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 Developer Guide (Quick)

This guide will describe how to build and test Ceph for development.


The ``run-make-check.sh`` script will install Ceph dependencies,
compile everything in debug mode and run a number of tests to verify
the result behaves as expected.

.. prompt:: bash $


Optionally if you want to work on a specific component of Ceph,
install the dependencies and build Ceph in debug mode with required cmake flags.


.. prompt:: bash $


Running a development deployment
Ceph contains a script called ``vstart.sh`` (see also :doc:`/dev/dev_cluster_deployement`) which allows developers to quickly test their code using
a simple deployment on your development system. Once the build finishes successfully, start the ceph
deployment using the following command:

.. prompt:: bash $

   cd ceph/build  # Assuming this is where you ran cmake
   make vstart
   ../src/vstart.sh -d -n -x

You can also configure ``vstart.sh`` to use only one monitor and one metadata server by using the following:

.. prompt:: bash $

   MON=1 MDS=1 ../src/vstart.sh -d -n -x

The system creates two pools on startup: `cephfs_data_a` and `cephfs_metadata_a`.  Let's get some stats on
the current pools:

.. code-block:: console

  $ bin/ceph osd pool stats
  pool cephfs_data_a id 1
    nothing is going on
  pool cephfs_metadata_a id 2
    nothing is going on
  $ bin/ceph osd pool stats cephfs_data_a
  pool cephfs_data_a id 1
    nothing is going on

  $ bin/rados df
  cephfs_data_a        0       0      0      0                  0       0        0      0  0      0    0
  cephfs_metadata_a 2246      21      0     63                  0       0        0      0  0     42 8192

  total_objects    21
  total_used       244G
  total_space      1180G

Make a pool and run some benchmarks against it:

.. prompt:: bash $

   bin/ceph osd pool create mypool
   bin/rados -p mypool bench 10 write -b 123

Place a file into the new pool:

.. prompt:: bash $

   bin/rados -p mypool put objectone <somefile>
   bin/rados -p mypool put objecttwo <anotherfile>

List the objects in the pool:

.. prompt:: bash $

   bin/rados -p mypool ls

Once you are done, type the following to stop the development ceph deployment:

.. prompt:: bash $


Resetting your vstart environment

The vstart script creates out/ and dev/ directories which contain
the cluster's state.  If you want to quickly reset your environment,
you might do something like this:

.. prompt:: bash [build]$

   rm -rf out dev
   MDS=1 MON=1 OSD=3 ../src/vstart.sh -n -d

Running a RadosGW development environment

Set the ``RGW`` environment variable when running vstart.sh to enable the RadosGW.

.. prompt:: bash $

   cd build
   RGW=1 ../src/vstart.sh -d -n -x

You can now use the swift python client to communicate with the RadosGW.

.. prompt:: bash $

   swift -A http://localhost:8000/auth -U test:tester -K testing list
   swift -A http://localhost:8000/auth -U test:tester -K testing upload mycontainer ceph
   swift -A http://localhost:8000/auth -U test:tester -K testing list

Run unit tests

The tests are located in `src/tests`.  To run them type:

.. prompt:: bash $

   make check