提交 de539a6b 编写于 作者: L lang

Optimize list for large data

上级 2a3b7d46
* List for data storage
define(function (require) {
var UNDEFINED = 'undefined';
var global = window;
var Float32Array = typeof global.Float32Array === UNDEFINED
? Array : global.Float32Array;
var Int32Array = typeof global.Int32Array === UNDEFINED
? Array : global.Int32Array;
var Model = require('../model/Model');
var List = function (dimensions, seriesModel) {
* @readOnly
* @type {Array.<string>}
this.dimensions = dimensions || ['x', 'y'];
* @type {module:echarts/model/Model}
this.seriesModel = seriesModel;
* Data storage
* @type {Object.<key, Array.<number>>}
* @private
this._storage = {};
* Indices stores the indices of data subset after filtered.
* This data subset will be used by chart.
* @type {Array.<number>}
* @private
this._indices = [];
* Models of data option is stored sparse for optimizing memory cost
* @type {Array.<module:echarts/model/Model>}
* @private
this._optionModels = [];
* @param {module:echarts/data/List}
this.stackedOn = null;
var listProto = List.prototype;
* Initialize from data
listProto.initData = function (data) {
// Clear
var optionModels = this._optionModels = [];
var storage = this._storage = {};
var indices = this._indices = [];
var dimensions = this.dimensions;
var size = data.length;
// Init storage
for (var i = 0; i < dimensions.length; i++) {
storage[dimensions[i]] = new Float32Array(size);
storage[this.value] = new Float32Array(size);
// Special storage of indices of option model
// It is used for indexing the model in List#_optionModels
var optionModelIndices = storage.$optionModelIndices = new Int32Array(size);
var tempValue = [];
for (var idx = 0; idx < data.length; idx++) {
var value = data[idx];
// Each data item contains value and option
if (data[idx] != null && data[idx].hasOwnProperty('value')) {
value = data[idx].value;
var model = new Model(data[idx], this.seriesModel);
var modelIdx = optionModels.length;
optionModelIndices[idx] = modelIdx;
// Bar chart, line chart which uses category axis
// only gives the 'y' value. 'x' value is the indices of cateogry
if (typeof (value) === 'number') {
// Use a tempValue to normalize the value to be a (x, y) value
tempValue[0] = idx;
tempValue[1] = value;
value = tempValue;
// Store the data by dimensions
for (var k = 0; k < dimensions.length; k++) {
var dim = dimensions[k];
var dimStorage = storage[dim];
var dimValue = value[k];
// PENDING NULL is empty or zero
if (dimValue == null || dimValue === '-') {
dimValue = NaN;
dimStorage[idx] = dimValue;
* @return {number}
listProto.count = function () {
return this._indices.length;
* Get value
listProto.get = function (dim, idx, stack) {
var storage = this._storage;
var dataIndex = this._indices[idx];
var value = storage[dim] && storage[dim][dataIndex];
if (stack && this.stackedOn) {
var stackedValue = this.stackedOn.get(dim, idx, stack);
// Ignore the empty data
if (!isNaN(stackedValue)) {
if (value >= 0 && stackedValue > 0 // Positive stack
|| (value <= 0 && stackedValue < 0) // Negative stack
) {
value += stackedValue;
return value;
* Get raw data index
listProto.getDataIndex = function (idx) {
return this._indices[idx];
function normalizeDimensions(dimensions) {
if (typeof (dimensions) === 'number') {
dimensions = [dimensions];
return dimensions;
* Data iteration
* @param {string|Array.<string>}
* @param {Function} cb
* @param {boolean} [stack=false]
* @param {*} [context=this]
* @example
* list.each('x', function (x) {});
* list.each(['x', 'y'], function (x, y) {});
listProto.each = function (dimensions, cb, stack, context) {
dimensions = normalizeDimensions(dimensions);
var value = [];
var dimSize = dimensions.length;
var indices = this._indices;
context = context || this;
for (var i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
// Simple optimization
if (dimSize === 1) {
cb && cb.call(context, this.get(dimensions[0], i, stack));
else {
for (var k = 0; k < dimSize; k++) {
value[k] = this.get(dimensions[k], i, stack);
cb.apply(context, value);
* Data filter
* @param {string|Array.<string>}
* @param {Function} cb
* @param {boolean} [stack=false]
* @param {*} [context=this]
listProto.filterSelf = function (dimensions, cb, stack, context) {
dimensions = normalizeDimensions(dimensions);
var newIndices = [];
var value = [];
var dimSize = dimensions.length;
var indices = this._indices;
context = context || this;
for (var i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
var keep;
// Simple optimization
if (dimSize === 1) {
keep = cb && cb.call(context, this.get(dimensions[0], i, stack));
else {
for (var k = 0; k < dimSize; k++) {
value[k] = this.get(dimensions[k], i, stack);
keep = cb.apply(context, value);
if (keep) {
this._indices = newIndices;
return this;
* Data mapping
* @param {string|Array.<string>}
* @param {Function} cb
* @param {boolean} [stack=false]
* @param {*} [context=this]
listProto.map = function (dimensions, cb, stack, context) {
var result = [];
this.each(dimensions, function () {
result.push(cb && cb.apply(this, arguments));
}, stack, context);
return result;
* Get model of one data item
listProto.getDataModel = function (idx) {
var storage = this._storage;
var optionModelIndices = storage.$optionModelIndices;
var modelIndex = optionModelIndices && optionModelIndices[idx];
return this._optionModels[modelIndex];
* Shallow clone a new list.
* New list only change the _indices.
listProto.cloneShallow = function () {
var list = new List(this.dimensions, this.seriesModel);
list.stackedOn = this.stackedOn;
list._storage = this._storage;
list._indices = this._indices.slice();
list._optionModels = this._optionModels;
return list;
* Helper function to create a list from option data
List.fromArray = function (data, seriesModel, ecModel) {
var coordinateSystem = seriesModel.get('coordinateSystem');
var dimensions;
var categoryAxisModel;
// 这里 List 跟几个坐标系和坐标系 Model 耦合了
if (coordinateSystem === 'cartesian2d') {
var xAxisModel = ecModel.getComponent('xAxis', seriesModel.get('xAxisIndex'));
var yAxisModel = ecModel.getComponent('yAxis', seriesModel.get('yAxisIndex'));
if (xAxisModel.get('type') === 'category') {
dimensions = ['x', 'y'];
categoryAxisModel = xAxisModel;
else if (yAxisModel.get('type') === 'category') {
dimensions = ['y', 'x'];
categoryAxisModel = yAxisModel;
else {
var dimSize = data[0] && data[0].length;
if (dimSize === 2) {
dimensions = ['x', 'y'];
else if (dimSize === 3) {
dimensions = ['x', 'y', 'z'];
else if (coordinateSystem === 'polar') {
var axisFinder = function (axisModel) {
return axisModel.get('polarIndex') === polarIndex;
var polarIndex = seriesModel.get('polarIndex') || 0;
var angleAxisModel = ecModel.findComponent('angleAxis', axisFinder);
var radiusAxisModel = ecModel.findComponent('radiusAxis', axisFinder);
if (angleAxisModel.get('type') === 'category') {
dimensions = ['angle', 'radius'];
categoryAxisModel = angleAxisModel;
else if (radiusAxisModel.get('type') === 'category') {
dimensions = ['radius', 'angle'];
categoryAxisModel = radiusAxisModel;
else {
var dimSize = data[0] && data[0].length;
if (dimSize === 2) {
dimensions = ['radius', 'angle'];
else if (dimSize === 3) {
dimensions = ['radius', 'angle', 'value'];
var list = new List(dimensions, seriesModel);
return List;
\ No newline at end of file
define(function() {
'use strict';
return function (option) {
var stackedMap = {};
option.eachSeries(function (series) {
var data = series.getData();
var stack = series.get('stack');
if (stack && data.type === 'list') {
data.eachY(function (y, idx) {
stackedMap[idx] = stackedMap[idx] || 0;
stackedMap[idx] += y;
\ No newline at end of file
describe('List', function () {
var utHelper = window.utHelper;
beforeEach(function (done) {
describe('Data Manipulation', function () {
function testCase(name, doTest) {
it(name, function (done) {
window.require(['echarts/data/LargeList'], function () {
doTest.apply(null, arguments);
testCase('initData 1d', function (List) {
var list = new List(['x', 'y']);
list.initData([10, 20, 30]);
expect(list.get('x', 0)).toEqual(0);
expect(list.get('x', 1)).toEqual(1);
expect(list.get('x', 2)).toEqual(2);
expect(list.get('y', 1)).toEqual(20);
testCase('initData 2d', function (List) {
var list = new List(['x', 'y']);
list.initData([[10, 15], [20, 25], [30, 35]]);
expect(list.get('x', 1)).toEqual(20);
expect(list.get('y', 1)).toEqual(25);
testCase('initData 2d yx', function (List) {
var list = new List(['y', 'x']);
list.initData([[10, 15], [20, 25], [30, 35]]);
expect(list.get('x', 1)).toEqual(25);
expect(list.get('y', 1)).toEqual(20);
testCase('Data with option 1d', function (List) {
var list = new List(['x', 'y']);
list.initData([1, {
value: 2,
somProp: 'foo'
testCase('Empty data', function (List) {
var list = new List(['x', 'y']);
list.initData([1, '-']);
expect(list.get('y', 1)).toBeNaN();
testCase('Stacked data', function (List) {
var list1 = new List(['x', 'y']);
var list2 = new List(['x', 'y']);
list1.initData([1, '-', 2, -2]);
list2.initData([1, 2, 3, 2]);
list2.stackedOn = list1;
expect(list2.get('y', 1, true)).toEqual(2);
expect(list2.get('y', 2, true)).toEqual(5);
expect(list2.get('y', 3, true)).toEqual(2);
testCase('map', function (List) {
var list = new List(['x', 'y']);
list.initData([[10, 15], [20, 25], [30, 35]]);
expect(list.map(['x', 'y'], function (x, y) {
return [x, y];
})).toEqual([[10, 15], [20, 25], [30, 35]]);
testCase('filterSelf', function (List) {
var list = new List(['x', 'y']);
list.initData([[10, 15], [20, 25], [30, 35]]);
expect(list.filterSelf(['x', 'y'], function (x, y) {
return x < 30 && x > 10;
}).map('x', function (x) {
return x;
\ No newline at end of file
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