• L
    common: improve printing of Hash and Address (#21834) · bd848aad
    Li, Cheng 提交于
    Both Hash and Address have a String method, which returns the value as
    hex with 0x prefix. They also had a Format method which tried to print
    the value using printf of []byte. The way Format worked was at odds with
    String though, leading to a situation where fmt.Sprintf("%v", hash)
    returned the decimal notation and hash.String() returned a hex string.
    This commit makes it consistent again. Both types now support the %v,
    %s, %q format verbs for 0x-prefixed hex output. %x, %X creates
    unprefixed hex output. %d is also supported and returns the decimal
    notation "[1 2 3...]".
    For Address, the case of hex characters in %v, %s, %q output is
    determined using the EIP-55 checksum. Using %x, %X with Address
    disables checksumming.
    Co-authored-by: NFelix Lange <fjl@twurst.com>
types_test.go 14.3 KB