提交 6904fc6a 编写于 作者: P plainheart

fix(tooltip): fix tooltip position issue when using transform.

上级 ae6b6359
......@@ -31,7 +31,13 @@ import { ZRRawEvent } from 'zrender/src/core/types';
import { ColorString, ZRColor } from '../../util/types';
import CanvasPainter from 'zrender/src/canvas/Painter';
import SVGPainter from 'zrender/src/svg/Painter';
import { shouldTooltipConfine, toCSSVendorPrefix, TRANSFORM_VENDOR, TRANSITION_VENDOR } from './helper';
import {
} from './helper';
import { getPaddingFromTooltipModel } from './tooltipMarkup';
/* global document, window */
......@@ -101,22 +107,24 @@ function assembleTransition(duration: number, onlyFade?: boolean): string {
return CSS_TRANSITION_VENDOR + ':' + transitionText;
function assembleTransform(el: HTMLElement, x: number, y: number, zrHeight: number, toString?: boolean) {
function assembleTransform(el: HTMLElement, x: number, y: number, toString?: boolean) {
// If using float on style, the final width of the dom might
// keep changing slightly while mouse move. So `toFixed(0)` them.
const x0 = (x - 10).toFixed(0);
let x0;
let y0;
// not support transform, use `left` and `top` instead.
if (!env.transformSupported) {
x0 = x.toFixed(0);
y0 = y.toFixed(0);
return toString
? `top:${y0}px;left:${x0}px;`
: [['top', `${y0}px`], ['left', `${x0}px`]];
// support transform
// PENDING: don't minus `zrHeight` and keep consistent with top?
// why there is a 10px gap?
y0 = (y - zrHeight - 10).toFixed(0);
// FIXME: the padding of parent element will affect the position of tooltip
const stl = getComputedStyle(el.parentElement);
x0 = (x - parseInt(stl.paddingLeft, 10)).toFixed(0);
y0 = (y - parseInt(stl.paddingTop, 10)).toFixed(0);
const is3d = env.transform3dSupported;
const translate = `translate${is3d ? '3d' : ''}(${x0}px,${y0}px${is3d ? ',0' : ''})`;
return toString
......@@ -296,7 +304,8 @@ class TooltipHTMLContent {
else {
this._container = container;
......@@ -348,10 +357,9 @@ class TooltipHTMLContent {
// Move this logic to ec main?
const container = this._container;
const stl = (container as any).currentStyle
|| document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(container);
const position = getComputedStyle(container, 'position');
const domStyle = container.style;
if (domStyle.position !== 'absolute' && stl.position !== 'absolute') {
if (domStyle.position !== 'absolute' && position !== 'absolute') {
domStyle.position = 'relative';
......@@ -380,7 +388,7 @@ class TooltipHTMLContent {
style.cssText = gCssText
+ assembleCssText(tooltipModel, !this._firstShow, this._longHide)
// initial transform
+ assembleTransform(el, styleCoord[0], styleCoord[1], this._zr.getHeight(), true)
+ assembleTransform(el, styleCoord[0], styleCoord[1], true)
+ `border-color:${convertToColorString(nearPointColor)};`
+ (tooltipModel.get('extraCssText') || '')
// If mouse occasionally move over the tooltip, a mouseout event will be
......@@ -447,8 +455,7 @@ class TooltipHTMLContent {
const style = this.el.style;
const transforms = assembleTransform(
styleCoord[0], styleCoord[1],
styleCoord[0], styleCoord[1]
) as string[][];
each(transforms, (transform) => {
style[transform[0] as any] = transform[1];
......@@ -508,12 +515,10 @@ class TooltipHTMLContent {
// Consider browser compatibility.
// IE8 does not support getComputedStyle.
if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) {
const stl = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this.el);
if (stl) {
width += parseInt(stl.borderLeftWidth, 10) + parseInt(stl.borderRightWidth, 10);
height += parseInt(stl.borderTopWidth, 10) + parseInt(stl.borderBottomWidth, 10);
const stl = getComputedStyle(this.el);
if (stl) {
width += parseInt(stl.borderLeftWidth, 10) + parseInt(stl.borderRightWidth, 10);
height += parseInt(stl.borderTopWidth, 10) + parseInt(stl.borderBottomWidth, 10);
return {width: width, height: height};
......@@ -56,3 +56,11 @@ export function toCSSVendorPrefix(styleVendor: string, styleProp: string) {
: `-${styleVendor.slice(0, idx)}-${styleProp}`;
return styleVendor.toLowerCase();
export function getComputedStyle(el: HTMLElement, style?: string) {
const stl = (el as any).currentStyle
|| (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el));
return stl
? style ? stl[style] : stl
: null;
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