未验证 提交 8f11d279 编写于 作者: E Evolution404 提交者: GitHub

p2p/simulations: fix unlikely crash in probabilistic connect (#23200)

When the nodeCount is less than 10, it will panic with the out of bound error.
How about we just skip this round, when rand1 and rand2 are equal?
上级 b157bae2
......@@ -123,20 +123,12 @@ func probabilistic(net *Network, quit chan struct{}, nodeCount int) {
randWait := time.Duration(rand.Intn(5000)+1000) * time.Millisecond
rand1 := rand.Intn(nodeCount - 1)
rand2 := rand.Intn(nodeCount - 1)
if rand1 < rand2 {
if rand1 <= rand2 {
lowid = rand1
highid = rand2
} else if rand1 > rand2 {
highid = rand1
lowid = rand2
} else {
if rand1 == 0 {
rand2 = 9
} else if rand1 == 9 {
rand1 = 0
lowid = rand1
highid = rand2
var steps = highid - lowid
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