提交 86661de0 编写于 作者: O obscuren

Fixed tests and bloom

上级 c21293cd
......@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ func CreateBloom(receipts Receipts) Bloom {
func LogsBloom(logs state.Logs) *big.Int {
bin := new(big.Int)
for _, log := range logs {
data := make([]common.Hash, len(log.Topics())+1)
data[0] = log.Address().Hash()
data := make([]common.Hash, len(log.Topics()))
bin.Or(bin, bloom9(log.Address().Bytes()))
for i, topic := range log.Topics() {
data[i+1] = topic
data[i] = topic
for _, b := range data {
bin.Or(bin, bloom9(crypto.Sha3(b[:])))
bin.Or(bin, bloom9(b[:]))
......@@ -36,21 +36,24 @@ func LogsBloom(logs state.Logs) *big.Int {
func bloom9(b []byte) *big.Int {
b = crypto.Sha3(b[:])
r := new(big.Int)
for i := 0; i < 6; i += 2 {
t := big.NewInt(1)
//b := uint(b[i+1]) + 512*(uint(b[i])&1)
b := (uint(b[i+1]) + (uint(b[i]) << 8)) & 511
b := (uint(b[i+1]) + (uint(b[i]) << 8)) & 2047
r.Or(r, t.Lsh(t, b))
return r
var Bloom9 = bloom9
func BloomLookup(bin Bloom, topic common.Hash) bool {
bloom := bin.Big()
cmp := bloom9(crypto.Sha3(topic[:]))
cmp := bloom9(topic[:])
return bloom.And(bloom, cmp).Cmp(cmp) == 0
package types
import (
......@@ -10,7 +11,9 @@ type BlockProcessor interface {
Process(*Block) (*big.Int, error)
type Bloom [256]byte
const bloomLength = 256
type Bloom [bloomLength]byte
func BytesToBloom(b []byte) Bloom {
var bloom Bloom
......@@ -19,13 +22,13 @@ func BytesToBloom(b []byte) Bloom {
func (b *Bloom) SetBytes(d []byte) {
if len(b) > len(d) {
panic("bloom bytes too big")
if len(b) < len(d) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("bloom bytes too big %d %d", len(b), len(d)))
// reverse loop
for i := len(d) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
b[i] = b[i]
b[bloomLength-len(d)+i] = b[i]
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package vm
import (
......@@ -82,9 +81,6 @@ func RunVmTest(p string, t *testing.T) {
helper.CreateFileTests(t, p, &tests)
for name, test := range tests {
if name != "log2_nonEmptyMem" {
db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
statedb := state.New(common.Hash{}, db)
for addr, account := range test.Pre {
......@@ -172,12 +168,26 @@ func RunVmTest(p string, t *testing.T) {
if len(test.Logs) != len(logs) {
t.Errorf("log length mismatch. Expected %d, got %d", len(test.Logs), len(logs))
} else {
fmt.Println("A", test.Logs)
fmt.Println("B", logs)
for i, log := range test.Logs {
if common.HexToAddress(log.AddressF) != logs[i].Address() {
t.Errorf("'%s' log address expected %v got %x", name, log.AddressF, logs[i].Address())
if !bytes.Equal(logs[i].Data(), helper.FromHex(log.DataF)) {
t.Errorf("'%s' log data expected %v got %x", name, log.DataF, logs[i].Data())
if len(log.TopicsF) != len(logs[i].Topics()) {
t.Errorf("'%s' log topics length expected %d got %d", name, len(log.TopicsF), logs[i].Topics())
} else {
for j, topic := range log.TopicsF {
if common.HexToHash(topic) != logs[i].Topics()[j] {
t.Errorf("'%s' log topic[%d] expected %v got %x", name, j, topic, logs[i].Topics()[j])
genBloom := common.LeftPadBytes(types.LogsBloom(state.Logs{logs[i]}).Bytes(), 256)
fmt.Println("A BLOOM", log.BloomF)
fmt.Printf("B BLOOM %x\n", genBloom)
if !bytes.Equal(genBloom, common.Hex2Bytes(log.BloomF)) {
t.Errorf("'%s' bloom mismatch", name)
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