提交 e2aac90e 编写于 作者: L lang


上级 02c9b5f6
define(function (require) {
var TooltipContent = require('./tooltip/TooltipContent');
var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util');
type: 'tooltip',
init: function (ecModel, api) {
var zr = api.getZr();
zr.on('mousemove', this._mouseMove, this);
this._tooltipContent = new TooltipContent(api.getDom());
render: function (tooltipModel) {
this._tooltipModel = tooltipModel;
_mouseMove: function (e) {
var el = e.target;
var tooltipContent = this._tooltipContent;
if (! el) {
if (tooltipContent.isShow()) {
this._hideTimeout =
setTimeout(zrUtil.bind(tooltipContent.hide, tooltipContent), 1000);
var dataItem = el.data;
if (!dataItem) {
this._showTooltip(dataItem, e);
_showTooltip: function (dataItem, e) {
var seriesModel = dataItem.parentModel;
if (!seriesModel) {
var tooltipContent = this._tooltipContent;
var tooltipModel = dataItem.getModel('tooltip');
// If series model
if (tooltipModel.parentModel) {
tooltipModel.parentModel.parentModel = this._tooltipModel;
else {
tooltipModel.parentModel = this._tooltipModel;
var x = e.offsetX + 20;
var y = e.offsetY + 20;
tooltipContent.moveTo(x, y);
dispose: function (api) {
var zr = api.getZr();
zr.off('mousemove', this._mouseMove, this);
\ No newline at end of file
* @module echarts/component/tooltip/TooltipContent
define(function (require) {
var zrUtil = require('zrender/core/util');
var zrColor = require('zrender/tool/color');
var formatUtil = require('../../util/format');
var each = zrUtil.each;
var toCamelCase = formatUtil.toCamelCase;
var vendors = ['-moz-', '-webkit-', '-o-', ''];
var gCssText = 'position:absolute;display:block;border-style:solid;white-space:nowrap;';
* @param {number} duration
* @return {string}
* @inner
function assembleTransition(duration) {
var transitionText = 'left ' + duration + 's,'
+ 'top ' + duration + 's';
return zrUtil.map(vendors, function (vendorPrefix) {
return vendorPrefix + 'transition:' + transitionText;
* @param {Object} textStyle
* @return {string}
* @inner
function assembleFont(textStyleModel) {
var cssText = [];
var fontSize = textStyleModel.get('fontSize');
var color = textStyleModel.get('color');
color && cssText.push('color:' + color);
fontSize &&
cssText.push('line-height:' + Math.round(fontSize * 3 / 2) + 'px');
cssText.push('font:' + textStyleModel.getFont());
each(['decoration', 'align'], function (name) {
var val = textStyleModel.get(name);
val && cssText.push('text-' + name + ':' + val);
return cssText.join(';');
* @param {Object} tooltipModel
* @return {string}
* @inner
function assembleCssText(tooltipModel) {
tooltipModel = tooltipModel;
var cssText = [];
var transitionDuration = tooltipModel.get('transitionDuration');
var backgroundColor = tooltipModel.get('backgroundColor');
var textStyleModel = tooltipModel.getModel('textStyle');
var padding = tooltipModel.get('padding');
// Animation transition
transitionDuration &&
if (backgroundColor) {
// for sb ie~
'background-Color:' + zrColor.toHex(backgroundColor)
cssText.push('background-Color:' + backgroundColor);
// Border style
each(['width', 'color', 'radius'], function (name) {
var borderName = 'border-' + name;
var camelCase = toCamelCase(borderName);
var val = tooltipModel.get(camelCase);
val != null &&
cssText.push(borderName + ':' + val + (name === 'color' ? '' : 'px'));
// Text style
// Padding
if (padding != null) {
cssText.push('padding:' + formatUtil.normalizeCssArray(padding).join('px ') + 'px');
return cssText.join(';') + ';';
* @alias module:echarts/component/tooltip/TooltipContent
* @constructor
function TooltipContent(container) {
this.el = document.createElement('div');
this._show = false;
TooltipContent.prototype = {
constructor: TooltipContent,
show: function (tooltipModel) {
this.el.style.cssText = gCssText + assembleCssText(tooltipModel);;
this._show = true;
setContent: function (content) {
this.el.innerHTML = content;
moveTo: function (x, y) {
var style = this.el.style;
style.left = x + 'px';
style.top = y + 'px';
hide: function () {
this.el.style.display = 'none';
isShow: function () {
return this._show;
return TooltipContent;
\ No newline at end of file
define(function (require) {
type: 'tooltip',
defaultOption: {
zlevel: 1, // 一级层叠,频繁变化的tooltip指示器在pc上独立一层
z: 8, // 二级层叠
show: true,
showContent: true, // tooltip主体内容
trigger: 'item', // 触发类型,默认数据触发,见下图,可选为:'item' ¦ 'axis'
// If the tooltip follow the mouse position
// followMouse: true,
// position: null // 位置 {Array} | {Function}
// formatter: null // 内容格式器:{string}(Template) ¦ {Function}
islandFormatter: '{a} <br/>{b} : {c}', // 数据孤岛内容格式器
showDelay: 20, // 显示延迟,添加显示延迟可以避免频繁切换,单位ms
hideDelay: 100, // 隐藏延迟,单位ms
transitionDuration: 0.4, // 动画变换时间,单位s
enterable: false,
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)', // 提示背景颜色,默认为透明度为0.7的黑色
borderColor: '#333', // 提示边框颜色
borderRadius: 4, // 提示边框圆角,单位px,默认为4
borderWidth: 0, // 提示边框线宽,单位px,默认为0(无边框)
padding: 5, // 提示内边距,单位px,默认各方向内边距为5,
// 接受数组分别设定上右下左边距,同css
axisPointer: { // 坐标轴指示器,坐标轴触发有效
type: 'line', // 默认为直线,可选为:'line' | 'shadow' | 'cross'
lineStyle: { // 直线指示器样式设置
color: '#48b',
width: 2,
type: 'solid'
crossStyle: {
color: '#1e90ff',
width: 1,
type: 'dashed'
shadowStyle: { // 阴影指示器样式设置
color: 'rgba(150,150,150,0.3)', // 阴影颜色
width: 'auto', // 阴影大小
type: 'default'
textStyle: {
color: '#fff'
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ define(function (require) {
componentModel.mergeOption(componentOption[i], this);
else {
// PENDING Global as parent ?
componentModel = new ComponentModelClass(
componentOption[i], null, this,
this._getComponentsByTypes(dependencies), i
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