提交 9481f7ff 编写于 作者: 泰斯特Test's avatar 泰斯特Test

[del](interfaceTestCron.py) 删除多余 print

上级 833535a5
......@@ -43,17 +43,11 @@ class Cron:
self.ding_ding_notify_strategy = {'success': True, 'fail': True}\
if is_ding_ding_notify and ding_ding_notify_strategy is None else ding_ding_notify_strategy
# print('self.ding_ding_access_token ----> %s' % self.ding_ding_access_token)
# print('self.ding_ding_notify_strategy ----> %s' % self.ding_ding_notify_strategy)
self.enterprise_wechat_access_token = enterprise_wechat_access_token if enterprise_wechat_access_token else None
self.enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy = {'success': True, 'fail': True} \
if is_enterprise_wechat_notify and enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy is None\
else enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy
print('self.enterprise_wechat_access_token ----> %s' % enterprise_wechat_access_token)
print('self.enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy ----> %s' % self.enterprise_wechat_notify_strategy)
self._id = str(common.get_object_id())
self.alarm_mail_list = []
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