.Series[i].DataLabelPosition) != -1 {
dLbls.DLblPos = &attrValString{Val: stringPtr(chartDataLabelsPositionTypes[opts.Series[i].DataLabelPosition])}
return dLbls
......@@ -217,6 +217,54 @@ const (
ColorMappingTypeUnset int = -1
// ChartDataLabelPositionType is the type of chart data labels position.
type ChartDataLabelPositionType byte
// Chart data labels positions types enumeration.
const (
ChartDataLabelsPositionUnset ChartDataLabelPositionType = iota
// chartDataLabelsPositionTypes defined supported chart data labels position
// types.
var chartDataLabelsPositionTypes = map[ChartDataLabelPositionType]string{
ChartDataLabelsPositionBestFit: "bestFit",
ChartDataLabelsPositionBelow: "b",
ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter: "ctr",
ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideBase: "inBase",
ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideEnd: "inEnd",
ChartDataLabelsPositionLeft: "l",
ChartDataLabelsPositionOutsideEnd: "outEnd",
ChartDataLabelsPositionRight: "r",
ChartDataLabelsPositionAbove: "t",
// supportedChartDataLabelsPosition defined supported chart data labels position
// types for each type of chart.
var supportedChartDataLabelsPosition = map[ChartType][]ChartDataLabelPositionType{
Bar: {ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideBase, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideEnd, ChartDataLabelsPositionOutsideEnd},
BarStacked: {ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideBase, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideEnd},
BarPercentStacked: {ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideBase, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideEnd},
Col: {ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideBase, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideEnd, ChartDataLabelsPositionOutsideEnd},
ColStacked: {ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideBase, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideEnd},
ColPercentStacked: {ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideBase, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideEnd},
Line: {ChartDataLabelsPositionBelow, ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter, ChartDataLabelsPositionLeft, ChartDataLabelsPositionRight, ChartDataLabelsPositionAbove},
Pie: {ChartDataLabelsPositionBestFit, ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideEnd, ChartDataLabelsPositionOutsideEnd},
Pie3D: {ChartDataLabelsPositionBestFit, ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter, ChartDataLabelsPositionInsideEnd, ChartDataLabelsPositionOutsideEnd},
Scatter: {ChartDataLabelsPositionBelow, ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter, ChartDataLabelsPositionLeft, ChartDataLabelsPositionRight, ChartDataLabelsPositionAbove},
Bubble: {ChartDataLabelsPositionBelow, ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter, ChartDataLabelsPositionLeft, ChartDataLabelsPositionRight, ChartDataLabelsPositionAbove},
Bubble3D: {ChartDataLabelsPositionBelow, ChartDataLabelsPositionCenter, ChartDataLabelsPositionLeft, ChartDataLabelsPositionRight, ChartDataLabelsPositionAbove},
const (
defaultTempFileSST = "sharedStrings"
defaultXMLPathCalcChain = "xl/calcChain.xml"
......@@ -482,14 +482,15 @@ type cNumCache struct {
// entire series or the entire chart. It contains child elements that specify
// the specific formatting and positioning settings.
type cDLbls struct {
NumFmt *cNumFmt `xml:"numFmt"`
ShowLegendKey *attrValBool `xml:"showLegendKey"`
ShowVal *attrValBool `xml:"showVal"`
ShowCatName *attrValBool `xml:"showCatName"`
ShowSerName *attrValBool `xml:"showSerName"`
ShowPercent *attrValBool `xml:"showPercent"`
ShowBubbleSize *attrValBool `xml:"showBubbleSize"`
ShowLeaderLines *attrValBool `xml:"showLeaderLines"`
NumFmt *cNumFmt `xml:"numFmt"`
DLblPos *attrValString `xml:"dLblPos"`
ShowLegendKey *attrValBool `xml:"showLegendKey"`
ShowVal *attrValBool `xml:"showVal"`
ShowCatName *attrValBool `xml:"showCatName"`
ShowSerName *attrValBool `xml:"showSerName"`
ShowPercent *attrValBool `xml:"showPercent"`
ShowBubbleSize *attrValBool `xml:"showBubbleSize"`
ShowLeaderLines *attrValBool `xml:"showLeaderLines"`
// cLegend (Legend) directly maps the legend element. This element specifies
......@@ -577,6 +578,7 @@ type Chart struct {
PlotArea ChartPlotArea
Border ChartLine
ShowBlanksAs string
BubbleSize int
HoleSize int
order int
......@@ -602,11 +604,11 @@ type ChartLine struct {
// ChartSeries directly maps the format settings of the chart series.
type ChartSeries struct {
Name string
Categories string
Sizes string
Values string
Fill Fill
Line ChartLine
Marker ChartMarker
Name string
Categories string
Values string
Fill Fill
Line ChartLine
Marker ChartMarker
DataLabelPosition ChartDataLabelPositionType
Markdown is supported
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