提交 98e87ee0 编写于 作者: O Ovilia

fix(legend): fix line and radar

上级 04ce156b
......@@ -38,15 +38,15 @@ export function install(registers: EChartsExtensionInstallRegisters) {
seriesType: 'line',
reset: function (seriesModel: LineSeriesModel) {
const data = seriesModel.getData();
// Visual coding for legend
const lineStyle = seriesModel.getModel('lineStyle').getLineStyle();
const itemStyle = seriesModel.getModel('itemStyle').getItemStyle();
const color = itemStyle && itemStyle.fill;
if (lineStyle) {
lineStyle.stroke = lineStyle.stroke || color;
if (lineStyle && !lineStyle.stroke) {
// Fill in visual should be palette color if
// has color callback
lineStyle.stroke = data.getVisual('style').fill;
seriesModel.getData().setVisual('legendLineStyle', lineStyle);
data.setVisual('legendLineStyle', lineStyle);
......@@ -543,24 +543,34 @@ function getLegendStyle(
const visualName = itemProperties[i][0] as keyof PathStyleProps;
const value = legendItemModel.getShallow(propName) as LegendItemStyleOption[keyof LegendItemStyleOption];
if (value === 'inherit') {
if (visualName === 'fill') {
* Series with visualDrawType as 'stroke' should have
* series stroke as legend fill
itemStyle.fill = itemVisualStyle[drawType];
else if (visualName === 'stroke') {
* symbol type with "emptyXXX" should use fill color
* in visual style
itemStyle.stroke = itemVisualStyle[
symbolType.startsWith('empty') ? 'fill' : 'stroke'
else {
(itemStyle as any)[visualName] = itemVisualStyle[visualName];
switch (visualName) {
case 'fill':
* Series with visualDrawType as 'stroke' should have
* series stroke as legend fill
itemStyle.fill = itemVisualStyle[drawType];
case 'stroke':
* symbol type with "emptyXXX" should use fill color
* in visual style
itemStyle.stroke = itemVisualStyle[
symbolType.startsWith('empty') ? 'fill' : 'stroke'
case 'opacity':
* Use lineStyle.opacity if drawType is stroke
itemStyle.opacity = (drawType === 'fill' ? itemVisualStyle : lineVisualStyle).opacity;
(itemStyle as any)[visualName] = itemVisualStyle[visualName];
else if (value === 'auto' && visualName === 'lineWidth') {
......@@ -32,9 +32,12 @@ export function install(registers: EChartsExtensionInstallRegisters) {
seriesType: 'radar',
reset: function (seriesModel: RadarSeriesModel) {
const data = seriesModel.getData();
let symbol = data.getVisual('symbol');
// Use roundRect if no symbol type
(!symbol || symbol === 'none') && (symbol = 'roundRect');
data.each(function (idx) {
console.log('idx', idx);
data.setItemVisual(idx, 'legendSymbol', 'roundRect');
data.setItemVisual(idx, 'legendSymbol', symbol);
......@@ -102,8 +102,12 @@ const seriesStyleTask: StageHandler = {
globalStyle[colorKey] = colorPalette;
data.setVisual('colorFromPalette', true);
globalStyle.fill = (globalStyle.fill === 'auto' || typeof globalStyle.fill === 'function') ? colorPalette : globalStyle.fill;
globalStyle.stroke = (globalStyle.stroke === 'auto' || typeof globalStyle.stroke === 'function') ? colorPalette : globalStyle.stroke;
globalStyle.fill = (globalStyle.fill === 'auto' || typeof globalStyle.fill === 'function')
? colorPalette
: globalStyle.fill;
globalStyle.stroke = (globalStyle.stroke === 'auto' || typeof globalStyle.stroke === 'function')
? colorPalette
: globalStyle.stroke;
data.setVisual('style', globalStyle);
......@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ under the License.
'Line B: the style of the line and items should be the same in those in legend; all colored in red',
'Line C: the style of the line and items should be the same in those in legend; items colored in red and line colored in green',
'Line D: the style of the line should be the same in that in the legend; items colored orange in legend and blue in series',
'Line E: the style of the line should be the same in that in the legend; items colored yellow in legend and green in series',
'Line E: the style of the line should be the same in that in the legend; items colored pink in legend and green in series',
'Line F: the colors in the legend should be blue'
option: option
......@@ -49,7 +49,10 @@ under the License.
tooltip: {},
legend: {
data: ['预算分配(Allocated Budget)', '实际开销(Actual Spending)含有 "-" 数据', '第一个元素是 null']
data: [{
icon: 'circle',
name: 'Legend 应为 Circle'
}, '实际开销(Actual Spending)含有 "-" 数据', '第一个元素是 null', 'symbol 为 none 的需要用 roundRect']
radar: {
radius: [50, '70%'],
......@@ -80,7 +83,7 @@ under the License.
data : [
value : [0, 10000, 28000, 35000, 50000, 19000],
name : '预算分配(Allocated Budget)'
name : 'Legend 应为 Circle'
value : [50, 14000, 28000, 31000, '-', 21000],
......@@ -96,6 +99,21 @@ under the License.
symbolRotate: function(value, params) {
return ~~(360 * Math.random());
}, {
name: '2',
type: 'radar',
label: {
normal: {
show: true
data : [
value : [100, 2800, 3500, 5000, 1900, 1000],
name : 'symbol 为 none 的需要用 roundRect'
symbol: 'none'
var theIndex = 2;
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