提交 86c71149 编写于 作者: Hello 码上秃's avatar Hello 码上秃


上级 8e75dfb4
......@@ -156,9 +156,8 @@
<if test="otherIntention != null and otherIntention != ''"> and b.other_intention = #{otherIntention}</if>
<if test="nextTime != null "> and b.next_time = #{nextTime}</if>
<if test="beginCreateTime != null and endCreateTime != null "> and DATE_FORMAT(b.create_time,'%Y-%m-%d') BETWEEN #{beginCreateTime} AND #{endCreateTime}</if>
<if test="status != null "> and b.status = #{status}</if>
<when test="status != null status != ''">
<when test="status != null">
and b.status = #{status}
......@@ -294,14 +294,16 @@ public class TbClueServiceImpl implements ITbClueService {
// 统计当前分配人所有线索
int asignRecords = assignRecordMapper.countAssignCluesByUser(userId);
if (asignRecords >= rulePool.getMaxNunmber()) {
throw new CustomException("捞取失败!最大保有量(" + rulePool.getMaxNunmber() + "),剩余可以捞取"+(rulePool.getMaxNunmber()-asignRecords)+"条线索");
//throw new CustomException("捞取失败!最大保有量(" + rulePool.getMaxNunmber() + "),剩余可以捞取"+(rulePool.getMaxNunmber()-asignRecords)+"条线索");
throw new CustomException("捞取失败!最大保有量(" + rulePool.getMaxNunmber() + "),剩余可以捞取0条线索");
for (int i = 0; i < clueIds.length; i++) {
Long clueId = clueIds[i];
// 超过最大保有量
if (asignRecords + i >= rulePool.getMaxNunmber()) {
throw new CustomException("捞取失败!保有量达到上线,最多选择" + rulePool.getMaxNunmber() + "条线索");
//throw new CustomException("捞取失败!保有量达到上线,最多选择" + rulePool.getMaxNunmber() + "条线索");
throw new CustomException("捞取失败!保有量达到上线,最多选择" + (rulePool.getMaxNunmber()-asignRecords) + "条线索");
// 最近捞取记录
TbAssignRecord assignRecord = assignRecordMapper.selectAssignRecordByAssignId(clueId,
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