提交 ca581744 编写于 作者: 1 100pah

feature: [geo] support geo svg named elements have the same behavior as regions of geoJSON

上级 6b5a0e50
......@@ -39,11 +39,24 @@ import { getECData } from '../../util/innerStore';
import { createOrUpdatePatternFromDecal } from '../../util/decal';
import { ViewCoordSysTransformInfoPart } from '../../coord/View';
import { GeoSVGResource } from '../../coord/geo/GeoSVGResource';
import Displayable from 'zrender/src/graphic/Displayable';
import Element, { ElementTextConfig } from 'zrender/src/Element';
import List from '../../data/List';
interface RegionsGroup extends graphic.Group {
interface ViewBuildContext {
api: ExtensionAPI;
geo: Geo;
mapOrGeoModel: GeoModel | MapSeries;
data: List;
isVisualEncodedByVisualMap: boolean;
isGeo: boolean;
transformInfoRaw: ViewCoordSysTransformInfoPart;
function getFixedItemStyle(model: Model<GeoItemStyleOption>) {
const itemStyle = model.getItemStyle();
const areaColor = model.get('areaColor');
......@@ -78,12 +91,14 @@ class MapDraw {
private _mouseDownFlag: boolean;
private _mapName: string;
private _svgMapName: string;
private _regionsGroup: RegionsGroup;
private _svgGroup: graphic.Group;
private _svgNamedElements: Displayable[];
constructor(api: ExtensionAPI) {
const group = new graphic.Group();
......@@ -117,7 +132,6 @@ class MapDraw {
const geo = mapOrGeoModel.coordinateSystem;
const regionsGroup = this._regionsGroup;
const group = this.group;
......@@ -125,8 +139,6 @@ class MapDraw {
const transformInfoRaw = transformInfo.raw;
const transformInfoRoam = transformInfo.roam;
this._updateSVG(geo, transformInfoRaw);
// No animation when first draw or in action
const isFirstDraw = !regionsGroup.childAt(0) || payload;
......@@ -141,17 +153,44 @@ class MapDraw {
graphic.updateProps(group, transformInfoRoam, mapOrGeoModel);
const nameMap = zrUtil.createHashMap<RegionsGroup>();
const isVisualEncodedByVisualMap = data
&& data.getVisual('visualMeta')
&& data.getVisual('visualMeta').length > 0;
const viewBuildCtx = {
this._updateController(mapOrGeoModel, ecModel, api);
this._updateMapSelectHandler(mapOrGeoModel, regionsGroup, api, fromView);
private _buildGeoJSON(viewBuildCtx: ViewBuildContext): void {
const nameMap = zrUtil.createHashMap<RegionsGroup>();
const regionsGroup = this._regionsGroup;
const transformInfoRaw = viewBuildCtx.transformInfoRaw;
const transformPoint = function (point: number[]): number[] {
return [
point[0] * transformInfoRaw.scaleX + transformInfoRaw.x,
point[1] * transformInfoRaw.scaleY + transformInfoRaw.y
zrUtil.each(geo.regions, function (region) {
// Only when the resource is GeoJSON, there is `geo.regions`.
zrUtil.each(viewBuildCtx.geo.regions, function (region) {
// Consider in GeoJson properties.name may be duplicated, for example,
// there is multiple region named "United Kindom" or "France" (so many
......@@ -169,50 +208,6 @@ class MapDraw {
const regionModel = mapOrGeoModel.getRegionModel(region.name) || mapOrGeoModel;
// @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
const itemStyleModel = regionModel.getModel('itemStyle');
// @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
const emphasisModel = regionModel.getModel('emphasis');
const emphasisItemStyleModel = emphasisModel.getModel('itemStyle');
// @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
const blurItemStyleModel = regionModel.getModel(['blur', 'itemStyle']);
// @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
const selectItemStyleModel = regionModel.getModel(['select', 'itemStyle']);
// NOTE: DONT use 'style' in visual when drawing map.
// This component is used for drawing underlying map for both geo component and map series.
const itemStyle = getFixedItemStyle(itemStyleModel);
const emphasisItemStyle = getFixedItemStyle(emphasisItemStyleModel);
const blurItemStyle = getFixedItemStyle(blurItemStyleModel);
const selectItemStyle = getFixedItemStyle(selectItemStyleModel);
let dataIdx;
// Use the itemStyle in data if has data
if (data) {
dataIdx = data.indexOfName(region.name);
// Only visual color of each item will be used. It can be encoded by visualMap
// But visual color of series is used in symbol drawing
// Visual color for each series is for the symbol draw
const style = data.getItemVisual(dataIdx, 'style');
const decal = data.getItemVisual(dataIdx, 'decal');
if (isVisualEncodedByVisualMap && style.fill) {
itemStyle.fill = style.fill;
if (decal) {
itemStyle.decal = createOrUpdatePatternFromDecal(decal, api);
const transformPoint = function (point: number[]): number[] {
return [
point[0] * transformInfoRaw.scaleX + transformInfoRaw.x,
point[1] * transformInfoRaw.scaleY + transformInfoRaw.y
zrUtil.each(region.geometries, function (geometry) {
if (geometry.type !== 'polygon') {
......@@ -243,149 +238,218 @@ class MapDraw {
compoundPath.style.strokeNoScale = true;
compoundPath.culling = true;
compoundPath.ensureState('emphasis').style = emphasisItemStyle;
compoundPath.ensureState('blur').style = blurItemStyle;
compoundPath.ensureState('select').style = selectItemStyle;
let showLabel = false;
for (let i = 0; i < DISPLAY_STATES.length; i++) {
const stateName = DISPLAY_STATES[i];
// @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
if (regionModel.get(
stateName === 'normal' ? ['label', 'show'] : [stateName, 'label', 'show']
)) {
showLabel = true;
const centerPt = transformPoint(region.center);
const isDataNaN = data && isNaN(data.get(data.mapDimension('value'), dataIdx) as number);
const itemLayout = data && data.getItemLayout(dataIdx);
// In the following cases label will be drawn
// 1. In map series and data value is NaN
// 2. In geo component
// 4. Region has no series legendSymbol, which will be add a showLabel flag in mapSymbolLayout
if (
(isGeo || isDataNaN && (showLabel))
|| (itemLayout && itemLayout.showLabel)
) {
const query = !isGeo ? dataIdx : region.name;
let labelFetcher;
// Consider dataIdx not found.
if (!data || dataIdx >= 0) {
labelFetcher = mapOrGeoModel;
viewBuildCtx, compoundPath, regionGroup, region.name, centerPt, null
const centerPt = transformPoint(region.center);
const textEl = new graphic.Text({
x: centerPt[0],
y: centerPt[1],
z2: 10,
silent: true
textEl.afterUpdate = labelTextAfterUpdate;
setLabelStyle<typeof query>(
textEl, getLabelStatesModels(regionModel),
labelFetcher: labelFetcher,
labelDataIndex: query,
defaultText: region.name
{ normal: {
align: 'center',
verticalAlign: 'middle'
} }
local: true
(compoundPath as ECElement).disableLabelAnimation = true;
}, this);
private _buildSVG(viewBuildCtx: ViewBuildContext): void {
const mapName = viewBuildCtx.geo.map;
const transformInfoRaw = viewBuildCtx.transformInfoRaw;
this._svgGroup.x = transformInfoRaw.x;
this._svgGroup.y = transformInfoRaw.y;
this._svgGroup.scaleX = transformInfoRaw.scaleX;
this._svgGroup.scaleY = transformInfoRaw.scaleY;
if (this._svgResourceChanged(mapName)) {
// setItemGraphicEl, setHoverStyle after all polygons and labels
// are added to the rigionGroup
if (data) {
data.setItemGraphicEl(dataIdx, regionGroup);
zrUtil.each(this._svgNamedElements, function (namedElement) {
viewBuildCtx, namedElement, namedElement, namedElement.name, [0, 0], 'inside'
}, this);
private _resetSingleRegionGraphic(
viewBuildCtx: ViewBuildContext,
displayable: Displayable,
elForStateChange: Element,
regionName: string,
labelXY: number[],
labelPosition: ElementTextConfig['position']
): void {
const mapOrGeoModel = viewBuildCtx.mapOrGeoModel;
const data = viewBuildCtx.data;
const isVisualEncodedByVisualMap = viewBuildCtx.isVisualEncodedByVisualMap;
const isGeo = viewBuildCtx.isGeo;
const regionModel = mapOrGeoModel.getRegionModel(regionName) || mapOrGeoModel;
// @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
const itemStyleModel = regionModel.getModel('itemStyle');
// @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
const emphasisModel = regionModel.getModel('emphasis');
const emphasisItemStyleModel = emphasisModel.getModel('itemStyle');
// @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
const blurItemStyleModel = regionModel.getModel(['blur', 'itemStyle']);
// @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
const selectItemStyleModel = regionModel.getModel(['select', 'itemStyle']);
// NOTE: DONT use 'style' in visual when drawing map.
// This component is used for drawing underlying map for both geo component and map series.
const itemStyle = getFixedItemStyle(itemStyleModel);
const emphasisItemStyle = getFixedItemStyle(emphasisItemStyleModel);
const blurItemStyle = getFixedItemStyle(blurItemStyleModel);
const selectItemStyle = getFixedItemStyle(selectItemStyleModel);
let dataIdx;
// Use the itemStyle in data if has data
if (data) {
dataIdx = data.indexOfName(regionName);
// Only visual color of each item will be used. It can be encoded by visualMap
// But visual color of series is used in symbol drawing
// Visual color for each series is for the symbol draw
const style = data.getItemVisual(dataIdx, 'style');
const decal = data.getItemVisual(dataIdx, 'decal');
if (isVisualEncodedByVisualMap && style.fill) {
itemStyle.fill = style.fill;
else {
const regionModel = mapOrGeoModel.getRegionModel(region.name);
// Package custom mouse event for geo component
getECData(compoundPath).eventData = {
componentType: 'geo',
componentIndex: mapOrGeoModel.componentIndex,
geoIndex: mapOrGeoModel.componentIndex,
name: region.name,
region: (regionModel && regionModel.option) || {}
if (decal) {
itemStyle.decal = createOrUpdatePatternFromDecal(decal, viewBuildCtx.api);
displayable.style.strokeNoScale = true;
displayable.culling = true;
displayable.ensureState('emphasis').style = emphasisItemStyle;
displayable.ensureState('blur').style = blurItemStyle;
displayable.ensureState('select').style = selectItemStyle;
let showLabel = false;
for (let i = 0; i < DISPLAY_STATES.length; i++) {
const stateName = DISPLAY_STATES[i];
// @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
regionGroup.highDownSilentOnTouch = !!mapOrGeoModel.get('selectedMode');
enableHoverEmphasis(regionGroup, emphasisModel.get('focus'), emphasisModel.get('blurScope'));
if (regionModel.get(
stateName === 'normal' ? ['label', 'show'] : [stateName, 'label', 'show']
)) {
showLabel = true;
const isDataNaN = data && isNaN(data.get(data.mapDimension('value'), dataIdx) as number);
const itemLayout = data && data.getItemLayout(dataIdx);
// In the following cases label will be drawn
// 1. In map series and data value is NaN
// 2. In geo component
// 4. Region has no series legendSymbol, which will be add a showLabel flag in mapSymbolLayout
if (
(isGeo || isDataNaN && (showLabel))
|| (itemLayout && itemLayout.showLabel)
) {
const query = !isGeo ? dataIdx : regionName;
let labelFetcher;
// Consider dataIdx not found.
if (!data || dataIdx >= 0) {
labelFetcher = mapOrGeoModel;
this._updateController(mapOrGeoModel, ecModel, api);
const textEl = new graphic.Text({
x: labelXY[0],
y: labelXY[1],
z2: 10,
silent: true
textEl.afterUpdate = labelTextAfterUpdate;
setLabelStyle<typeof query>(
textEl, getLabelStatesModels(regionModel),
labelFetcher: labelFetcher,
labelDataIndex: query,
defaultText: regionName
{ normal: {
align: 'center',
verticalAlign: 'middle'
} }
local: true,
insideFill: textEl.style.fill,
position: labelPosition
(displayable as ECElement).disableLabelAnimation = true;
// setItemGraphicEl, setHoverStyle after all polygons and labels
// are added to the rigionGroup
if (data) {
data.setItemGraphicEl(dataIdx, elForStateChange);
else {
const regionModel = mapOrGeoModel.getRegionModel(regionName);
// Package custom mouse event for geo component
getECData(displayable).eventData = {
componentType: 'geo',
componentIndex: mapOrGeoModel.componentIndex,
geoIndex: mapOrGeoModel.componentIndex,
name: regionName,
region: (regionModel && regionModel.option) || {}
// @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
elForStateChange.highDownSilentOnTouch = !!mapOrGeoModel.get('selectedMode');
enableHoverEmphasis(elForStateChange, emphasisModel.get('focus'), emphasisModel.get('blurScope'));
this._updateMapSelectHandler(mapOrGeoModel, regionsGroup, api, fromView);
remove(): void {
this._mapName = null;
this._controllerHost = null;
private _updateSVG(geo: Geo, transformInfoRaw: ViewCoordSysTransformInfoPart): void {
const mapName = geo.map;
this._svgGroup.x = transformInfoRaw.x;
this._svgGroup.y = transformInfoRaw.y;
this._svgGroup.scaleX = transformInfoRaw.scaleX;
this._svgGroup.scaleY = transformInfoRaw.scaleY;
if (this._mapName !== mapName) {
this._mapName = mapName;
private _svgResourceChanged(mapName: string): boolean {
return this._svgMapName !== mapName;
private _useSVG(mapName: string) {
if (mapName == null) {
private _useSVG(mapName: string): void {
const resource = geoSourceManager.getGeoResource(mapName);
if (resource && resource.type === 'svg') {
const svgGraphic = (resource as GeoSVGResource).useGraphic(this.uid);
this._svgNamedElements = svgGraphic.namedElements;
this._svgMapName = mapName;
private _freeSVG(mapName: string) {
private _freeSVG(): void {
const mapName = this._svgMapName;
if (mapName == null) {
const resource = geoSourceManager.getGeoResource(mapName);
if (resource && resource.type === 'svg') {
(resource as GeoSVGResource).freeGraphic(this.uid);
this._svgNamedElements = null;
this._svgMapName = null;
private _updateController(
......@@ -163,7 +163,6 @@ class GeoModel extends ComponentModel<GeoOption> {
itemStyle: {
// color: 各异,
borderWidth: 0.5,
borderColor: '#444',
color: '#eee'
......@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ import {assert, createHashMap, HashMap} from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import BoundingRect from 'zrender/src/core/BoundingRect';
import { GeoResource, GeoSVGSourceInput } from './geoTypes';
import { parseXML } from 'zrender/src/tool/parseXML';
import Element from 'zrender/src/Element';
import Displayable from 'zrender/src/graphic/Displayable';
export interface GeoSVGGraphic {
root: Group;
namedElements: Element[];
namedElements: Displayable[];
export class GeoSVGResource implements GeoResource {
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ function buildGraphic(
): {
root: Group;
boundingRect: BoundingRect;
namedElements: Element[]
namedElements: Displayable[]
} {
let result;
let root;
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require(['echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */], function (echarts) {
const testGeoJson1 = {
'type': 'FeatureCollection',
'features': [
'type': 'Feature',
'geometry': {
'type': 'Polygon',
'coordinates': [
[[2000, 2000], [5000, 2000], [5000, 5000], [2000, 5000]]
'properties': {
'name': 'Afghanistan',
'childNum': 1
echarts.registerMap('testGeoJson1', testGeoJson1);
option = {
geo: {
map: 'testGeoJson1',
roam: true,
// height: '100%',
// center
// layoutCenter: ['30%', 40],
// layoutSize: 40,
// boundingCoords
zoom: 1,
aspectScale: 1
var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'main0', {
title: [
'geoJSON location:',
'Should be a square and 80% of canvas height.',
'At the center of the canvas.'
option: option,
height: 300
require(['echarts'/*, 'map/js/china' */], function (echarts) {
var option;
url: '../../vis-data/map/svg/seats/seatmap-example.svg', // 剧场例子
// url: '../../vis-data/map/svg/seats/Ethiopian_Airlines_Flight_961_seating_plan.svg', // 飞机例子
// url: '../../vis-data/map/svg/seats/oracle-seating-map-2017-2.svg', // 渲染错误
// url: '../../vis-data/map/svg/seats/DC-10-30_seat_configuration_chart.svg', // 渲染错误
// url: '../../vis-data/map/svg/seats/Airbus_A300B4-622R_seat_configuration_chart.svg', // 渲染错误
dataType: 'text'
}).done(function (svg) {
echarts.registerMap('seatmap', {
svg: svg
option = {
geo: {
map: 'seatmap',
roam: true,
// height: 100,
// zoom: 1.5
emphasis: {
// itemStyle: {
// color: 'red'
// },
label: {
// color: '#fff',
textBorderColor: '#fff',
textBorderWidth: 2
// itemStyle: {
// color: 'red'
// },
// label: {
// color: '#fff'
// }
// series: {
// type: 'scatter',
// coordinateSystem: 'geo',
// // ?????????????????????????
// geoIndex: 0,
// data: [[11, 22], [33, 44]]
// }
var chart = testHelper.create(echarts, 'main1', {
title: [
'Test Case Description of main0',
'(Muliple lines and **emphasis** are supported in description)'
option: option,
height: 300
// buttons: [{text: 'btn-txt', onclick: function () {}}],
// recordCanvas: true,
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