未验证 提交 7b7e5921 编写于 作者: G gary rong 提交者: GitHub

miner: support disabling empty blockprecommits form the Go API (#20736)

* cmd, miner: add noempty-precommit flag

* cmd, miner: get rid of external flag

* miner: change bool to atomic int

* miner: fix tiny typo
Co-authored-by: NPéter Szilágyi <peterke@gmail.com>
上级 7540c53e
......@@ -183,6 +183,23 @@ func (miner *Miner) SetEtherbase(addr common.Address) {
// EnablePreseal turns on the preseal mining feature. It's enabled by default.
// Note this function shouldn't be exposed to API, it's unnecessary for users
// (miners) to actually know the underlying detail. It's only for outside project
// which uses this library.
func (miner *Miner) EnablePreseal() {
// DisablePreseal turns off the preseal mining feature. It's necessary for some
// fake consensus engine which can seal blocks instantaneously.
// Note this function shouldn't be exposed to API, it's unnecessary for users
// (miners) to actually know the underlying detail. It's only for outside project
// which uses this library.
func (miner *Miner) DisablePreseal() {
// SubscribePendingLogs starts delivering logs from pending transactions
// to the given channel.
func (self *Miner) SubscribePendingLogs(ch chan<- []*types.Log) event.Subscription {
......@@ -169,6 +169,13 @@ type worker struct {
running int32 // The indicator whether the consensus engine is running or not.
newTxs int32 // New arrival transaction count since last sealing work submitting.
// noempty is the flag used to control whether the feature of pre-seal empty
// block is enabled. The default value is false(pre-seal is enabled by default).
// But in some special scenario the consensus engine will seal blocks instantaneously,
// in this case this feature will add all empty blocks into canonical chain
// non-stop and no real transaction will be included.
noempty uint32
// External functions
isLocalBlock func(block *types.Block) bool // Function used to determine whether the specified block is mined by local miner.
......@@ -247,6 +254,16 @@ func (w *worker) setRecommitInterval(interval time.Duration) {
w.resubmitIntervalCh <- interval
// disablePreseal disables pre-sealing mining feature
func (w *worker) disablePreseal() {
atomic.StoreUint32(&w.noempty, 1)
// enablePreseal enables pre-sealing mining feature
func (w *worker) enablePreseal() {
atomic.StoreUint32(&w.noempty, 0)
// pending returns the pending state and corresponding block.
func (w *worker) pending() (*types.Block, *state.StateDB) {
// return a snapshot to avoid contention on currentMu mutex
......@@ -480,8 +497,9 @@ func (w *worker) mainLoop() {
} else {
// If clique is running in dev mode(period is 0), disable
// advance sealing here.
// Special case, if the consensus engine is 0 period clique(dev mode),
// submit mining work here since all empty submission will be rejected
// by clique. Of course the advance sealing(empty submission) is disabled.
if w.chainConfig.Clique != nil && w.chainConfig.Clique.Period == 0 {
w.commitNewWork(nil, true, time.Now().Unix())
......@@ -910,9 +928,9 @@ func (w *worker) commitNewWork(interrupt *int32, noempty bool, timestamp int64)
if !noempty {
// Create an empty block based on temporary copied state for sealing in advance without waiting block
// execution finished.
// Create an empty block based on temporary copied state for
// sealing in advance without waiting block execution finished.
if !noempty && atomic.LoadUint32(&w.noempty) == 0 {
w.commit(uncles, nil, false, tstart)
......@@ -922,8 +940,10 @@ func (w *worker) commitNewWork(interrupt *int32, noempty bool, timestamp int64)
log.Error("Failed to fetch pending transactions", "err", err)
// Short circuit if there is no available pending transactions
if len(pending) == 0 {
// Short circuit if there is no available pending transactions.
// But if we disable empty precommit already, ignore it. Since
// empty block is necessary to keep the liveness of the network.
if len(pending) == 0 && atomic.LoadUint32(&w.noempty) == 0 {
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