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// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Package ast is the abstract syntax tree parsed from a SQL statement by parser.
// It can be analysed and transformed by optimizer.
package ast

import (


// Node is the basic element of the AST.
// Interfaces embed Node should have 'Node' name suffix.
type Node interface {
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	// Restore returns the sql text from ast tree
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	Restore(ctx *RestoreCtx) error
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	// Accept accepts Visitor to visit itself.
	// The returned node should replace original node.
	// ok returns false to stop visiting.
	// Implementation of this method should first call visitor.Enter,
	// assign the returned node to its method receiver, if skipChildren returns true,
	// children should be skipped. Otherwise, call its children in particular order that
	// later elements depends on former elements. Finally, return visitor.Leave.
	Accept(v Visitor) (node Node, ok bool)
	// Text returns the original text of the element.
	Text() string
	// SetText sets original text to the Node.
	SetText(text string)

// Flags indicates whether an expression contains certain types of expression.
const (
	FlagConstant       uint64 = 0
	FlagHasParamMarker uint64 = 1 << iota
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// ExprNode is a node that can be evaluated.
// Name of implementations should have 'Expr' suffix.
type ExprNode interface {
	// Node is embedded in ExprNode.
	// SetType sets evaluation type to the expression.
	SetType(tp *types.FieldType)
	// GetType gets the evaluation type of the expression.
	GetType() *types.FieldType
	// SetFlag sets flag to the expression.
	// Flag indicates whether the expression contains
	// parameter marker, reference, aggregate function...
	SetFlag(flag uint64)
	// GetFlag returns the flag of the expression.
	GetFlag() uint64

	// Format formats the AST into a writer.
	Format(w io.Writer)

// OptBinary is used for parser.
type OptBinary struct {
	IsBinary bool
	Charset  string

// FuncNode represents function call expression node.
type FuncNode interface {

// StmtNode represents statement node.
// Name of implementations should have 'Stmt' suffix.
type StmtNode interface {

// DDLNode represents DDL statement node.
type DDLNode interface {

// DMLNode represents DML statement node.
type DMLNode interface {

// ResultField represents a result field which can be a column from a table,
// or an expression in select field. It is a generated property during
// binding process. ResultField is the key element to evaluate a ColumnNameExpr.
// After resolving process, every ColumnNameExpr will be resolved to a ResultField.
// During execution, every row retrieved from table will set the row value to
// ResultFields of that table, so ColumnNameExpr resolved to that ResultField can be
// easily evaluated.
type ResultField struct {
	Column       *model.ColumnInfo
	ColumnAsName model.CIStr
	Table        *model.TableInfo
	TableAsName  model.CIStr
	DBName       model.CIStr

	// Expr represents the expression for the result field. If it is generated from a select field, it would
	// be the expression of that select field, otherwise the type would be ValueExpr and value
	// will be set for every retrieved row.
	Expr      ExprNode
	TableName *TableName
	// Referenced indicates the result field has been referenced or not.
	// If not, we don't need to get the values.
	Referenced bool

// ResultSetNode interface has a ResultFields property, represents a Node that returns result set.
// Implementations include SelectStmt, SubqueryExpr, TableSource, TableName and Join.
type ResultSetNode interface {

// SensitiveStmtNode overloads StmtNode and provides a SecureText method.
type SensitiveStmtNode interface {
	// SecureText is different from Text that it hide password information.
	SecureText() string

// Visitor visits a Node.
type Visitor interface {
	// Enter is called before children nodes are visited.
	// The returned node must be the same type as the input node n.
	// skipChildren returns true means children nodes should be skipped,
	// this is useful when work is done in Enter and there is no need to visit children.
	Enter(n Node) (node Node, skipChildren bool)
	// Leave is called after children nodes have been visited.
	// The returned node's type can be different from the input node if it is a ExprNode,
	// Non-expression node must be the same type as the input node n.
	// ok returns false to stop visiting.
	Leave(n Node) (node Node, ok bool)