提交 76922b98 编写于 作者: L lang

Color palette enhancement

上级 802b34ed
......@@ -783,6 +783,10 @@ define(function (require) {
* @private
function doVisualCoding(ecModel, payload) {
ecModel.eachSeries(function (seriesModel) {
each(VISUAL_CODING_STAGES, function (stage) {
each(visualCodingFuncs[stage] || [], function (visualCoding) {
visualCoding(ecModel, payload);
......@@ -748,5 +748,7 @@ define(function (require) {
zrUtil.mixin(GlobalModel, require('./mixin/colorPalette'));
return GlobalModel;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ define(function(require) {
var formatUtil = require('../util/format');
var modelUtil = require('../util/model');
var ComponentModel = require('./Component');
var colorPaletteMixin = require('./mixin/colorPalette');
var encodeHTML = formatUtil.encodeHTML;
var addCommas = formatUtil.addCommas;
......@@ -219,10 +220,21 @@ define(function(require) {
this._data = this._dataBeforeProcessed.cloneShallow();
getColorFromPalette: function (name, scope) {
var ecModel = this.ecModel;
var color = colorPaletteMixin.getColorFromPalette.call(this, name, scope);
if (!color) {
color = ecModel.getColorFromPalette(name, scope);
return color;
getAxisTooltipDataIndex: null
zrUtil.mixin(SeriesModel, modelUtil.dataFormatMixin);
zrUtil.mixin(SeriesModel, colorPaletteMixin);
return SeriesModel;
\ No newline at end of file
define(function () {
return {
clearColorPalette: function () {
this._colorIdx = 0;
this._colorNameMap = {};
getColorFromPalette: function (name, scope) {
scope = scope || this;
var colorIdx = scope._colorIdx || 0;
var colorNameMap = scope._colorNameMap || (scope._colorNameMap = {});
if (colorNameMap[name]) {
return colorNameMap[name];
var colorPalette = this.get('color', true) || [];
if (!colorPalette.length) {
var color = colorPalette[colorIdx];
if (name) {
colorNameMap[name] = color;
scope._colorIdx = (colorIdx + 1) % colorPalette.length;
return color;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,25 +2,30 @@
define(function (require) {
return function (seriesType, ecModel) {
var globalColorList = ecModel.get('color');
var offset = 0;
// Pie and funnel may use diferrent scope
var paletteScope = {};
ecModel.eachRawSeriesByType(seriesType, function (seriesModel) {
var colorList = seriesModel.get('color', true);
var dataAll = seriesModel.getRawData();
var idxMap = {};
if (!ecModel.isSeriesFiltered(seriesModel)) {
var data = seriesModel.getData();
data.each(function (idx) {
var itemModel = data.getItemModel(idx);
var rawIdx = data.getRawIndex(idx);
idxMap[rawIdx] = idx;
dataAll.each(function (rawIdx) {
// FIXME Performance
var itemModel = dataAll.getItemModel(rawIdx);
var filteredIdx = idxMap[rawIdx];
// If series.itemStyle.normal.color is a function. itemVisual may be encoded
var singleDataColor = data.getItemVisual(idx, 'color', true);
var singleDataColor = data.getItemVisual(filteredIdx, 'color', true);
if (!singleDataColor) {
var paletteColor = colorList ? colorList[rawIdx % colorList.length]
: globalColorList[(rawIdx + offset) % globalColorList.length];
var color = itemModel.get('itemStyle.normal.color') || paletteColor;
var color = itemModel.get('itemStyle.normal.color')
|| seriesModel.getColorFromPalette(dataAll.getName(rawIdx), paletteScope);
// Legend may use the visual info in data before processed
dataAll.setItemVisual(rawIdx, 'color', color);
data.setItemVisual(idx, 'color', color);
data.setItemVisual(filteredIdx, 'color', color);
else {
// Set data all color for legend
......@@ -28,7 +33,6 @@ define(function (require) {
offset += dataAll.count();
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@ define(function (require) {
return function (seriesType, styleType, ecModel) {
function encodeColor(seriesModel) {
var colorAccessPath = [styleType, 'normal', 'color'];
var colorList = ecModel.get('color');
var data = seriesModel.getData();
var color = seriesModel.get(colorAccessPath) // Set in itemStyle
|| colorList[seriesModel.seriesIndex % colorList.length]; // Default color
|| seriesModel.getColorFromPalette(seriesModel.get('name')); // Default color
// FIXME Set color function or use the platte color
data.setVisual('color', color);
......@@ -30,7 +29,7 @@ define(function (require) {
seriesType ? ecModel.eachSeriesByType(seriesType, encodeColor)
: ecModel.eachSeries(encodeColor);
seriesType ? ecModel.eachRawSeriesByType(seriesType, encodeColor)
: ecModel.eachRawSeries(encodeColor);
\ No newline at end of file
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