提交 59120842 编写于 作者: 叶剑武

Merge branch 'update_docs' into 'master'

Update MACE docs

See merge request !573
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Adding a new Op
You can create a custom op if it is not supported yet.
To add a custom op, you need to finish the following steps:
To add a custom op, you need to follow these steps:
Define the Op class
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ kernel with NEON.
Add test and benchmark
It's strongly recommended to add unit test and micro benchmark for your
It's strongly recommended to add unit tests and micro benchmarks for your
new Op. If you wish to contribute back, it's required.
Document the new Op
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ License
The source file should contains a license header. See the existing files
as an example.
as the example.
Python coding style
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Python coding style
Changes to Python code should conform to [PEP8 Style Guide for Python
You can use pycodestyle to check the style.
You can use [pycodestyle](ihttps://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle) check the style.
C++ coding style
......@@ -3,29 +3,31 @@ Frequently asked questions
Does the tensor data consume extra memory when compiled into C++ code?
When compiled into C++ code, the data will be mmaped by the system loader.
For CPU runtime, the tensor data are used without memory copy.
For GPU and DSP runtime, the tensor data is used once during model
When compiled into C++ code, the tensor data will be mmaped by the system
loader. For the CPU runtime, the tensor data are used without memory copy.
For the GPU and DSP runtime, the tensor data are used once during model
initialization. The operating system is free to swap the pages out, however,
it still consumes virtual memory space. So generally speaking, it takes
it still consumes virtual memory addresses. So generally speaking, it takes
no extra physical memory. If you are short of virtual memory space (this
should be very rare), you can choose load the tensor data from a file, which
can be unmapped after initialization.
should be very rare), you can use the option to load the tensor data from
data file (can be manually unmapped after initialization) instead of compiled
Why is the generated static library file size so huge?
The static library is simply an archive of a set of object files which are
intermediate and contains many extra information, please check whether the
intermediate and contain many extra information, please check whether the
final binary file size is as expected.
Why is the generated binary file (including shared library) size so huge?
When compiling the model into C++ code, the final binary may contains extra
debug symbols, they usually takes a lot of space. Try to strip the shared
library or binary. The common overhead of the file size including the compiled
model (excluding the model weights) after the strip should be less than 2MB.
If the model weights is embedded into the binary, the extra overhead should be
around {model weights size in float32}/2.
library or binary and make sure you are following best practices to reduce
the size of an ELF binary, including disabling C++ exception, disabling RTTI,
avoiding C++ iostream, hidden internal functions etc.
In most cases, the expected overhead should be less than
{model weights size in float32}/2 + 3MB.
OpenCL allocator failed with CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES
......@@ -35,27 +37,16 @@ due to high memory usage or fragmentation. Several solutions can be tried:
* Change the model by reducing its memory usage
* Split the Op with the biggest single memory buffer
* Changed from armeabi-v7a to arm64-v8a to expand the virtual address space
* Change from armeabi-v7a to arm64-v8a to expand the virtual address space
* Reduce the memory consumption of other modules of the same process
Why the performance is worce than the official result for the same model?
Why is the performance worse than the official result for the same model?
The power options may not set properly, see `mace/public/mace_runtime.h` for
Why the UI is getting poor responsiveness when running model with GPU runtime?
Why is the UI getting poor responsiveness when running model with GPU runtime?
Try to set `limit_opencl_kernel_time` to `1`. If still not resolved, try to
modify the source code to use even smaller time intervals or changed to CPU
or DSP runtime.
How to include more than one deployment files in one application(process)?
This case may happen when an application is developed by multiple teams as
submodules. If the all the submodules are linked into a single shared library,
then use the same version of MiAI Compute Engine will resolve this issue.
Ortherwise, different deployment models are contained in different shared
libraries, it's not required to use the same MiAI version but you should
controls the exported symbols from the shared library. This is actually a
best practice for all shared library, please read about GNU loader
version script for more details.
......@@ -11,23 +11,15 @@ Supported Platforms
* - Platform
- Explanation
* - Tensorflow
- >= 1.6.0. (first choice, convenient for Android NN API in the future)
* - TensorFlow
- >= 1.6.0.
* - Caffe
- >= 1.0.
Environment Requirement
``mace``\ supply a docker image which contains all required environment. ``Dockerfile`` under the ``./docker`` directory.
the followings are start commands:
.. code:: sh
sudo docker pull cr.d.xiaomi.net/mace/mace-dev
sudo docker run -it --rm --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --net=host -v /local/path:/container/path cr.d.xiaomi.net/mace/mace-dev /bin/bash
if you want to run on your local computer, you have to install the following softwares.
MiAI Compute Engine requires the following dependencies:
.. list-table::
:widths: auto
......@@ -71,6 +63,14 @@ if you want to run on your local computer, you have to install the following sof
- >= 17.09.0-ce
- `install doc <https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#set-up-the-repository>`__
MiAI Compute Engine provides Dockerfile with these dependencies installed and
the pre-built image is also available:
.. code:: sh
sudo docker pull cr.d.xiaomi.net/mace/mace-dev
sudo docker run -it --rm --privileged -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb --net=host -v /local/path:/container/path cr.d.xiaomi.net/mace/mace-dev /bin/bash
Docker Images
......@@ -105,40 +105,37 @@ Docker Images
1. Pull code with latest tag
.. warning::
please do not use master branch for deployment.
1. Pull MiAI Compute Engine source code
.. code:: sh
git clone git@v9.git.n.xiaomi.com:deep-computing/mace.git
# update
git fetch --all --tags --prune
# get latest tag version
# Checkout the latest tag (i.e. release version)
tag_name=`git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`
git checkout tags/${tag_name}
# checkout to latest tag branch
git checkout -b ${tag_name} tags/${tag_name}
.. note::
It's highly recommanded to use a release version instead of master branch.
2. Model Optimization
- Tensorflow
- TensorFlow
Tensorflow supply a
`model optimization tool <https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/README.md>`__
for speed up inference. The docker image contain the tool,
by the way you can download from `transform_graph <http://cnbj1-inner-fds.api.xiaomi.net/mace/tool/transform_graph>`__
or compile from tensorflow source code.
TensorFlow provides a
`Graph Transform Tool <https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/README.md>`__
to improve inference efficiency. You can build it from TensorFlow source,
or download `a pre-compiled x86-64 binary <http://cnbj1-inner-fds.api.xiaomi.net/mace/tool/transform_graph>`__.
The MiAI Compute Engine docker image has this tool pre-installed.
The following commands are optimization for CPU, GPU and DSP.
The following commands show the suggested graph transformations and
optimizations for CPU, GPU and DSP runtime.
.. code:: sh
......@@ -158,6 +155,8 @@ The following commands are optimization for CPU, GPU and DSP.
.. code:: sh
# DSP:
./transform_graph \
--in_graph=tf_model.pb \
......@@ -178,7 +177,8 @@ The following commands are optimization for CPU, GPU and DSP.
- Caffe
Only support versions greater then 1.0, please use the tools caffe supplied to upgrade the models.
The converter only supports Caffe 1.0+, please upgrade your models with Caffe
built-in tool when necessary.
.. code:: bash
......@@ -195,34 +195,38 @@ Only support versions greater then 1.0, please use the tools caffe supplied to u
3.1 Overview
Mace only build static library. the followings are two use cases.
MiAI Compute Engine only build static library. The followings are two use cases.
* **build for specified SOC**
* **Build well tuned library for specific SoCs**
You must assign ``target_socs`` in yaml configuration file.
if you want to use gpu for the soc, mace will tuning the parameters for better performance automatically.
When ``target_socs`` is specified in YAML model deployment file, the build
tool will enable automatic tuning for GPU kernels. This usually takes some
time to finish depending on the complexity of your model.
.. warning::
.. note::
you should plug in a phone with that soc.
You should plug in device(s) with the correspoding SoC(s).
* **build for all SOC**
* **Build generic library for all SoCs**
When no ``target_soc`` specified, the library is suitable for all soc.
When ``target_soc`` is not specified, the generated library is compatible
with general devices.
.. warning::
.. note::
The performance will be a little poorer than the first case.
There will be around of 1 ~ 10% performance drop for GPU
runtime compared to the well tuned library.
We supply a python script ``tools/converter.py`` to build the library and run the model on the command line.
MiAI Compute Engine provide command line tool (``tools/converter.py``) for
model conversion, compiling, test run, benchmark and correctness validation.
.. warning::
.. note::
must run the script on the root directory of the mace code.
``tools/converter.py`` should be run at the root directory of this project.
3.2 \ ``tools/converter.py``\ explanation
3.2 \ ``tools/converter.py``\ usage
......@@ -231,24 +235,24 @@ We supply a python script ``tools/converter.py`` to build the library and run th
.. note::
build static library and test tools.
build static library and test tools.
* *--config* (type=str, default="", required): the path of model yaml configuration file.
* *--tuning* (default=false, optional): whether tuning the parameters for the GPU of specified SOC.
* *--tuning* (default=false, optional): whether tuning the parameters for the GPU of specified SoC.
* *--enable_openmp* (default=true, optional): whether use openmp.
* **run**
.. note::
run the models in command line
run the model(s).
* *--config* (type=str, default="", required): the path of model yaml configuration file.
* *--round* (type=int, default=1, optional): times for run.
* *--validate* (default=false, optional): whether to verify the results of mace are consistent with the frameworks。
* *--validate* (default=false, optional): whether to verify the results are consistent with the frameworks。
* *--caffe_env* (type=local/docker, default=docker, optional): you can specific caffe environment for validation. local environment or caffe docker image.
* *--restart_round* (type=int, default=1, optional): restart round between run.
* *--check_gpu_out_of_memory* (default=false, optional): whether check out of memory for gpu.
* *--gpu_out_of_range_check* (default=false, optional): whether check out of memory for gpu.
* *--vlog_level* (type=int[0-5], default=0, optional): verbose log level for debug.
.. warning::
......@@ -306,120 +310,120 @@ We supply a python script ``tools/converter.py`` to build the library and run th
- ``run``/``benchmark``
3.3 \ ``tools/converter.py``\ usage examples
Using ``-h`` to get detailed help.
.. code:: sh
# print help message
python tools/converter.py -h
python tools/converter.py build -h
python tools/converter.py run -h
python tools/converter.py benchmark -h
3.3 \ ``tools/converter.py``\ usage examples
.. code:: sh
# Build the static library
python tools/converter.py build --config=models/config.yaml
# Test model run time
python tools/converter.py run --config=models/config.yaml --round=100
# Compare the results of mace and platform. use the **cosine distance** to represent similarity.
# Validate the correctness by comparing the results against the
# original model and framework, measured with cosine distance for similarity.
python tools/converter.py run --config=models/config.yaml --validate
# Benchmark Model: check the execution time of each Op.
# Benchmark and profiling model, get detailed statistics of each Op.
python tools/converter.py benchmark --config=models/config.yaml
# Check the memory usage of the model(**Just keep only one model in configuration file**)
python tools/converter.py run --config=models/config.yaml --round=10000 &
sleep 5
adb shell dumpsys meminfo | grep mace_run
sleep 10
kill %1
4. Deployment
``build`` command will generate a package which contains the static library, model files and header files.
the package is at ``./build/${library_name}/libmace_${library_name}.tar.gz``.
The followings list the details.
**header files**
* ``include/mace/public/*.h``
**static libraries**
* ``library/${target_abi}/*.a``
**dynamic libraries**
* ``library/libhexagon_controller.so``
.. note::
only use for DSP
**model files**
* ``model/${MODEL_TAG}.pb``
* ``model/${MODEL_TAG}.data``
.. note::
``.pb`` file will be generated only when build_type is ``proto``.
**OpenCL compiled kernel binary file**
* ``opencl/${target_abi}/${library_name}_compiled_opencl_kernel.${device_name}.${target_soc}.bin``
.. note::
This file will be generated only when specify ``target_soc`` and runtime is ``gpu``.
``build`` command will generate the static library, model files and header files
and packaged as ``build/${library_name}/libmace_${library_name}.tar.gz``.
They are organized as follows,
.. code::
└── mobilenet-v2-gpu
├── include
│   └── mace
│   └── public
│   ├── mace.h
│   └── mace_runtime.h
├── libmace_mobilenet-v2-gpu.tar.gz
├── library
│   ├── arm64-v8a
│   │   └── libmace_mobilenet-v2-gpu.MI6.msm8998.a
│   └── armeabi-v7a
│   └── libmace_mobilenet-v2-gpu.MI6.msm8998.a
├── model
│   ├── mobilenet_v2.data
│   └── mobilenet_v2.pb
└─── opencl
   └── compiled_opencl_kernel.bin
.. note::
1. DSP runtime depends on ``libhexagon_controller.so``.
2. ``${MODEL_TAG}.pb`` file will be generated only when ``build_type`` is ``proto``.
3. ``compiled_kernel.bin`` will be generated only when ``target_soc`` and ``gpu`` runtime are specified.
.. warning::
This file rely on the OpenCL driver on the phone, you should update the file when OpenCL driver changed.
**tar package**
* ``./build/${library_name}/libmace_${library_name}.tar.gz``
.. note::
.. warning::
This file package all the above files which used for deployment.
``compiled_kernel.bin`` depends on the OpenCL version of the device, you should maintan the
compatibility or configure compiling cache store with ``ConfigKVStorageFactory``.
5. how to use
5. How to use the library in your project
Please refer to \ ``mace/examples/example.cc``\ for full usage. the following list the key steps.
Please refer to \ ``mace/examples/example.cc``\ for full usage. The following list the key steps.
.. code:: cpp
// include the header files
// Include the headers
#include "mace/public/mace.h"
#include "mace/public/mace_runtime.h"
#include "mace/public/mace_engine_factory.h"
// 0. set internal storage factory(**Call once**)
const std::string file_path ="/path/to/store/internel/files";
std::shared_ptr<KVStorageFactory> storage_factory(
new FileStorageFactory(file_path));
// 1. set precompiled OpenCL binary file paths if you use gpu of specified SOC,
// Besides the binary rely on the OpenCL driver of the SOC,
// if OpenCL driver changed, you should recompiled the binary file.
// 0. Set pre-compiled OpenCL binary program file paths when available
if (device_type == DeviceType::GPU) {
// 2. Declare the device type(must be same with ``runtime`` in configuration file)
// 1. Set compiled OpenCL kernel cache, this is used to reduce the
// initialization time since the compiling is too slow. It's suggested
// to set this even when pre-compiled OpenCL program file is provided
// because the OpenCL version upgrade may also leads to kernel
// recompilations.
const std::string file_path ="path/to/opencl_cache_file";
std::shared_ptr<KVStorageFactory> storage_factory(
new FileStorageFactory(file_path));
// 2. Declare the device type (must be same with ``runtime`` in configuration file)
DeviceType device_type = DeviceType::GPU;
// 3. Define the input and output tensor names.
std::vector<std::string> input_names = {...};
std::vector<std::string> output_names = {...};
// 4. Create MaceEngine object
// 4. Create MaceEngine instance
std::shared_ptr<mace::MaceEngine> engine;
MaceStatus create_engine_status;
// Create Engine from code
// Create Engine from compiled code
create_engine_status =
......@@ -427,7 +431,7 @@ Please refer to \ ``mace/examples/example.cc``\ for full usage. the following li
// Create Engine from proto file
// Create Engine from model file
create_engine_status =
......@@ -436,10 +440,10 @@ Please refer to \ ``mace/examples/example.cc``\ for full usage. the following li
if (create_engine_status != MaceStatus::MACE_SUCCESS) {
// do something
// Report error
// 5. Create Input and Output objects
// 5. Create Input and Output tensor buffers
std::map<std::string, mace::MaceTensor> inputs;
std::map<std::string, mace::MaceTensor> outputs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < input_count; ++i) {
......@@ -449,8 +453,8 @@ Please refer to \ ``mace/examples/example.cc``\ for full usage. the following li
auto buffer_in = std::shared_ptr<float>(new float[input_size],
// load input
// Load input here
// ...
inputs[input_names[i]] = mace::MaceTensor(input_shapes[i], buffer_in);
......@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
* - Platform
- Explanation
* - Tensorflow
- >= 1.6.0. (first choice, convenient for Android NN API in the future)
- >= 1.6.0.
* - Caffe
- >= 1.0.
``mace``\ 提供了包含开发运行所需环境的docker镜像,镜像文件可以参考\ ``./docker/``\ 。启动命令:
MiAI计算引擎提供了包含开发运行所需环境的docker镜像,镜像文件可以参考\ ``./docker/``\ 。启动命令:
.. code:: sh
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ Mace目前只提供静态库,有以下两种使用场景。
.. warning::
必须在mace项目的根目录下运行\ ``tools/converter.py``\ 脚本。
必须在项目的根目录下运行\ ``tools/converter.py``\ 脚本。
......@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Mace目前只提供静态库,有以下两种使用场景。
* *--validate* (default=false, optional): 是否需要验证运行结果与框架运行结果是否一致。
* *--caffe_env* (type=local/docker, default=docker, optional):当vaildate时,可以选择指定caffe环境,local表示本地,docker表示使用docker容器.
* *--restart_round* (type=int, default=1, optional):模型重启次数。
* *--check_gpu_out_of_memory* (default=false, optional): 是否需要检查gpu内存越界。
* *--gpu_out_of_range_check* (default=false, optional): 是否需要检查gpu内存越界。
* *--vlog_level* (type=int[0-5], default=0, optional):详细日志级别.
.. warning::
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ Mace目前只提供静态库,有以下两种使用场景。
# 测试模型的运行时间
python tools/converter.py run --config=models/config.yaml --round=100
# 对比编译好的模型在mace上与直接使用tensorflow或者caffe运行的结果,相似度使用`余弦距离表示`
# 对比编译好的模型在MiAI计算引擎上与直接使用tensorflow或者caffe运行的结果,相似度使用`余弦距离表示`
# 其中使用OpenCL设备,默认相似度大于等于`0.995`为通过;DSP设备下,相似度需要达到`0.930`。
python tools/converter.py run --config=models/config.yaml --validate
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Model format
MiAI Compute Engine defines a customized model format which is similar to
Caffe2. The MiAI model can be converted from exported models by TensorFlow
and Caffe. We define a YAML schema to describe the model deployment. In the
and Caffe. A YAML file is used to describe the model deployment details. In the
next chapter, there is a detailed guide showing how to create this YAML file.
Model conversion
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Model loading
The MiAI model format contains two parts: the model graph definition and
the model parameter tensors. The graph part utilizes Protocol Buffers
for serialization. All the model parameter tensors are concatenated
together into a continuous array, and we call this array tensor data in
together into a continuous byte array, and we call this array tensor data in
the following paragraphs. In the model graph, the tensor data offsets
and lengths are recorded.
......@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ def run_specific_target(flags, configs, target_abi,
limit_opencl_kernel_time=model_config[YAMLKeyword.limit_opencl_kernel_time], # noqa
......@@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ def parse_args():
help="VLOG level: [1~5].")
help="Enable out of memory check for gpu.")
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