提交 00651759 编写于 作者: S Stijn Balk 提交者: Brandon Amos

Add installation instructions for installation with conda

上级 268d2c46
......@@ -181,3 +181,33 @@ to download pre-trained OpenFace
models on the combined CASIA-WebFace and FaceScrub database.
This also downloads dlib's pre-trained model for face landmark detection.
This will incur about 200MB of network traffic.
# Installing open face using `conda` (OSX and GNU/Linux)
Step 1. Install `miniconda` with the following commands
* `wget https://repo.continuum.io/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh`
* `bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh` and follow instructions.
* Add a Python 2.7 environment with: `conda create --name openface python=2.7`
* Activate the new env with: `source activate openface`
Step 2. Install dependencies
* Add the `conda-forge` channel with: `conda config --add channels conda-forge`
* `conda install opencv numpy pandas scipy scikit-learn scikit-image dlib`
Step 3. Install Torch and dependencies
* Deactivate the `openface` environment by opening a new terminal.
* `git clone https://github.com/torch/distro.git ~/torch --recursive`
* `cd ~/torch; bash install-deps;`
* `./install.sh`
* Execute the following to install the Torch deps `for NAME in dpnn nn optim optnet csvigo cutorch cunn fblualib torchx tds; do luarocks install $NAME; done`
Step 4. Install open face in `openface` environment using
* `source activate openface`
* `git clone https://github.com/cmusatyalab/openface.git ~/openface`
* `cd openface`
* `python setup.py install`
* Download `dlib`s models with: `./models/get-models.sh`
Open face is now installed. Test it with
* `./demos/classifier.py infer models/openface/celeb-classifier.nn4.small2.v1.pkl ./images/examples/carell.jpg`
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