提交 e0e58ae8 编写于 作者: L lang

markLine 边捆绑文档更新

上级 b27566a4
......@@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ require(['echarts'], function (ec){
<li><b>force, chord</b> :
<li>node : a (series name),b (node name),c (node value), d (node index), e</li>
<li>link : a (series name),b (link name, default bigEndNodeName-smallEndNodeName),c(link weight), d(name or index of big end node), e(name or index of small end node)</li>
<li>link : a (series name),b (link name, default bigEndNodeName-smallEndNodeName),c(link.value), d(name or index of big end node), e(name or index of small end node)</li>
......@@ -3884,21 +3884,46 @@ geoCoord : {
<td> null </td>
<td> angles by which the start and end markLine symbols rotate, same as series' <a href="#Series">symbolRotate</a>. </td>
<td> <b>boolean</b> large</td>
<td> false </td>
If enable optimization for large scale markline. Large scale means line number >= 2k.
<br />Optimization will batch lines drawing. Lines of series will force to have same style. And symbols of two end of line will be ignore.
<td> <b>{boolean}</b> smooth </td>
<td> false </td>
<td> smoothed line, while smooth is true, lineStyle.type can not be dashed.</td>
<td> <b>{number}</b> smoothRadian </td>
<td> <b>{number}</b> smoothness </td>
<td> 0.2 </td>
<td> radian of the smoothed line.</td>
<td> Line smoothness. Only available when smooth is true</td>
<td> <b>{number}</b> precision </td>
<td> 2 </td>
<td> precision, use for the average markLine.</td>
<td> <b>{Object}</b> bundling </td>
enable: false,
maxTurningAngle: 45
Edge Bundling
<br />
<br />enable: If enable edge bundling.
<br />maxTurningAngle: Max turning angle of bundled edge, ranges from 0 degree to 90 degree.
<br />
<br />Tip:Edge bundling use algorithm from "Multilevel Agglomerative Edge Bundling for Visualizing Large Graphs"
<td> <b>{Object}</b> effect </td>
......@@ -3911,6 +3936,7 @@ geoCoord : {
shadowBlur : null
} </pre></td>
<td> glow effect for markLine symbol:
<br />
<br/>show: specifies whether to show. Defaults to false.
<br/>loop: specifies whether to play the animation in a loop. Defaults to true.
<br/>period: animation period. No units. The larger the value, the slower. Defaults to 15.
......@@ -1646,7 +1646,7 @@ require(['echarts'], function (ec){
<li><b>力导向图, 和弦图</b> :
<li>节点 : a(系列名称),b(节点名称),c(节点值), d(节点类目索引)</li>
<li>边 : a(系列名称),b(边名称,默认为大端节点名称-小端节点名称),c(边权重), d(大端节点 name 或者 index), e(小端节点 name 或者 index)</li>
<li>边 : a(系列名称),b(边名称,默认为大端节点名称-小端节点名称),c(link.value), d(大端节点 name 或者 index), e(小端节点 name 或者 index)</li>
......@@ -3884,13 +3884,21 @@ geoCoord : {
<td> null </td>
<td> 标线起始和结束的symbol旋转控制,同series中的<a href="#Series">symbolRotate</a> </td>
<td> <b>boolean</b> large</td>
<td> false </td>
<br />大规模标线模式下会优化标线绘制,同个系列的的所有标线都会使用同一种样式,并且忽略标线两端 symbol 的绘制。
<td> <b>{boolean}</b> smooth </td>
<td> false </td>
<td> 平滑曲线显示,smooth为true时lineStyle不支持虚线</td>
<td> <b>{number}</b> smoothRadian </td>
<td> <b>{number}</b> smoothness </td>
<td> 0.2 </td>
<td> 平滑曲线弧度,smooth为true时有效,指定平滑曲线弧度</td>
......@@ -3899,6 +3907,22 @@ geoCoord : {
<td> 2 </td>
<td> 小数精度,使用开箱即用的均线markLine时有效</td>
<td> <b>{Object}</b> bundling </td>
enable: false,
maxTurningAngle: 45
<br />enable 是否使用边捆绑,默认关闭
<br />maxTurningAngle 边捆绑算法参数,可选 [0, 90] 的角度,配置捆绑后的边最大拐角, 默认为 45 度
<br />
<br />注:捆绑算法使用 Multilevel Agglomerative Edge Bundling for Visualizing Large Graphs
<td> <b>{Object}</b> effect </td>
......@@ -135,10 +135,11 @@ $.ajax({
large: true,
useWorker: true,
coolDown: 0.995,
ribbonType: false,
ribbonType: false
......@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@ $.ajax({
......@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ define(function (require) {
_noDataCheck: function(magicOption) {
var series = magicOption.series;
for (var i = 0, l = series.length; i < l; i++) {
if (series[i].type == ecConfig.CHART_TYPE_MAP
|| (series[i].data && series[i].data.length > 0)
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