1. 17 5月, 2021 2 次提交
  2. 12 5月, 2021 2 次提交
  3. 11 5月, 2021 5 次提交
  4. 10 5月, 2021 5 次提交
  5. 07 5月, 2021 5 次提交
  6. 06 5月, 2021 3 次提交
  7. 05 5月, 2021 7 次提交
  8. 04 5月, 2021 3 次提交
    • F
      build: improve cross compilation setup (#22804) · effaf185
      Felix Lange 提交于
      This PR cleans up the CI build system and fixes a couple of issues.
      - The go tool launcher code has been moved to internal/build. With the new
        toolchain functions, the environment of the host Go (i.e. the one that built
        ci.go) and the target Go (i.e. the toolchain downloaded by -dlgo) are isolated
        more strictly. This is important to make cross compilation and -dlgo work
        correctly in more cases.
      - The -dlgo option now skips the download and uses the host Go if the running Go
        version matches dlgoVersion exactly.
      - The 'test' command now supports -dlgo, -cc and -arch. Running unit tests with
        foreign GOARCH is occasionally useful. For example, it can be used to run
        32-bit tests on Windows. It can also be used to run darwin/amd64 tests on
        darwin/arm64 using Rosetta 2.
      - The 'aar', 'xcode' and 'xgo' commands now use a slightly different method to
        install external tools. They previously used `go get`, but this comes with the
        annoying side effect of modifying go.mod. They now use `go install` instead,
        which is the recommended way of installing tools without modifying the local
      - The old build warning about outdated Go version has been removed because we're
        much better at keeping backwards compatibility now.
    • F
      cmd/utils: use eth DNS tree for snap discovery (#22808) · b8040a43
      Felix Lange 提交于
      This removes auto-configuration of the snap.*.ethdisco.net DNS discovery tree.
      Since measurements have shown that > 75% of nodes in all.*.ethdisco.net support
      snap, we have decided to retire the dedicated index for snap and just use the eth
      tree instead.
      The dial iterators of eth and snap now use the same DNS tree in the default configuration,
      so both iterators should use the same DNS discovery client instance. This ensures that
      the record cache and rate limit are shared. Records will not be requested multiple times.
      While testing the change, I noticed that duplicate DNS requests do happen even
      when the client instance is shared. This is because the two iterators request the tree
      root, link tree root, and first levels of the tree in lockstep. To avoid this problem, the
      change also adds a singleflight.Group instance in the client. When one iterator
      attempts to resolve an entry which is already being resolved, the singleflight object
      waits for the existing resolve call to finish and returns the entry to both places.
    • P
      Merge pull request #22803 from karalabe/silence-scary-warning · 640d2c5e
      Péter Szilágyi 提交于
      eth: don't print db upgrade warning on db init
  9. 03 5月, 2021 5 次提交
  10. 01 5月, 2021 3 次提交