提交 84a181e4 编写于 作者: P pah100

axis direction test

上级 707799ba
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="esl.js"></script>
<script src="config.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="reset.css">
#main {
position: relative;
min-width: 1080px; /* 4 columns */
.title {
clear: both;
text-align: center;
margin: 0;
background: #eef;
.block {
float: left;
margin: 30px 0 30px 50px;
.block .ec {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
.block label {
width: 200px;
display: block;
text-align: center;
background: #eee;
border-radius: 3px;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 18px;
padding: 0 5px;
<div id="main"></div>
var echarts;
var zrUtil;
], function (ec, zu) {
echarts = ec;
zrUtil = zu;
var makeCartesian = zrUtil.curry(makeChart, defaultCartesianOption);
renderTitle('catesian normal');
// inverse
makeCartesian('x: forward, y: forward', {
xAxis: {},
yAxis: {}
makeCartesian('x: inverse, y: inverse', {
xAxis: {inverse: true},
yAxis: {inverse: true}
makeCartesian('x: forward, y: inverse', {
xAxis: {},
yAxis: {inverse: true}
makeCartesian('x: inverse, y: forward', {
xAxis: {inverse: true},
yAxis: {}
renderTitle('catesian position setting');
// position
makeCartesian('x: forward top, y: forward right', {
xAxis: {position: 'top'},
yAxis: {position: 'right'}
makeCartesian('x: inverse bottom, y: inverse right', {
xAxis: {inverse: true, position: 'bottom'},
yAxis: {inverse: true, position: 'right'}
makeCartesian('x: forward bottom, y: inverse right', {
xAxis: {position: 'bottom'},
yAxis: {inverse: true, position: 'right'}
makeCartesian('x: inverse top, y: forward right', {
xAxis: {inverse: true, position: 'top'},
yAxis: {position: 'right'}
renderTitle('catesian name location');
// name location
makeCartesian('x: forward start, y: forward start', {
xAxis: {nameLocation: 'start'},
yAxis: {nameLocation: 'start'}
makeCartesian('x: inverse start, y: inverse start', {
xAxis: {inverse: true, nameLocation: 'start'},
yAxis: {inverse: true, nameLocation: 'start'}
makeCartesian('x: forward start, y: inverse start', {
xAxis: {nameLocation: 'start'},
yAxis: {inverse: true, nameLocation: 'start'}
makeCartesian('x: inverse start, y: forward start', {
xAxis: {inverse: true, nameLocation: 'start'},
yAxis: {nameLocation: 'start'}
renderTitle('polar normal');
var makePolar = zrUtil.curry(makeChart, defaultPolarOption);
// inverse
makePolar('angle: forward, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: inverse, radius: inverse', {
angleAxis: {inverse: true},
radiusAxis: {inverse: true}
makePolar('angle: forward, radius: inverse', {
angleAxis: {},
radiusAxis: {inverse: true}
makePolar('angle: inverse, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {inverse: true},
radiusAxis: {}
renderTitle('polar angle settting');
// startAngle
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle23, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 23},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle64, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 64},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle90, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 90},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle108, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 108},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle164, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 164},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle180, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 180},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle204, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 204},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle250, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 250},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle270, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 270},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle270, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 270},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle294, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 294},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle344, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 344},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle360, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 360},
radiusAxis: {}
renderTitle('polar inverse angle settting');
// startAngle
makePolar('angle: inverse startAngle23, radius: forward', {
angleAxis: {inverse: true, startAngle: 23},
radiusAxis: {}
makePolar('angle: forward startAngle23, radius: inverse', {
angleAxis: {startAngle: 23},
radiusAxis: {inverse: true}
var makeParallel = zrUtil.curry(makeChart, defaultParallelOption);
makeParallel('layout: horizontal', {
makeParallel('layout: horizontal, axis2 forward start', {
parallelAxis: makeParallelAxisOption({nameLocation: 'start'})
makeParallel('layout: horizontal, axis2 inverse start', {
parallelAxis: makeParallelAxisOption({inverse: true, nameLocation: 'start'})
makeParallel('layout: vertical', {
makeParallel('layout: vertical, axis2 forward start', {
parallel: {layout: 'vertical'},
parallelAxis: makeParallelAxisOption({nameLocation: 'start'})
makeParallel('layout: vertical, axis2 inverse start', {
parallel: {layout: 'vertical'},
parallelAxis: makeParallelAxisOption({inverse: true, nameLocation: 'start'})
function makeParallelAxisOption(secondOpt) {
return [
{dim: 'dim0', name: '维度1'},
zrUtil.merge({dim: 'dim1', name: '维度2'}, secondOpt, true),
{dim: 'dim2', name: '维度3'},
{dim: 'dim3', name: '维度4'}
function renderTitle(label) {
var containerEl = document.getElementById('main');
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = 'title';
el.innerHTML = encodeHTML(label);
function makeChart(getOption, label, opt) {
opt = opt || {};
var containerEl = document.getElementById('main');
var el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = 'block';
el.innerHTML = '<div class="ec"></div><label>' + encodeHTML(label) + '</label>';
var chart = echarts.init(el.firstChild, null, {renderer: 'canvas'});
chart.setOption(zrUtil.merge(opt, getOption()));
function defaultCartesianOption() {
var xAxisData = [];
var data1 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
xAxisData.push('类目' + i);
data1.push(+(Math.random() + 0.5).toFixed(3));
return {
legend: {
data: ['line', 'line2', 'line3']
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
axisPointer: {type: 'line'}
grid: {x: 50, y: 50, x2: 50, y2: 50},
xAxis: {
data: xAxisData,
name: 'XName',
boundaryGap: false,
splitArea: {show: false},
splitLine: {show: false}
yAxis: {
name: 'YName',
splitArea: {show: true}
series: [{
name: 'line',
type: 'line',
stack: 'all',
symbol: 'circle',
symbolSize: 10,
data: data1,
itemStyle: {
normal: {
borderColor: 'white',
borderWidth: 3,
lineStyle: {width: 1}
function defaultPolarOption() {
var xAxisData = [];
var data1 = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
xAxisData.push('类目' + i);
data1.push((Math.random() * 2 + 1).toFixed(3));
return {
legend: {
data: ['line', 'line2', 'line3']
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
axisPointer: {type: 'shadow'}
polar: {radius: '65%'},
angleAxis: {data: xAxisData},
radiusAxis: {splitNumber: 4},
series: [{
coordinateSystem: 'polar',
name: 'line',
stack: 'all',
type: 'line',
symbolSize: 10,
itemStyle: {normal: {areaStyle: {}}},
data: data1
function defaultParallelOption() {
var dataBJ = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
var item = [];
for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
item.push(Math.random() * 10);
return {
color: [
'#dd4444', '#fec42c', '#80F1BE'
parallelAxis: makeParallelAxisOption(),
parallel: {
x: 40,
y: 40,
x2: 40,
y2: 40,
parallelAxisDefault: {
type: 'value'
series: [
name: '北京',
type: 'parallel',
data: dataBJ
function encodeHTML(source) {
return source == null
? ''
: String(source)
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
.replace(/'/g, '&#39;');
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