提交 06418166 编写于 作者: R Richard Liu 提交者: Kubernetes Prow Robot

Remove ksonnet references from miscellaneous GKE docs (#938)

* Fix monitor-iap

* Fix GKE miscellaneous docs

* Fix indents
上级 96182706
......@@ -17,21 +17,33 @@ so, follow the guide to
If you want to use your own domain instead of **${name}.endpoints.${project}.cloud.goog**, follow these instructions:
1. Modify your ksonnet application to remove the `cloud-endpoints` component:
1. Remove the `cloud-endpoints` component:
cd ${KFAPP}/ks_app
ks delete default -c cloud-endpoints
ks component rm cloud-endpoints
cd ${KFAPP}/kustomize
kubectl delete -f cloud-endpoints.yaml
1. Set the domain for your ingress to be the fully qualified domain name:
ks param set iap-ingress hostname ${FQDN}
ks apply default -c iap-ingress
cd ${KFAPP}/kustomize
gvim iap-ingress.yaml # Or basic-auth-ingress.yaml
* Find and replace the value for the hostname:
hostname: <enter your endpoint here>
* Apply the changes:
kubectl apply -f iap-ingress.yaml
1. Get the address of the static IP address created:
......@@ -80,14 +80,10 @@ problems:
apiVersion: certmanager.k8s.io/v1alpha1
kind: Certificate
ksonnet.io/managed: '{"pristine":"H4sIAAAAAAAA/6yRsW7zMAyE9/8xONv+463w2qlLhg5dggyMRDuCJVIQ6RSB4XcvlDQdCnRqN0EHfjzerYA5vFHRIAwDOCqWkHGi0s1P2gX5f+kx5jP20MAc2MMAz1QsjMGhETSQyNCjIQwrRDxR1PqaVZjJKsBJysLEBgMEzG3gqZAqbA0wJoIBiC9yffy3FhXukmZ0VZ+XE41R3uuIZnJ1Abo6uoITHsMEw2EFLwkDKwwHmMf2klCNSsu7viP2WQKbdg9U60LrKUe5JmLrXJTFd5PIBMcGzmZ511f6w+s3j7Btx60BJykJ7+9H/GJlA561Yv7Ae1BdqLzSeGvhs7C4VNzLTYKv2COZErtyzdbmIv4WL7lCtv+pl2379wEAAP//AQAA///uHVhQMgIAAA=="}'
kubecfg.ksonnet.io/garbage-collect-tag: gc-tag
creationTimestamp: 2019-04-02T22:49:43Z
generation: 1
app.kubernetes.io/deploy-manager: ksonnet
ksonnet.io/component: iap-ingress
kustomize.component: iap-ingress
name: envoy-ingress-tls
namespace: istio-system
resourceVersion: "4803"
......@@ -227,4 +223,4 @@ For more information, see the [Let's Encrypt
For questions and support about the certificate, visit
[Let's Encrypt support](https://community.letsencrypt.org/).
\ No newline at end of file
[Let's Encrypt support](https://community.letsencrypt.org/).
......@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ Before installing Kubeflow ensure you have installed the following tools:
* [kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/)
* [gcloud](https://cloud.google.com/sdk/)
* [jsonnet](https://github.com/google/jsonnet/releases)
You will need to know your gcloud organization id and project number; you can get it via gcloud
......@@ -292,8 +291,8 @@ export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe kubeflow-dev --format='value(pr
1. Remove components which are not useful in private clusters:
cd ${KFAPP}/ks_app
ks component rm cert-manager
cd ${KFAPP}/kustomize
kubectl delete -f cert-manager.yaml
1. Create the deployment:
......@@ -331,10 +330,22 @@ export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe kubeflow-dev --format='value(pr
1. Update iap-ingress component parameters:
cd ${KFAPP}/ks_app
ks param set iap-ingress privateGKECluster true
cd ${KFAPP}/kustomize
gvim basic-auth-ingress.yaml # Or iap-ingress.yaml if you are using IAP
* Find and set the `privateGKECluster` parameter to true:
privateGKECluster: "true"
* Then apply your changes:
kubectl apply -f basic-auth-ingress.yaml
1. Obtain an HTTPS certificate for your ${FQDN} and create a Kubernetes secret with it.
* You can create a self signed cert using [kube-rsa](https://github.com/kelseyhightower/kube-rsa)
......@@ -347,8 +358,8 @@ export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe kubeflow-dev --format='value(pr
you can get it by running
cd ${KFAPP}/ks_app
ks param list | grep hostname
cd ${KFAPP}/kustomize
grep hostname: basic-auth-ingress.yaml
* Then create your Kubernetes secret
......@@ -362,12 +373,7 @@ export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe kubeflow-dev --format='value(pr
* See [kubeflow/kubeflow#3079](https://github.com/kubeflow/kubeflow/issues/3079)
1. Update the various ksonnet components to use `gcr.io` images instead of Docker Hub images:
cd ${KFAPP}/ks_app
${KUBEFLOW_SRC}/scripts/gke/use_gcr_for_all_images.sh --registry=gcr.io/${PROJECT}
1. Update the various kustomize manifests to use `gcr.io` images instead of Docker Hub images.
1. Apply all the Kubernetes resources:
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