提交 adc0b850 编写于 作者: L liuqi

Splice model.template to multiple files.

上级 4fc44d15
......@@ -10,181 +10,6 @@
#include "mace/utils/env_time.h"
#include "mace/utils/logging.h"
{% if mode == 0 %}
namespace mace {
namespace {{tag}} {
void CreateTensor{{tensor_info.id}}(std::vector<mace::ConstTensor> &tensors,
const unsigned char *model_data) {
MACE_LATENCY_LOGGER(2, "Create tensor {{ tensor.name }}");
{{ tensor.name|tojson }}, model_data + {{ offset }},
{ {{ tensor.dims|join(', ') }} }, {{ tensor_info.data_type }}, {{ tensor.node_id }}));
} // namespace {{tag}}
} // namespace mace
{% elif mode == 1 %}
{% if not embed_model_data %}
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
{% endif %}
namespace mace {
namespace {{tag}} {
{% if embed_model_data %}
alignas(4) const unsigned char model_data[{{ model_data_size }}] = {
{% for d in model_data %}{{"0x%02X, " % d }}{%endfor%}
{% endif %}
const unsigned char *LoadModelData(const char *model_data_file) {
{% if embed_model_data %}
return model_data;
{% else %}
int fd = open(model_data_file, O_RDONLY);
MACE_CHECK(fd >= 0, "Failed to open model data file ",
model_data_file, ", error code: ", errno);
const unsigned char *model_data =
static_cast<const unsigned char *>(mmap(nullptr, {{ model_data_size }},
MACE_CHECK(model_data != MAP_FAILED, "Failed to map model data file ",
model_data_file, ", error code: ", errno);
int ret = close(fd);
MACE_CHECK(ret == 0, "Failed to close model data file ",
model_data_file, ", error code: ", errno);
return model_data;
{% endif %}
void UnloadModelData(const unsigned char *model_data) {
{% if not embed_model_data %}
int ret = munmap(const_cast<unsigned char *>(model_data),
{{ model_data_size }});
MACE_CHECK(ret == 0, "Failed to unmap model data file, error code: ", errno);
{% endif %}
} // namespace {{tag}}
} // namespace mace
{% elif mode == 2 %}
namespace mace {
namespace {
void UpdateOp(mace::OperatorDef &op,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &type,
const std::vector<std::string> &inputs,
const std::vector<std::string> &outputs,
const std::vector<mace::DataType> &output_types,
uint32_t node_id) {
} // namespace
} // namespace mace
namespace mace {
namespace {{tag}} {
{% for i in range(start, end) %}
void CreateOperator{{i}}(mace::OperatorDef &op) {
MACE_LATENCY_LOGGER(2, "Create operator {{ net.op[i].name }}");
mace::Argument *arg = nullptr;
{% for arg in net.op[i].arg %}
arg = op.add_arg();
arg->set_name({{ arg.name|tojson }});
{%- if arg.HasField('f') %}
arg->set_f({{ arg.f }});
{%- endif %}
{%- if arg.HasField('i') %}
arg->set_i({{ arg.i }});
{%- endif %}
{%- if arg.HasField('s') %}
arg->set_s({{ arg.s|tojson }});
{%- endif %}
{% if arg.floats|length != 0 %}
arg->set_floats({ {{ arg.floats|join(', ') }} });
{% endif %}
{% if arg.ints|length != 0 %}
arg->set_ints({ {{ arg.ints|join(', ') }} });
{% endif %}
{% if arg.strings|length != 0 %}
arg->set_strings({ {{ arg.strings|stringfy() }} });
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if net.op[i].HasField('mem_id') %}
{% endif %}
{% for shape in net.op[i].output_shape %}
{% if shape.dims | length > 0 %}
op.add_output_shape(mace::OutputShape({ {{ shape.dims|join(', ') }} }));
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
std::vector<int> output_types_int({ {{ net.op[i].output_type | join(', ') }} });
std::vector<mace::DataType> output_types({{ net.op[i].output_type | length }});
for (int k = 0; k < {{ net.op[i].output_type | length }}; ++k) {
output_types[k] = static_cast<mace::DataType>(output_types_int[k]);
UpdateOp(op, {{ net.op[i].name|tojson }}, {{ net.op[i].type|tojson}},
{ {{ net.op[i].input|stringfy }} },
{ {{ net.op[i].output|stringfy }} },
{{ net.op[i].node_id }});
{% if runtime == 'dsp' %}
op.set_padding({{ net.op[i].padding }});
{% if net.op[i].node_input | length > 0 %}
std::vector<int> input_node_ids({ {{ net.op[i].node_input | map(attribute='node_id') | join(', ') }} });
std::vector<int> input_output_ports({ {{ net.op[i].node_input | map(attribute='output_port') | join(', ')}} });
for (size_t i = 0; i < {{ net.op[i].node_input | length }}; ++i) {
mace::NodeInput input(input_node_ids[i], input_output_ports[i]);
{% endif %}
{% if net.op[i].out_max_byte_size | length > 0 %}
std::vector<int> out_max_byte_sizes {{ net.op[i].out_max_byte_size | replace('[', '{') | replace(']', '}') }};
for (size_t i = 0; i < {{ net.op[i].out_max_byte_size | length }}; ++i) {
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
} // namespace {{tag}}
} // namespace mace
{% else %}
namespace mace {
namespace {{tag}} {
......@@ -325,4 +150,3 @@ const std::string ModelChecksum() {
} // namespace {{tag}}
} // namespace mace
{% endif %}
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
// Generated by the mace converter. DO NOT EDIT!
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "mace/public/mace.h"
#include "mace/utils/env_time.h"
#include "mace/utils/logging.h"
namespace mace {
namespace {
void UpdateOp(mace::OperatorDef &op,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &type,
const std::vector<std::string> &inputs,
const std::vector<std::string> &outputs,
const std::vector<mace::DataType> &output_types,
uint32_t node_id) {
} // namespace
} // namespace mace
namespace mace {
namespace {{tag}} {
{% for i in range(start, end) %}
void CreateOperator{{i}}(mace::OperatorDef &op) {
MACE_LATENCY_LOGGER(2, "Create operator {{ net.op[i].name }}");
mace::Argument *arg = nullptr;
{% for arg in net.op[i].arg %}
arg = op.add_arg();
arg->set_name({{ arg.name|tojson }});
{%- if arg.HasField('f') %}
arg->set_f({{ arg.f }});
{%- endif %}
{%- if arg.HasField('i') %}
arg->set_i({{ arg.i }});
{%- endif %}
{%- if arg.HasField('s') %}
arg->set_s({{ arg.s|tojson }});
{%- endif %}
{% if arg.floats|length != 0 %}
arg->set_floats({ {{ arg.floats|join(', ') }} });
{% endif %}
{% if arg.ints|length != 0 %}
arg->set_ints({ {{ arg.ints|join(', ') }} });
{% endif %}
{% if arg.strings|length != 0 %}
arg->set_strings({ {{ arg.strings|stringfy() }} });
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if net.op[i].HasField('mem_id') %}
{% endif %}
{% for shape in net.op[i].output_shape %}
{% if shape.dims | length > 0 %}
op.add_output_shape(mace::OutputShape({ {{ shape.dims|join(', ') }} }));
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
std::vector<int> output_types_int({ {{ net.op[i].output_type | join(', ') }} });
std::vector<mace::DataType> output_types({{ net.op[i].output_type | length }});
for (int k = 0; k < {{ net.op[i].output_type | length }}; ++k) {
output_types[k] = static_cast<mace::DataType>(output_types_int[k]);
UpdateOp(op, {{ net.op[i].name|tojson }}, {{ net.op[i].type|tojson}},
{ {{ net.op[i].input|stringfy }} },
{ {{ net.op[i].output|stringfy }} },
{{ net.op[i].node_id }});
{% if runtime == 'dsp' %}
op.set_padding({{ net.op[i].padding }});
{% if net.op[i].node_input | length > 0 %}
std::vector<int> input_node_ids({ {{ net.op[i].node_input | map(attribute='node_id') | join(', ') }} });
std::vector<int> input_output_ports({ {{ net.op[i].node_input | map(attribute='output_port') | join(', ')}} });
for (size_t i = 0; i < {{ net.op[i].node_input | length }}; ++i) {
mace::NodeInput input(input_node_ids[i], input_output_ports[i]);
{% endif %}
{% if net.op[i].out_max_byte_size | length > 0 %}
std::vector<int> out_max_byte_sizes {{ net.op[i].out_max_byte_size | replace('[', '{') | replace(']', '}') }};
for (size_t i = 0; i < {{ net.op[i].out_max_byte_size | length }}; ++i) {
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
} // namespace {{tag}}
} // namespace mace
......@@ -96,23 +96,21 @@ class TensorInfo:
def stringfy(value):
return ', '.join('"{0}"'.format(w) for w in value)
def convert_to_source(net_def, mode_pb_checksum, template, obfuscate, model_tag, output, runtime, embed_model_data):
def convert_to_source(net_def, mode_pb_checksum, template_dir, obfuscate, model_tag, output, runtime, embed_model_data):
if obfuscate:
# Capture our current directory
template_dir = os.path.dirname(template)
template_name = os.path.basename(template)
print template_dir
# Create the jinja2 environment.
j2_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir),
j2_env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir), trim_blocks=True)
j2_env.filters['stringfy'] = stringfy
output_dir = os.path.dirname(output) + '/'
# generate tensor source files
template_name = 'tensor_source.template'
model_data = []
offset = 0
counter = 0
......@@ -127,7 +125,6 @@ def convert_to_source(net_def, mode_pb_checksum, template, obfuscate, model_tag,
tensor_info = tensor_info,
tensor = t,
tag = model_tag,
mode = 0,
runtime = runtime,
offset = offset,
......@@ -138,9 +135,9 @@ def convert_to_source(net_def, mode_pb_checksum, template, obfuscate, model_tag,
counter += 1
# generate tensor data
template_name = 'tensor_data.template'
source = j2_env.get_template(template_name).render(
tag = model_tag,
mode = 1,
embed_model_data = embed_model_data,
model_data_size = offset,
model_data = model_data
......@@ -153,6 +150,7 @@ def convert_to_source(net_def, mode_pb_checksum, template, obfuscate, model_tag,
# generate op source files
template_name = 'operator.template'
counter = 0
op_size = len(net_def.op)
for start in range(0, op_size, 10):
......@@ -161,7 +159,6 @@ def convert_to_source(net_def, mode_pb_checksum, template, obfuscate, model_tag,
end = min(start+10, op_size),
net = net_def,
tag = model_tag,
mode = 2,
runtime = runtime,
with open(output_dir + 'op' + str(counter) + '.cc', "wb") as f:
......@@ -169,12 +166,12 @@ def convert_to_source(net_def, mode_pb_checksum, template, obfuscate, model_tag,
counter += 1
# generate model source files
template_name = 'model.template'
tensors = [TensorInfo(i, net_def.tensors[i], runtime) for i in range(len(net_def.tensors))]
source = j2_env.get_template(template_name).render(
tensors = tensors,
net = net_def,
tag = model_tag,
mode = 3,
runtime = runtime,
model_pb_checksum = mode_pb_checksum
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
// Generated by the mace converter. DO NOT EDIT!
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "mace/public/mace.h"
#include "mace/utils/env_time.h"
#include "mace/utils/logging.h"
{% if not embed_model_data %}
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
{% endif %}
namespace mace {
namespace {{tag}} {
{% if embed_model_data %}
alignas(4) const unsigned char model_data[{{ model_data_size }}] = {
{% for d in model_data %}{{"0x%02X, " % d }}{%endfor%}
{% endif %}
const unsigned char *LoadModelData(const char *model_data_file) {
{% if embed_model_data %}
return model_data;
{% else %}
int fd = open(model_data_file, O_RDONLY);
MACE_CHECK(fd >= 0, "Failed to open model data file ",
model_data_file, ", error code: ", errno);
const unsigned char *model_data =
static_cast<const unsigned char *>(mmap(nullptr, {{ model_data_size }},
MACE_CHECK(model_data != MAP_FAILED, "Failed to map model data file ",
model_data_file, ", error code: ", errno);
int ret = close(fd);
MACE_CHECK(ret == 0, "Failed to close model data file ",
model_data_file, ", error code: ", errno);
return model_data;
{% endif %}
void UnloadModelData(const unsigned char *model_data) {
{% if not embed_model_data %}
int ret = munmap(const_cast<unsigned char *>(model_data),
{{ model_data_size }});
MACE_CHECK(ret == 0, "Failed to unmap model data file, error code: ", errno);
{% endif %}
} // namespace {{tag}}
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
// Generated by the mace converter. DO NOT EDIT!
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "mace/public/mace.h"
#include "mace/utils/env_time.h"
#include "mace/utils/logging.h"
namespace mace {
namespace {{tag}} {
void CreateTensor{{tensor_info.id}}(std::vector<mace::ConstTensor> &tensors,
const unsigned char *model_data) {
MACE_LATENCY_LOGGER(2, "Create tensor {{ tensor.name }}");
{{ tensor.name|tojson }}, model_data + {{ offset }},
{ {{ tensor.dims|join(', ') }} }, {{ tensor_info.data_type }}, {{ tensor.node_id }}));
} // namespace {{tag}}
} // namespace mace
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