提交 103c9f7a 编写于 作者: O Ovilia

Merge branch 'next' into feat-bar-race

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import {GridOption} from './src/coord/cartesian/GridModel';
import {PolarOption} from './src/coord/polar/PolarModel';
import {GeoOption} from './src/coord/geo/GeoModel';
import {SingleAxisOption} from './src/coord/single/AxisModel';
import {ParallelAxisOption} from './src/coord/parallel/AxisModel';
import {ParallelCoordinateSystemOption} from './src/coord/parallel/ParallelModel';
import {CalendarOption} from './src/coord/calendar/CalendarModel';
import {ToolboxOption} from './src/component/toolbox/ToolboxModel';
import {TooltipOption} from './src/component/tooltip/TooltipModel';
import {AxisPointerOption} from './src/component/axisPointer/AxisPointerModel';
import {BrushOption} from './src/component/brush/BrushModel';
import {TitleOption} from './src/component/title';
import {TimelineOption} from './src/component/timeline/TimelineModel';
import {SliderTimelineOption} from './src/component/timeline/SliderTimelineModel';
import {LegendOption} from './src/component/legend/LegendModel';
import {ScrollableLegendOption} from './src/component/legend/ScrollableLegendModel';
import {DataZoomOption} from './src/component/dataZoom/DataZoomModel';
import {SliderDataZoomOption} from './src/component/dataZoom/SliderZoomModel';
import {InsideDataZoomOption} from './src/component/dataZoom/InsideZoomModel';
import {VisualMapOption} from './src/component/visualMap/VisualMapModel';
import {ContinousVisualMapOption} from './src/component/visualMap/ContinuousModel';
import {PiecewiseVisualMapOption} from './src/component/visualMap/PiecewiseModel';
import {LineSeriesOption} from './src/chart/line/LineSeries';
import {BarSeriesOption} from './src/chart/bar/BarSeries';
import {ScatterSeriesOption} from './src/chart/scatter/ScatterSeries';
import {RadarSeriesOption} from './src/chart/radar/RadarSeries';
import {MapSeriesOption} from './src/chart/map/MapSeries';
import {TreeSeriesOption} from './src/chart/tree/TreeSeries';
import {TreemapSeriesOption} from './src/chart/treemap/TreemapSeries';
import {GraphSeriesOption} from './src/chart/graph/GraphSeries';
import {GaugeSeriesOption} from './src/chart/gauge/GaugeSeries';
import {FunnelSeriesOption} from './src/chart/funnel/FunnelSeries';
import {ParallelSeriesOption} from './src/chart/parallel/ParallelSeries';
import {SankeySeriesOption} from './src/chart/sankey/SankeySeries';
import {BoxplotSeriesOption} from './src/chart/boxplot/BoxplotSeries';
import {CandlestickSeriesOption} from './src/chart/candlestick/CandlestickSeries';
import {EffectScatterSeriesOption} from './src/chart/effectScatter/EffectScatterSeries';
import {LinesSeriesOption} from './src/chart/lines/LinesSeries';
import {HeatmapSeriesOption} from './src/chart/heatmap/HeatmapSeries';
import {PictorialBarSeriesOption} from './src/chart/bar/PictorialBarSeries';
import {ThemeRiverSeriesOption} from './src/chart/themeRiver/ThemeRiverSeries';
import {SunburstSeriesOption} from './src/chart/sunburst/SunburstSeries';
export interface EChartsOption {
title?: TitleOption | TitleOption[]
grid?: GridOption | GridOption[]
polar?: PolarOption | PolarOption[]
geo?: GeoOption | GeoOption[]
singleAxis?: SingleAxisOption | SingleAxisOption[]
parallel?: ParallelCoordinateSystemOption | ParallelCoordinateSystemOption[]
parallelAxis?: ParallelAxisOption | ParallelAxisOption[]
calendar?: CalendarOption | CalendarOption[]
toolbox?: ToolboxOption | ToolboxOption[]
tooltip?: TooltipOption | TooltipOption[]
axisPointer?: AxisPointerOption | AxisPointerOption[]
brush?: BrushOption | BrushOption[]
timeline?: TimelineOption | SliderTimelineOption | (TimelineOption | SliderTimelineOption)[]
legend?: LegendOption | ScrollableLegendOption | (LegendOption | ScrollableLegendOption)[]
dataZoom?: SliderDataZoomOption | InsideDataZoomOption | (SliderDataZoomOption | InsideDataZoomOption)[]
visualMap?: (ContinousVisualMapOption | PiecewiseVisualMapOption)[]
series?: (LineSeriesOption
| BarSeriesOption
| ScatterSeriesOption
| RadarSeriesOption
| MapSeriesOption
| TreeSeriesOption
| TreemapSeriesOption
| GraphSeriesOption
| GaugeSeriesOption
| FunnelSeriesOption
| ParallelSeriesOption
| SankeySeriesOption
| BoxplotSeriesOption
| CandlestickSeriesOption
| EffectScatterSeriesOption
| LinesSeriesOption
| HeatmapSeriesOption
| PictorialBarSeriesOption
| ThemeRiverSeriesOption
| SunburstSeriesOption)[]
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ export interface PictorialBarDataItemOption extends PictorialBarSeriesSymbolOpti
export interface PictorialBarSeriesOption extends BaseBarSeriesOption,
SeriesStackOptionMixin {
type?: 'pictorialBar'
coordinateSystem?: 'cartesian2d'
data?: (PictorialBarDataItemOption | PictorialBarValue)[]
......@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ export interface GraphCategoryItemOption extends SymbolOptionMixin {
interface GraphSeriesOption extends SeriesOption,
export interface GraphSeriesOption extends SeriesOption,
SeriesOnCartesianOptionMixin, SeriesOnPolarOptionMixin, SeriesOnCalendarOptionMixin,
SeriesOnGeoOptionMixin, SeriesOnSingleOptionMixin,
......@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ export interface ParallelSeriesOption extends
SeriesEncodeOptionMixin {
type?: 'parallel';
coordinateSystem?: string;
parallelIndex?: number;
parallelId?: string;
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import DataZoomModel, {DataZoomOption} from './DataZoomModel';
import ComponentModel from '../../model/Component';
import { inheritDefaultOption } from '../../util/component';
interface InsideDataZoomOption extends DataZoomOption {
export interface InsideDataZoomOption extends DataZoomOption {
* Whether disable this inside zoom.
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import {
} from '../../util/types';
import { inheritDefaultOption } from '../../util/component';
interface SliderDataZoomOption extends DataZoomOption, BoxLayoutOptionMixin {
export interface SliderDataZoomOption extends DataZoomOption, BoxLayoutOptionMixin {
show?: boolean
......@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@
* under the License.
// @ts-nocheck
* This module is imported by echarts directly.
......@@ -31,36 +29,41 @@
import ComponentModel from '../model/Component';
import ComponentView from '../view/Component';
import {detectSourceFormat} from '../data/helper/sourceHelper';
import { SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_COLUMN } from '../util/types';
import {
SERIES_LAYOUT_BY_COLUMN, ComponentOption, SeriesEncodeOptionMixin, OptionSourceData, SeriesLayoutBy
} from '../util/types';
type: 'dataset',
* @protected
defaultOption: {
interface DatasetOption extends
Pick<ComponentOption, 'type' | 'id' | 'name'>,
Pick<SeriesEncodeOptionMixin, 'dimensions'> {
seriesLayoutBy?: SeriesLayoutBy;
// null/undefined/'auto': auto detect header, see "src/data/helper/sourceHelper".
sourceHeader?: boolean | 'auto';
data?: OptionSourceData;
// 'row', 'column'
class DatasetModel extends ComponentModel {
// null/'auto': auto detect header, see "module:echarts/data/helper/sourceHelper"
sourceHeader: null,
type = 'dataset';
static type = 'dataset';
dimensions: null,
static defaultOption: DatasetOption = {
source: null
optionUpdated: function () {
optionUpdated() {
class DatasetView extends ComponentView {
static type = 'dataset';
type = 'dataset';
type: 'dataset'
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import { mixin } from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import List from '../../data/List';
import { inheritDefaultOption } from '../../util/component';
interface SliderTimelineOption extends TimelineOption {
export interface SliderTimelineOption extends TimelineOption {
class SliderTimelineModel extends TimelineModel {
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import { ComponentOption, BoxLayoutOptionMixin, ZRColor, ShadowOptionMixin } fro
import Grid from './Grid';
import { CoordinateSystemHostModel } from '../CoordinateSystem';
interface GridOption extends ComponentOption, BoxLayoutOptionMixin, ShadowOptionMixin {
export interface GridOption extends ComponentOption, BoxLayoutOptionMixin, ShadowOptionMixin {
show?: boolean;
// Whether grid size contain label.
......@@ -99,17 +99,26 @@ export function enableClassExtend(rootClz: ExtendableConstructor, mandatoryMetho
// constructor.
// If this constructor/$constructor is declared, it is responsible for
// calling the super constructor.
const ExtendedClass = (class {
constructor() {
if (!proto.$constructor) {
function ExtendedClass(this: any, ...args: any[]) {
if (!proto.$constructor) {
if (!isESClass(superClass)) {
// Will throw error if superClass is an es6 native class.
superClass.apply(this, arguments);
else {
proto.$constructor.apply(this, arguments);
const ins = zrUtil.createObject(
// @ts-ignore
ExtendedClass.prototype, new superClass(...args)
return ins;
static [IS_EXTENDED_CLASS] = true;
}) as ExtendableConstructor;
else {
proto.$constructor.apply(this, arguments);
ExtendedClass[IS_EXTENDED_CLASS] = true;
zrUtil.extend(ExtendedClass.prototype, proto);
......@@ -119,10 +128,15 @@ export function enableClassExtend(rootClz: ExtendableConstructor, mandatoryMetho
zrUtil.inherits(ExtendedClass, this);
ExtendedClass.superClass = superClass;
return ExtendedClass as ExtendableConstructor;
return ExtendedClass as unknown as ExtendableConstructor;
function isESClass(fn: unknown): boolean {
return typeof fn === 'function'
&& /^class\s/.test(Function.prototype.toString.call(fn));
* A work around to both support ts extend and this extend mechanism.
* on sub-class.
......@@ -1134,6 +1134,6 @@ export interface SeriesSamplingOptionMixin {
export interface SeriesEncodeOptionMixin {
datasetIndex?: number;
seriesLayoutBy?: SeriesLayoutBy;
dimentions?: DimensionName[];
dimensions?: DimensionName[];
encode?: OptionEncode
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