提交 923ea2ac 编写于 作者: S Sarah Maddox 提交者: Kubernetes Prow Robot

Deleted the PyTorch Serving page (#1555)

* Removed the PyTorch serving page.

* Fixed links and redirects for the deleted page.
上级 1040ec7f
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ title = "Kubeflow"
<p class="card-text text-light">
Our development plans extend beyond TensorFlow. We're working
hard to extend the support of
<a target='_blank' class='text-light' href="/docs/components/serving/pytorchserving/">PyTorch</a>,
<a target='_blank' class='text-light' href="/docs/components/serving/overview/">PyTorch</a>,
<a target='_blank' class='text-light' href="/docs/components/training/mxnet/"> MXNet</a>,
<a target='_blank' class='text-light' href="/docs/components/training/chainer/"> Chainer</a>, and more. We
also integrate with
......@@ -80,9 +80,12 @@ docs/started/requirements/ /docs/started/getting-started/
/docs/components/trtinferenceserver /docs/components/serving/trtinferenceserver
/docs/components/tfbatchpredict /docs/components/serving/tfbatchpredict
/docs/components/tftraining /docs/components/training/tftraining
/docs/components/pytorchserving /docs/components/serving/pytorchserving
/docs/components/tfserving_new /docs/components/serving/tfserving_new
# Deleted the PyTorch serving page
/docs/components/pytorchserving/ /docs/components/serving/overview/
/docs/components/serving/pytorchserving/ /docs/components/serving/overview/
# Restructured the getting-started and other-guides sections.
/docs/started/getting-started-k8s/ /docs/started/k8s/
/docs/started/getting-started-minikf/ /docs/other-guides/virtual-dev/getting-started-minikf/
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ KFServing and Seldon Core. A check mark (**&check;**) indicates that the system
<td><b>&check;</b> <a href="https://github.com/kubeflow/kfserving/tree/master/docs/samples/pytorch">sample</a></td>
<td><b>&check;</b> <a href="/docs/components/serving/pytorchserving/">docs</a></td>
title = "PyTorch Serving"
description = "Instructions for serving a PyTorch model with Seldon"
This guide walks you through serving a PyTorch trained model in Kubeflow.
## Serving a model
We use [seldon-core](https://github.com/SeldonIO/seldon-core) component deployed following [these](/docs/components/seldon/) instructions to serve the model.
See also this [Example module](https://github.com/kubeflow/examples/blob/master/pytorch_mnist/serving/seldon-wrapper/mnistddpserving.py) which contains the code to wrap the model with Seldon.
We will wrap this class into a seldon-core microservice which we can then deploy as a REST or GRPC API server.
## Building a model server
We use the public model server image `gcr.io/kubeflow-examples/mnistddpserving` as an example
* This server loads the model from the mount point /mnt/kubeflow-gcfs and includes the supporting assets baked into the container image
* So you can just run this image to get a pre-trained model from the shared persistent disk
* Serving your own model using this server, exposing predict service as GRPC API
## Building your own model server
You can use the below command to build your own image to wrap your model, also check [this](https://github.com/kubeflow/examples/blob/master/pytorch_mnist/serving/seldon-wrapper/build_image.sh)
script example that calls the docker Seldon wrapper to build our server image, exposing the predict service as GRPC API.
docker run -v $(pwd):/my_model seldonio/core-python-wrapper:0.7 /my_model mnistddpserving 0.1 gcr.io --image-name=kubeflow-examples/mnistddpserving --grpc
You can then push the image by running `gcloud docker -- push gcr.io/kubeflow-examples/mnistddpserving:0.1`.
You can find more details about wrapping a model with seldon-core [here](https://docs.seldon.io/projects/seldon-core/en/latest/python/index.html)
## Deploying the model to your Kubeflow cluster
_This section has not yet been converted to kustomize, please refer to [kubeflow/manifests/issues/10](https://github.com/kubeflow/manifests/issues/10)._
We need to have seldon component deployed, you can deploy the model once trained using a pre-defined ksonnet component, similar to [this](https://github.com/kubeflow/examples/blob/master/pytorch_mnist/ks_app/components/serving_model.jsonnet) example.
Create an environment variable, `${KF_ENV}`, to represent a conceptual
deployment environment such as development, test, staging, or production, as
defined by ksonnet. For this example, we use the `default` environment. You can
read more about Kubeflow's use of ksonnet in the Kubeflow
[ksonnet component guide](/docs/components/ksonnet/).
Then modify the Ksonnet component
[parameters](https://github.com/kubeflow/examples/blob/master/pytorch_mnist/ks_app/components/params.libsonnet) to use your specific image.
export KF_ENV=default
cd ks_app
ks env add ${KF_ENV}
ks apply ${KF_ENV} -c serving_model
## Testing model server
Seldon Core component uses ambassador to route it's requests to our model server. To send requests to the model, you can port-forward the ambassador container locally:
kubectl port-forward $(kubectl get pods -n ${NAMESPACE} -l service=ambassador -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -n ${NAMESPACE} 8080:80
And send a request, for our example we know is not a torch MNIST image, so it will return an error 500
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"data":{"int":"8"}}' http://localhost:8080/seldon/mnist-classifier/api/v0.1/predictions
We should receive an error response as the model server is expecting a 1x786 vector representing a torch image, this will be sufficient to confirm the server model is up and running
(This is to avoid having to send manually a vector of 786 pixels, you can interact properly with the model using a web interface if you follow all the
[instructions](https://github.com/kubeflow/examples/tree/master/pytorch_mnist) in the example)
"status":500,"error":"Internal Server Error",
"message":"UNKNOWN: Exception calling application: tensor is not a torch image.",
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