提交 846ebc41 编写于 作者: L liuqi

Remove unused benchmark code.

上级 d70c9780
# Benchmark
load("//mace:mace.bzl", "if_android")
licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2.0
name = "stat_summarizer",
srcs = ["stat_summarizer.cc"],
hdrs = ["stat_summarizer.h"],
linkstatic = 1,
deps = [
name = "benchmark_model",
srcs = [
linkstatic = 1,
deps = [
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include "mace/core/net.h"
#include "mace/core/runtime/opencl/opencl_runtime.h"
#include "mace/tools/benchmark/stat_summarizer.h"
#include "mace/utils/command_line_flags.h"
#include "mace/utils/utils.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <thread>
namespace mace {
namespace str_util {
std::vector<std::string> Split(const string &str, char delims) {
std::vector<std::string> result;
string tmp = str;
while (!tmp.empty()) {
size_t next_offset = tmp.find(delims);
if (next_offset == string::npos) {
} else {
tmp = tmp.substr(next_offset + 1);
return result;
bool SplitAndParseToInts(const string &str,
char delims,
std::vector<index_t> *result) {
string tmp = str;
while (!tmp.empty()) {
index_t dim = atoi(tmp.data());
size_t next_offset = tmp.find(delims);
if (next_offset == string::npos) {
} else {
tmp = tmp.substr(next_offset + 1);
return true;
} // namespace str_util
namespace benchmark {
bool RunInference(NetBase *net,
StatSummarizer *summarizer,
int64_t *inference_time_us) {
RunMetadata run_metadata;
RunMetadata *run_metadata_ptr = nullptr;
if (summarizer) {
run_metadata_ptr = &run_metadata;
const int64_t start_time = NowInMicroSec();
bool s = net->Run(run_metadata_ptr);
const int64_t end_time = NowInMicroSec();
if (!s) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error during inference.";
return s;
*inference_time_us = end_time - start_time;
if (summarizer != nullptr) {
return true;
bool Run(NetBase *net,
StatSummarizer *summarizer,
int num_runs,
double max_time_sec,
int64_t sleep_sec,
int64_t *total_time_us,
int64_t *actual_num_runs) {
*total_time_us = 0;
LOG(INFO) << "Running benchmark for max " << num_runs << " iterators, max "
<< max_time_sec << " seconds "
<< (summarizer != nullptr ? "with " : "without ")
<< "detailed stat logging, with " << sleep_sec
<< "s sleep between inferences";
Stat<int64_t> stat;
bool util_max_time = (num_runs <= 0);
for (int i = 0; util_max_time || i < num_runs; ++i) {
int64_t inference_time_us = 0;
bool s = RunInference(net, summarizer, &inference_time_us);
(*total_time_us) += inference_time_us;
if (max_time_sec > 0 && (*total_time_us / 1000000.0) > max_time_sec) {
if (!s) {
LOG(INFO) << "Failed on run " << i;
return s;
if (sleep_sec > 0) {
std::stringstream stream;
LOG(INFO) << stream.str();
return true;
int Main(int argc, char **argv) {
std::string model_file = "/data/local/tmp/mobi_mace.pb";
std::string device = "CPU";
std::string input_layer_string = "input:0";
std::string input_layer_shape_string = "1,224,224,3";
std::string input_layer_type_string = "float";
std::string input_layer_files_string = "";
std::string output_layer_string = "output:0";
int max_num_runs = 10;
std::string max_time = "10.0";
std::string inference_delay = "-1";
std::string inter_benchmark_delay = "-1";
int num_threads = -1;
std::string benchmark_name = "";
std::string output_prefix = "";
bool show_sizes = false;
bool show_run_order = true;
int run_order_limit = 0;
bool show_time = true;
int time_limit = 10;
bool show_memory = true;
int memory_limit = 10;
bool show_type = true;
bool show_summary = true;
bool show_flops = false;
int warmup_runs = 2;
std::vector<Flag> flag_list = {
Flag("model_file", &model_file, "graph file name"),
Flag("device", &device, "CPU/NEON/OPENCL"),
Flag("input_layer", &input_layer_string, "input layer names"),
Flag("input_layer_shape", &input_layer_shape_string, "input layer shape"),
Flag("input_layer_type", &input_layer_type_string, "input layer type"),
Flag("input_layer_files", &input_layer_files_string,
"files to initialize the inputs with"),
Flag("output_layer", &output_layer_string, "output layer name"),
Flag("max_num_runs", &max_num_runs, "number of runs max"),
Flag("max_time", &max_time, "length to run max"),
Flag("inference_delay", &inference_delay,
"delay between runs in seconds"),
Flag("inter_benchmark_delay", &inter_benchmark_delay,
"delay between benchmarks in seconds"),
Flag("num_threads", &num_threads, "number of threads"),
Flag("benchmark_name", &benchmark_name, "benchmark name"),
Flag("output_prefix", &output_prefix, "benchmark output prefix"),
Flag("show_sizes", &show_sizes, "whether to show sizes"),
Flag("show_run_order", &show_run_order,
"whether to list stats by run order"),
Flag("run_order_limit", &run_order_limit,
"how many items to show by run order"),
Flag("show_time", &show_time, "whether to list stats by time taken"),
Flag("time_limit", &time_limit, "how many items to show by time taken"),
Flag("show_memory", &show_memory, "whether to list stats by memory used"),
Flag("memory_limit", &memory_limit,
"how many items to show by memory used"),
Flag("show_type", &show_type, "whether to list stats by op type"),
Flag("show_summary", &show_summary,
"whether to show a summary of the stats"),
Flag("show_flops", &show_flops, "whether to estimate the model's FLOPs"),
Flag("warmup_runs", &warmup_runs, "how many runs to initialize model"),
string usage = Flags::Usage(argv[0], flag_list);
const bool parse_result = Flags::Parse(&argc, argv, flag_list);
if (!parse_result) {
LOG(ERROR) << usage;
return -1;
std::vector<std::string> input_layers =
str_util::Split(input_layer_string, ',');
std::vector<std::string> input_layer_shapes =
str_util::Split(input_layer_shape_string, ':');
std::vector<string> input_layer_types =
str_util::Split(input_layer_type_string, ',');
std::vector<string> input_layer_files =
str_util::Split(input_layer_files_string, ':');
std::vector<string> output_layers = str_util::Split(output_layer_string, ',');
if ((input_layers.size() != input_layer_shapes.size()) ||
(input_layers.size() != input_layer_types.size())) {
LOG(ERROR) << "There must be the same number of items in --input_layer,"
<< " --input_layer_shape, and --input_layer_type, for example"
<< " --input_layer=input1,input2 --input_layer_type=float,float "
<< " --input_layer_shape=1,224,224,4:1,20";
LOG(ERROR) << "--input_layer=" << input_layer_string << " ("
<< input_layers.size() << " items)";
LOG(ERROR) << "--input_layer_type=" << input_layer_type_string << " ("
<< input_layer_types.size() << " items)";
LOG(ERROR) << "--input_layer_shape=" << input_layer_shape_string << " ("
<< input_layer_shapes.size() << " items)";
return -1;
const size_t inputs_count = input_layers.size();
if (argc > 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unknown argument " << argv[1] << "\n" << usage;
return -1;
LOG(INFO) << "Model file: [" << model_file << "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Device: [" << device << "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Input layers: [" << input_layer_string << "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Input shapes: [" << input_layer_shape_string << "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Input types: [" << input_layer_type_string << "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Output layers: [" << output_layer_string << "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Num runs: [" << max_num_runs << "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Inter-inference delay (seconds): [" << inference_delay << "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Inter-benchmark delay (seconds): [" << inter_benchmark_delay
<< "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Num threads: [" << num_threads << "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Benchmark name: [" << benchmark_name << "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Output prefix: [" << output_prefix << "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Show sizes: [" << show_sizes << "]";
LOG(INFO) << "Warmup runs: [" << warmup_runs << "]";
const long int inter_inference_sleep_seconds =
std::strtol(inference_delay.c_str(), nullptr, 10);
const long int inter_benchmark_sleep_seconds =
std::strtol(inter_benchmark_delay.c_str(), nullptr, 10);
const double max_benchmark_time_seconds =
std::strtod(max_time.c_str(), nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<StatSummarizer> stats;
StatSummarizerOptions stats_options;
stats_options.show_run_order = show_run_order;
stats_options.run_order_limit = run_order_limit;
stats_options.show_time = show_time;
stats_options.time_limit = time_limit;
stats_options.show_memory = show_memory;
stats_options.memory_limit = memory_limit;
stats_options.show_type = show_type;
stats_options.show_summary = show_summary;
stats.reset(new StatSummarizer(stats_options));
DeviceType device_type;
DeviceType_Parse(device, &device_type);
VLOG(0) << device_type;
// load model
std::ifstream model_file_stream(model_file, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
if (!model_file_stream.is_open()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "model file open failed";
return -1;
NetDef net_def;
Workspace ws;
ws.LoadModelTensor(net_def, device_type);
// Load inputs
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs_count; ++i) {
Tensor *input_tensor =
ws.CreateTensor(input_layers[i], GetDeviceAllocator(device_type), DT_FLOAT);
vector<index_t> shapes;
str_util::SplitAndParseToInts(input_layer_shapes[i], ',', &shapes);
Tensor::MappingGuard input_guard(input_tensor);
float *input_data = input_tensor->mutable_data<float>();
// load input
if (i < input_layer_files.size()) {
std::ifstream in_file(input_layer_files[i],
std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
in_file.read(reinterpret_cast<char *>(input_data),
input_tensor->size() * sizeof(float));
auto net = CreateNet(net_def, &ws, device_type, NetMode::INIT);
// create net
net = CreateNet(net_def, &ws, device_type);
int64_t warmup_time_us = 0;
int64_t num_warmup_runs = 0;
if (warmup_runs > 0) {
bool status =
Run(net.get(), nullptr, warmup_runs, -1.0,
inter_inference_sleep_seconds, &warmup_time_us, &num_warmup_runs);
if (!status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed at warm up run";
if (inter_benchmark_sleep_seconds > 0) {
int64_t no_stat_time_us = 0;
int64_t no_stat_runs = 0;
bool status =
Run(net.get(), nullptr, max_num_runs, max_benchmark_time_seconds,
inter_inference_sleep_seconds, &no_stat_time_us, &no_stat_runs);
if (!status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed at normal no-stat run";
int64_t stat_time_us = 0;
int64_t stat_runs = 0;
status = Run(net.get(), stats.get(), max_num_runs, max_benchmark_time_seconds,
inter_inference_sleep_seconds, &stat_time_us, &stat_runs);
if (!status) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed at normal stat run";
LOG(INFO) << "Average inference timings in us: "
<< "Warmup: "
<< (warmup_runs > 0 ? warmup_time_us / warmup_runs : 0) << ", "
<< "no stats: " << no_stat_time_us / no_stat_runs << ", "
<< "with stats: " << stat_time_us / stat_runs;
return 0;
} // namespace benchmark
} // namespace mace
int main(int argc, char **argv) { mace::benchmark::Main(argc, argv); }
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include "mace/tools/benchmark/stat_summarizer.h"
#include "mace/core/common.h"
#include "mace/core/operator.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <queue>
namespace mace {
StatSummarizer::StatSummarizer(const StatSummarizerOptions &options)
: options_(options) {}
StatSummarizer::~StatSummarizer() {}
void StatSummarizer::Reset() {
void StatSummarizer::ProcessMetadata(const RunMetadata &run_metadata) {
int64_t curr_total_us = 0;
int64_t mem_total = 0;
int64_t first_node_start_us = run_metadata.op_stats[0].stats.start_micros;
int node_num = 0;
for (const auto &ops : run_metadata.op_stats) {
std::string name = ops.operator_name;
std::string op_type = ops.type;
const int64_t curr_time = ops.stats.end_micros - ops.stats.start_micros;
curr_total_us += curr_time;
auto result = details_.emplace(name, Detail());
Detail *detail = &(result.first->second);
detail->start_us.UpdateStat(ops.stats.start_micros - first_node_start_us);
// If this is the first pass, initialize some values.
if (result.second) {
detail->name = name;
detail->type = op_type;
detail->run_order = node_num;
detail->times_called = 0;
std::string StatSummarizer::ShortSummary() const {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "Timings (microseconds): ";
stream << std::endl;
stream << "Memory (bytes): ";
stream << std::endl;
stream << details_.size() << " nodes observed" << std::endl;
return stream.str();
std::ostream &InitField(std::ostream &stream, int width) {
stream << "\t" << std::right << std::setw(width) << std::fixed
<< std::setprecision(3);
return stream;
std::string StatSummarizer::HeaderString(const std::string &title) const {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "============================== " << title
<< " ==============================" << std::endl;
InitField(stream, 24) << "[node type]";
InitField(stream, 9) << "[start]";
InitField(stream, 9) << "[first]";
InitField(stream, 9) << "[avg ms]";
InitField(stream, 8) << "[%]";
InitField(stream, 8) << "[cdf%]";
InitField(stream, 10) << "[mem KB]";
InitField(stream, 9) << "[times called]";
stream << "\t"
<< "[Name]";
return stream.str();
std::string StatSummarizer::ColumnString(const StatSummarizer::Detail &detail,
const int64_t cumulative_stat_on_node,
const Stat<int64_t> &stat) const {
const double start_ms = detail.start_us.avg() / 1000.0;
const double first_time_ms = detail.rel_end_us.first() / 1000.0;
const double avg_time_ms = detail.rel_end_us.avg() / 1000.0;
const double percentage = detail.rel_end_us.sum() * 100.0 / stat.sum();
const double cdf_percentage = (cumulative_stat_on_node * 100.0f) / stat.sum();
const int64_t times_called = detail.times_called / num_runs();
std::stringstream stream;
InitField(stream, 24) << detail.type;
InitField(stream, 9) << start_ms;
InitField(stream, 9) << first_time_ms;
InitField(stream, 9) << avg_time_ms;
InitField(stream, 7) << percentage << "%";
InitField(stream, 7) << cdf_percentage << "%";
InitField(stream, 10) << detail.mem_used.newest() / 1000.0;
InitField(stream, 9) << times_called;
stream << "\t" << detail.name;
return stream.str();
void StatSummarizer::OrderNodesByMetric(
SortingMetric metric, std::vector<const Detail *> *details) const {
std::priority_queue<std::pair<std::string, const Detail *>> sorted_list;
const int num_nodes = details_.size();
for (const auto &det : details_) {
const Detail *detail = &(det.second);
std::stringstream stream;
stream << std::setw(20) << std::right << std::setprecision(10)
<< std::fixed;
switch (metric) {
case BY_NAME:
stream << detail->name;
stream << num_nodes - detail->run_order;
case BY_TIME:
stream << detail->rel_end_us.avg();
stream << detail->mem_used.avg();
case BY_TYPE:
stream << detail->type;
stream << "";
sorted_list.emplace(stream.str(), detail);
while (!sorted_list.empty()) {
auto entry = sorted_list.top();
void StatSummarizer::ComputeStatsByType(
std::map<std::string, int64_t> *node_type_map_count,
std::map<std::string, int64_t> *node_type_map_time,
std::map<std::string, int64_t> *node_type_map_memory,
std::map<std::string, int64_t> *node_type_map_times_called,
int64_t *accumulated_us) const {
int64_t run_count = run_total_us_.count();
for (const auto &det : details_) {
const std::string node_name = det.first;
const Detail &detail = det.second;
int64_t curr_time_val =
static_cast<int64_t>(detail.rel_end_us.sum() / run_count);
*accumulated_us += curr_time_val;
int64_t curr_memory_val = detail.mem_used.newest();
const std::string &node_type = detail.type;
(*node_type_map_count)[node_type] += 1;
(*node_type_map_time)[node_type] += curr_time_val;
(*node_type_map_memory)[node_type] += curr_memory_val;
(*node_type_map_times_called)[node_type] += detail.times_called / run_count;
std::string StatSummarizer::GetStatsByNodeType() const {
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "============================== Summary by node type "
<< std::endl;
LOG(INFO) << "Number of nodes executed: " << details_.size();
std::map<std::string, int64_t> node_type_map_count;
std::map<std::string, int64_t> node_type_map_time;
std::map<std::string, int64_t> node_type_map_memory;
std::map<std::string, int64_t> node_type_map_times_called;
int64_t accumulated_us = 0;
ComputeStatsByType(&node_type_map_count, &node_type_map_time,
&node_type_map_memory, &node_type_map_times_called,
// Sort them.
std::priority_queue<std::pair<int64_t, std::pair<std::string, int64_t>>>
for (const auto &node_type : node_type_map_time) {
const int64_t mem_used = node_type_map_memory[node_type.first];
std::pair<std::string, int64_t>(node_type.first, mem_used));
InitField(stream, 24) << "[Node type]";
InitField(stream, 9) << "[count]";
InitField(stream, 10) << "[avg ms]";
InitField(stream, 11) << "[avg %]";
InitField(stream, 11) << "[cdf %]";
InitField(stream, 10) << "[mem KB]";
InitField(stream, 10) << "[times called]";
stream << std::endl;
float cdf = 0.0f;
while (!timings.empty()) {
auto entry = timings.top();
const std::string node_type = entry.second.first;
const float memory = entry.second.second / 1000.0f;
const int64_t node_type_total_us = entry.first;
const float time_per_run_ms = node_type_total_us / 1000.0f;
const float percentage =
((entry.first / static_cast<float>(accumulated_us)) * 100.0f);
cdf += percentage;
InitField(stream, 24) << node_type;
InitField(stream, 9) << node_type_map_count[node_type];
InitField(stream, 10) << time_per_run_ms;
InitField(stream, 10) << percentage << "%";
InitField(stream, 10) << cdf << "%";
InitField(stream, 10) << memory;
InitField(stream, 9) << node_type_map_times_called[node_type];
stream << std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
return stream.str();
std::string StatSummarizer::GetStatsByMetric(const std::string &title,
SortingMetric sorting_metric,
int num_stats) const {
std::vector<const Detail *> details;
OrderNodesByMetric(sorting_metric, &details);
double cumulative_stat_on_node = 0;
std::stringstream stream;
stream << HeaderString(title) << std::endl;
int stat_num = 0;
for (auto detail : details) {
if (num_stats > 0 && stat_num > num_stats) {
cumulative_stat_on_node += detail->rel_end_us.sum();
stream << ColumnString(*detail, cumulative_stat_on_node, run_total_us_)
<< std::endl;
stream << std::endl;
return stream.str();
std::string StatSummarizer::GetOutputString() const {
std::stringstream stream;
if (options_.show_run_order) {
stream << GetStatsByMetric("Run Order", BY_RUN_ORDER,
if (options_.show_time) {
stream << GetStatsByMetric("Top by Computation Time", BY_TIME,
if (options_.show_memory) {
stream << GetStatsByMetric("Top by Memory Use", BY_MEMORY,
if (options_.show_type) {
stream << GetStatsByNodeType();
if (options_.show_summary) {
stream << ShortSummary() << std::endl;
return stream.str();
void StatSummarizer::PrintOperatorStats() const {
std::string output = GetOutputString();
std::istringstream iss(output);
for (std::string line; std::getline(iss, line);) {
LOG(INFO) << line;
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace mace {
class RunMetadata;
template <typename ValueType, typename HighPrecisionValueType = double>
class Stat {
void UpdateStat(ValueType v) {
if (count_ == 0) {
first_ = v;
newest_ = v;
max_ = std::max(v, max_);
min_ = std::min(v, min_);
sum_ += v;
squared_sum_ += static_cast<HighPrecisionValueType>(v) * v;
void Reset() { new (this) Stat<ValueType, HighPrecisionValueType>(); }
bool empty() const { return count_ == 0; }
ValueType first() const { return first_; }
ValueType newest() const { return newest_; }
ValueType max() const { return max_; }
ValueType min() const { return min_; }
int64_t count() const { return count_; }
ValueType sum() const { return sum_; }
HighPrecisionValueType squared_sum() const { return squared_sum_; }
bool all_same() const { return (count_ == 0 || min_ == max_); }
HighPrecisionValueType avg() const {
return empty() ? std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::quiet_NaN()
: static_cast<HighPrecisionValueType>(sum_) / count_;
ValueType std_deviation() const {
return all_same() ? 0 : std::sqrt(squared_sum_ / count_ - avg() * avg());
void OutputToStream(std::ostream *stream) const {
if (empty()) {
*stream << "count=0";
} else if (all_same()) {
*stream << "count=" << count_ << " curr=" << newest_;
if (count_ > 1) *stream << "(all same)";
} else {
*stream << "count=" << count_ << " first=" << first_
<< " curr=" << newest_ << " min=" << min_ << " max=" << max_
<< " avg=" << avg() << " std=" << std_deviation();
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &stream,
const Stat<ValueType> &stat) {
return stream;
ValueType first_ = 0;
ValueType newest_ = 0;
ValueType max_ = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::min();
ValueType min_ = std::numeric_limits<ValueType>::max();
int64_t count_ = 0;
ValueType sum_ = 0;
HighPrecisionValueType squared_sum_ = 0;
// Used to control the output of the statistics summarizer;
class StatSummarizerOptions {
: show_run_order(true),
show_summary(true) {}
bool show_run_order;
int run_order_limit;
bool show_time;
int time_limit;
bool show_memory;
int memory_limit;
bool show_type;
bool show_summary;
// A StatSummarizer assists in performance analysis of Graph executions.
// It summarizes time spent executing (on GPU/CPU), memory used etc. across
// multiple executions of a single Graph from the StepStats collected during
// graph execution.
// See tensorflow/tools/benchmark/benchmark_model.cc for an example usage.
class StatSummarizer {
enum SortingMetric {
explicit StatSummarizer(const StatSummarizerOptions &options);
// Adds another run's StepStats output to the aggregate counts.
void ProcessMetadata(const RunMetadata &run_metadata);
// Returns a string detailing the accumulated runtime stats in a tab-separated
// format which can be pasted into a spreadsheet for further analysis.
std::string GetOutputString() const;
std::string ShortSummary() const;
// Prints the string returned by GetOutputString().
void PrintOperatorStats() const;
void ComputeStatsByType(
std::map<std::string, int64_t> *node_type_map_count,
std::map<std::string, int64_t> *node_type_map_time,
std::map<std::string, int64_t> *node_type_map_memory,
std::map<std::string, int64_t> *node_type_map_times_called,
int64_t *accumulated_us) const;
std::string GetStatsByNodeType() const;
std::string GetStatsByMetric(const std::string &title,
SortingMetric sorting_metric,
int num_stats) const;
void Reset();
// Returns number of runs.
int num_runs() const { return run_total_us_.count(); }
// Returns stats of total microseconds spent by all nodes in each run.
const Stat<int64_t> &run_total_us() const { return run_total_us_; }
struct Detail {
std::string name;
std::string type;
int64_t run_order;
Stat<int64_t> start_us;
Stat<int64_t> rel_end_us;
Stat<int64_t> mem_used;
int64_t times_called;
void OrderNodesByMetric(SortingMetric sorting_metric,
std::vector<const Detail *> *details) const;
std::string HeaderString(const std::string &title) const;
std::string ColumnString(const Detail &detail,
const int64_t cumulative_stat_on_node,
const Stat<int64_t> &stat) const;
Stat<int64_t> run_total_us_;
Stat<int64_t> memory_;
std::map<std::string, Detail> details_;
StatSummarizerOptions options_;
} // namespace mace
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