提交 9338f226 编写于 作者: B break60 提交者: lgcareer

Remove 1.2.0 useless code (#1573)

* Front-end compliance modification

* Front-end supplemental license

* Modify naming

* Repair license

* replace cookie.js with js-cookie, add js-cookie license

* License Corrected Version

* Remove 1.2.0 useless code
上级 ad7ea3a0
......@@ -91,232 +91,22 @@ Dag.prototype.toolbarEvent = function ({ item, code, is }) {
* Echo data display
Dag.prototype.backfill = function (arg) {
if(arg) {
let locationsValue = store.state.dag.locations
let locationsValue1 = store.state.dag.locations
let locationsValue2 = store.state.dag.locations
let arr = []
for (let i in locationsValue1) {
let objs = new Object();
objs.id = i
arr.push(Object.assign(objs,locationsValue1[i])); //Attributes
let tmp = []
for(let i in locationsValue2) {
if(locationsValue2[i].targetarr !='' && locationsValue2[i].targetarr.split(',').length>1) {
function copy (array) {
let newArray = []
for(let item of array) {
return newArray;
let newArr = copy(arr)
function getNewArr() {
for(let i= 0; i<newArr.length; i++) {
if(newArr[i].targetarr !='' && newArr[i].targetarr.split(',').length>1) {
newArr[i].targetarr = newArr[i].targetarr.split(',').shift()
return newArr
* @description Transform flat data into a tree structure
* @param {Array} arr Flat data
* @param {String} pidStr targetarr key name
* @param {String} idStr id key name
* @param {String} childrenStr children key name
function fommat({arrayList, pidStr = 'targetarr', idStr = 'id', childrenStr = 'children'}) {
let listOjb = {}; // Used to store objects of the form {key: obj}
let treeList = []; // An array to store the final tree structure data
// Transform the data into {key: obj} format, which is convenient for the following data processing
for (let i = 0; i < arrayList.length; i++) {
listOjb[arrayList[i][idStr]] = arrayList[i]
// Format data based on pid
for (let j = 0; j < arrayList.length; j++) {
// Determine if the parent exists
// let haveParent = arrayList[j].targetarr.split(',').length>1?listOjb[arrayList[j].targetarr.split(',')[0]]:listOjb[arrayList[j][pidStr]]
let haveParent = listOjb[arrayList[j][pidStr]]
if (haveParent) {
// If there is no parent children field, create a children field
!haveParent[childrenStr] && (haveParent[childrenStr] = [])
// Insert child in parent
} else {
// If there is no parent, insert directly into the outermost layer
return treeList
let datas = fommat({arrayList: newArr,pidStr: 'targetarr'})
// Count the number of leaf nodes
function getLeafCountTree(json) {
if(!json.children) {
json.colspan = 1;
return 1;
} else {
let leafCount = 0;
for(let i = 0 ; i < json.children.length ; i++){
leafCount = leafCount + getLeafCountTree(json.children[i]);
json.colspan = leafCount;
return leafCount;
// Number of tree node levels
let countTree = getLeafCountTree(datas[0])
function getMaxFloor(treeData) {
let floor = 0
let v = this
let max = 0
function each (data, floor) {
data.forEach(e => {
e.floor = floor
if (floor > max) {
max = floor
if (e.children) {
each(e.children, floor + 1)
return max
// The last child of each node
let lastchildren = [];
function forxh(list) {
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
let chlist = list[i];
if (chlist.children) {
} else {
// Get all parent nodes above the leaf node
function treeFindPath (tree, func, path,n) {
if (!tree) return []
for (const data of tree) {
if (func(data)) return path
if (data.children) {
const findChildren = treeFindPath(data.children, func, path,n)
if (findChildren.length) return findChildren
return []
function toLine(data){
return data.reduce((arr, {id, name, targetarr, x, y, children = []}) =>
arr.concat([{id, name, targetarr, x, y}], toLine(children)), [])
return result;
let listarr = toLine(datas);
let listarrs = toLine(datas)
let dataObject = {}
for(let i = 0; i<listarrs.length; i++) {
for(let a = 0; a<listarr.length; a++) {
dataObject[listarr[a].id] = listarrs[a]
// Comparison function
function createComparisonFunction(propertyName) {
return function (object1,object2) {
let value1 = object1[propertyName];
let value2 = object2[propertyName];
if (value1 < value2) {
return -1;
} else if (value1 > value2) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
lastchildren = lastchildren.sort(createComparisonFunction('x'))
// Coordinate value of each leaf node
for(let a = 0; a<lastchildren.length; a++) {
dataObject[lastchildren[a].id].y = (a+1)*120
for(let i =0 ; i<lastchildren.length; i++) {
let node = treeFindPath(datas, data=> data.targetarr===lastchildren[i].targetarr,[],i+1)
for(let j = 0; j<node.length; j++) {
for(let k= 0; k<listarrs.length; k++) {
if(node[j] == listarrs[k].name) {
listarrs[k].y = (i+1)*120
for(let i = 0; i<tmp.length; i++) {
for(let objs in dataObject) {
if(tmp[i].name == dataObject[objs].name) {
dataObject[objs].targetarr = tmp[i].targetarr
for(let a = 0; a<lastchildren.length; a++) {
dataObject[lastchildren[a].id].y = (a+1)*120
if(countTree>1) {
dataObject[Object.keys(locationsValue1)[0]].y = (countTree/2)*120+50
locationsValue = dataObject
jsPlumb.ready(() => {
dag: this.dag,
instance: this.instance
// Backfill
// connects
connects: _.cloneDeep(store.state.dag.connects),
// Node location information
locations: _.cloneDeep(locationsValue),
// Node data
largeJson: _.cloneDeep(store.state.dag.tasks)
Dag.prototype.backfill = function () {
jsPlumb.ready(() => {
dag: this.dag,
instance: this.instance
} else {
jsPlumb.ready(() => {
dag: this.dag,
instance: this.instance
// Backfill
// connects
connects: _.cloneDeep(store.state.dag.connects),
// Node location information
locations: _.cloneDeep(store.state.dag.locations),
// Node data
largeJson: _.cloneDeep(store.state.dag.tasks)
// Backfill
// connects
connects: _.cloneDeep(store.state.dag.connects),
// Node location information
locations: _.cloneDeep(store.state.dag.locations),
// Node data
largeJson: _.cloneDeep(store.state.dag.tasks)
......@@ -144,8 +144,7 @@
isRtTasks: false,
isRefresh: false,
isLoading: false,
taskId: null,
arg: false,
taskId: null
mixins: [disabledState],
......@@ -157,43 +156,9 @@
...mapActions('dag', ['saveDAGchart', 'updateInstance', 'updateDefinition', 'getTaskState']),
...mapMutations('dag', ['addTasks', 'resetParams', 'setIsEditDag', 'setName']),
// DAG automatic layout
dagAutomaticLayout() {
// Destroy round robin
dag: this,
instance: jsPlumb.getInstance({
Endpoint: [
'Dot', { radius: 1, cssClass: 'dot-style' }
Connector: 'Straight',
PaintStyle: { lineWidth: 2, stroke: '#456' }, // Connection style
ConnectionOverlays: [
location: 1,
id: 'arrow',
length: 12,
foldback: 0.8
Container: 'canvas'
if (this.tasks.length) {
} else {
init (args) {
init () {
if (this.tasks.length) {
// Process instances can view status
if (this.type === 'instance') {
this._getTaskState(false).then(res => {})
......@@ -551,7 +516,7 @@
mounted () {
beforeDestroy () {
......@@ -60,7 +60,6 @@
created () {
this.$nextTick(() => {
if (this.sqlType != 0) {
this.sqlTypeId = this.sqlType
} else {
......@@ -32,22 +32,6 @@
<div slot="text">{{$t('Spark Version')}}</div>
<div slot="content">
style="width: 130px;"
v-for="city in sparkVersionList"
<m-list-box v-if="programType !== 'PYTHON'">
<div slot="text">{{$t('Main class')}}</div>
<div slot="content">
......@@ -240,11 +224,7 @@
// Program type
programType: 'SCALA',
// Program type(List)
programTypeList: [{ code: 'JAVA' }, { code: 'SCALA' }, { code: 'PYTHON' }],
// Spark version
sparkVersion: 'SPARK2',
// Spark version(LIst)
sparkVersionList: [{ code: 'SPARK2' }, { code: 'SPARK1' }]
programTypeList: [{ code: 'JAVA' }, { code: 'SCALA' }, { code: 'PYTHON' }]
props: {
......@@ -338,8 +318,7 @@
executorCores: this.executorCores,
mainArgs: this.mainArgs,
others: this.others,
programType: this.programType,
sparkVersion: this.sparkVersion
programType: this.programType
return true
......@@ -387,7 +366,6 @@
this.mainArgs = o.params.mainArgs || ''
this.others = o.params.others
this.programType = o.params.programType || 'SCALA'
this.sparkVersion = o.params.sparkVersion || 'SPARK2'
// backfill resourceList
let resourceList = o.params.resourceList || []
......@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
<x-radio :label="'CLICKHOUSE'">CLICKHOUSE</x-radio>
<x-radio :label="'ORACLE'">ORACLE</x-radio>
<x-radio :label="'SQLSERVER'">SQLSERVER</x-radio>
<x-radio :label="'DB2'" class="radio-label-last" >DB2</x-radio>
......@@ -384,9 +383,6 @@
defaultPort = '1433'
case 'DB2':
defaultPort = '50000'
......@@ -87,11 +87,6 @@ export default {
id: 6,
code: 'SQLSERVER',
disabled: false
id: 7,
code: 'DB2',
disabled: false
// Alarm interface
......@@ -506,6 +506,5 @@ export default {
'There is no data for this period of time': 'There is no data for this period of time',
'IP address cannot be empty': 'IP address cannot be empty',
'Please enter the correct IP': 'Please enter the correct IP',
'Please generate token': 'Please generate token',
'Spark Version': 'Spark Version'
'Please generate token': 'Please generate token'
......@@ -506,6 +506,5 @@ export default {
'There is no data for this period of time': '该时间段无数据',
'IP address cannot be empty': 'IP地址不能为空',
'Please enter the correct IP': '请输入正确的IP',
'Please generate token': '请生成Token',
'Spark Version': 'Spark版本'
'Please generate token': '请生成Token'
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