提交 4425afc8 编写于 作者: fxy060608's avatar fxy060608

chore: build

上级 0efbc1fd
import { createElementVNode, defineComponent, createVNode, mergeProps, getCurrentInstance, provide, watch, onUnmounted, ref, inject, onBeforeUnmount, Text, isVNode, Fragment, onMounted, computed } from "vue";
import { createElementVNode, defineComponent, createVNode, mergeProps, getCurrentInstance, provide, watch, onUnmounted, shallowRef, reactive, watchEffect, ref, inject, onBeforeUnmount, computed, Text, isVNode, Fragment, onMounted } from "vue";
import { hasOwn, extend, isPlainObject } from "@vue/shared";
import { cacheStringFunction } from "@dcloudio/uni-shared";
const OPEN_TYPES = [
......@@ -230,6 +230,43 @@ function _removeListeners(id, listeners, watch2) {
function entries(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj).map((key) => [key, obj[key]]);
const DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_KEYS = ["class", "style"];
const LISTENER_PREFIX = /^on[A-Z]+/;
const useAttrs = (params = {}) => {
const { excludeListeners = false, excludeKeys = [] } = params;
const instance = getCurrentInstance();
const attrs = shallowRef({});
const listeners = shallowRef({});
const excludeAttrs = shallowRef({});
const allExcludeKeys = excludeKeys.concat(DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_KEYS);
instance.attrs = reactive(instance.attrs);
watchEffect(() => {
const res = entries(instance.attrs).reduce((acc, [key, val]) => {
if (allExcludeKeys.includes(key)) {
acc.exclude[key] = val;
} else if (LISTENER_PREFIX.test(key)) {
if (!excludeListeners) {
acc.attrs[key] = val;
acc.listeners[key] = val;
} else {
acc.attrs[key] = val;
return acc;
}, {
exclude: {},
attrs: {},
listeners: {}
attrs.value = res.attrs;
listeners.value = res.listeners;
excludeAttrs.value = res.exclude;
return { $attrs: attrs, $listeners: listeners, $excludeAttrs: excludeAttrs };
const buttonProps = {
id: {
type: String,
......@@ -455,6 +492,7 @@ const TYPES = {
warn: "w"
var Button = defineComponent({
inheritAttrs: false,
name: "Button",
props: extend(buttonProps, {
type: {
......@@ -471,15 +509,22 @@ var Button = defineComponent({
}) {
const {
} = useAttrs({
excludeListeners: true
const type = props.type;
const rootRef = ref(null);
const onClick = (e2, isLabelClick) => {
const _onClick = $listeners.value.onClick || (() => {
if (props.disabled) {
if (isLabelClick) {
const _getClass = (t2) => {
let cl = "ub-" + TYPES[type] + t2;
......@@ -506,6 +551,15 @@ var Button = defineComponent({
useListeners(props, {
"label-click": onClick
const _listeners = computed(() => {
const obj = {};
for (const eventName in $listeners.value) {
const event = $listeners.value[eventName];
if (eventName !== "onClick")
obj[eventName] = event;
return obj;
const wrapSlots = () => {
if (!slots.default)
return [];
......@@ -518,14 +572,14 @@ var Button = defineComponent({
return vnodes;
return () => {
const _attrs = extend({}, useHoverClass(props), {
hoverClass: _getHoverClass("")
}, $attrs.value, $excludeAttrs.value, _listeners.value);
return createVNode("view", mergeProps({
"ref": rootRef,
"class": ["ub", _getClass("")]
}, extend({}, useHoverClass(props), {
hoverClass: _getHoverClass("")
}), {
"class": ["ub", _getClass("")],
"onClick": onClick
}), [props.loading ? createVNode("loading-indicator", mergeProps({
}, _attrs), [props.loading ? createVNode("loading-indicator", mergeProps({
"class": ["ub-loading", `ub-${TYPES[type]}-loading`]
}, {
arrow: "false",
......@@ -648,7 +702,8 @@ var MovableArea = defineComponent({
return () => {
const defaultSlots = slots.default && slots.default();
const movableViewItems = flatVNode(defaultSlots);
return createVNode("view", mergeProps({
return createVNode("div", mergeProps({
"ref": rootRef,
"class": "uni-movable-area"
}, listeners), [movableViewItems]);
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