sheet.go 22.5 KB
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package excelize

import (
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// NewSheet provides function to create a new sheet by given index, when
// creating a new XLSX file, the default sheet will be create, when you create a
// new file, you need to ensure that the index is continuous.
func (f *File) NewSheet(index int, name string) {
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	// Update docProps/app.xml
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	// Update [Content_Types].xml
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	// Create new sheet /xl/worksheets/sheet%d.xml
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	// Update xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels
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	rID := f.addXlsxWorkbookRels(index)
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	// Update xl/workbook.xml
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	f.setWorkbook(name, rID)
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28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75

// contentTypesReader provides function to get the pointer to the
// [Content_Types].xml structure after deserialization.
func (f *File) contentTypesReader() *xlsxTypes {
	if f.ContentTypes == nil {
		var content xlsxTypes
		xml.Unmarshal([]byte(f.readXML("[Content_Types].xml")), &content)
		f.ContentTypes = &content
	return f.ContentTypes

// contentTypesWriter provides function to save [Content_Types].xml after
// serialize structure.
func (f *File) contentTypesWriter() {
	if f.ContentTypes != nil {
		output, _ := xml.Marshal(f.ContentTypes)
		f.saveFileList("[Content_Types].xml", string(output))

// workbookReader provides function to get the pointer to the xl/workbook.xml
// structure after deserialization.
func (f *File) workbookReader() *xlsxWorkbook {
	if f.WorkBook == nil {
		var content xlsxWorkbook
		xml.Unmarshal([]byte(f.readXML("xl/workbook.xml")), &content)
		f.WorkBook = &content
	return f.WorkBook

// workbookWriter provides function to save xl/workbook.xml after serialize
// structure.
func (f *File) workbookWriter() {
	if f.WorkBook != nil {
		output, _ := xml.Marshal(f.WorkBook)
		f.saveFileList("xl/workbook.xml", replaceRelationshipsNameSpace(string(output)))

// worksheetWriter provides function to save xl/worksheets/sheet%d.xml after
// serialize structure.
func (f *File) worksheetWriter() {
	for path, sheet := range f.Sheet {
		if sheet != nil {
76 77 78
			for k, v := range sheet.SheetData.Row {
				f.Sheet[path].SheetData.Row[k].C = trimCell(v.C)
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79 80
			output, _ := xml.Marshal(sheet)
			f.saveFileList(path, replaceWorkSheetsRelationshipsNameSpace(string(output)))
81 82 83 84
			ok := f.checked[path]
			if ok {
				f.checked[path] = false
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// trimCell provides function to trim blank cells which created by completeCol.
func trimCell(column []xlsxC) []xlsxC {
	col := []xlsxC{}
	for _, c := range column {
		if c.S == 0 && c.V == "" && c.F == nil && c.T == "" {
		col = append(col, c)
	return col

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// Read and update property of contents type of XLSX.
func (f *File) setContentTypes(index int) {
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	content := f.contentTypesReader()
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	content.Overrides = append(content.Overrides, xlsxOverride{
105 106
		PartName:    "/xl/worksheets/sheet" + strconv.Itoa(index) + ".xml",
		ContentType: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml",
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107 108 109

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// Update sheet property by given index.
func (f *File) setSheet(index int) {
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	var xlsx xlsxWorksheet
	xlsx.Dimension.Ref = "A1"
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	xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView = append(xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView, xlsxSheetView{
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		WorkbookViewID: 0,
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	path := "xl/worksheets/sheet" + strconv.Itoa(index) + ".xml"
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	f.Sheet[path] = &xlsx
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119 120

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// setWorkbook update workbook property of XLSX. Maximum 31 characters are
// allowed in sheet title.
func (f *File) setWorkbook(name string, rid int) {
124 125
	r := strings.NewReplacer(":", "", "\\", "", "/", "", "?", "", "*", "", "[", "", "]", "")
	name = r.Replace(name)
126 127 128
	if len(name) > 31 {
		name = name[0:31]
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	content := f.workbookReader()
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130 131
	content.Sheets.Sheet = append(content.Sheets.Sheet, xlsxSheet{
		Name:    name,
		SheetID: strconv.Itoa(rid),
		ID:      "rId" + strconv.Itoa(rid),
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135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143

// workbookRelsReader provides function to read and unmarshal workbook
// relationships of XLSX file.
func (f *File) workbookRelsReader() *xlsxWorkbookRels {
	if f.WorkBookRels == nil {
		var content xlsxWorkbookRels
		xml.Unmarshal([]byte(f.readXML("xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels")), &content)
		f.WorkBookRels = &content
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	return f.WorkBookRels
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// workbookRelsWriter provides function to save xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels after
// serialize structure.
func (f *File) workbookRelsWriter() {
	if f.WorkBookRels != nil {
		output, _ := xml.Marshal(f.WorkBookRels)
		f.saveFileList("xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels", string(output))
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155 156

// addXlsxWorkbookRels update workbook relationships property of XLSX.
func (f *File) addXlsxWorkbookRels(sheet int) int {
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	content := f.workbookRelsReader()
160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167
	rID := 0
	for _, v := range content.Relationships {
		t, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(v.ID, "rId"))
		if t > rID {
			rID = t
	ID := bytes.Buffer{}
170 171
	target := bytes.Buffer{}
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	content.Relationships = append(content.Relationships, xlsxWorkbookRelation{
176 177
		ID:     ID.String(),
		Target: target.String(),
		Type:   SourceRelationshipWorkSheet,
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	return rID
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181 182

// setAppXML update docProps/app.xml file of XML.
func (f *File) setAppXML() {
	f.saveFileList("docProps/app.xml", templateDocpropsApp)
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// Some tools that read XLSX files have very strict requirements about the
// structure of the input XML. In particular both Numbers on the Mac and SAS
// dislike inline XML namespace declarations, or namespace prefixes that don't
// match the ones that Excel itself uses. This is a problem because the Go XML
// library doesn't multiple namespace declarations in a single element of a
// document. This function is a horrible hack to fix that after the XML
// marshalling is completed.
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func replaceRelationshipsNameSpace(workbookMarshal string) string {
	oldXmlns := `<workbook xmlns="">`
	newXmlns := `<workbook xmlns="" xmlns:r="" xmlns:mc="" mc:Ignorable="x15" xmlns:x15="">`
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	return strings.Replace(workbookMarshal, oldXmlns, newXmlns, -1)

// SetActiveSheet provides function to set default active sheet of XLSX by given
// index.
func (f *File) SetActiveSheet(index int) {
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	if index < 1 {
		index = 1
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	content := f.workbookReader()
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	if len(content.BookViews.WorkBookView) > 0 {
		content.BookViews.WorkBookView[0].ActiveTab = index
	} else {
		content.BookViews.WorkBookView = append(content.BookViews.WorkBookView, xlsxWorkBookView{
			ActiveTab: index,
	sheets := len(content.Sheets.Sheet)
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218 219
	for i := 0; i < sheets; i++ {
		sheetIndex := i + 1
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		xlsx := f.workSheetReader("sheet" + strconv.Itoa(sheetIndex))
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221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234
		if index == sheetIndex {
			if len(xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView) > 0 {
				xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView[0].TabSelected = true
			} else {
				xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView = append(xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView, xlsxSheetView{
					TabSelected: true,
		} else {
			if len(xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView) > 0 {
				xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView[0].TabSelected = false
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// GetActiveSheetIndex provides function to get active sheet of XLSX. If not
// found the active sheet will be return integer 0.
240 241
func (f *File) GetActiveSheetIndex() int {
	buffer := bytes.Buffer{}
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	content := f.workbookReader()
243 244
	for _, v := range content.Sheets.Sheet {
		xlsx := xlsxWorksheet{}
245 246 247
		buffer.WriteString(strings.TrimPrefix(v.ID, "rId"))
248 249 250
		xml.Unmarshal([]byte(f.readXML(buffer.String())), &xlsx)
		for _, sheetView := range xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView {
			if sheetView.TabSelected {
251 252
				ID, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimPrefix(v.ID, "rId"))
				return ID
	return 0
258 259

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// SetSheetName provides function to set the sheet name be given old and new
// sheet name. Maximum 31 characters are allowed in sheet title and this
// function only changes the name of the sheet and will not update the sheet
// name in the formula or reference associated with the cell. So there may be
// problem formula error or reference missing.
func (f *File) SetSheetName(oldName, newName string) {
266 267
	oldName = trimSheetName(oldName)
	newName = trimSheetName(newName)
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	content := f.workbookReader()
269 270 271 272 273 274 275
	for k, v := range content.Sheets.Sheet {
		if v.Name == oldName {
			content.Sheets.Sheet[k].Name = newName

// GetSheetName provides function to get sheet name of XLSX by given worksheet
// index. If given sheet index is invalid, will return an empty string.
func (f *File) GetSheetName(index int) string {
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	content := f.workbookReader()
280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288
	rels := f.workbookRelsReader()
	for _, rel := range rels.Relationships {
		rID, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(rel.Target, "worksheets/sheet"), ".xml"))
		if rID == index {
			for _, v := range content.Sheets.Sheet {
				if v.ID == rel.ID {
					return v.Name
289 290
	return ""
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// GetSheetIndex provides function to get worksheet index of XLSX by given sheet
// name. If given sheet name is invalid, will return an integer type value 0.
func (f *File) GetSheetIndex(name string) int {
	content := f.workbookReader()
	rels := f.workbookRelsReader()
	for _, v := range content.Sheets.Sheet {
		if v.Name == name {
			for _, rel := range rels.Relationships {
				if v.ID == rel.ID {
					rID, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(rel.Target, "worksheets/sheet"), ".xml"))
					return rID
	return 0

// GetSheetMap provides function to get sheet map of XLSX. For example:
//    xlsx, err := excelize.OpenFile("./Workbook.xlsx")
315 316 317 318
//    if err != nil {
//        fmt.Println(err)
//        os.Exit(1)
//    }
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//    for k, v := range xlsx.GetSheetMap() {
320 321 322 323
//        fmt.Println(k, v)
//    }
func (f *File) GetSheetMap() map[int]string {
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	content := f.workbookReader()
	rels := f.workbookRelsReader()
326 327
	sheetMap := map[int]string{}
	for _, v := range content.Sheets.Sheet {
328 329 330 331 332 333
		for _, rel := range rels.Relationships {
			if rel.ID == v.ID {
				rID, _ := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(rel.Target, "worksheets/sheet"), ".xml"))
				sheetMap[rID] = v.Name
334 335
	return sheetMap
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337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345

// SetSheetBackground provides function to set background picture by given sheet
// index.
func (f *File) SetSheetBackground(sheet, picture string) error {
	var err error
	// Check picture exists first.
	if _, err = os.Stat(picture); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return err
	ext, ok := supportImageTypes[path.Ext(picture)]
347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356
	if !ok {
		return errors.New("Unsupported image extension")
	pictureID := f.countMedia() + 1
	rID := f.addSheetRelationships(sheet, SourceRelationshipImage, "../media/image"+strconv.Itoa(pictureID)+ext, "")
	f.addSheetPicture(sheet, rID)
	f.addMedia(picture, ext)
	return err

// DeleteSheet provides function to delete worksheet in a workbook by given
359 360 361 362 363
// sheet name. Use this method with caution, which will affect changes in
// references such as formulas, charts, and so on. If there is any referenced
// value of the deleted worksheet, it will cause a file error when you open it.
// This function will be invalid when only the one worksheet is left.
func (f *File) DeleteSheet(name string) {
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	content := f.workbookReader()
365 366 367 368 369 370 371
	for k, v := range content.Sheets.Sheet {
		if v.Name != name || len(content.Sheets.Sheet) < 2 {
		content.Sheets.Sheet = append(content.Sheets.Sheet[:k], content.Sheets.Sheet[k+1:]...)
		sheet := "xl/worksheets/sheet" + strings.TrimPrefix(v.ID, "rId") + ".xml"
		rels := "xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet" + strings.TrimPrefix(v.ID, "rId") + ".xml.rels"
372 373
		target := f.deleteSheetFromWorkbookRels(v.ID)
374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385
		_, ok := f.XLSX[sheet]
		if ok {
			delete(f.XLSX, sheet)
		_, ok = f.XLSX[rels]
		if ok {
			delete(f.XLSX, rels)
		_, ok = f.Sheet[sheet]
		if ok {
			delete(f.Sheet, sheet)
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387 388 389

// deleteSheetFromWorkbookRels provides function to remove worksheet
391 392
// relationships by given relationships ID in the file
// xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels.
func (f *File) deleteSheetFromWorkbookRels(rID string) string {
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	content := f.workbookRelsReader()
395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404
	for k, v := range content.Relationships {
		if v.ID != rID {
		content.Relationships = append(content.Relationships[:k], content.Relationships[k+1:]...)
		return v.Target
	return ""

// deleteSheetFromContentTypes provides function to remove worksheet
// relationships by given target name in the file [Content_Types].xml.
func (f *File) deleteSheetFromContentTypes(target string) {
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	content := f.contentTypesReader()
409 410 411 412 413 414 415
	for k, v := range content.Overrides {
		if v.PartName != "/xl/"+target {
		content.Overrides = append(content.Overrides[:k], content.Overrides[k+1:]...)
416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440

// CopySheet provides function to duplicate a worksheet by gave source and
// target worksheet index. Note that currently doesn't support duplicate
// workbooks that contain tables, charts or pictures. For Example:
//    // Sheet1 already exists...
//    xlsx.NewSheet(2, "sheet2")
//    err := xlsx.CopySheet(1, 2)
//    if err != nil {
//        fmt.Println(err)
//        os.Exit(1)
//    }
func (f *File) CopySheet(from, to int) error {
	if from < 1 || to < 1 || from == to || f.GetSheetName(from) == "" || f.GetSheetName(to) == "" {
		return errors.New("Invalid worksheet index")
	f.copySheet(from, to)
	return nil

// copySheet provides function to duplicate a worksheet by gave source and
// target worksheet index.
func (f *File) copySheet(from, to int) {
	sheet := f.workSheetReader("sheet" + strconv.Itoa(from))
	worksheet := *sheet
442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456
	path := "xl/worksheets/sheet" + strconv.Itoa(to) + ".xml"
	if len(worksheet.SheetViews.SheetView) > 0 {
		worksheet.SheetViews.SheetView[0].TabSelected = false
	worksheet.Drawing = nil
	worksheet.TableParts = nil
	worksheet.PageSetUp = nil
	f.Sheet[path] = &worksheet
	toRels := "xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet" + strconv.Itoa(to) + ".xml.rels"
	fromRels := "xl/worksheets/_rels/sheet" + strconv.Itoa(from) + ".xml.rels"
	_, ok := f.XLSX[fromRels]
	if ok {
		f.XLSX[toRels] = f.XLSX[fromRels]

458 459 460
// SetSheetVisible provides function to set worksheet visible by given worksheet
// name. A workbook must contain at least one visible worksheet. If the given
// worksheet has been activated, this setting will be invalidated. Sheet state
// values as defined by
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462 463 464 465 466
//    visible
//    hidden
//    veryHidden
467 468 469 470 471
// For example, hide Sheet1:
//    xlsx.SetSheetVisible("Sheet1", false)
func (f *File) SetSheetVisible(name string, visible bool) {
472 473
	name = trimSheetName(name)
	content := f.workbookReader()
474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481
	if visible {
		for k, v := range content.Sheets.Sheet {
			if v.Name == name {
				content.Sheets.Sheet[k].State = ""
482 483
	count := 0
	for _, v := range content.Sheets.Sheet {
		if v.State != "hidden" {
485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495
	for k, v := range content.Sheets.Sheet {
		sheetIndex := k + 1
		xlsx := f.workSheetReader("sheet" + strconv.Itoa(sheetIndex))
		tabSelected := false
		if len(xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView) > 0 {
			tabSelected = xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView[0].TabSelected
		if v.Name == name && count > 1 && !tabSelected {
			content.Sheets.Sheet[k].State = "hidden"
497 498 499 500

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501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625
// parseFormatPanesSet provides function to parse the panes settings.
func parseFormatPanesSet(formatSet string) *formatPanes {
	format := formatPanes{}
	json.Unmarshal([]byte(formatSet), &format)
	return &format

// SetPanes provides function to create and remove freeze panes and split panes
// by given worksheet index and panes format set.
// activePane defines the pane that is active. The possible values for this
// attribute are defined in the following table:
//     Enumeration Value              | Description
//    --------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------
//     bottomLeft (Bottom Left Pane)  | Bottom left pane, when both vertical and horizontal
//                                    | splits are applied.
//                                    |
//                                    | This value is also used when only a horizontal split has
//                                    | been applied, dividing the pane into upper and lower
//                                    | regions. In that case, this value specifies the bottom
//                                    | pane.
//                                    |
//    bottomRight (Bottom Right Pane) | Bottom right pane, when both vertical and horizontal
//                                    | splits are applied.
//                                    |
//    topLeft (Top Left Pane)         | Top left pane, when both vertical and horizontal splits
//                                    | are applied.
//                                    |
//                                    | This value is also used when only a horizontal split has
//                                    | been applied, dividing the pane into upper and lower
//                                    | regions. In that case, this value specifies the top pane.
//                                    |
//                                    | This value is also used when only a vertical split has
//                                    | been applied, dividing the pane into right and left
//                                    | regions. In that case, this value specifies the left pane
//                                    |
//                                    | Top right pane, when both vertical and horizontal
//                                    | splits are applied.
//                                    |
//    topRight (Top Right Pane)       | This value is also used when only a vertical split has
//                                    | splits are applied.
//                                    |
//                                    |
//                                    | This value is also used when only a vertical split has
//                                    | been applied, dividing the pane into right and left
//                                    | regions. In that case, this value specifies the right
//                                    | pane.
//  Pane state type is restricted to the values supported currently listed in the following table:
//     Enumeration Value              | Description
//    --------------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------
//     frozen (Frozen)                | Panes are frozen, but were not split being frozen. In
//                                    | this state, when the panes are unfrozen again, a single
//                                    | pane results, with no split.
//                                    |
//                                    | In this state, the split bars are not adjustable.
//                                    |
//     split (Split)                  | Panes are split, but not frozen. In this state, the split
//                                    | bars are adjustable by the user.
// x_split (Horizontal Split Position): Horizontal position of the split, in
// 1/20th of a point; 0 (zero) if none. If the pane is frozen, this value
// indicates the number of columns visible in the top pane.
// y_split (Vertical Split Position): Vertical position of the split, in 1/20th
// of a point; 0 (zero) if none. If the pane is frozen, this value indicates the
// number of rows visible in the left pane. The possible values for this
// attribute are defined by the W3C XML Schema double datatype.
// top_left_cell: Location of the top left visible cell in the bottom right pane
// (when in Left-To-Right mode).
// sqref (Sequence of References): Range of the selection. Can be non-contiguous
// set of ranges.
// An example of how to freeze column A in the Sheet1 and set the active cell on
// Sheet1!A16:
//    xlsx.SetPanes("Sheet1", `{"freeze":true,"split":false,"x_split":1,"y_split":0,"topLeftCell":"B1","activePane":"topRight","panes":[{"sqref":"K16","active_cell":"K16","pane":"topRight"}]}`)
// An example of how to freeze rows 1 to 9 in the Sheet1 and set the active cell
// on Sheet1!A11:
//    xlsx.SetPanes("Sheet1", `{"freeze":true,"split":false,"x_split":0,"y_split":9,"topLeftCell":"A34","activePane":"bottomLeft","panes":[{"sqref":"A11:XFD11","active_cell":"A11","pane":"bottomLeft"}]}`)
// An example of how to create split panes in the Sheet1 and set the active cell
// on Sheet1!J60:
//    xlsx.SetPanes("Sheet1", `{"freeze":false,"split":true,"x_split":3270,"y_split":1800,"topLeftCell":"N57","activePane":"bottomLeft","panes":[{"sqref":"I36","active_cell":"I36"},{"sqref":"G33","active_cell":"G33","pane":"topRight"},{"sqref":"J60","active_cell":"J60","pane":"bottomLeft"},{"sqref":"O60","active_cell":"O60","pane":"bottomRight"}]}`)
// An example of how to unfreeze and remove all panes on Sheet1:
//    xlsx.SetPanes("Sheet1", `{"freeze":false,"split":false}`)
func (f *File) SetPanes(sheet, panes string) {
	fs := parseFormatPanesSet(panes)
	xlsx := f.workSheetReader(sheet)
	p := &xlsxPane{
		ActivePane:  fs.ActivePane,
		TopLeftCell: fs.TopLeftCell,
		XSplit:      float64(fs.XSplit),
		YSplit:      float64(fs.YSplit),
	if fs.Freeze {
		p.State = "frozen"
	xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView[len(xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView)-1].Pane = p
	if !(fs.Freeze) && !(fs.Split) {
		if len(xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView) > 0 {
			xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView[len(xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView)-1].Pane = nil
	s := []*xlsxSelection{}
	for _, p := range fs.Panes {
		s = append(s, &xlsxSelection{
			ActiveCell: p.ActiveCell,
			Pane:       p.Pane,
			SQRef:      p.SQRef,
	xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView[len(xlsx.SheetViews.SheetView)-1].Selection = s

626 627 628 629 630 631
// GetSheetVisible provides function to get worksheet visible by given worksheet
// name. For example, get visible state of Sheet1:
//    xlsx.GetSheetVisible("Sheet1")
func (f *File) GetSheetVisible(name string) bool {
632 633
	name = trimSheetName(name)
	content := f.workbookReader()
	visible := false
635 636
	for k, v := range content.Sheets.Sheet {
		if v.Name == name {
637 638 639
			if content.Sheets.Sheet[k].State == "" || content.Sheets.Sheet[k].State == "visible" {
				visible = true
640 641
	return visible
643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654

// trimSheetName provides function to trim invaild characters by given worksheet
// name.
func trimSheetName(name string) string {
	r := strings.NewReplacer(":", "", "\\", "", "/", "", "?", "", "*", "", "[", "", "]", "")
	name = r.Replace(name)
	if len(name) > 31 {
		name = name[0:31]
	return name