comment.go 6.0 KB
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package excelize

import (

// parseFormatCommentsSet provides function to parse the format settings of the
// comment with default value.
func parseFormatCommentsSet(formatSet string) (*formatComment, error) {
13 14 15 16
	format := formatComment{
		Author: "Author:",
		Text:   " ",
17 18
	err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(formatSet), &format)
	return &format, err
19 20 21

// AddComment provides the method to add comment in a sheet by given worksheet
22 23
// index, cell and format set (such as author and text). Note that the max
// author length is 255 and the max text length is 32512. For example, add a
24 25
// comment in Sheet1!$A$30:
//    xlsx.AddComment("Sheet1", "A30", `{"author":"Excelize: ","text":"This is a comment."}`)
28 29 30 31 32
func (f *File) AddComment(sheet, cell, format string) error {
	formatSet, err := parseFormatCommentsSet(format)
	if err != nil {
		return err
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
	// Read sheet data.
	xlsx := f.workSheetReader(sheet)
	commentID := f.countComments() + 1
	drawingVML := "xl/drawings/vmlDrawing" + strconv.Itoa(commentID) + ".vml"
	sheetRelationshipsComments := "../comments" + strconv.Itoa(commentID) + ".xml"
	sheetRelationshipsDrawingVML := "../drawings/vmlDrawing" + strconv.Itoa(commentID) + ".vml"
	if xlsx.LegacyDrawing != nil {
		// The worksheet already has a comments relationships, use the relationships drawing ../drawings/vmlDrawing%d.vml.
		sheetRelationshipsDrawingVML = f.getSheetRelationshipsTargetByID(sheet, xlsx.LegacyDrawing.RID)
		commentID, _ = strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(sheetRelationshipsDrawingVML, "../drawings/vmlDrawing"), ".vml"))
		drawingVML = strings.Replace(sheetRelationshipsDrawingVML, "..", "xl", -1)
	} else {
		// Add first comment for given sheet.
		rID := f.addSheetRelationships(sheet, SourceRelationshipDrawingVML, sheetRelationshipsDrawingVML, "")
		f.addSheetRelationships(sheet, SourceRelationshipComments, sheetRelationshipsComments, "")
		f.addSheetLegacyDrawing(sheet, rID)
	commentsXML := "xl/comments" + strconv.Itoa(commentID) + ".xml"
	f.addComment(commentsXML, cell, formatSet)
	f.addDrawingVML(commentID, drawingVML, cell)
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	f.addContentTypePart(commentID, "comments")
	return err
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

// addDrawingVML provides function to create comment as
// xl/drawings/vmlDrawing%d.vml by given commit ID and cell.
func (f *File) addDrawingVML(commentID int, drawingVML, cell string) {
	col := string(strings.Map(letterOnlyMapF, cell))
	row, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.Map(intOnlyMapF, cell))
	xAxis := row - 1
	yAxis := TitleToNumber(col)
64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133
	vml := vmlDrawing{
		XMLNSv:  "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml",
		XMLNSo:  "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office",
		XMLNSx:  "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel",
		XMLNSmv: "http://macVmlSchemaUri",
		Shapelayout: &xlsxShapelayout{
			Ext: "edit",
			IDmap: &xlsxIDmap{
				Ext:  "edit",
				Data: commentID,
		Shapetype: &xlsxShapetype{
			ID:        "_x0000_t202",
			Coordsize: "21600,21600",
			Spt:       202,
			Path:      "m0,0l0,21600,21600,21600,21600,0xe",
			Stroke: &xlsxStroke{
				Joinstyle: "miter",
			VPath: &vPath{
				Gradientshapeok: "t",
				Connecttype:     "rect",
	sp := encodeShape{
		Fill: &vFill{
			Color2: "#fbfe82",
			Angle:  -180,
			Type:   "gradient",
			Fill: &oFill{
				Ext:  "view",
				Type: "gradientUnscaled",
		Shadow: &vShadow{
			On:       "t",
			Color:    "black",
			Obscured: "t",
		Path: &vPath{
			Connecttype: "none",
		Textbox: &vTextbox{
			Style: "mso-direction-alt:auto",
			Div: &xlsxDiv{
				Style: "text-align:left",
		ClientData: &xClientData{
			ObjectType: "Note",
			Anchor:     "3, 15, 8, 6, 4, 54, 13, 2",
			AutoFill:   "False",
			Row:        xAxis,
			Column:     yAxis,
	s, _ := xml.Marshal(sp)
	shape := xlsxShape{
		ID:          "_x0000_s1025",
		Type:        "#_x0000_t202",
		Style:       "position:absolute;73.5pt;width:108pt;height:59.25pt;z-index:1;visibility:hidden",
		Fillcolor:   "#fbf6d6",
		Strokecolor: "#edeaa1",
		Val:         string(s[13 : len(s)-14]),
	c, ok := f.XLSX[drawingVML]
	if ok {
		d := decodeVmlDrawing{}
		_ = xml.Unmarshal([]byte(c), &d)
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148
		for _, v := range d.Shape {
			s := xlsxShape{
				ID:          "_x0000_s1025",
				Type:        "#_x0000_t202",
				Style:       "position:absolute;73.5pt;width:108pt;height:59.25pt;z-index:1;visibility:hidden",
				Fillcolor:   "#fbf6d6",
				Strokecolor: "#edeaa1",
				Val:         v.Val,
			vml.Shape = append(vml.Shape, s)
	vml.Shape = append(vml.Shape, shape)
	v, _ := xml.Marshal(vml)
	f.XLSX[drawingVML] = v
150 151 152 153 154

// addComment provides function to create chart as xl/comments%d.xml by given
// cell and format sets.
func (f *File) addComment(commentsXML, cell string, formatSet *formatComment) {
155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
	a := formatSet.Author
	t := formatSet.Text
	if len(a) > 255 {
		a = a[0:255]
	if len(t) > 32512 {
		t = t[0:32512]
163 164
	comments := xlsxComments{
		Authors: []xlsxAuthor{
166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174
				Author: formatSet.Author,
	cmt := xlsxComment{
		Ref:      cell,
		AuthorID: 0,
		Text: xlsxText{
			R: []xlsxR{
176 177
					RPr: &xlsxRPr{
						B:  " ",
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						Sz: &attrValFloat{Val: 9},
179 180 181 182 183 184
						Color: &xlsxColor{
							Indexed: 81,
						RFont:  &attrValString{Val: "Calibri"},
						Family: &attrValInt{Val: 2},
					T: a,
					RPr: &xlsxRPr{
xurime's avatar
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						Sz: &attrValFloat{Val: 9},
190 191 192 193 194 195
						Color: &xlsxColor{
							Indexed: 81,
						RFont:  &attrValString{Val: "Calibri"},
						Family: &attrValInt{Val: 2},
					T: t,
197 198 199 200 201 202 203
	c, ok := f.XLSX[commentsXML]
	if ok {
		d := xlsxComments{}
		_ = xml.Unmarshal([]byte(c), &d)
205 206 207 208
		comments.CommentList.Comment = append(comments.CommentList.Comment, d.CommentList.Comment...)
	comments.CommentList.Comment = append(comments.CommentList.Comment, cmt)
	v, _ := xml.Marshal(comments)
	f.saveFileList(commentsXML, v)
210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222

// countComments provides function to get comments files count storage in the
// folder xl.
func (f *File) countComments() int {
	count := 0
	for k := range f.XLSX {
		if strings.Contains(k, "xl/comments") {
	return count