excelize.go 7.9 KB
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package excelize

import (
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12 13
// File define a populated xlsx.File struct.
type File struct {
14 15 16
	XLSX       map[string]string
	Path       string
	SheetCount int
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17 18

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// OpenFile take the name of an XLSX file and returns a populated
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// xlsx.File struct for it.
func OpenFile(filename string) (*File, error) {
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	var f *zip.ReadCloser
	var err error
	file := make(map[string]string)
25 26 27 28
	sheetCount := 0
	f, err = zip.OpenReader(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return &File{}, err
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	file, sheetCount, _ = ReadZip(f)
31 32 33 34 35
	return &File{
		XLSX:       file,
		Path:       filename,
		SheetCount: sheetCount,
	}, nil
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36 37

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// SetCellInt provide function to set int type value of a cell
func (f *File) SetCellInt(sheet string, axis string, value int) {
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40 41 42 43 44 45 46
	axis = strings.ToUpper(axis)
	var xlsx xlsxWorksheet
	col := getColIndex(axis)
	row := getRowIndex(axis)
	xAxis := row - 1
	yAxis := titleToNumber(col)

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	name := `xl/worksheets/` + strings.ToLower(sheet) + `.xml`
	xml.Unmarshal([]byte(f.readXML(name)), &xlsx)
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49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58

	rows := xAxis + 1
	cell := yAxis + 1

	xlsx = completeRow(xlsx, rows, cell)
	xlsx = completeCol(xlsx, rows, cell)

	xlsx.SheetData.Row[xAxis].C[yAxis].T = ""
	xlsx.SheetData.Row[xAxis].C[yAxis].V = strconv.Itoa(value)

	output, err := xml.Marshal(xlsx)
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60 61 62
	if err != nil {
	f.saveFileList(name, replaceRelationshipsID(replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace(string(output))))
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64 65

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// SetCellStr provide function to set string type value of a cell
func (f *File) SetCellStr(sheet string, axis string, value string) {
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68 69 70 71 72 73 74
	axis = strings.ToUpper(axis)
	var xlsx xlsxWorksheet
	col := getColIndex(axis)
	row := getRowIndex(axis)
	xAxis := row - 1
	yAxis := titleToNumber(col)

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	name := `xl/worksheets/` + strings.ToLower(sheet) + `.xml`
	xml.Unmarshal([]byte(f.readXML(name)), &xlsx)
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77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86

	rows := xAxis + 1
	cell := yAxis + 1

	xlsx = completeRow(xlsx, rows, cell)
	xlsx = completeCol(xlsx, rows, cell)

	xlsx.SheetData.Row[xAxis].C[yAxis].T = "str"
	xlsx.SheetData.Row[xAxis].C[yAxis].V = value

	output, err := xml.Marshal(xlsx)
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88 89 90
	if err != nil {
	f.saveFileList(name, replaceRelationshipsID(replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace(string(output))))
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92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102

// Completion column element tags of XML in a sheet
func completeCol(xlsx xlsxWorksheet, row int, cell int) xlsxWorksheet {
	if len(xlsx.SheetData.Row) < cell {
		for i := len(xlsx.SheetData.Row); i < cell; i++ {
			xlsx.SheetData.Row = append(xlsx.SheetData.Row, xlsxRow{
				R: i + 1,
	buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
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104 105 106 107
	for k, v := range xlsx.SheetData.Row {
		if len(v.C) < cell {
			start := len(v.C)
			for iii := start; iii < cell; iii++ {
108 109
				buffer.WriteString(toAlphaString(iii + 1))
				buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(k + 1))
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				xlsx.SheetData.Row[k].C = append(xlsx.SheetData.Row[k].C, xlsxC{
					R: buffer.String(),
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114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127
	return xlsx

// Completion row element tags of XML in a sheet
func completeRow(xlsx xlsxWorksheet, row int, cell int) xlsxWorksheet {
	if len(xlsx.SheetData.Row) < row {
		for i := len(xlsx.SheetData.Row); i < row; i++ {
			xlsx.SheetData.Row = append(xlsx.SheetData.Row, xlsxRow{
				R: i + 1,
		buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
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129 130 131 132
		for ii := 0; ii < row; ii++ {
			start := len(xlsx.SheetData.Row[ii].C)
			if start == 0 {
				for iii := start; iii < cell; iii++ {
133 134
					buffer.WriteString(toAlphaString(iii + 1))
					buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(ii + 1))
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					xlsx.SheetData.Row[ii].C = append(xlsx.SheetData.Row[ii].C, xlsxC{
						R: buffer.String(),
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139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164
	return xlsx

// Replace xl/worksheets/sheet%d.xml XML tags to self-closing for compatible Office Excel 2007
func replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace(workbookMarshal string) string {
	oldXmlns := `<worksheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main">`
	newXmlns := `<worksheet xmlns="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main" xmlns:r="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships" xmlns:mx="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/mac/excel/2008/main" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" xmlns:mv="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:mac:vml" xmlns:x14="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/main" xmlns:x14ac="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/spreadsheetml/2009/9/ac" xmlns:xm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/excel/2006/main">`
	workbookMarshal = strings.Replace(workbookMarshal, oldXmlns, newXmlns, -1)
	workbookMarshal = strings.Replace(workbookMarshal, `></sheetPr>`, ` />`, -1)
	workbookMarshal = strings.Replace(workbookMarshal, `></dimension>`, ` />`, -1)
	workbookMarshal = strings.Replace(workbookMarshal, `></selection>`, ` />`, -1)
	workbookMarshal = strings.Replace(workbookMarshal, `></sheetFormatPr>`, ` />`, -1)
	workbookMarshal = strings.Replace(workbookMarshal, `></printOptions>`, ` />`, -1)
	workbookMarshal = strings.Replace(workbookMarshal, `></pageSetup>`, ` />`, -1)
	workbookMarshal = strings.Replace(workbookMarshal, `></pageMargins>`, ` />`, -1)
	workbookMarshal = strings.Replace(workbookMarshal, `></headerFooter>`, ` />`, -1)
	workbookMarshal = strings.Replace(workbookMarshal, `></drawing>`, ` />`, -1)
	return workbookMarshal

// Check XML tags and fix discontinuous case, for example:
165 166 167 168 169 170
//		<row r="15" spans="1:22" x14ac:dyDescent="0.2">
//			<c r="A15" s="2" />
//			<c r="B15" s="2" />
//			<c r="F15" s="1" />
//			<c r="G15" s="1" />
//		</row>
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171 172 173
// in this case, we should to change it to
174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182
//  	<row r="15" spans="1:22" x14ac:dyDescent="0.2">
//      	<c r="A15" s="2" />
//      	<c r="B15" s="2" />
//      	<c r="C15" s="2" />
//      	<c r="D15" s="2" />
//      	<c r="E15" s="2" />
//      	<c r="F15" s="1" />
//      	<c r="G15" s="1" />
//  	</row>
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// Noteice: this method could be very slow for large spreadsheets (more than 3000 rows one sheet).
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func checkRow(xlsx xlsxWorksheet) xlsxWorksheet {
	buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
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187 188
	for k, v := range xlsx.SheetData.Row {
		lenCol := len(v.C)
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189 190 191
		if lenCol < 1 {
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192 193
		endR := getColIndex(v.C[lenCol-1].R)
		endRow := getRowIndex(v.C[lenCol-1].R)
		endCol := titleToNumber(endR) + 1
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195 196 197 198 199
		if lenCol < endCol {
			oldRow := xlsx.SheetData.Row[k].C
			xlsx.SheetData.Row[k].C = xlsx.SheetData.Row[k].C[:0]
			tmp := []xlsxC{}
			for i := 0; i <= endCol; i++ {
200 201
				buffer.WriteString(toAlphaString(i + 1))
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				tmp = append(tmp, xlsxC{
					R: buffer.String(),
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206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215
			xlsx.SheetData.Row[k].C = tmp
			for _, y := range oldRow {
				colAxis := titleToNumber(getColIndex(y.R))
				xlsx.SheetData.Row[k].C[colAxis] = y
	return xlsx

217 218 219
// UpdateLinkedValue fix linked values within a spreadsheet are not updating in
// Office Excel 2007 and 2010. This function will be remove value tag when met a
//  cell have a linked value. Reference https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/e16bae1f-6a2c-4325-8013-e989a3479066/excel-2010-linked-cells-not-updating?forum=excel
220 221 222 223 224 225
// Notice: after open XLSX file Excel will be update linked value and generate
// new value and will prompt save file or not.
// For example:
226 227 228 229 230 231
//		<row r="19" spans="2:2">
//     		<c r="B19">
//         		<f>SUM(Sheet2!D2,Sheet2!D11)</f>
//         		<v>100</v>
//    		 </c>
// 		</row>
232 233 234
// to
235 236 237 238 239
// 		<row r="19" spans="2:2">
//     		<c r="B19">
//         		<f>SUM(Sheet2!D2,Sheet2!D11)</f>
//     		</c>
// 		</row>
240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256
func (f *File) UpdateLinkedValue() {
	for i := 1; i <= f.SheetCount; i++ {
		var xlsx xlsxWorksheet
		name := `xl/worksheets/sheet` + strconv.Itoa(i) + `.xml`
		xml.Unmarshal([]byte(f.readXML(name)), &xlsx)
		for indexR, row := range xlsx.SheetData.Row {
			for indexC, col := range row.C {
				if col.F != nil && col.V != `` {
					xlsx.SheetData.Row[indexR].C[indexC].V = ``
					xlsx.SheetData.Row[indexR].C[indexC].T = ``
		output, _ := xml.Marshal(xlsx)
		f.saveFileList(name, replaceRelationshipsID(replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace(string(output))))