未验证 提交 bba155e0 编写于 作者: C coolbit 提交者: GitHub

This closes #1805, support set chart axis font family, size and strike style (#1809)

- Update unit test workflow dependencies package version
上级 a258e3d8
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ jobs:
run: env GO111MODULE=on go test -v -timeout 30m -race ./... -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic
- name: Codecov
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v3
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4
file: coverage.txt
flags: unittests
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ func TestAddChart(t *testing.T) {
sheetName, cell string
opts *Chart
{sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "P1", opts: &Chart{Type: Col, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: ChartLegend{Position: "none", ShowLegendKey: true}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, Border: ChartLine{Type: ChartLineNone}, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{Font: Font{Bold: true, Italic: true, Underline: "dbl", Color: "000000"}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Primary Horizontal Axis Title"}}}, YAxis: ChartAxis{Font: Font{Bold: false, Italic: false, Underline: "sng", Color: "777777"}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Primary Vertical Axis Title", Font: &Font{Color: "777777", Bold: true, Italic: true, Size: 12}}}}}},
{sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "P1", opts: &Chart{Type: Col, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: ChartLegend{Position: "none", ShowLegendKey: true}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, Border: ChartLine{Type: ChartLineNone}, ShowBlanksAs: "zero", XAxis: ChartAxis{Font: Font{Bold: true, Italic: true, Underline: "dbl", Family: "Times New Roman", Size: 15, Strike: true, Color: "000000"}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Primary Horizontal Axis Title"}}}, YAxis: ChartAxis{Font: Font{Bold: false, Italic: false, Underline: "sng", Color: "777777"}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "Primary Vertical Axis Title", Font: &Font{Color: "777777", Bold: true, Italic: true, Size: 12}}}}}},
{sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "X1", opts: &Chart{Type: ColStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "2D Stacked Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, Fill: Fill{Type: "pattern", Pattern: 1}, Border: ChartLine{Type: ChartLineAutomatic}, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}},
{sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "P16", opts: &Chart{Type: ColPercentStacked, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: legend, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "100% Stacked Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, Fill: Fill{Type: "pattern", Color: []string{"EEEEEE"}, Pattern: 1}, Border: ChartLine{Type: ChartLineSolid, Width: 2}, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}},
{sheetName: "Sheet1", cell: "X16", opts: &Chart{Type: Col3DClustered, Series: series, Format: format, Legend: ChartLegend{Position: "bottom", ShowLegendKey: false}, Title: []RichTextRun{{Text: "3D Clustered Column Chart"}}, PlotArea: plotArea, ShowBlanksAs: "zero"}},
......@@ -1155,6 +1155,34 @@ func (f *File) drawPlotAreaSerAx(opts *Chart) []*cAxs {
// drawChartFont provides a function to draw the a:rPr element.
func drawChartFont(fnt *Font, r *aRPr) {
if fnt == nil {
r.B = fnt.Bold
r.I = fnt.Italic
if idx := inStrSlice(supportedDrawingUnderlineTypes, fnt.Underline, true); idx != -1 {
r.U = supportedDrawingUnderlineTypes[idx]
if fnt.Color != "" {
if r.SolidFill == nil {
r.SolidFill = &aSolidFill{}
r.SolidFill.SchemeClr = nil
r.SolidFill.SrgbClr = &attrValString{Val: stringPtr(strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToUpper(fnt.Color), "#", ""))}
if fnt.Family != "" {
r.Latin.Typeface = fnt.Family
if fnt.Size > 0 {
r.Sz = fnt.Size * 100
if fnt.Strike {
r.Strike = "sngStrike"
// drawPlotAreaTitles provides a function to draw the c:title element.
func (f *File) drawPlotAreaTitles(runs []RichTextRun, vert string) *cTitle {
if len(runs) == 0 {
......@@ -1163,15 +1191,7 @@ func (f *File) drawPlotAreaTitles(runs []RichTextRun, vert string) *cTitle {
title := &cTitle{Tx: cTx{Rich: &cRich{}}, Overlay: &attrValBool{Val: boolPtr(false)}}
for _, run := range runs {
r := &aR{T: run.Text}
if run.Font != nil {
r.RPr.B, r.RPr.I = run.Font.Bold, run.Font.Italic
if run.Font.Color != "" {
r.RPr.SolidFill = &aSolidFill{SrgbClr: &attrValString{Val: stringPtr(run.Font.Color)}}
if run.Font.Size > 0 {
r.RPr.Sz = run.Font.Size * 100
drawChartFont(run.Font, &r.RPr)
title.Tx.Rich.P = append(title.Tx.Rich.P, aP{
PPr: &aPPr{DefRPr: aRPr{}},
R: r,
......@@ -1241,15 +1261,7 @@ func (f *File) drawPlotAreaTxPr(opts *ChartAxis) *cTxPr {
if opts != nil {
cTxPr.P.PPr.DefRPr.B = opts.Font.Bold
cTxPr.P.PPr.DefRPr.I = opts.Font.Italic
if idx := inStrSlice(supportedDrawingUnderlineTypes, opts.Font.Underline, true); idx != -1 {
cTxPr.P.PPr.DefRPr.U = supportedDrawingUnderlineTypes[idx]
if opts.Font.Color != "" {
cTxPr.P.PPr.DefRPr.SolidFill.SchemeClr = nil
cTxPr.P.PPr.DefRPr.SolidFill.SrgbClr = &attrValString{Val: stringPtr(strings.ReplaceAll(strings.ToUpper(opts.Font.Color), "#", ""))}
drawChartFont(&opts.Font, &cTxPr.P.PPr.DefRPr)
return cTxPr
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