提交 c2df9d35 编写于 作者: F Felix Lange 提交者: Jeffrey Wilcke

[release/1.3.4] crypto/secp256k1: remove dependency on libgmp

Turns out we actually don't need it, USE_NUM_NONE works
because we also set USE_FIELD_INV_BUILTIN.

上级 a4f4846f
......@@ -20,10 +20,6 @@ env:
- secure: "U2U1AmkU4NJBgKR/uUAebQY87cNL0+1JHjnLOmmXwxYYyj5ralWb1aSuSH3qSXiT93qLBmtaUkuv9fberHVqrbAeVlztVdUsKAq7JMQH+M99iFkC9UiRMqHmtjWJ0ok4COD1sRYixxi21wb/JrMe3M1iL4QJVS61iltjHhVdM64="
sudo: false
- libgmp3-dev
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
GOBIN = build/bin
CROSSDEPS = https://gmplib.org/download/gmp/gmp-6.0.0a.tar.bz2
MODE ?= default
GO ?= latest
......@@ -26,32 +26,51 @@ geth-linux: xgo geth-linux-arm geth-linux-386 geth-linux-amd64
@echo "Linux cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-*
geth-linux-arm: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --dest=$(GOBIN) --deps=$(CROSSDEPS) --targets=linux/arm -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux ARM cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep arm
geth-linux-386: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --dest=$(GOBIN) --deps=$(CROSSDEPS) --targets=linux/386 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=linux/386 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux 386 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep 386
geth-linux-amd64: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --dest=$(GOBIN) --deps=$(CROSSDEPS) --targets=linux/amd64 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=linux/amd64 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux amd64 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep amd64
geth-darwin: xgo geth-darwin-386 geth-darwin-amd64
geth-linux-arm: geth-linux-arm-5 geth-linux-arm-6 geth-linux-arm-7 geth-linux-arm64
@echo "Linux ARM cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep arm
geth-linux-arm-5: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=linux/arm-5 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux ARMv5 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep arm-5
geth-linux-arm-6: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=linux/arm-6 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux ARMv6 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep arm-6
geth-linux-arm-7: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=linux/arm-7 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux ARMv7 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep arm-7
geth-linux-arm64: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=linux/arm64 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Linux ARM64 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-linux-* | grep arm64
geth-darwin: geth-darwin-386 geth-darwin-amd64
@echo "Darwin cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-darwin-*
geth-darwin-386: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --dest=$(GOBIN) --deps=$(CROSSDEPS) --targets=darwin/386 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=darwin/386 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Darwin 386 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-darwin-* | grep 386
geth-darwin-amd64: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --dest=$(GOBIN) --deps=$(CROSSDEPS) --targets=darwin/amd64 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=darwin/amd64 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Darwin amd64 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-darwin-* | grep amd64
......@@ -60,28 +79,33 @@ geth-windows: xgo geth-windows-386 geth-windows-amd64
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-windows-*
geth-windows-386: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --dest=$(GOBIN) --deps=$(CROSSDEPS) --targets=windows/386 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=windows/386 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Windows 386 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-windows-* | grep 386
geth-windows-amd64: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --dest=$(GOBIN) --deps=$(CROSSDEPS) --targets=windows/amd64 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=windows/amd64 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Windows amd64 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-windows-* | grep amd64
geth-android: xgo geth-android-16 geth-android-21
geth-android: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=android/* -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Android cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-android-*
geth-android-16: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --dest=$(GOBIN) --deps=$(CROSSDEPS) --targets=android-16/* -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Android 16 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-android-16-*
geth-ios: geth-ios-arm-7 geth-ios-arm64
@echo "iOS cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-ios-*
geth-ios-arm-7: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=ios/arm-7 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "iOS ARMv7 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-ios-* | grep arm-7
geth-android-21: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --dest=$(GOBIN) --deps=$(CROSSDEPS) --targets=android-21/* -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "Android 21 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-android-21-*
geth-ios-arm64: xgo
build/env.sh $(GOBIN)/xgo --go=$(GO) --buildmode=$(MODE) --dest=$(GOBIN) --targets=ios-7.0/arm64 -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/geth
@echo "iOS ARM64 cross compilation done:"
@ls -l $(GOBIN)/geth-ios-* | grep arm64
build/env.sh $(GOROOT)/bin/go install -v $(shell build/flags.sh) ./cmd/evm
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ For prerequisites and detailed build instructions please read the
[Installation Instructions](https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Building-Ethereum)
on the wiki.
Building geth requires two external dependencies, Go and GMP.
Building geth requires both a Go and a C compiler.
You can install them using your favourite package manager.
Once the dependencies are installed, run
golang secp256k1 library
Implements cryptographic operations for the secp256k1 ECDSA curve used by Bitcoin.
GMP library headers are required to build. On Debian-based systems, the package is called `libgmp-dev`.
sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev
Now compiles with cgo!
To run tests do
go tests
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -20,14 +20,8 @@ package secp256k1
#cgo CFLAGS: -I./libsecp256k1
#cgo darwin CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/include
#cgo freebsd CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/include
#cgo linux,arm CFLAGS: -I/usr/local/arm/include
#cgo LDFLAGS: -lgmp
#cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -L/usr/local/lib
#cgo freebsd LDFLAGS: -L/usr/local/lib
#cgo linux,arm LDFLAGS: -L/usr/local/arm/lib
#define USE_NUM_GMP
#cgo CFLAGS: -I./libsecp256k1/src/
#define USE_NUM_NONE
#define USE_FIELD_10X26
#define USE_SCALAR_8X32
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