提交 843073d4 编写于 作者: F Felix Lange 提交者: Jeffrey Wilcke

[release/1.4.18] core: print import stats more often

If geth is busy importing 2048 heavy blocks it can take a while before
it prints anything. This change ensures that a message gets printed
every 8s.

(cherry picked from commit e66b158f)
上级 33a6e52a
......@@ -824,19 +824,16 @@ func (self *BlockChain) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, error) {
// faster than direct delivery and requires much less mutex
// acquiring.
var (
stats struct{ queued, processed, ignored int }
stats = insertStats{startTime: time.Now()}
events = make([]interface{}, 0, len(chain))
coalescedLogs vm.Logs
tstart = time.Now()
nonceChecked = make([]bool, len(chain))
nonceChecked = make([]bool, len(chain))
// Start the parallel nonce verifier.
nonceAbort, nonceResults := verifyNoncesFromBlocks(self.pow, chain)
defer close(nonceAbort)
txcount := 0
for i, block := range chain {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&self.procInterrupt) == 1 {
glog.V(logger.Debug).Infoln("Premature abort during block chain processing")
......@@ -931,7 +928,6 @@ func (self *BlockChain) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, error) {
return i, err
txcount += len(block.Transactions())
// write the block to the chain and get the status
status, err := self.WriteBlock(block)
if err != nil {
......@@ -966,19 +962,54 @@ func (self *BlockChain) InsertChain(chain types.Blocks) (int, error) {
case SplitStatTy:
events = append(events, ChainSplitEvent{block, logs})
if glog.V(logger.Info) {
stats.report(chain, i)
if (stats.queued > 0 || stats.processed > 0 || stats.ignored > 0) && bool(glog.V(logger.Info)) {
tend := time.Since(tstart)
start, end := chain[0], chain[len(chain)-1]
glog.Infof("imported %d block(s) (%d queued %d ignored) including %d txs in %v. #%v [%x / %x]\n", stats.processed, stats.queued, stats.ignored, txcount, tend, end.Number(), start.Hash().Bytes()[:4], end.Hash().Bytes()[:4])
go self.postChainEvents(events, coalescedLogs)
return 0, nil
// insertStats tracks and reports on block insertion.
type insertStats struct {
queued, processed, ignored int
lastIndex int
startTime time.Time
const (
statsReportLimit = 1024
statsReportTimeLimit = 8 * time.Second
// report prints statistics if some number of blocks have been processed
// or more than a few seconds have passed since the last message.
func (st *insertStats) report(chain []*types.Block, index int) {
limit := statsReportLimit
if index == len(chain)-1 {
limit = 0 // Always print a message for the last block.
now := time.Now()
duration := now.Sub(st.startTime)
if duration > statsReportTimeLimit || st.queued > limit || st.processed > limit || st.ignored > limit {
start, end := chain[st.lastIndex], chain[index]
txcount := countTransactions(chain[st.lastIndex:index])
glog.Infof("imported %d block(s) (%d queued %d ignored) including %d txs in %v. #%v [%x / %x]\n", st.processed, st.queued, st.ignored, txcount, duration, end.Number(), start.Hash().Bytes()[:4], end.Hash().Bytes()[:4])
*st = insertStats{startTime: now, lastIndex: index}
func countTransactions(chain []*types.Block) (c int) {
for _, b := range chain {
c += len(b.Transactions())
return c
// reorgs takes two blocks, an old chain and a new chain and will reconstruct the blocks and inserts them
// to be part of the new canonical chain and accumulates potential missing transactions and post an
// event about them
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