• B
    Adds AUTH command. · abcb223e
    Brian Hammond 提交于
    $ make
    cc -c -O2 -Wall -W -DSDS_ABORT_ON_OOM -g  adlist.c
    cc -c -O2 -Wall -W -DSDS_ABORT_ON_OOM -g  ae.c
    cc -c -O2 -Wall -W -DSDS_ABORT_ON_OOM -g  anet.c
    cc -c -O2 -Wall -W -DSDS_ABORT_ON_OOM -g  dict.c
    cc -c -O2 -Wall -W -DSDS_ABORT_ON_OOM -g  redis.c
    cc -c -O2 -Wall -W -DSDS_ABORT_ON_OOM -g  sds.c
    cc -c -O2 -Wall -W -DSDS_ABORT_ON_OOM -g  zmalloc.c
    cc -o redis-server -O2 -Wall -W -DSDS_ABORT_ON_OOM -g adlist.o ae.o anet.o dict.o redis.o sds.o zmalloc.o
    Hint: To run the test-redis.tcl script is a good idea.
    Launch the redis server with ./redis-server, then in another
    terminal window enter this directory and run 'make test'.
    cc -c -O2 -Wall -W -DSDS_ABORT_ON_OOM -g  benchmark.c
    cc -o redis-benchmark -O2 -Wall -W -DSDS_ABORT_ON_OOM -g ae.o anet.o benchmark.o sds.o adlist.o zmalloc.o
    cc -c -O2 -Wall -W -DSDS_ABORT_ON_OOM -g  redis-cli.c
    cc -o redis-cli -O2 -Wall -W -DSDS_ABORT_ON_OOM -g anet.o sds.o adlist.o redis-cli.o zmalloc.o
    $ tail -1 redis.conf
    $ ./redis-server redis.conf &
    [1] 52494
    $ - Server started, Redis version 0.08
    - DB loaded from disk
    - The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379
    . 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 1932 bytes in use
    $ make test
    tclsh test-redis.tcl
    DEL all keys to start with a clean DB                                  . Accepted
    SET and GET an item                                                    PASSED
    DEL against a single item                                              PASSED
    KEYS with pattern                                                      PASSED
    KEYS to get all keys                                                   PASSED
    DBSIZE                                                                 PASSED
    DEL all keys                                                           PASSED
    Very big payload in GET/SET                                            PASSED
    SET 10000 numeric keys and access all them in reverse order            . DB 0: 10001 keys in 16384 slots HT.
    . 1 clients connected (0 slaves), 4885707 bytes in use
    DBSIZE should be 10001 now                                             PASSED
    INCR against non existing key                                          PASSED
    INCR against key created by incr itself                                PASSED
    INCR against key originally set with SET                               PASSED
    SETNX target key missing                                               PASSED
    SETNX target key exists                                                PASSED
    EXISTS                                                                 PASSED
    Zero length value in key. SET/GET/EXISTS                               PASSED
    Commands pipelining                                                    PASSED
    Non existing command                                                   PASSED
    Basic LPUSH, RPUSH, LLENGTH, LINDEX                                    PASSED
    DEL a list                                                             PASSED
    Create a long list and check every single element with LINDEX          PASSED
    Test elements with LINDEX in random access                             PASSED
    LLEN against non-list value error                                      PASSED
    LINDEX against non-list value error                                    PASSED
    LPUSH against non-list value error                                     PASSED
    RPUSH against non-list value error                                     PASSED
    RENAME basic usage                                                     PASSED
    RENAME source key should no longer exist                               PASSED
    RENAME against already existing key                                    PASSED
    RENAMENX basic usage                                                   PASSED
    RENAMENX against already existing key                                  PASSED
    RENAMENX against already existing key (2)                              PASSED
    RENAME against non existing source key                                 PASSED
    RENAME where source and dest key is the same                           PASSED
    DEL all keys again (DB 0)                                              PASSED
    DEL all keys again (DB 1)                                              PASSED
    MOVE basic usage                                                       PASSED
    MOVE against key existing in the target DB                             PASSED
    SET/GET keys in different DBs                                          PASSED
    Basic LPOP/RPOP                                                        PASSED
    LPOP/RPOP against empty list                                           PASSED
    LPOP against non list value                                            PASSED
    Mass LPUSH/LPOP                                                        PASSED
    LRANGE basics                                                          PASSED
    LRANGE inverted indexes                                                PASSED
    LRANGE out of range indexes including the full list                    PASSED
    LRANGE against non existing key                                        PASSED
    LTRIM basics                                                           PASSED
    LSET                                                                   PASSED
    LSET out of range index                                                PASSED
    LSET against non existing key                                          PASSED
    LSET against non list value                                            PASSED
    SADD, SCARD, SISMEMBER, SMEMBERS basics                                PASSED
    SADD adding the same element multiple times                            PASSED
    SADD against non set                                                   PASSED
    SREM basics                                                            PASSED
    Mass SADD and SINTER with two sets                                     PASSED
    SINTERSTORE with two sets                                              PASSED
    SINTER against three sets                                              PASSED
    SINTERSTORE with three sets                                            PASSED
    SAVE - make sure there are all the types as values                     - DB saved on disk
    Create a random list                                                   . DB 0: 6057 keys in 16384 slots HT.
    . DB 1: 3 keys in 16 slots HT.
    . 1 clients connected (0 slaves), 1045147 bytes in use
    SORT with BY against the newly created list                            PASSED
    SORT direct, numeric, against the newly created list                   PASSED
    SORT decreasing sort                                                   PASSED
    SORT speed, sorting 10000 elements list using BY, 100 times
      Average time to sort: 5.28 milliseconds PASSED
    SORT speed, sorting 10000 elements list directly, 100 times
      Average time to sort: 1.53 milliseconds PASSED
    SORT speed, pseudo-sorting 10000 elements list, BY <const>, 100 times
      Average time to sort: 0.47 milliseconds PASSED
    SORT regression for issue #19, sorting floats                          - DB saved on disk
    LREM, remove all the occurrences                                       - DB saved on disk
    LREM, remove the first occurrence                                      PASSED
    LREM, remove non existing element                                      PASSED
    LREM, starting from tail with negative count                           - DB saved on disk
    LREM, starting from tail with negative count (2)                       PASSED
    MGET                                                                   - DB saved on disk
    MGET against non existing key                                          PASSED
    MGET against non-string key                                            PASSED
    FLUSHALL                                                               - DB saved on disk
    79 tests, 79 passed, 0 failed
    . Client closed connection
    . 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 1347660 bytes in use
    $ kill -15 %1
    [1]+  Terminated              ./redis-server redis.conf
    $ vim redis.conf
    $ tail -1 redis.conf
    requirepass foobared
    $ ./redis-server redis.conf &
    [1] 52518
    $ - Server started, Redis version 0.08
    - DB loaded from disk
    - The server is now ready to accept connections on port 6379
    . 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 1945 bytes in use
    $ make test
    tclsh test-redis.tcl
    . Accepted
    DEL all keys to start with a clean DB
    ERR operation not permitted
        while executing
    "::redis::redis_read_reply $fd"
        (procedure "::redis::__dispatch__" line 13)
        invoked from within
    "$r keys *"
        ("uplevel" body line 2)
        invoked from within
    "uplevel 1 $code"
        (procedure "test" line 4)
        invoked from within
    "test {DEL all keys to start with a clean DB} {
            foreach key [$r keys *] {$r del $key}
            $r dbsize
        } {0}"
        (procedure "main" line 13)
        invoked from within
    "main 6379"
        invoked from within
    "if {[llength $argv] == 0} {
        main 6379
    } elseif {[llength $argv] == 1 && [lindex $argv 0] eq {stress}} {
    } else {
        main [li..."
        (file "test-redis.tcl" line 630)
    . Client closed connection
    make: *** [test] Error 1
    . 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 2041 bytes in use
    . 0 clients connected (0 slaves), 2041 bytes in use
    $ kill -15 %1
    [1]+  Terminated              ./redis-server redis.conf
    $ vim test-redis.tcl
    $ git diff test-redis.tcl
redis.conf 3.0 KB