提交 027f3bfc 编写于 作者: O Ovilia

Merge branch 'master' of github.com:ecomfe/echarts

"bitwise": false,
"camelcase": true,
"curly": true,
"eqeqeq": false,
"forin": false,
"immed": true,
"latedef": false,
"newcap": true,
"noarg": false,
"noempty": true,
"nonew": true,
"plusplus": false,
"quotmark": "single",
"regexp": false,
"undef": true,
"unused": "vars",
"strict": false,
"trailing": false,
"maxparams": 20,
"maxdepth": 6,
"maxlen": 200,
"asi": false,
"boss": false,
"debug": false,
"eqnull": true,
"esversion": 3,
"module": false,
"evil": true,
"expr": true,
"funcscope": false,
"globalstrict": false,
"iterator": false,
"lastsemic": false,
"laxbreak": true,
"laxcomma": false,
"loopfunc": false,
"multistr": false,
"onecase": false,
"proto": false,
"regexdash": false,
"scripturl": false,
"smarttabs": false,
"shadow": true,
"sub": true,
"supernew": false,
"validthis": true,
"browser": true,
"couch": false,
"devel": true,
"dojo": false,
"jquery": true,
"mootools": false,
"node": false,
"nonstandard": false,
"prototypejs": false,
"rhino": false,
"wsh": false,
"nomen": false,
"onevar": false,
"passfail": false,
"white": false,
"predef": [
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3338,6 +3338,12 @@ function lift(color, level) {
else {
colorArr[i] = ((255 - colorArr[i]) * level + colorArr[i]) | 0;
if (colorArr[i] > 255) {
colorArr[i] = 255;
else if (color[i] < 0) {
colorArr[i] = 0;
return stringify(colorArr, colorArr.length === 4 ? 'rgba' : 'rgb');
......@@ -6761,8 +6767,10 @@ Layer.prototype = {
var domStyle = dom.style;
var domBack = this.domBack;
domStyle.width = width + 'px';
domStyle.height = height + 'px';
if (domStyle) {
domStyle.width = width + 'px';
domStyle.height = height + 'px';
dom.width = width * dpr;
dom.height = height * dpr;
......@@ -6779,15 +6787,16 @@ Layer.prototype = {
* 清空该层画布
* @param {boolean} clearAll Clear all with out motion blur
* @param {boolean} [clearAll]=false Clear all with out motion blur
* @param {Color} [clearColor]
clear: function (clearAll) {
clear: function (clearAll, clearColor) {
var dom = this.dom;
var ctx = this.ctx;
var width = dom.width;
var height = dom.height;
var clearColor = this.clearColor;
var clearColor = clearColor || this.clearColor;
var haveMotionBLur = this.motionBlur && !clearAll;
var lastFrameAlpha = this.lastFrameAlpha;
......@@ -6807,7 +6816,7 @@ Layer.prototype = {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (clearColor) {
if (clearColor && clearColor !== 'transparent') {
var clearColorGradientOrPattern;
// Gradient
if (clearColor.colorStops) {
......@@ -8753,21 +8762,27 @@ var Painter = function (root, storage, opts) {
else {
var width = root.width;
var height = root.height;
if (opts.width != null) {
root.width = opts.width;
width = opts.width;
if (opts.height != null) {
root.height = opts.height;
height = opts.height;
this.dpr = opts.devicePixelRatio || 1;
// Use canvas width and height directly
var width = root.width;
var height = root.height;
root.width = width * this.dpr;
root.height = height * this.dpr;
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
// Create layer if only one given canvas
// Device pixel ratio is fixed to 1 because given canvas has its specified width and height
var mainLayer = new Layer(root, this, 1);
// Device can be specified to create a high dpi image.
var mainLayer = new Layer(root, this, this.dpr);
mainLayer.__builtin__ = true;
// FIXME Use canvas width and height
......@@ -8839,7 +8854,8 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var z = zlevelList[i];
var layer = this._layers[z];
if (!layer.__builtin__ && layer.refresh) {
var clearColor = i === 0 ? this._backgroundColor : null;
......@@ -8994,14 +9010,16 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var useTimer = !paintAll && layer.incremental && Date.now;
var startTime = useTimer && Date.now();
var clearColor = layer.zlevel === this._zlevelList[0]
? this._backgroundColor : null;
// All elements in this layer are cleared.
if (layer.__startIndex === layer.__endIndex) {
layer.clear(false, clearColor);
else if (start === layer.__startIndex) {
var firstEl = list[start];
if (!firstEl.incremental || !firstEl.notClear || paintAll) {
layer.clear(false, clearColor);
if (start === -1) {
......@@ -9340,6 +9358,10 @@ Painter.prototype = {
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
this._backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
* 修改指定zlevel的绘制参数
......@@ -9477,8 +9499,7 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var imageLayer = new Layer('image', this, opts.pixelRatio || this.dpr);
imageLayer.clearColor = opts.backgroundColor;
imageLayer.clear(false, opts.backgroundColor || this._backgroundColor);
if (opts.pixelRatio <= this.dpr) {
......@@ -10534,7 +10555,7 @@ var instances$1 = {}; // ZRender实例map索引
* @type {string}
var version$1 = '4.0.2';
var version$1 = '4.0.3';
* Initializing a zrender instance
......@@ -10711,7 +10732,20 @@ ZRender.prototype = {
* @param {number} [config.lastFrameAlpha=0.7] Motion blur factor. Larger value cause longer trailer
configLayer: function (zLevel, config) {
this.painter.configLayer(zLevel, config);
if (this.painter.configLayer) {
this.painter.configLayer(zLevel, config);
this._needsRefresh = true;
* Set background color
* @param {string} backgroundColor
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
if (this.painter.setBackgroundColor) {
this._needsRefresh = true;
......@@ -20011,6 +20045,9 @@ var GlobalModel = Model.extend({
* Get series list before filtered by type.
* FIXME: rename to getRawSeriesByType?
* @param {string} subType
* @return {Array.<module:echarts/model/Series>}
......@@ -23872,10 +23909,10 @@ var isFunction = isFunction$1;
var isObject = isObject$1;
var parseClassType = ComponentModel.parseClassType;
var version = '4.0.3';
var version = '4.0.4';
var dependencies = {
zrender: '4.0.2'
zrender: '4.0.3'
......@@ -23911,7 +23948,6 @@ var PRIORITY = {
// This flag is used to carry out this rule.
// All events will be triggered out side main process (i.e. when !this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS]).
var IN_MAIN_PROCESS = '__flagInMainProcess';
var HAS_GRADIENT_OR_PATTERN_BG = '__hasGradientOrPatternBg';
var OPTION_UPDATED = '__optionUpdated';
var ACTION_REG = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/;
......@@ -24291,7 +24327,7 @@ echartsProto.getSvgDataUrl = function () {
return zr.painter.pathToSvg();
return zr.painter.pathToDataUrl();
......@@ -24638,42 +24674,16 @@ var updateMethods = {
// Set background
var backgroundColor = ecModel.get('backgroundColor') || 'transparent';
var painter = zr.painter;
// TODO all use clearColor ?
if (painter.isSingleCanvas && painter.isSingleCanvas()) {
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: backgroundColor
// In IE8
if (!env$1.canvasSupported) {
var colorArr = parse(backgroundColor);
backgroundColor = stringify(colorArr, 'rgb');
if (colorArr[3] === 0) {
backgroundColor = 'transparent';
else {
// In IE8
if (!env$1.canvasSupported) {
var colorArr = parse(backgroundColor);
backgroundColor = stringify(colorArr, 'rgb');
if (colorArr[3] === 0) {
backgroundColor = 'transparent';
if (backgroundColor.colorStops || backgroundColor.image) {
// Gradient background
// FIXME Fixed layer?
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: backgroundColor
this._dom.style.background = 'transparent';
else {
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: null
this._dom.style.background = backgroundColor;
performPostUpdateFuncs(ecModel, api);
......@@ -26575,7 +26585,7 @@ listProto.getDimensionsOnCoord = function () {
* If idx is not specified, return the first dim not extra.
* @return {string|Array.<string>} concrete data dim.
* If idx is number, and not found, return null/undefined.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array (always return array).
listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dimensionsSummary = this._dimensionsSummary;
......@@ -26585,7 +26595,10 @@ listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dims = dimensionsSummary.encode[coordDim];
return dims && (idx === true ? dims.slice() : dims[idx]);
return idx === true
// always return array if idx is `true`
? (dims || []).slice()
: (dims && dims[idx]);
......@@ -29424,14 +29437,13 @@ function doCalBarWidthAndOffset(seriesInfoList, api) {
function layout(seriesType, ecModel, api) {
var seriesModels = filter(
function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
return seriesModel.coordinateSystem
&& seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d';
var seriesModels = [];
ecModel.eachSeriesByType(seriesType, function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
var barWidthAndOffset = calBarWidthAndOffset(seriesModels);
......@@ -30018,7 +30030,7 @@ function getScaleExtent(scale, model) {
var barSeriesModels = [];
var isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries;
each$1(ecModel.getSeriesByType('bar'), function (seriesModel) {
ecModel.eachSeriesByType('bar', function (seriesModel) {
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries |= seriesModel.getBaseAxis() === model.axis;
......@@ -53616,6 +53628,11 @@ SVGPainter.prototype = {
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
// TODO gradient
this._viewport.style.background = backgroundColor;
_paintList: function (list) {
......@@ -53852,10 +53869,10 @@ SVGPainter.prototype = {
pathToSvg: function () {
pathToDataUrl: function () {
var html = this._svgRoot.outerHTML;
return 'data:img/svg+xml;utf-8,' + unescape(html);
return 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,' + html;
......@@ -3338,6 +3338,12 @@ function lift(color, level) {
else {
colorArr[i] = ((255 - colorArr[i]) * level + colorArr[i]) | 0;
if (colorArr[i] > 255) {
colorArr[i] = 255;
else if (color[i] < 0) {
colorArr[i] = 0;
return stringify(colorArr, colorArr.length === 4 ? 'rgba' : 'rgb');
......@@ -6761,8 +6767,10 @@ Layer.prototype = {
var domStyle = dom.style;
var domBack = this.domBack;
domStyle.width = width + 'px';
domStyle.height = height + 'px';
if (domStyle) {
domStyle.width = width + 'px';
domStyle.height = height + 'px';
dom.width = width * dpr;
dom.height = height * dpr;
......@@ -6779,15 +6787,16 @@ Layer.prototype = {
* 清空该层画布
* @param {boolean} clearAll Clear all with out motion blur
* @param {boolean} [clearAll]=false Clear all with out motion blur
* @param {Color} [clearColor]
clear: function (clearAll) {
clear: function (clearAll, clearColor) {
var dom = this.dom;
var ctx = this.ctx;
var width = dom.width;
var height = dom.height;
var clearColor = this.clearColor;
var clearColor = clearColor || this.clearColor;
var haveMotionBLur = this.motionBlur && !clearAll;
var lastFrameAlpha = this.lastFrameAlpha;
......@@ -6807,7 +6816,7 @@ Layer.prototype = {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (clearColor) {
if (clearColor && clearColor !== 'transparent') {
var clearColorGradientOrPattern;
// Gradient
if (clearColor.colorStops) {
......@@ -8753,21 +8762,27 @@ var Painter = function (root, storage, opts) {
else {
var width = root.width;
var height = root.height;
if (opts.width != null) {
root.width = opts.width;
width = opts.width;
if (opts.height != null) {
root.height = opts.height;
height = opts.height;
this.dpr = opts.devicePixelRatio || 1;
// Use canvas width and height directly
var width = root.width;
var height = root.height;
root.width = width * this.dpr;
root.height = height * this.dpr;
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
// Create layer if only one given canvas
// Device pixel ratio is fixed to 1 because given canvas has its specified width and height
var mainLayer = new Layer(root, this, 1);
// Device can be specified to create a high dpi image.
var mainLayer = new Layer(root, this, this.dpr);
mainLayer.__builtin__ = true;
// FIXME Use canvas width and height
......@@ -8839,7 +8854,8 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var z = zlevelList[i];
var layer = this._layers[z];
if (!layer.__builtin__ && layer.refresh) {
var clearColor = i === 0 ? this._backgroundColor : null;
......@@ -8994,14 +9010,16 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var useTimer = !paintAll && layer.incremental && Date.now;
var startTime = useTimer && Date.now();
var clearColor = layer.zlevel === this._zlevelList[0]
? this._backgroundColor : null;
// All elements in this layer are cleared.
if (layer.__startIndex === layer.__endIndex) {
layer.clear(false, clearColor);
else if (start === layer.__startIndex) {
var firstEl = list[start];
if (!firstEl.incremental || !firstEl.notClear || paintAll) {
layer.clear(false, clearColor);
if (start === -1) {
......@@ -9340,6 +9358,10 @@ Painter.prototype = {
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
this._backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
* 修改指定zlevel的绘制参数
......@@ -9477,8 +9499,7 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var imageLayer = new Layer('image', this, opts.pixelRatio || this.dpr);
imageLayer.clearColor = opts.backgroundColor;
imageLayer.clear(false, opts.backgroundColor || this._backgroundColor);
if (opts.pixelRatio <= this.dpr) {
......@@ -10534,7 +10555,7 @@ var instances$1 = {}; // ZRender实例map索引
* @type {string}
var version$1 = '4.0.2';
var version$1 = '4.0.3';
* Initializing a zrender instance
......@@ -10711,7 +10732,20 @@ ZRender.prototype = {
* @param {number} [config.lastFrameAlpha=0.7] Motion blur factor. Larger value cause longer trailer
configLayer: function (zLevel, config) {
this.painter.configLayer(zLevel, config);
if (this.painter.configLayer) {
this.painter.configLayer(zLevel, config);
this._needsRefresh = true;
* Set background color
* @param {string} backgroundColor
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
if (this.painter.setBackgroundColor) {
this._needsRefresh = true;
......@@ -20077,6 +20111,9 @@ var GlobalModel = Model.extend({
* Get series list before filtered by type.
* FIXME: rename to getRawSeriesByType?
* @param {string} subType
* @return {Array.<module:echarts/model/Series>}
......@@ -23938,10 +23975,10 @@ var isFunction = isFunction$1;
var isObject = isObject$1;
var parseClassType = ComponentModel.parseClassType;
var version = '4.0.3';
var version = '4.0.4';
var dependencies = {
zrender: '4.0.2'
zrender: '4.0.3'
......@@ -23977,7 +24014,6 @@ var PRIORITY = {
// This flag is used to carry out this rule.
// All events will be triggered out side main process (i.e. when !this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS]).
var IN_MAIN_PROCESS = '__flagInMainProcess';
var HAS_GRADIENT_OR_PATTERN_BG = '__hasGradientOrPatternBg';
var OPTION_UPDATED = '__optionUpdated';
var ACTION_REG = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/;
......@@ -24357,7 +24393,7 @@ echartsProto.getSvgDataUrl = function () {
return zr.painter.pathToSvg();
return zr.painter.pathToDataUrl();
......@@ -24704,42 +24740,16 @@ var updateMethods = {
// Set background
var backgroundColor = ecModel.get('backgroundColor') || 'transparent';
var painter = zr.painter;
// TODO all use clearColor ?
if (painter.isSingleCanvas && painter.isSingleCanvas()) {
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: backgroundColor
// In IE8
if (!env$1.canvasSupported) {
var colorArr = parse(backgroundColor);
backgroundColor = stringify(colorArr, 'rgb');
if (colorArr[3] === 0) {
backgroundColor = 'transparent';
else {
// In IE8
if (!env$1.canvasSupported) {
var colorArr = parse(backgroundColor);
backgroundColor = stringify(colorArr, 'rgb');
if (colorArr[3] === 0) {
backgroundColor = 'transparent';
if (backgroundColor.colorStops || backgroundColor.image) {
// Gradient background
// FIXME Fixed layer?
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: backgroundColor
this._dom.style.background = 'transparent';
else {
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: null
this._dom.style.background = backgroundColor;
performPostUpdateFuncs(ecModel, api);
......@@ -26641,7 +26651,7 @@ listProto.getDimensionsOnCoord = function () {
* If idx is not specified, return the first dim not extra.
* @return {string|Array.<string>} concrete data dim.
* If idx is number, and not found, return null/undefined.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array (always return array).
listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dimensionsSummary = this._dimensionsSummary;
......@@ -26651,7 +26661,10 @@ listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dims = dimensionsSummary.encode[coordDim];
return dims && (idx === true ? dims.slice() : dims[idx]);
return idx === true
// always return array if idx is `true`
? (dims || []).slice()
: (dims && dims[idx]);
......@@ -29517,14 +29530,13 @@ function doCalBarWidthAndOffset(seriesInfoList, api) {
function layout(seriesType, ecModel, api) {
var seriesModels = filter(
function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
return seriesModel.coordinateSystem
&& seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d';
var seriesModels = [];
ecModel.eachSeriesByType(seriesType, function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
var barWidthAndOffset = calBarWidthAndOffset(seriesModels);
......@@ -30111,7 +30123,7 @@ function getScaleExtent(scale, model) {
var barSeriesModels = [];
var isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries;
each$1(ecModel.getSeriesByType('bar'), function (seriesModel) {
ecModel.eachSeriesByType('bar', function (seriesModel) {
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries |= seriesModel.getBaseAxis() === model.axis;
......@@ -81138,6 +81150,11 @@ SVGPainter.prototype = {
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
// TODO gradient
this._viewport.style.background = backgroundColor;
_paintList: function (list) {
......@@ -81374,10 +81391,10 @@ SVGPainter.prototype = {
pathToSvg: function () {
pathToDataUrl: function () {
var html = this._svgRoot.outerHTML;
return 'data:img/svg+xml;utf-8,' + unescape(html);
return 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,' + html;
......@@ -3133,6 +3133,12 @@ function lift(color, level) {
else {
colorArr[i] = ((255 - colorArr[i]) * level + colorArr[i]) | 0;
if (colorArr[i] > 255) {
colorArr[i] = 255;
else if (color[i] < 0) {
colorArr[i] = 0;
return stringify(colorArr, colorArr.length === 4 ? 'rgba' : 'rgb');
......@@ -6466,8 +6472,10 @@ Layer.prototype = {
var domStyle = dom.style;
var domBack = this.domBack;
domStyle.width = width + 'px';
domStyle.height = height + 'px';
if (domStyle) {
domStyle.width = width + 'px';
domStyle.height = height + 'px';
dom.width = width * dpr;
dom.height = height * dpr;
......@@ -6484,15 +6492,16 @@ Layer.prototype = {
* 清空该层画布
* @param {boolean} clearAll Clear all with out motion blur
* @param {boolean} [clearAll]=false Clear all with out motion blur
* @param {Color} [clearColor]
clear: function (clearAll) {
clear: function (clearAll, clearColor) {
var dom = this.dom;
var ctx = this.ctx;
var width = dom.width;
var height = dom.height;
var clearColor = this.clearColor;
var clearColor = clearColor || this.clearColor;
var haveMotionBLur = this.motionBlur && !clearAll;
var lastFrameAlpha = this.lastFrameAlpha;
......@@ -6512,7 +6521,7 @@ Layer.prototype = {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (clearColor) {
if (clearColor && clearColor !== 'transparent') {
var clearColorGradientOrPattern;
// Gradient
if (clearColor.colorStops) {
......@@ -8456,21 +8465,27 @@ var Painter = function (root, storage, opts) {
else {
var width = root.width;
var height = root.height;
if (opts.width != null) {
root.width = opts.width;
width = opts.width;
if (opts.height != null) {
root.height = opts.height;
height = opts.height;
this.dpr = opts.devicePixelRatio || 1;
// Use canvas width and height directly
var width = root.width;
var height = root.height;
root.width = width * this.dpr;
root.height = height * this.dpr;
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
// Create layer if only one given canvas
// Device pixel ratio is fixed to 1 because given canvas has its specified width and height
var mainLayer = new Layer(root, this, 1);
// Device can be specified to create a high dpi image.
var mainLayer = new Layer(root, this, this.dpr);
mainLayer.__builtin__ = true;
// FIXME Use canvas width and height
......@@ -8542,7 +8557,8 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var z = zlevelList[i];
var layer = this._layers[z];
if (!layer.__builtin__ && layer.refresh) {
var clearColor = i === 0 ? this._backgroundColor : null;
......@@ -8697,14 +8713,16 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var useTimer = !paintAll && layer.incremental && Date.now;
var startTime = useTimer && Date.now();
var clearColor = layer.zlevel === this._zlevelList[0]
? this._backgroundColor : null;
// All elements in this layer are cleared.
if (layer.__startIndex === layer.__endIndex) {
layer.clear(false, clearColor);
else if (start === layer.__startIndex) {
var firstEl = list[start];
if (!firstEl.incremental || !firstEl.notClear || paintAll) {
layer.clear(false, clearColor);
if (start === -1) {
......@@ -9043,6 +9061,10 @@ Painter.prototype = {
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
this._backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
* 修改指定zlevel的绘制参数
......@@ -9180,8 +9202,7 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var imageLayer = new Layer('image', this, opts.pixelRatio || this.dpr);
imageLayer.clearColor = opts.backgroundColor;
imageLayer.clear(false, opts.backgroundColor || this._backgroundColor);
if (opts.pixelRatio <= this.dpr) {
......@@ -10220,7 +10241,7 @@ var painterCtors = {
* @type {string}
var version$1 = '4.0.2';
var version$1 = '4.0.3';
* Initializing a zrender instance
......@@ -10374,7 +10395,20 @@ ZRender.prototype = {
* @param {number} [config.lastFrameAlpha=0.7] Motion blur factor. Larger value cause longer trailer
configLayer: function (zLevel, config) {
this.painter.configLayer(zLevel, config);
if (this.painter.configLayer) {
this.painter.configLayer(zLevel, config);
this._needsRefresh = true;
* Set background color
* @param {string} backgroundColor
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
if (this.painter.setBackgroundColor) {
this._needsRefresh = true;
......@@ -19476,6 +19510,9 @@ var GlobalModel = Model.extend({
* Get series list before filtered by type.
* FIXME: rename to getRawSeriesByType?
* @param {string} subType
* @return {Array.<module:echarts/model/Series>}
......@@ -23302,10 +23339,10 @@ var isFunction = isFunction$1;
var isObject = isObject$1;
var parseClassType = ComponentModel.parseClassType;
var version = '4.0.3';
var version = '4.0.4';
var dependencies = {
zrender: '4.0.2'
zrender: '4.0.3'
......@@ -23341,7 +23378,6 @@ var PRIORITY = {
// This flag is used to carry out this rule.
// All events will be triggered out side main process (i.e. when !this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS]).
var IN_MAIN_PROCESS = '__flagInMainProcess';
var HAS_GRADIENT_OR_PATTERN_BG = '__hasGradientOrPatternBg';
var OPTION_UPDATED = '__optionUpdated';
var ACTION_REG = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/;
......@@ -23721,7 +23757,7 @@ echartsProto.getSvgDataUrl = function () {
return zr.painter.pathToSvg();
return zr.painter.pathToDataUrl();
......@@ -24068,42 +24104,16 @@ var updateMethods = {
// Set background
var backgroundColor = ecModel.get('backgroundColor') || 'transparent';
var painter = zr.painter;
// TODO all use clearColor ?
if (painter.isSingleCanvas && painter.isSingleCanvas()) {
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: backgroundColor
// In IE8
if (!env$1.canvasSupported) {
var colorArr = parse(backgroundColor);
backgroundColor = stringify(colorArr, 'rgb');
if (colorArr[3] === 0) {
backgroundColor = 'transparent';
else {
// In IE8
if (!env$1.canvasSupported) {
var colorArr = parse(backgroundColor);
backgroundColor = stringify(colorArr, 'rgb');
if (colorArr[3] === 0) {
backgroundColor = 'transparent';
if (backgroundColor.colorStops || backgroundColor.image) {
// Gradient background
// FIXME Fixed layer?
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: backgroundColor
this._dom.style.background = 'transparent';
else {
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: null
this._dom.style.background = backgroundColor;
performPostUpdateFuncs(ecModel, api);
......@@ -26033,7 +26043,7 @@ listProto.getDimensionsOnCoord = function () {
* If idx is not specified, return the first dim not extra.
* @return {string|Array.<string>} concrete data dim.
* If idx is number, and not found, return null/undefined.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array (always return array).
listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dimensionsSummary = this._dimensionsSummary;
......@@ -26043,7 +26053,10 @@ listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dims = dimensionsSummary.encode[coordDim];
return dims && (idx === true ? dims.slice() : dims[idx]);
return idx === true
// always return array if idx is `true`
? (dims || []).slice()
: (dims && dims[idx]);
......@@ -31378,14 +31391,13 @@ function doCalBarWidthAndOffset(seriesInfoList, api) {
function layout(seriesType, ecModel, api) {
var seriesModels = filter(
function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
return seriesModel.coordinateSystem
&& seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d';
var seriesModels = [];
ecModel.eachSeriesByType(seriesType, function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
var barWidthAndOffset = calBarWidthAndOffset(seriesModels);
......@@ -31972,7 +31984,7 @@ function getScaleExtent(scale, model) {
var barSeriesModels = [];
var isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries;
each$1(ecModel.getSeriesByType('bar'), function (seriesModel) {
ecModel.eachSeriesByType('bar', function (seriesModel) {
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries |= seriesModel.getBaseAxis() === model.axis;
......@@ -3338,6 +3338,12 @@ function lift(color, level) {
else {
colorArr[i] = ((255 - colorArr[i]) * level + colorArr[i]) | 0;
if (colorArr[i] > 255) {
colorArr[i] = 255;
else if (color[i] < 0) {
colorArr[i] = 0;
return stringify(colorArr, colorArr.length === 4 ? 'rgba' : 'rgb');
......@@ -6761,8 +6767,10 @@ Layer.prototype = {
var domStyle = dom.style;
var domBack = this.domBack;
domStyle.width = width + 'px';
domStyle.height = height + 'px';
if (domStyle) {
domStyle.width = width + 'px';
domStyle.height = height + 'px';
dom.width = width * dpr;
dom.height = height * dpr;
......@@ -6779,15 +6787,16 @@ Layer.prototype = {
* 清空该层画布
* @param {boolean} clearAll Clear all with out motion blur
* @param {boolean} [clearAll]=false Clear all with out motion blur
* @param {Color} [clearColor]
clear: function (clearAll) {
clear: function (clearAll, clearColor) {
var dom = this.dom;
var ctx = this.ctx;
var width = dom.width;
var height = dom.height;
var clearColor = this.clearColor;
var clearColor = clearColor || this.clearColor;
var haveMotionBLur = this.motionBlur && !clearAll;
var lastFrameAlpha = this.lastFrameAlpha;
......@@ -6807,7 +6816,7 @@ Layer.prototype = {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (clearColor) {
if (clearColor && clearColor !== 'transparent') {
var clearColorGradientOrPattern;
// Gradient
if (clearColor.colorStops) {
......@@ -8753,21 +8762,27 @@ var Painter = function (root, storage, opts) {
else {
var width = root.width;
var height = root.height;
if (opts.width != null) {
root.width = opts.width;
width = opts.width;
if (opts.height != null) {
root.height = opts.height;
height = opts.height;
this.dpr = opts.devicePixelRatio || 1;
// Use canvas width and height directly
var width = root.width;
var height = root.height;
root.width = width * this.dpr;
root.height = height * this.dpr;
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
// Create layer if only one given canvas
// Device pixel ratio is fixed to 1 because given canvas has its specified width and height
var mainLayer = new Layer(root, this, 1);
// Device can be specified to create a high dpi image.
var mainLayer = new Layer(root, this, this.dpr);
mainLayer.__builtin__ = true;
// FIXME Use canvas width and height
......@@ -8839,7 +8854,8 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var z = zlevelList[i];
var layer = this._layers[z];
if (!layer.__builtin__ && layer.refresh) {
var clearColor = i === 0 ? this._backgroundColor : null;
......@@ -8994,14 +9010,16 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var useTimer = !paintAll && layer.incremental && Date.now;
var startTime = useTimer && Date.now();
var clearColor = layer.zlevel === this._zlevelList[0]
? this._backgroundColor : null;
// All elements in this layer are cleared.
if (layer.__startIndex === layer.__endIndex) {
layer.clear(false, clearColor);
else if (start === layer.__startIndex) {
var firstEl = list[start];
if (!firstEl.incremental || !firstEl.notClear || paintAll) {
layer.clear(false, clearColor);
if (start === -1) {
......@@ -9340,6 +9358,10 @@ Painter.prototype = {
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
this._backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
* 修改指定zlevel的绘制参数
......@@ -9477,8 +9499,7 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var imageLayer = new Layer('image', this, opts.pixelRatio || this.dpr);
imageLayer.clearColor = opts.backgroundColor;
imageLayer.clear(false, opts.backgroundColor || this._backgroundColor);
if (opts.pixelRatio <= this.dpr) {
......@@ -10534,7 +10555,7 @@ var instances$1 = {}; // ZRender实例map索引
* @type {string}
var version$1 = '4.0.2';
var version$1 = '4.0.3';
* Initializing a zrender instance
......@@ -10711,7 +10732,20 @@ ZRender.prototype = {
* @param {number} [config.lastFrameAlpha=0.7] Motion blur factor. Larger value cause longer trailer
configLayer: function (zLevel, config) {
this.painter.configLayer(zLevel, config);
if (this.painter.configLayer) {
this.painter.configLayer(zLevel, config);
this._needsRefresh = true;
* Set background color
* @param {string} backgroundColor
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
if (this.painter.setBackgroundColor) {
this._needsRefresh = true;
......@@ -20011,6 +20045,9 @@ var GlobalModel = Model.extend({
* Get series list before filtered by type.
* FIXME: rename to getRawSeriesByType?
* @param {string} subType
* @return {Array.<module:echarts/model/Series>}
......@@ -23930,10 +23967,10 @@ var isFunction = isFunction$1;
var isObject = isObject$1;
var parseClassType = ComponentModel.parseClassType;
var version = '4.0.3';
var version = '4.0.4';
var dependencies = {
zrender: '4.0.2'
zrender: '4.0.3'
......@@ -23969,7 +24006,6 @@ var PRIORITY = {
// This flag is used to carry out this rule.
// All events will be triggered out side main process (i.e. when !this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS]).
var IN_MAIN_PROCESS = '__flagInMainProcess';
var HAS_GRADIENT_OR_PATTERN_BG = '__hasGradientOrPatternBg';
var OPTION_UPDATED = '__optionUpdated';
var ACTION_REG = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/;
......@@ -24349,7 +24385,7 @@ echartsProto.getSvgDataUrl = function () {
return zr.painter.pathToSvg();
return zr.painter.pathToDataUrl();
......@@ -24696,42 +24732,16 @@ var updateMethods = {
// Set background
var backgroundColor = ecModel.get('backgroundColor') || 'transparent';
var painter = zr.painter;
// TODO all use clearColor ?
if (painter.isSingleCanvas && painter.isSingleCanvas()) {
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: backgroundColor
// In IE8
if (!env$1.canvasSupported) {
var colorArr = parse(backgroundColor);
backgroundColor = stringify(colorArr, 'rgb');
if (colorArr[3] === 0) {
backgroundColor = 'transparent';
else {
// In IE8
if (!env$1.canvasSupported) {
var colorArr = parse(backgroundColor);
backgroundColor = stringify(colorArr, 'rgb');
if (colorArr[3] === 0) {
backgroundColor = 'transparent';
if (backgroundColor.colorStops || backgroundColor.image) {
// Gradient background
// FIXME Fixed layer?
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: backgroundColor
this._dom.style.background = 'transparent';
else {
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: null
this._dom.style.background = backgroundColor;
performPostUpdateFuncs(ecModel, api);
......@@ -26633,7 +26643,7 @@ listProto.getDimensionsOnCoord = function () {
* If idx is not specified, return the first dim not extra.
* @return {string|Array.<string>} concrete data dim.
* If idx is number, and not found, return null/undefined.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array (always return array).
listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dimensionsSummary = this._dimensionsSummary;
......@@ -26643,7 +26653,10 @@ listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dims = dimensionsSummary.encode[coordDim];
return dims && (idx === true ? dims.slice() : dims[idx]);
return idx === true
// always return array if idx is `true`
? (dims || []).slice()
: (dims && dims[idx]);
......@@ -29482,14 +29495,13 @@ function doCalBarWidthAndOffset(seriesInfoList, api) {
function layout(seriesType, ecModel, api) {
var seriesModels = filter(
function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
return seriesModel.coordinateSystem
&& seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d';
var seriesModels = [];
ecModel.eachSeriesByType(seriesType, function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
var barWidthAndOffset = calBarWidthAndOffset(seriesModels);
......@@ -30076,7 +30088,7 @@ function getScaleExtent(scale, model) {
var barSeriesModels = [];
var isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries;
each$1(ecModel.getSeriesByType('bar'), function (seriesModel) {
ecModel.eachSeriesByType('bar', function (seriesModel) {
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries |= seriesModel.getBaseAxis() === model.axis;
......@@ -53674,6 +53686,11 @@ SVGPainter.prototype = {
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
// TODO gradient
this._viewport.style.background = backgroundColor;
_paintList: function (list) {
......@@ -53910,10 +53927,10 @@ SVGPainter.prototype = {
pathToSvg: function () {
pathToDataUrl: function () {
var html = this._svgRoot.outerHTML;
return 'data:img/svg+xml;utf-8,' + unescape(html);
return 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,' + html;
......@@ -3338,6 +3338,12 @@ function lift(color, level) {
else {
colorArr[i] = ((255 - colorArr[i]) * level + colorArr[i]) | 0;
if (colorArr[i] > 255) {
colorArr[i] = 255;
else if (color[i] < 0) {
colorArr[i] = 0;
return stringify(colorArr, colorArr.length === 4 ? 'rgba' : 'rgb');
......@@ -6761,8 +6767,10 @@ Layer.prototype = {
var domStyle = dom.style;
var domBack = this.domBack;
domStyle.width = width + 'px';
domStyle.height = height + 'px';
if (domStyle) {
domStyle.width = width + 'px';
domStyle.height = height + 'px';
dom.width = width * dpr;
dom.height = height * dpr;
......@@ -6779,15 +6787,16 @@ Layer.prototype = {
* 清空该层画布
* @param {boolean} clearAll Clear all with out motion blur
* @param {boolean} [clearAll]=false Clear all with out motion blur
* @param {Color} [clearColor]
clear: function (clearAll) {
clear: function (clearAll, clearColor) {
var dom = this.dom;
var ctx = this.ctx;
var width = dom.width;
var height = dom.height;
var clearColor = this.clearColor;
var clearColor = clearColor || this.clearColor;
var haveMotionBLur = this.motionBlur && !clearAll;
var lastFrameAlpha = this.lastFrameAlpha;
......@@ -6807,7 +6816,7 @@ Layer.prototype = {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (clearColor) {
if (clearColor && clearColor !== 'transparent') {
var clearColorGradientOrPattern;
// Gradient
if (clearColor.colorStops) {
......@@ -8753,21 +8762,27 @@ var Painter = function (root, storage, opts) {
else {
var width = root.width;
var height = root.height;
if (opts.width != null) {
root.width = opts.width;
width = opts.width;
if (opts.height != null) {
root.height = opts.height;
height = opts.height;
this.dpr = opts.devicePixelRatio || 1;
// Use canvas width and height directly
var width = root.width;
var height = root.height;
root.width = width * this.dpr;
root.height = height * this.dpr;
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
// Create layer if only one given canvas
// Device pixel ratio is fixed to 1 because given canvas has its specified width and height
var mainLayer = new Layer(root, this, 1);
// Device can be specified to create a high dpi image.
var mainLayer = new Layer(root, this, this.dpr);
mainLayer.__builtin__ = true;
// FIXME Use canvas width and height
......@@ -8839,7 +8854,8 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var z = zlevelList[i];
var layer = this._layers[z];
if (!layer.__builtin__ && layer.refresh) {
var clearColor = i === 0 ? this._backgroundColor : null;
......@@ -8994,14 +9010,16 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var useTimer = !paintAll && layer.incremental && Date.now;
var startTime = useTimer && Date.now();
var clearColor = layer.zlevel === this._zlevelList[0]
? this._backgroundColor : null;
// All elements in this layer are cleared.
if (layer.__startIndex === layer.__endIndex) {
layer.clear(false, clearColor);
else if (start === layer.__startIndex) {
var firstEl = list[start];
if (!firstEl.incremental || !firstEl.notClear || paintAll) {
layer.clear(false, clearColor);
if (start === -1) {
......@@ -9340,6 +9358,10 @@ Painter.prototype = {
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
this._backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
* 修改指定zlevel的绘制参数
......@@ -9477,8 +9499,7 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var imageLayer = new Layer('image', this, opts.pixelRatio || this.dpr);
imageLayer.clearColor = opts.backgroundColor;
imageLayer.clear(false, opts.backgroundColor || this._backgroundColor);
if (opts.pixelRatio <= this.dpr) {
......@@ -10534,7 +10555,7 @@ var instances$1 = {}; // ZRender实例map索引
* @type {string}
var version$1 = '4.0.2';
var version$1 = '4.0.3';
* Initializing a zrender instance
......@@ -10711,7 +10732,20 @@ ZRender.prototype = {
* @param {number} [config.lastFrameAlpha=0.7] Motion blur factor. Larger value cause longer trailer
configLayer: function (zLevel, config) {
this.painter.configLayer(zLevel, config);
if (this.painter.configLayer) {
this.painter.configLayer(zLevel, config);
this._needsRefresh = true;
* Set background color
* @param {string} backgroundColor
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
if (this.painter.setBackgroundColor) {
this._needsRefresh = true;
......@@ -20077,6 +20111,9 @@ var GlobalModel = Model.extend({
* Get series list before filtered by type.
* FIXME: rename to getRawSeriesByType?
* @param {string} subType
* @return {Array.<module:echarts/model/Series>}
......@@ -23996,10 +24033,10 @@ var isFunction = isFunction$1;
var isObject = isObject$1;
var parseClassType = ComponentModel.parseClassType;
var version = '4.0.3';
var version = '4.0.4';
var dependencies = {
zrender: '4.0.2'
zrender: '4.0.3'
......@@ -24035,7 +24072,6 @@ var PRIORITY = {
// This flag is used to carry out this rule.
// All events will be triggered out side main process (i.e. when !this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS]).
var IN_MAIN_PROCESS = '__flagInMainProcess';
var HAS_GRADIENT_OR_PATTERN_BG = '__hasGradientOrPatternBg';
var OPTION_UPDATED = '__optionUpdated';
var ACTION_REG = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/;
......@@ -24415,7 +24451,7 @@ echartsProto.getSvgDataUrl = function () {
return zr.painter.pathToSvg();
return zr.painter.pathToDataUrl();
......@@ -24762,42 +24798,16 @@ var updateMethods = {
// Set background
var backgroundColor = ecModel.get('backgroundColor') || 'transparent';
var painter = zr.painter;
// TODO all use clearColor ?
if (painter.isSingleCanvas && painter.isSingleCanvas()) {
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: backgroundColor
// In IE8
if (!env$1.canvasSupported) {
var colorArr = parse(backgroundColor);
backgroundColor = stringify(colorArr, 'rgb');
if (colorArr[3] === 0) {
backgroundColor = 'transparent';
else {
// In IE8
if (!env$1.canvasSupported) {
var colorArr = parse(backgroundColor);
backgroundColor = stringify(colorArr, 'rgb');
if (colorArr[3] === 0) {
backgroundColor = 'transparent';
if (backgroundColor.colorStops || backgroundColor.image) {
// Gradient background
// FIXME Fixed layer?
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: backgroundColor
this._dom.style.background = 'transparent';
else {
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: null
this._dom.style.background = backgroundColor;
performPostUpdateFuncs(ecModel, api);
......@@ -26699,7 +26709,7 @@ listProto.getDimensionsOnCoord = function () {
* If idx is not specified, return the first dim not extra.
* @return {string|Array.<string>} concrete data dim.
* If idx is number, and not found, return null/undefined.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array (always return array).
listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dimensionsSummary = this._dimensionsSummary;
......@@ -26709,7 +26719,10 @@ listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dims = dimensionsSummary.encode[coordDim];
return dims && (idx === true ? dims.slice() : dims[idx]);
return idx === true
// always return array if idx is `true`
? (dims || []).slice()
: (dims && dims[idx]);
......@@ -29575,14 +29588,13 @@ function doCalBarWidthAndOffset(seriesInfoList, api) {
function layout(seriesType, ecModel, api) {
var seriesModels = filter(
function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
return seriesModel.coordinateSystem
&& seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d';
var seriesModels = [];
ecModel.eachSeriesByType(seriesType, function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
var barWidthAndOffset = calBarWidthAndOffset(seriesModels);
......@@ -30169,7 +30181,7 @@ function getScaleExtent(scale, model) {
var barSeriesModels = [];
var isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries;
each$1(ecModel.getSeriesByType('bar'), function (seriesModel) {
ecModel.eachSeriesByType('bar', function (seriesModel) {
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries |= seriesModel.getBaseAxis() === model.axis;
......@@ -81196,6 +81208,11 @@ SVGPainter.prototype = {
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
// TODO gradient
this._viewport.style.background = backgroundColor;
_paintList: function (list) {
......@@ -81432,10 +81449,10 @@ SVGPainter.prototype = {
pathToSvg: function () {
pathToDataUrl: function () {
var html = this._svgRoot.outerHTML;
return 'data:img/svg+xml;utf-8,' + unescape(html);
return 'data:image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8,' + html;
......@@ -3133,6 +3133,12 @@ function lift(color, level) {
else {
colorArr[i] = ((255 - colorArr[i]) * level + colorArr[i]) | 0;
if (colorArr[i] > 255) {
colorArr[i] = 255;
else if (color[i] < 0) {
colorArr[i] = 0;
return stringify(colorArr, colorArr.length === 4 ? 'rgba' : 'rgb');
......@@ -6466,8 +6472,10 @@ Layer.prototype = {
var domStyle = dom.style;
var domBack = this.domBack;
domStyle.width = width + 'px';
domStyle.height = height + 'px';
if (domStyle) {
domStyle.width = width + 'px';
domStyle.height = height + 'px';
dom.width = width * dpr;
dom.height = height * dpr;
......@@ -6484,15 +6492,16 @@ Layer.prototype = {
* 清空该层画布
* @param {boolean} clearAll Clear all with out motion blur
* @param {boolean} [clearAll]=false Clear all with out motion blur
* @param {Color} [clearColor]
clear: function (clearAll) {
clear: function (clearAll, clearColor) {
var dom = this.dom;
var ctx = this.ctx;
var width = dom.width;
var height = dom.height;
var clearColor = this.clearColor;
var clearColor = clearColor || this.clearColor;
var haveMotionBLur = this.motionBlur && !clearAll;
var lastFrameAlpha = this.lastFrameAlpha;
......@@ -6512,7 +6521,7 @@ Layer.prototype = {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
if (clearColor) {
if (clearColor && clearColor !== 'transparent') {
var clearColorGradientOrPattern;
// Gradient
if (clearColor.colorStops) {
......@@ -8456,21 +8465,27 @@ var Painter = function (root, storage, opts) {
else {
var width = root.width;
var height = root.height;
if (opts.width != null) {
root.width = opts.width;
width = opts.width;
if (opts.height != null) {
root.height = opts.height;
height = opts.height;
this.dpr = opts.devicePixelRatio || 1;
// Use canvas width and height directly
var width = root.width;
var height = root.height;
root.width = width * this.dpr;
root.height = height * this.dpr;
this._width = width;
this._height = height;
// Create layer if only one given canvas
// Device pixel ratio is fixed to 1 because given canvas has its specified width and height
var mainLayer = new Layer(root, this, 1);
// Device can be specified to create a high dpi image.
var mainLayer = new Layer(root, this, this.dpr);
mainLayer.__builtin__ = true;
// FIXME Use canvas width and height
......@@ -8542,7 +8557,8 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var z = zlevelList[i];
var layer = this._layers[z];
if (!layer.__builtin__ && layer.refresh) {
var clearColor = i === 0 ? this._backgroundColor : null;
......@@ -8697,14 +8713,16 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var useTimer = !paintAll && layer.incremental && Date.now;
var startTime = useTimer && Date.now();
var clearColor = layer.zlevel === this._zlevelList[0]
? this._backgroundColor : null;
// All elements in this layer are cleared.
if (layer.__startIndex === layer.__endIndex) {
layer.clear(false, clearColor);
else if (start === layer.__startIndex) {
var firstEl = list[start];
if (!firstEl.incremental || !firstEl.notClear || paintAll) {
layer.clear(false, clearColor);
if (start === -1) {
......@@ -9043,6 +9061,10 @@ Painter.prototype = {
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
this._backgroundColor = backgroundColor;
* 修改指定zlevel的绘制参数
......@@ -9180,8 +9202,7 @@ Painter.prototype = {
var imageLayer = new Layer('image', this, opts.pixelRatio || this.dpr);
imageLayer.clearColor = opts.backgroundColor;
imageLayer.clear(false, opts.backgroundColor || this._backgroundColor);
if (opts.pixelRatio <= this.dpr) {
......@@ -10220,7 +10241,7 @@ var painterCtors = {
* @type {string}
var version$1 = '4.0.2';
var version$1 = '4.0.3';
* Initializing a zrender instance
......@@ -10374,7 +10395,20 @@ ZRender.prototype = {
* @param {number} [config.lastFrameAlpha=0.7] Motion blur factor. Larger value cause longer trailer
configLayer: function (zLevel, config) {
this.painter.configLayer(zLevel, config);
if (this.painter.configLayer) {
this.painter.configLayer(zLevel, config);
this._needsRefresh = true;
* Set background color
* @param {string} backgroundColor
setBackgroundColor: function (backgroundColor) {
if (this.painter.setBackgroundColor) {
this._needsRefresh = true;
......@@ -19476,6 +19510,9 @@ var GlobalModel = Model.extend({
* Get series list before filtered by type.
* FIXME: rename to getRawSeriesByType?
* @param {string} subType
* @return {Array.<module:echarts/model/Series>}
......@@ -23360,10 +23397,10 @@ var isFunction = isFunction$1;
var isObject = isObject$1;
var parseClassType = ComponentModel.parseClassType;
var version = '4.0.3';
var version = '4.0.4';
var dependencies = {
zrender: '4.0.2'
zrender: '4.0.3'
......@@ -23399,7 +23436,6 @@ var PRIORITY = {
// This flag is used to carry out this rule.
// All events will be triggered out side main process (i.e. when !this[IN_MAIN_PROCESS]).
var IN_MAIN_PROCESS = '__flagInMainProcess';
var HAS_GRADIENT_OR_PATTERN_BG = '__hasGradientOrPatternBg';
var OPTION_UPDATED = '__optionUpdated';
var ACTION_REG = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/;
......@@ -23779,7 +23815,7 @@ echartsProto.getSvgDataUrl = function () {
return zr.painter.pathToSvg();
return zr.painter.pathToDataUrl();
......@@ -24126,42 +24162,16 @@ var updateMethods = {
// Set background
var backgroundColor = ecModel.get('backgroundColor') || 'transparent';
var painter = zr.painter;
// TODO all use clearColor ?
if (painter.isSingleCanvas && painter.isSingleCanvas()) {
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: backgroundColor
// In IE8
if (!env$1.canvasSupported) {
var colorArr = parse(backgroundColor);
backgroundColor = stringify(colorArr, 'rgb');
if (colorArr[3] === 0) {
backgroundColor = 'transparent';
else {
// In IE8
if (!env$1.canvasSupported) {
var colorArr = parse(backgroundColor);
backgroundColor = stringify(colorArr, 'rgb');
if (colorArr[3] === 0) {
backgroundColor = 'transparent';
if (backgroundColor.colorStops || backgroundColor.image) {
// Gradient background
// FIXME Fixed layer?
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: backgroundColor
this._dom.style.background = 'transparent';
else {
zr.configLayer(0, {
clearColor: null
this._dom.style.background = backgroundColor;
performPostUpdateFuncs(ecModel, api);
......@@ -26091,7 +26101,7 @@ listProto.getDimensionsOnCoord = function () {
* If idx is not specified, return the first dim not extra.
* @return {string|Array.<string>} concrete data dim.
* If idx is number, and not found, return null/undefined.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array (always return array).
listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dimensionsSummary = this._dimensionsSummary;
......@@ -26101,7 +26111,10 @@ listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dims = dimensionsSummary.encode[coordDim];
return dims && (idx === true ? dims.slice() : dims[idx]);
return idx === true
// always return array if idx is `true`
? (dims || []).slice()
: (dims && dims[idx]);
......@@ -31436,14 +31449,13 @@ function doCalBarWidthAndOffset(seriesInfoList, api) {
function layout(seriesType, ecModel, api) {
var seriesModels = filter(
function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
return seriesModel.coordinateSystem
&& seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d';
var seriesModels = [];
ecModel.eachSeriesByType(seriesType, function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
var barWidthAndOffset = calBarWidthAndOffset(seriesModels);
......@@ -32030,7 +32042,7 @@ function getScaleExtent(scale, model) {
var barSeriesModels = [];
var isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries;
each$1(ecModel.getSeriesByType('bar'), function (seriesModel) {
ecModel.eachSeriesByType('bar', function (seriesModel) {
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries |= seriesModel.getBaseAxis() === model.axis;
"name": "echarts",
"version": "4.0.3",
"version": "4.0.4",
"description": "A powerful charting and visualization library for browser",
"keywords": [
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
"prepublish": "node build/build.js --prepublish"
"dependencies": {
"zrender": "4.0.2"
"zrender": "4.0.3"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "7.0.0-beta.31",
......@@ -58,6 +58,6 @@
"rollup": "0.50.0",
"rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "3.0.0",
"rollup-plugin-uglify": "2.0.1",
"zrender": "4.0.2"
"zrender": "4.0.3"
......@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ export function getScaleExtent(scale, model) {
var barSeriesModels = [];
var isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries;
zrUtil.each(ecModel.getSeriesByType('bar'), function (seriesModel) {
ecModel.eachSeriesByType('bar', function (seriesModel) {
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
isBaseAxisAndHasBarSeries |= seriesModel.getBaseAxis() === model.axis;
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ listProto.getDimensionsOnCoord = function () {
* If idx is not specified, return the first dim not extra.
* @return {string|Array.<string>} concrete data dim.
* If idx is number, and not found, return null/undefined.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array.
* If idx is `true`, and not found, return empty array (always return array).
listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dimensionsSummary = this._dimensionsSummary;
......@@ -333,7 +333,10 @@ listProto.mapDimension = function (coordDim, idx) {
var dims = dimensionsSummary.encode[coordDim];
return dims && (idx === true ? dims.slice() : dims[idx]);
return idx === true
// always return array if idx is `true`
? (dims || []).slice()
: (dims && dims[idx]);
......@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ var isFunction = zrUtil.isFunction;
var isObject = zrUtil.isObject;
var parseClassType = ComponentModel.parseClassType;
export var version = '4.0.3';
export var version = '4.0.4';
export var dependencies = {
zrender: '4.0.2'
zrender: '4.0.3'
......@@ -204,14 +204,13 @@ function doCalBarWidthAndOffset(seriesInfoList, api) {
export function layout(seriesType, ecModel, api) {
var seriesModels = zrUtil.filter(
function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
return seriesModel.coordinateSystem
&& seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d';
var seriesModels = [];
ecModel.eachSeriesByType(seriesType, function (seriesModel) {
// Check series coordinate, do layout for cartesian2d only
if (seriesModel.coordinateSystem && seriesModel.coordinateSystem.type === 'cartesian2d') {
var barWidthAndOffset = calBarWidthAndOffset(seriesModels);
......@@ -473,6 +473,9 @@ var GlobalModel = Model.extend({
* Get series list before filtered by type.
* FIXME: rename to getRawSeriesByType?
* @param {string} subType
* @return {Array.<module:echarts/model/Series>}
......@@ -853,12 +853,16 @@
testHelper.create(echarts, 'layout11', {
option: option,
dataTable: arrayRows0
dataTable: option.dataset.source
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
<div id="layout1"></div>
<div id="layout2"></div>
<div id="layout3"></div>
<div id="layout4"></div>
<div id="layout5"></div>
......@@ -255,5 +257,142 @@
require(['echarts'], function (echarts) {
var option = {
dataset: [{
source: [
['2012-12-12', 323, 11.2],
['2012-12-13', 167, 8.3],
['2012-12-14', 284, 12],
['2012-12-18', 413, 4.1],
['2012-12-19', 287, 13.5]
}, {
source: [
[new Date(2012, 11, 12), 323 + 100, 11.2 + 100],
[new Date(2012, 11, 13), 167 + 100, 8.3 + 100],
[new Date(2012, 11, 14), 284 + 100, 12 + 100],
[new Date(2012, 11, 18), 413 + 100, 4.1 + 100],
[new Date(2012, 11, 19), 287 + 100, 13.5 + 100]
legend: {},
xAxis: {
type: 'time'
yAxis: {},
dataZoom: [{
type: 'slider',
}, {
type: 'inside'
grid: {
bottom: 80
series: [{
name: 'A1',
encode: {x: 0, y: 1},
type: 'line'
}, {
name: 'A2',
encode: {x: 0, y: 2},
type: 'line'
}, {
name: 'B1',
encode: {x: 0, y: 1},
datasetIndex: 1,
type: 'line'
}, {
name: 'B2',
encode: {x: 0, y: 2},
datasetIndex: 1,
type: 'line'
testHelper.create(echarts, 'layout4', {
title: 'time axis',
option: option,
dataTables: [
require(['echarts'], function (echarts) {
var option = {
dataset: {
source: [
['2012-12-12 15:18:09.321', 323, 11.2],
['2012-12-12 15:18:10.432', 167, 8.3],
['2012-12-12 15:18:11.543', 284, 12],
['2012-12-12 15:18:12.654', 413, 4.1],
['2012-12-12 15:18:13.765', 287, 13.5]
legend: {},
xAxis: {
type: 'time',
axisLabel: {
formatter: function (val) {
return echarts.format.formatTime('hh:mm:ss.SSS\nyyyy-MM-dd', val)
yAxis: {},
dataZoom: [{
type: 'slider',
}, {
type: 'inside'
grid: {
bottom: 80
series: [{
name: 'A1',
encode: {x: 0, y: 1},
label: {
show: true,
formatter: function (param) {
return echarts.format.formatTime('hh:mm:ss.SSS', param.value[0])
textBorderColor: '#fff',
textBorderWidth: 3
type: 'line'
}, {
name: 'A2',
encode: {x: 0, y: 2},
type: 'line'
testHelper.create(echarts, 'layout5', {
title: 'time axis2',
option: option,
dataTable: option.dataset.source
\ No newline at end of file
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