提交 f447a7eb 编写于 作者: A antirez

ZUNIONSTORE new iterator API fix backported into 2.2

上级 748a2da3
......@@ -735,10 +735,19 @@ void zunionInterGenericCommand(redisClient *c, robj *dstkey, int op) {
/* because the zsets are sorted by size, its only possible
* for sets at larger indices to hold this entry */
for (j = (i+1); j < setnum; j++) {
dictEntry *other = dictFind(src[j].dict,dictGetEntryKey(de));
if (other) {
value = src[j].weight * zunionInterDictValue(other);
/* It is not safe to access the zset we are
* iterating, so explicitly check for equal object. */
if (src[j].dict == src[i].dict) {
value = src[i].weight * zunionInterDictValue(de);
} else {
dictEntry *other;
other = dictFind(src[j].dict,dictGetEntryKey(de));
if (other) {
value = src[j].weight * zunionInterDictValue(other);
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