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.. _perl:

Perl S3 Examples

Creating a Connection

This creates a connection so that you can interact with the server.

.. code-block:: perl

	use Amazon::S3;
	my $access_key = 'put your access key here!';
	my $secret_key = 'put your secret key here!';

	my $conn = Amazon::S3->new({
		aws_access_key_id     => $access_key,
		aws_secret_access_key => $secret_key,
		host                  => '',
		secure                => 1,
		retry                 => 1,

Listing Owned Buckets

This gets a list of `Amazon::S3::Bucket`_ objects that you own.
We'll also print out the bucket name and creation date of each bucket.

.. code-block:: perl

	my @buckets = @{$conn->buckets->{buckets} || []};
	foreach my $bucket (@buckets) {
		print $bucket->bucket . "\t" . $bucket->creation_date . "\n";

The output will look something like this::

   mahbuckat1	2011-04-21T18:05:39.000Z
   mahbuckat2	2011-04-21T18:05:48.000Z
   mahbuckat3	2011-04-21T18:07:18.000Z

Creating a Bucket

This creates a new bucket called ``my-new-bucket``

.. code-block:: perl

	my $bucket = $conn->add_bucket({ bucket => 'my-new-bucket' });

Listing a Bucket's Content

This gets a list of hashes with info about each object in the bucket.
We'll also print out each object's name, the file size, and last
modified date.

.. code-block:: perl

	my @keys = @{$bucket->list_all->{keys} || []};
	foreach my $key (@keys) {
		print "$key->{key}\t$key->{size}\t$key->{last_modified}\n";

The output will look something like this::

   myphoto1.jpg	251262	2011-08-08T21:35:48.000Z
   myphoto2.jpg	262518	2011-08-08T21:38:01.000Z

Deleting a Bucket

.. note::
   The Bucket must be empty! Otherwise it won't work!

.. code-block:: perl


Forced Delete for Non-empty Buckets

.. attention::

   not available in the `Amazon::S3`_ perl module

Creating an Object

This creates a file ``hello.txt`` with the string ``"Hello World!"``

.. code-block:: perl

		'hello.txt', 'Hello World!',
		{ content_type => 'text/plain' },

Change an Object's ACL

This makes the object ``hello.txt`` to be publicly readable and
``secret_plans.txt`` to be private.

.. code-block:: perl

		key       => 'hello.txt',
		acl_short => 'public-read',
		key       => 'secret_plans.txt',
		acl_short => 'private',

Download an Object (to a file)

This downloads the object ``perl_poetry.pdf`` and saves it in

.. code-block:: perl

	$bucket->get_key_filename('perl_poetry.pdf', undef,

Delete an Object

This deletes the object ``goodbye.txt``

.. code-block:: perl


Generate Object Download URLs (signed and unsigned)
This generates an unsigned download URL for ``hello.txt``. This works
because we made ``hello.txt`` public by setting the ACL above.
Then this generates a signed download URL for ``secret_plans.txt`` that
will work for 1 hour. Signed download URLs will work for the time
period even if the object is private (when the time period is up, the
URL will stop working).

.. note::
   The `Amazon::S3`_ module does not have a way to generate download
   URLs, so we are going to be using another module instead. Unfortunately,
   most modules for generating these URLs assume that you are using Amazon,
   so we have had to go with using a more obscure module, `Muck::FS::S3`_. This
   should be the same as Amazon's sample S3 perl module, but this sample
   module is not in CPAN. So, you can either use CPAN to install
   `Muck::FS::S3`_, or install Amazon's sample S3 module manually. If you go
   the manual route, you can remove ``Muck::FS::`` from the example below.

.. code-block:: perl

	use Muck::FS::S3::QueryStringAuthGenerator;
	my $generator = Muck::FS::S3::QueryStringAuthGenerator->new(
		0, # 0 means use 'http'. set this to 1 for 'https'

	my $hello_url = $generator->make_bare_url($bucket->bucket, 'hello.txt');
	print $hello_url . "\n";

	$generator->expires_in(3600); # 1 hour = 3600 seconds
	my $plans_url = $generator->get($bucket->bucket, 'secret_plans.txt');
	print $plans_url . "\n";

The output will look something like this::

.. _`Amazon::S3`:
.. _`Amazon::S3::Bucket`:
.. _`Muck::FS::S3`: