已验证 提交 866f3086 编写于 作者: xurime's avatar xurime

This closes #1745, prevent panic on get conditional format without above average rules

- Define internal map variable globally instead of inside of functions
上级 77ece87e
......@@ -23,87 +23,6 @@ import (
// validType defined the list of valid validation types.
var validType = map[string]string{
"cell": "cellIs",
"average": "aboveAverage",
"duplicate": "duplicateValues",
"unique": "uniqueValues",
"top": "top10",
"bottom": "top10",
"text": "text",
"time_period": "timePeriod",
"blanks": "containsBlanks",
"no_blanks": "notContainsBlanks",
"errors": "containsErrors",
"no_errors": "notContainsErrors",
"2_color_scale": "2_color_scale",
"3_color_scale": "3_color_scale",
"data_bar": "dataBar",
"formula": "expression",
"icon_set": "iconSet",
// criteriaType defined the list of valid criteria types.
var criteriaType = map[string]string{
"!=": "notEqual",
"<": "lessThan",
"<=": "lessThanOrEqual",
"<>": "notEqual",
"=": "equal",
"==": "equal",
">": "greaterThan",
">=": "greaterThanOrEqual",
"begins with": "beginsWith",
"between": "between",
"containing": "containsText",
"continue month": "nextMonth",
"continue week": "nextWeek",
"ends with": "endsWith",
"equal to": "equal",
"greater than or equal to": "greaterThanOrEqual",
"greater than": "greaterThan",
"last 7 days": "last7Days",
"last month": "lastMonth",
"last week": "lastWeek",
"less than or equal to": "lessThanOrEqual",
"less than": "lessThan",
"not between": "notBetween",
"not containing": "notContains",
"not equal to": "notEqual",
"this month": "thisMonth",
"this week": "thisWeek",
"today": "today",
"tomorrow": "tomorrow",
"yesterday": "yesterday",
// operatorType defined the list of valid operator types.
var operatorType = map[string]string{
"beginsWith": "begins with",
"between": "between",
"containsText": "containing",
"endsWith": "ends with",
"equal": "equal to",
"greaterThan": "greater than",
"greaterThanOrEqual": "greater than or equal to",
"last7Days": "last 7 days",
"lastMonth": "last month",
"lastWeek": "last week",
"lessThan": "less than",
"lessThanOrEqual": "less than or equal to",
"nextMonth": "continue month",
"nextWeek": "continue week",
"notBetween": "not between",
"notContains": "not containing",
"notEqual": "not equal to",
"thisMonth": "this month",
"thisWeek": "this week",
"today": "today",
"tomorrow": "tomorrow",
"yesterday": "yesterday",
// stylesReader provides a function to get the pointer to the structure after
// deserialization of xl/styles.xml.
func (f *File) stylesReader() (*xlsxStyleSheet, error) {
......@@ -1262,6 +1181,140 @@ var (
"expression": extractCondFmtExp,
"iconSet": extractCondFmtIconSet,
// validType defined the list of valid validation types.
validType = map[string]string{
"cell": "cellIs",
"average": "aboveAverage",
"duplicate": "duplicateValues",
"unique": "uniqueValues",
"top": "top10",
"bottom": "top10",
"text": "text",
"time_period": "timePeriod",
"blanks": "containsBlanks",
"no_blanks": "notContainsBlanks",
"errors": "containsErrors",
"no_errors": "notContainsErrors",
"2_color_scale": "2_color_scale",
"3_color_scale": "3_color_scale",
"data_bar": "dataBar",
"formula": "expression",
"icon_set": "iconSet",
// criteriaType defined the list of valid criteria types.
criteriaType = map[string]string{
"!=": "notEqual",
"<": "lessThan",
"<=": "lessThanOrEqual",
"<>": "notEqual",
"=": "equal",
"==": "equal",
">": "greaterThan",
">=": "greaterThanOrEqual",
"begins with": "beginsWith",
"between": "between",
"containing": "containsText",
"continue month": "nextMonth",
"continue week": "nextWeek",
"ends with": "endsWith",
"equal to": "equal",
"greater than or equal to": "greaterThanOrEqual",
"greater than": "greaterThan",
"last 7 days": "last7Days",
"last month": "lastMonth",
"last week": "lastWeek",
"less than or equal to": "lessThanOrEqual",
"less than": "lessThan",
"not between": "notBetween",
"not containing": "notContains",
"not equal to": "notEqual",
"this month": "thisMonth",
"this week": "thisWeek",
"today": "today",
"tomorrow": "tomorrow",
"yesterday": "yesterday",
// operatorType defined the list of valid operator types.
operatorType = map[string]string{
"beginsWith": "begins with",
"between": "between",
"containsText": "containing",
"endsWith": "ends with",
"equal": "equal to",
"greaterThan": "greater than",
"greaterThanOrEqual": "greater than or equal to",
"last7Days": "last 7 days",
"lastMonth": "last month",
"lastWeek": "last week",
"lessThan": "less than",
"lessThanOrEqual": "less than or equal to",
"nextMonth": "continue month",
"nextWeek": "continue week",
"notBetween": "not between",
"notContains": "not containing",
"notEqual": "not equal to",
"thisMonth": "this month",
"thisWeek": "this week",
"today": "today",
"tomorrow": "tomorrow",
"yesterday": "yesterday",
// cellIsCriteriaType defined the list of valid criteria types used for
// cellIs conditional formats.
cellIsCriteriaType = []string{
// cfvo3 defined the icon set conditional formatting rules.
cfvo3 = &xlsxCfRule{IconSet: &xlsxIconSet{Cfvo: []*xlsxCfvo{
{Type: "percent", Val: "0"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "33"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "67"},
// cfvo4 defined the icon set conditional formatting rules.
cfvo4 = &xlsxCfRule{IconSet: &xlsxIconSet{Cfvo: []*xlsxCfvo{
{Type: "percent", Val: "0"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "25"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "50"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "75"},
// cfvo5 defined the icon set conditional formatting rules.
cfvo5 = &xlsxCfRule{IconSet: &xlsxIconSet{Cfvo: []*xlsxCfvo{
{Type: "percent", Val: "0"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "20"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "40"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "60"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "80"},
// condFmtIconSetPresets defined the list of icon set conditional formatting
// rules.
condFmtIconSetPresets = map[string]*xlsxCfRule{
"3Arrows": cfvo3,
"3ArrowsGray": cfvo3,
"3Flags": cfvo3,
"3Signs": cfvo3,
"3Symbols": cfvo3,
"3Symbols2": cfvo3,
"3TrafficLights1": cfvo3,
"3TrafficLights2": cfvo3,
"4Arrows": cfvo4,
"4ArrowsGray": cfvo4,
"4Rating": cfvo4,
"4RedToBlack": cfvo4,
"4TrafficLights": cfvo4,
"5Arrows": cfvo5,
"5ArrowsGray": cfvo5,
"5Quarters": cfvo5,
"5Rating": cfvo5,
// getThemeColor provides a function to convert theme color or index color to
......@@ -2761,7 +2814,10 @@ func (f *File) appendCfRule(ws *xlsxWorksheet, rule *xlsxX14CfRule) error {
// settings for cell value (include between, not between, equal, not equal,
// greater than and less than) by given conditional formatting rule.
func extractCondFmtCellIs(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOptions {
format := ConditionalFormatOptions{StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue, Type: "cell", Criteria: operatorType[c.Operator], Format: *c.DxfID}
format := ConditionalFormatOptions{StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue, Type: "cell", Criteria: operatorType[c.Operator]}
if c.DxfID != nil {
format.Format = *c.DxfID
if len(c.Formula) == 2 {
format.MinValue, format.MaxValue = c.Formula[0], c.Formula[1]
return format
......@@ -2773,13 +2829,21 @@ func extractCondFmtCellIs(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOp
// extractCondFmtTimePeriod provides a function to extract conditional format
// settings for time period by given conditional formatting rule.
func extractCondFmtTimePeriod(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOptions {
return ConditionalFormatOptions{StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue, Type: "time_period", Criteria: operatorType[c.Operator], Format: *c.DxfID}
format := ConditionalFormatOptions{StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue, Type: "time_period", Criteria: operatorType[c.Operator]}
if c.DxfID != nil {
format.Format = *c.DxfID
return format
// extractCondFmtText provides a function to extract conditional format
// settings for text cell values by given conditional formatting rule.
func extractCondFmtText(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOptions {
return ConditionalFormatOptions{StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue, Type: "text", Criteria: operatorType[c.Operator], Format: *c.DxfID, Value: c.Text}
format := ConditionalFormatOptions{StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue, Type: "text", Criteria: operatorType[c.Operator], Value: c.Text}
if c.DxfID != nil {
format.Format = *c.DxfID
return format
// extractCondFmtTop10 provides a function to extract conditional format
......@@ -2790,10 +2854,12 @@ func extractCondFmtTop10(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOpt
StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue,
Type: "top",
Criteria: "=",
Format: *c.DxfID,
Percent: c.Percent,
Value: strconv.Itoa(c.Rank),
if c.DxfID != nil {
format.Format = *c.DxfID
if c.Bottom {
format.Type = "bottom"
......@@ -2804,68 +2870,88 @@ func extractCondFmtTop10(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOpt
// settings for above average and below average by given conditional formatting
// rule.
func extractCondFmtAboveAverage(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOptions {
return ConditionalFormatOptions{
StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue,
Type: "average",
Criteria: "=",
Format: *c.DxfID,
AboveAverage: *c.AboveAverage,
format := ConditionalFormatOptions{
StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue,
Type: "average",
Criteria: "=",
if c.DxfID != nil {
format.Format = *c.DxfID
if c.AboveAverage != nil {
format.AboveAverage = *c.AboveAverage
return format
// extractCondFmtDuplicateUniqueValues provides a function to extract
// conditional format settings for duplicate and unique values by given
// conditional formatting rule.
func extractCondFmtDuplicateUniqueValues(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOptions {
return ConditionalFormatOptions{
format := ConditionalFormatOptions{
StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue,
Type: map[string]string{
"duplicateValues": "duplicate",
"uniqueValues": "unique",
Criteria: "=",
Format: *c.DxfID,
if c.DxfID != nil {
format.Format = *c.DxfID
return format
// extractCondFmtBlanks provides a function to extract conditional format
// settings for blank cells by given conditional formatting rule.
func extractCondFmtBlanks(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOptions {
return ConditionalFormatOptions{
format := ConditionalFormatOptions{
StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue,
Type: "blanks",
Format: *c.DxfID,
if c.DxfID != nil {
format.Format = *c.DxfID
return format
// extractCondFmtNoBlanks provides a function to extract conditional format
// settings for no blank cells by given conditional formatting rule.
func extractCondFmtNoBlanks(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOptions {
return ConditionalFormatOptions{
format := ConditionalFormatOptions{
StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue,
Type: "no_blanks",
Format: *c.DxfID,
if c.DxfID != nil {
format.Format = *c.DxfID
return format
// extractCondFmtErrors provides a function to extract conditional format
// settings for cells with errors by given conditional formatting rule.
func extractCondFmtErrors(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOptions {
return ConditionalFormatOptions{
format := ConditionalFormatOptions{
StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue,
Type: "errors",
Format: *c.DxfID,
if c.DxfID != nil {
format.Format = *c.DxfID
return format
// extractCondFmtNoErrors provides a function to extract conditional format
// settings for cells without errors by given conditional formatting rule.
func extractCondFmtNoErrors(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOptions {
return ConditionalFormatOptions{
format := ConditionalFormatOptions{
StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue,
Type: "no_errors",
Format: *c.DxfID,
if c.DxfID != nil {
format.Format = *c.DxfID
return format
// extractCondFmtColorScale provides a function to extract conditional format
......@@ -2960,7 +3046,10 @@ func extractCondFmtDataBar(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatO
// extractCondFmtExp provides a function to extract conditional format settings
// for expression by given conditional formatting rule.
func extractCondFmtExp(c *xlsxCfRule, extLst *xlsxExtLst) ConditionalFormatOptions {
format := ConditionalFormatOptions{StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue, Type: "formula", Format: *c.DxfID}
format := ConditionalFormatOptions{StopIfTrue: c.StopIfTrue, Type: "formula"}
if c.DxfID != nil {
format.Format = *c.DxfID
if len(c.Formula) > 0 {
format.Criteria = c.Formula[0]
......@@ -3032,7 +3121,7 @@ func drawCondFmtCellIs(p int, ct, ref, GUID string, format *ConditionalFormatOpt
if ct == "between" || ct == "notBetween" {
c.Formula = append(c.Formula, []string{format.MinValue, format.MaxValue}...)
if inStrSlice([]string{"equal", "notEqual", "greaterThan", "lessThan", "greaterThanOrEqual", "lessThanOrEqual", "containsText", "notContains", "beginsWith", "endsWith"}, ct, true) != -1 {
if inStrSlice(cellIsCriteriaType, ct, true) != -1 {
c.Formula = append(c.Formula, format.Value)
return c, nil
......@@ -3277,44 +3366,7 @@ func drawCondFmtNoBlanks(p int, ct, ref, GUID string, format *ConditionalFormatO
// drawCondFmtIconSet provides a function to create conditional formatting rule
// for icon set by given priority, criteria type and format settings.
func drawCondFmtIconSet(p int, ct, ref, GUID string, format *ConditionalFormatOptions) (*xlsxCfRule, *xlsxX14CfRule) {
cfvo3 := &xlsxCfRule{IconSet: &xlsxIconSet{Cfvo: []*xlsxCfvo{
{Type: "percent", Val: "0"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "33"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "67"},
cfvo4 := &xlsxCfRule{IconSet: &xlsxIconSet{Cfvo: []*xlsxCfvo{
{Type: "percent", Val: "0"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "25"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "50"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "75"},
cfvo5 := &xlsxCfRule{IconSet: &xlsxIconSet{Cfvo: []*xlsxCfvo{
{Type: "percent", Val: "0"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "20"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "40"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "60"},
{Type: "percent", Val: "80"},
presets := map[string]*xlsxCfRule{
"3Arrows": cfvo3,
"3ArrowsGray": cfvo3,
"3Flags": cfvo3,
"3Signs": cfvo3,
"3Symbols": cfvo3,
"3Symbols2": cfvo3,
"3TrafficLights1": cfvo3,
"3TrafficLights2": cfvo3,
"4Arrows": cfvo4,
"4ArrowsGray": cfvo4,
"4Rating": cfvo4,
"4RedToBlack": cfvo4,
"4TrafficLights": cfvo4,
"5Arrows": cfvo5,
"5ArrowsGray": cfvo5,
"5Quarters": cfvo5,
"5Rating": cfvo5,
cfRule, ok := presets[format.IconStyle]
cfRule, ok := condFmtIconSetPresets[format.IconStyle]
if !ok {
return nil, nil
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