• A
    Redis timer interrupt frequency configurable as REDIS_HZ. · 94343492
    antirez 提交于
    Redis uses a function called serverCron() that is very similar to the
    timer interrupt of an operating system. This function is used to handle
    a number of asynchronous things, like active expired keys collection,
    clients timeouts, update of statistics, things related to the cluster
    and replication, triggering of BGSAVE and AOF rewrite process, and so
    In the past the timer was called 1 time per second. At some point it was
    raised to 10 times per second, but it still was fixed and could not be
    changed even at compile time, because different functions called from
    serverCron() assumed a given fixed frequency.
    This commmit makes the frequency configurable, so that it is simpler to
    pick a good tradeoff between overhead of this function (that is usually
    very small) and the responsiveness of Redis during a few critical
    circumstances where a lot of work is done inside the timer.
    An example of such a critical condition is mass-expire of a lot of keys
    in the same second. Up to a given percentage of CPU time is used to
    perform expired keys collection per expire cylce. Now changing the
    REDIS_HZ macro it is possible to do less work but more times per second
    in order to block the server for less time.
    If this patch will work well in our tests it will enter Redis 2.6-final.
redis.h 51.7 KB