1. 27 2月, 2016 1 次提交
  2. 26 2月, 2016 3 次提交
  3. 24 2月, 2016 8 次提交
  4. 23 2月, 2016 6 次提交
  5. 22 2月, 2016 12 次提交
  6. 20 2月, 2016 1 次提交
    • J
      eth: fixed homestead tx check · c616391d
      Jeffrey Wilcke 提交于
      When a block is queried for retrieval we should add a check whether the
      block falls within the frontier rules. If we'd always use `From`
      retrieving transaction might fail. This PR temporarily changes
      everything to `FromFrontier` (safe!).
  7. 19 2月, 2016 8 次提交
  8. 18 2月, 2016 1 次提交
    • J
      core: Added new TD strategy which mitigate the risk for selfish mining · 5b283663
      Jeffrey Wilcke 提交于
      Assuming the following scenario where a miner has 15% of all hashing
      power and the ability to exert a moderate control over the network to
      the point where if the attacker sees a message A, it can't stop A from
      propagating, but what it **can** do is send a message B and ensure that
      most nodes see B before A. The attacker can then selfish mine and
      augment selfish mining strategy by giving his own blocks an advantage.
      This change makes the time at which a block is received less relevant
      and so the level of control an attacker has over the network no longer
      makes a difference.
      This change changes the current td algorithm `B_td > C_td` to the new
      algorithm `B_td > C_td || B_td == C_td && rnd < 0.5`.