1. 30 4月, 2021 10 次提交
  2. 29 4月, 2021 9 次提交
  3. 28 4月, 2021 8 次提交
  4. 27 4月, 2021 8 次提交
    • P
      eth/protocols/snap: generate storage trie from full dirty snap data (#22668) · caea6c46
      Péter Szilágyi 提交于
      * eth/protocols/snap: generate storage trie from full dirty snap data
      * eth/protocols/snap: get rid of some more dead code
      * eth/protocols/snap: less frequent logs, also log during trie generation
      * eth/protocols/snap: implement dirty account range stack-hashing
      * eth/protocols/snap: don't loop on account trie generation
      * eth/protocols/snap: fix account format in trie
      * core, eth, ethdb: glue snap packets together, but not chunks
      * eth/protocols/snap: print completion log for snap phase
      * eth/protocols/snap: extended tests
      * eth/protocols/snap: make testcase pass
      * eth/protocols/snap: fix account stacktrie commit without defer
      * ethdb: fix key counts on reset
      * eth/protocols: fix typos
      * eth/protocols/snap: make better use of delivered data (#44)
      * eth/protocols/snap: make better use of delivered data
      * squashme
      * eth/protocols/snap: reduce chunking
      * squashme
      * eth/protocols/snap: reduce chunking further
      * eth/protocols/snap: break out hash range calculations
      * eth/protocols/snap: use sort.Search instead of looping
      * eth/protocols/snap: prevent crash on storage response with no keys
      * eth/protocols/snap: nitpicks all around
      * eth/protocols/snap: clear heal need on 1-chunk storage completion
      * eth/protocols/snap: fix range chunker, add tests
      Co-authored-by: NPéter Szilágyi <peterke@gmail.com>
      * trie: fix test API error
      * eth/protocols/snap: fix some further liter issues
      * eth/protocols/snap: fix accidental batch reuse
      Co-authored-by: NMartin Holst Swende <martin@swende.se>
    • M
      core/vm: make gas cost reporting to tracers correct (#22702) · 65a1c2d8
      Martin Holst Swende 提交于
      Previously, the makeCallVariantGasCallEIP2929 charged the cold account access cost directly, leading to an incorrect gas cost passed to the tracer from the main execution loop.
      This change still temporarily charges the cost (to allow for an accurate calculation of the available gas for the call), but then afterwards refunds it and instead returns the correct total gas cost to be then properly charged in the main loop.
    • F
      build: upgrade -dlgo version to Go 1.16.3 (#22746) · a0a99e61
      Felix Lange 提交于
    • L
    • P
      Merge pull request #21467 from holiman/minor_ethashfix · 85a0bab6
      Péter Szilágyi 提交于
      consensus/ethash: less lookups of block data
    • F
      build: upgrade to golangci-lint v1.39.0 (#22696) · a3f0da1a
      Felix Lange 提交于
      * build: upgrade to golangci-lint v1.39.0
      * consensus/ethash: fix go vet warning regarding reflect.SliceHeader
      * eth/catalyst: fix lint issue
      * consensus/ethash: fix bug in memoryMapFile
    • G
      les: polish code (#22625) · 854f068e
      gary rong 提交于
      * les: polish code
      * les/vflus/server: fixes
      * les: fix lint
    • M
      core/rawdb: fix datarace in freezer (#22728) · 9b99e3df
      Martin Holst Swende 提交于
      The Append / truncate operations were racy. When a datafile reaches 2Gb, a new file is needed. For this operation, we require a writelock, which is not needed in the 99.99% of all cases where the data does fit in the current head-file.
      This transition from readlock to writelock was incorrect, and as the readlock was released, a truncate operation could slip in between, and truncate the data. This would have been fine, however, the Append operation continued writing as if no truncation had occurred, e.g writing item 5 where item 0 should reside.
      This PR changes the behaviour, so that if when we run into the situation that a new file is needed, it aborts, and retries, this time with a writelock.
      The outcome of the situation described above, running on this PR, would instead be that the Append operation exits with a failure.
  5. 24 4月, 2021 2 次提交
  6. 23 4月, 2021 2 次提交
  7. 22 4月, 2021 1 次提交