• M
    core/vm: fix incorrect computation of BLS discount (#21253) · 0c829289
    Marius van der Wijden 提交于
    * core/vm: fix incorrect computation of discount
    During testing on Yolov1 we found that the way geth calculates the discount
    is not in line with the specification. Basically what we did is calculate
    128 * Bls12381GXMulGas * discount / 1000 whenever we received more than 128 pairs
    of values. Correct would be to calculate k * Bls12381... for k > 128.
    * core/vm: better logic for discount calculation
    * core/vm: better calculation logic, added worstcase benchmarks
    * core/vm: better benchmarking logic
contracts_test.go 16.5 KB