未验证 提交 10883023 编写于 作者: xurime's avatar xurime 提交者: GitHub

This closes #1535, add documentation for the fields for style alignment

上级 49234fb9
......@@ -162,9 +162,11 @@ func parseFormatStyleSet(style *Style) (*Style, error) {
return style, err
// NewStyle provides a function to create the style for cells by given style
// options. This function is concurrency safe. Note that the 'Font.Color' field
// uses an RGB color represented in 'RRGGBB' hexadecimal notation.
// NewStyle provides a function to create the style for cells by a given style
// options, and returns style index. The same style index can not be used
// across different workbook. This function is concurrency safe. Note that
// the 'Font.Color' field uses an RGB color represented in 'RRGGBB' hexadecimal
// notation.
// The following table shows the border types used in 'Border.Type' supported by
// excelize:
......@@ -236,6 +238,18 @@ func parseFormatStyleSet(style *Style) (*Style, error) {
// 8 | darkUp | 18 | gray0625
// 9 | darkGrid | |
// The 'Alignment.Indent' is an integer value, where an increment of 1
// represents 3 spaces. Indicates the number of spaces (of the normal style
// font) of indentation for text in a cell. The number of spaces to indent is
// calculated as following:
// Number of spaces to indent = indent value * 3
// For example, an indent value of 1 means that the text begins 3 space widths
// (of the normal style font) from the edge of the cell. Note: The width of one
// space character is defined by the font. Only left, right, and distributed
// horizontal alignments are supported.
// The following table shows the type of cells' horizontal alignment used
// in 'Alignment.Horizontal':
......@@ -259,6 +273,24 @@ func parseFormatStyleSet(style *Style) (*Style, error) {
// justify
// distributed
// The 'Alignment.ReadingOrder' is an uint64 value indicating whether the
// reading order of the cell is left-to-right, right-to-left, or context
// dependent. the valid value of this field was:
// Value | Description
// -------+----------------------------------------------------
// 0 | Context Dependent - reading order is determined by scanning the
// | text for the first non-whitespace character: if it is a strong
// | right-to-left character, the reading order is right-to-left;
// | otherwise, the reading order left-to-right.
// 1 | Left-to-Right: reading order is left-to-right in the cell, as in
// | English.
// 2 | Right-to-Left: reading order is right-to-left in the cell, as in
// | Hebrew.
// The 'Alignment.RelativeIndent' is an integer value to indicate the additional
// number of spaces of indentation to adjust for text in a cell.
// The following table shows the type of font underline style used in
// 'Font.Underline':
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