未验证 提交 c59e3ae3 编写于 作者: J Jeremy Lewi 提交者: GitHub

Update the docs for private GKE. (#2190)

* Update the docs for private GKE.

* Replace the instructions for private GKE with the instructions from the
  repo: https://github.com/kubeflow/gcp-blueprints/blob/master/kubeflow/deploy_private.md

* fix: #1705

* Update content/en/docs/gke/private-clusters.md
Co-authored-by: N8bitmp3 <19637339+8bitmp3@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update content/en/docs/gke/private-clusters.md
Co-authored-by: N8bitmp3 <19637339+8bitmp3@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update content/en/docs/gke/private-clusters.md
Co-authored-by: N8bitmp3 <19637339+8bitmp3@users.noreply.github.com>

* Address comments.

* Update the Anthos docs to point to the relevant GitHub issue.

* Add some fullstops.

* Update content/en/docs/gke/private-clusters.md
Co-authored-by: N8bitmp3 <19637339+8bitmp3@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update content/en/docs/gke/private-clusters.md
Co-authored-by: N8bitmp3 <19637339+8bitmp3@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update content/en/docs/gke/private-clusters.md
Co-authored-by: N8bitmp3 <19637339+8bitmp3@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update content/en/docs/gke/private-clusters.md
Co-authored-by: N8bitmp3 <19637339+8bitmp3@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update content/en/docs/gke/private-clusters.md
Co-authored-by: N8bitmp3 <19637339+8bitmp3@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update content/en/docs/gke/private-clusters.md
Co-authored-by: N8bitmp3 <19637339+8bitmp3@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update content/en/docs/gke/private-clusters.md
Co-authored-by: N8bitmp3 <19637339+8bitmp3@users.noreply.github.com>

* Update content/en/docs/gke/private-clusters.md
Co-authored-by: N8bitmp3 <19637339+8bitmp3@users.noreply.github.com>

* More fixes.
Co-authored-by: N8bitmp3 <19637339+8bitmp3@users.noreply.github.com>
上级 2a17c6a3
......@@ -16,9 +16,8 @@ open source technologies, including Kubernetes, Istio, and Knative.
Using Anthos, you can create a consistent setup across your on-premises and
cloud environments, helping you to automate policy and security at scale.
If you're interested in running Kubeflow on Anthos GKE, email the Kubeflow team
Kubeflow on GKE On Prem is a work in progress. To track progess you can subscribe
to the GitHub issue [kubeflow/gcp-blueprints#138](https://github.com/kubeflow/gcp-blueprints/issues/138).
## Next steps
title = "Securing Your Clusters"
description = "How to secure Kubeflow clusters using VPC service controls and private GKE"
description = "How to secure Kubeflow clusters using private GKE"
weight = 70
{{% alert title="Out of date" color="warning" %}}
This guide contains outdated information pertaining to Kubeflow 1.0. This guide
needs to be updated for Kubeflow 1.1.
{{% /alert %}}
{{% alert title="Alpha" color="warning" %}}
This feature is currently in **alpha** release status with limited support. The
Kubeflow team is interested in any feedback you may have, in particular with
regards to usability of the feature. Note the following issues already reported:
* [Documentation on how to use Kubeflow with private GKE and VPC service controls](https://github.com/kubeflow/website/issues/1705)
* [Replicating Docker images to private Container Registry](https://github.com/kubeflow/kubeflow/issues/3210)
* [Installing Istio for Kubeflow on private GKE](https://github.com/kubeflow/kubeflow/issues/3650)
* [Profile-controller crashes on GKE private cluster](https://github.com/kubeflow/kubeflow/issues/4661)
* [kfctl should work with private GKE without public endpoint](https://github.com/kubeflow/kfctl/issues/158)
{{% /alert %}}
This guide describes how to secure Kubeflow using [VPC Service Controls](https://cloud.google.com/vpc-service-controls/docs/) and private GKE.
Together these two features signficantly increase security
and mitigate the risk of data exfiltration.
* VPC Service Controls allow you to define a perimeter around
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services.
Kubeflow uses VPC Service Controls to prevent applications
running on GKE from writing data to GCP resources outside
the perimeter.
* Private GKE removes public IP addresses from GKE nodes making
them inaccessible from the public internet.
These instructions explain how to deploy Kubeflow using private GKE.
Kubeflow uses IAP to make Kubeflow web apps accessible
from your browser.
1. Follow the [blueprint instructions](../deploy/management-setup/) to setup a management cluster
VPC Service Controls allow you to restrict which Google services are accessible from your
GKE/Kubeflow clusters. This is an important part of security and in particular
mitigating the risks of data exfiltration.
1. As a workaround for Issue
(in CNRM 1.9.1, the [CustomResourceDefinition
for container cluster is missing `ipAllocationPolicy` fields needed to create
a private GKE cluster), modify the container cluster CRD schema in your
management cluster to include the missing fields.
For more information refer to the [VPC Service Control Docs](https://cloud.google.com/vpc-service-controls/docs/overview).
* Check Issue [kubeflow/gcp-blueprints#32](https://github.com/kubeflow/gcp-blueprints/issues/32)
to find out if it has been resolved in later versions of CNRM. If the issue hasn't been resolved,
you can follow the instructions in the issue to work around the problem.
Creating a [private Kubernetes Engine cluster](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/private-clusters)
means the Kubernetes Engine nodes won't have public IP addresses. This can improve security by blocking unwanted outbound/inbound
access to nodes. Removing IP addresses means external services (such as GitHub, PyPi, and DockerHub) won't be accessible
from the nodes. Google services (such as BigQuery and Cloud Storage) are still accessible.
1. Fetch the blueprint by running this command:
Importantly this means you can continue to use your [Google Container Registry (GCR)](https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/docs/) to host your Docker images. Other Docker registries (for example, DockerHub) will not be accessible. If you need to use Docker images
hosted outside GCR you can use the scripts provided by Kubeflow to mirror them to your GCR registry.
kpt pkg get https://github.com/kubeflow/gcp-blueprints.git/kubeflow@master ./${PKGDIR}
* This will create the directory `${PKGDIR}` with the blueprint.
## Before you start
1. Change to the Kubeflow directory:
Before installing Kubeflow ensure you have installed the following tools:
* [kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/)
* [gcloud](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/)
cd ${PKGDIR}
1. Fetch Kubeflow manifests:
You will need to know your gcloud organization ID and project number; you can get them via gcloud.
make get-pkg
export PROJECT=<your GCP project id>
export ORGANIZATION_NAME=<name of your organization>
export ORGANIZATION=$(gcloud organizations list --filter=DISPLAY_NAME=${ORGANIZATION_NAME} --format='value(name)')
export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT} --format='value(projectNumber)')
1. Add the private GKE patches to your kustomization
* Projects are identified by names, IDs, and numbers. For more info, see [Identifying projects](https://cloud.google.com/resource-manager/docs/creating-managing-projects#identifying_projects).
1. Open `instance/gcp_config`
1. In `patchesStrategicMerge` add
## Enable VPC Service Controls In Your Project
- ../../upstream/manifests/gcp/v2/privateGKE/cluster-private-patch.yaml
1. In `resources` add
1. Enable VPC service controls:
- ../../upstream/manifests/gcp/v2/privateGKE/
export PROJECT=<Your project>
gcloud services enable accesscontextmanager.googleapis.com \
cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com \
dns.googleapis.com --project=${PROJECT}
1. Check if you have an access policy object already created:
* **Note**: Do not use `kustomize edit` to perform the above actions until [kubernetes-sigs/kustomize#2310](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/issues/2310) is fixed
gcloud beta access-context-manager policies list \
1. Open the `Makefile` and edit the `set-values` rule to invoke `kpt cfg set` with the desired values for
your deployment.
* An [access policy](https://cloud.google.com/vpc-service-controls/docs/overview#terminology) is a GCP resource object that defines service perimeters. There can be only one access policy object in an organization, and it is a child of the Organization resource.
* Change `kpt cfg set ./instance gke.private false` to `kpt cfg set ./instance gke.private true`
* You need to set region, location and zone because the deployment is a mix of zonal and regional resources and some which could be either
### Deploy Kubeflow
1. If you don't have an access policy object, create one:
gcloud beta access-context-manager policies create \
--title "default" --organization=${ORGANIZATION}
1. Configure the setters
1. Save the Access Policy Object ID as an environment variable so that it can be used in subsequent commands:
make set-values
export POLICYID=$(gcloud beta access-context-manager policies list --organization=${ORGANIZATION} --limit=1 --format='value(name)')
1. Create a service perimeter:
1. Set environment variables with OAuth Client ID and Secret for IAP.
gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters create KubeflowZone \
--title="Kubeflow Zone" --resources=projects/${PROJECT_NUMBER} \
--restricted-services=bigquery.googleapis.com,containerregistry.googleapis.com,storage.googleapis.com \
--project=${PROJECT} --policy=${POLICYID}
export CLIENT_ID=<client id>
export CLIENT_SECRET=<client secret>
* Here we have created a service perimeter with the name KubeflowZone.
1. Deploy Kubeflow
* The perimeter is created in PROJECT_NUMBER and restricts access to GCS (storage.googleapis.com), BigQuery (bigquery.googleapis.com), and GCR (containerregistry.googleapis.com).
make apply
* Placing GCS (Google Cloud Storage) and BigQuery in the perimeter means that access to GCS and BigQuery
resources owned by this project is now restricted. By default, access from outside
the perimeter will be blocked
* In this case you can simply edit the Makefile and comment out the line
* More than one project can be added to the same perimeter
kubectl --context=$(MGMTCTXT) wait --for=condition=Ready --timeout=600s containercluster $(NAME)
1. Create an access level to allow Google Container Builder to access resources inside the perimiter:
* Then rerun `make apply`
* Create a members.yaml file with the following contents
1. The cloud endpoints controller doesn't work with private GKE ([kubeflow/gcp-blueprints#36](https://github.com/kubeflow/gcp-blueprints/issues/36)) as a workaround
you can run `kfctl` locally to create the endpoitn
- members:
- serviceAccount:${PROJECT_NUMBER}@cloudbuild.gserviceaccount.com
- user:<your email>
kfctl apply -f .build/iap-ingress/ctl.isla.solutions_v1_cloudendpoint_${KFNAME}.yaml
* Google Container Builder is used to mirror Kubeflow images into the perimeter
* Adding your email allows you to access the GCP services
inside the perimeter from outside the cluster
## Architectural notes
* This is convenient for building and pushing images and data
from your local machine.
* The reference architecture uses [Cloud Nat](https://cloud.google.com/nat/docs/overview) to allow outbound
internet access from node even though they don't have public IPs.
* For more information refer to the [docs](https://cloud.google.com/access-context-manager/docs/create-access-level#members-example).
* Outbound traffic can be restricted using firewall rules
1. Create the access level:
* Outbound internet access is needed to download the JWKs keys used to verify JWTs attached by IAP
gcloud beta access-context-manager levels create kubeflow \
--basic-level-spec=members.yaml \
--policy=${POLICYID} \
--title="Kubeflow ${PROJECT}"
* If you want to completely disable all outbound internet access you will have to find some alternative solution
to keep the JWKs in sync with your ISTIO policy
* The name for the level can't have any hyphens
1. Bind Access Level to a Service Perimeter:
## Troubleshooting
gcloud beta access-context-manager perimeters update KubeflowZone \
--add-access-levels=kubeflow \
* Cluster is stuck in provisioning state.
## Set up container registry for GKE private clusters:
* Use the UI or gcloud to figure out what state the cluster is stuck in
* If you use gcloud you need to look at the operation e.g.
Follow the step belows to configure your GCR registry to be accessible from your secured clusters.
For more info see [instructions](https://cloud.google.com/vpc-service-controls/docs/set-up-gke).
1. Find the operations
gcloud --project=${PROJECT} container operations list
1. Create a managed private zone
1. Get operation details
export ZONE_NAME=kubeflow
export NETWORK=<Network you are using for your cluster>
gcloud beta dns managed-zones create ${ZONE_NAME} \
--visibility=private \
--networks=https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/${PROJECT}/global/networks/${NETWORK} \
--description="Kubeflow DNS" \
--dns-name=gcr.io \
gcloud --project=${PROJECT} container operations describe --region=${REGION} ${OPERATION}
1. Start a transaction
* Cluster health checks are failing.
gcloud dns record-sets transaction start \
--zone=${ZONE_NAME} \
* This is usually because the firewall rules allowing the GKE health checks are not configured correctly
1. Add a CNAME record for \*.gcr.io
* A good place to start is verifying they were created correctly
gcloud dns record-sets transaction add \
--name=*.gcr.io. \
--type=CNAME gcr.io. \
--zone=${ZONE_NAME} \
--ttl=300 \
kubectl --context=${MGMTCTXT} describe computefirewall
1. Add an A record for the restricted VIP
* Turn on firewall rule logging to see what traffic is being blocked.
gcloud dns record-sets transaction add \
--name=gcr.io. \
--type=A \
--zone=${ZONE_NAME} \
--ttl=300 \
kpt cfg set ./upstream/manifests/gcp/v2/privateGKE/ log-firewalls true
make apply
1. Commit the transaction
* To look for traffic blocked by firewall rules in stackdriver use a filter like the following
gcloud dns record-sets transaction execute \
--zone=${ZONE_NAME} \
logName: "projects/${PROJECT}/logs/compute.googleapis.com%2Ffirewall"
jsonPayload.disposition = "DENIED"
## Mirror Kubeflow Application Images
* **Logging must be enabled** on your firewall rules. You can enable it by using a kpt setter
Since private GKE can only access gcr.io, we need to mirror all images outside gcr.io for Kubeflow applications. We will use the `kfctl` tool to accomplish this.
kpt cfg set ./upstream/manifests/gcp/v2/privateGKE/ log-firewalls true
* Change project to your project
1. Set your user credentials. You only need to run this command once:
gcloud auth application-default login
* Then look at the fields `jsonPayload.connection` this will tell you source and destination ips
* Based on the IPs try to figure out where the traffic is coming from (e.g. node to master) and
then match to appropriate firewall rules
1. Inside your `${KFAPP}` directory create a local configuration file `mirror.yaml` based on this [template](https://github.com/kubeflow/manifests/blob/master/experimental/mirror-images/gcp_template.yaml)
* For example
1. Change destination to your project gcr registry.
connection: {
dest_ip: ""
dest_port: 443
protocol: 6
src_ip: ""
src_port: 60556
disposition: "DENIED"
1. Generate pipeline files to mirror images by running
cd ${KFAPP}
./kfctl alpha mirror build mirror.yaml -V -o pipeline.yaml --gcb
* The destination IP in this case is for a GKE master so the firewall rules are not configured to correctly allow
traffic to the master.
* If you want to use Tekton rather than Google Cloud Build(GCB) drop `--gcb` to emit a Tekton pipeline
* The instructions below assume you are using GCB
1. Edit the couldbuild.yaml file
* Common cause for networking related issue is is that some of the network resources (e.g. the Network, Routes, Firewall Rules, etc... ) don't get created
1. In the `images` section add
* This could be because a reference is incorrect (e.g. firewall rules reference the wrong network)
- <registry domain>/<project_id>/docker.io/istio/proxy_init:1.1.6
* Replace `<registry domain>/<project_id>` with your registry
* You can double check resources by doing kubectl describe and looking for errors.
1. Under `steps` section add
* [kubeflow/gcp-blueprints#38](https://github.com/kubeflow/gcp-blueprints/issues/38) is tracking
tools to automate this
- args:
- build
- -t
- <registry domain>/<project id>/docker.io/istio/proxy_init:1.1.6
- --build-arg=INPUT_IMAGE=docker.io/istio/proxy_init:1.1.6
- .
name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker
- '-'
* Google Container Registry (GCR) images can't be pulled.
1. Remove the mirroring of cos-nvidia-installer:fixed image. You don’t need it to be replicated because this image is privately available through GKE internal repo.
* This likely indicates an issue with access to private GCR. This could be because of:
1. Remove the images from the `images` section
1. Remove it from the `steps` section
* DNS configurations: Check that the `DNSRecordSet` and `DNSManagedZone` CNRM resources are in a ready state.
* Routes: Make sure any default route to the internet has a larger value for the priority
then any routes to private GCP APIs so that the private routes match first.
1. Create a cloud build job to do the mirroring
* If image pull errors show IP addresses and not the `restricted.googleapis.com` VIP, then you have
an issue with networking.
gcloud builds submit --async gs://kubeflow-examples/image-replicate/replicate-context.tar.gz --project <project_id> --config cloudbuild.yaml
* Firewall rules
1. Update your manifests to use the mirror'd images
* Access to allowed (non-Google) sites is blocked
kfctl alpha mirror overwrite -i pipeline.yaml
* The configuration uses CloudNat to allow selective access to sites/
1. Edit file “kustomize/istio-install/base/istio-noauth.yaml”:
* In addition to allowing IAP, this allows sites like GitHub to be accessed.
1. Replace `docker.io/istio/proxy_init:1.16` to `gcr.io/<project_id>/docker.io/istio/proxy_init:1.16`
1. Replace `docker.io/istio/proxyv2:1.1.6` to `gcr.io/<project_id>/docker.io/istio/proxyv2:1.1.6`
* In order for CloudNat to work you need
## Deploy Kubeflow with Private GKE
* A default route to the internet
* Firewall rules to allow egress traffic to allowed sites
{{% alert title="Coming Soon" color="warning" %}}
You can follow the issue: [Documentation on how to use Kubeflow with private GKE and VPC service controls](https://github.com/kubeflow/website/issues/1705)
{{% /alert %}}
* These rules need to be higher priority then the deny all firewall egress rules.
### Kubernetes Webhooks are blocked by firewall rules
A common failure mode is that webhooks for custom resources are blocked by default firewall rules.
As explained in the [GKE docs](https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/docs/how-to/private-clusters#add_firewall_rules), only connections from master to ports 443 and 10250
are allowed by default. If you have a webhook serving on a different port
you will need to add an explict ingress firewall rule to allow that port to be accessed.
These errors usually manifest as failures to create custom resources that depend on webhooks. An example
error is:
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating ".build/kubeflow-apps/cert-manager.io_v1alpha2_certificate_admission-webhook-cert.yaml": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "webhook.cert-manager.io": the server is currently unable to handle the request
## Next steps
......@@ -303,5 +243,5 @@ You can follow the issue: [Documentation on how to use Kubeflow with private GKE
* Learn more about [VPC Service Controls](https://cloud.google.com/vpc-service-controls/docs/)
* See how to [delete](/docs/gke/deploy/delete-cli) your Kubeflow deployment
using the CLI.
* [Troubleshoot](/docs/gke/troubleshooting-gke) any issues you may
* [Troubleshoot](/docs/gke/troubleshooting-gke) any GKE issues you may
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