提交 cde391e2 编写于 作者: fxy060608's avatar fxy060608

feat: useCurrentPageId, getPageIdByVm

上级 60b10804
import { ComponentPublicInstance } from 'vue'
import { extend, isFunction } from '@vue/shared'
import { getCurrentPageVm } from '@dcloudio/uni-core'
import { getCurrentPageVm, getPageIdByVm } from '@dcloudio/uni-core'
import {
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class ServiceIntersectionObserver {
component: ComponentPublicInstance,
options?: UniApp.CreateIntersectionObserverOptions
) {
this._pageId = component.$page && component.$page.id
this._pageId = getPageIdByVm(component)!
this._component = component
this._options = extend({}, defaultOptions, options)
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class ServiceIntersectionObserver {
export const createIntersectionObserver = defineSyncApi<
typeof uni.createIntersectionObserver
>('createIntersectionObserver', (context?, options?) => {
if (context && !context.$page) {
if (context && !getPageIdByVm(context)) {
options = context
context = null
import { defineComponent, provide, getCurrentInstance, computed } from 'vue'
import { PolySymbol } from '@dcloudio/uni-core'
import { defineComponent, provide, computed } from 'vue'
import { PolySymbol, useCurrentPageId } from '@dcloudio/uni-core'
import { withWebEvent } from '@dcloudio/uni-components'
export const uniLabelKey = PolySymbol(__DEV__ ? 'uniLabel' : 'ul')
......@@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ export default /*#__PURE__*/ defineComponent({
name: 'Label',
setup(props, { emit, slots }) {
const instance = getCurrentInstance()!
const pageId = instance.root.proxy!.$page.id
const pageId = useCurrentPageId()
const handlers = useProvideLabel()
const pointer = computed(
import { isPlainObject } from '@vue/shared'
import { watch, onUnmounted, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
import { useCurrentPageId } from '@dcloudio/uni-core'
export function useListeners(
props: { id: string },
......@@ -25,8 +26,7 @@ function _addListeners(
listeners: Record<string, Function>,
watch?: boolean
) {
const instance = getCurrentInstance()!
const pageId = instance.root.proxy!.$page.id
const pageId = useCurrentPageId()
if (watch && !id) {
// id被置空
......@@ -59,8 +59,7 @@ function _removeListeners(
listeners: Record<string, Function>,
watch?: boolean
) {
const instance = getCurrentInstance()!
const pageId = instance.root.proxy!.$page.id
const pageId = useCurrentPageId()
if (watch && !id) {
// id之前不存在
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import {
} from 'vue'
import { useCurrentPageId } from '@dcloudio/uni-core'
function normalizeEvent(
pageId: number,
......@@ -45,8 +46,7 @@ export function useSubscribe(
) {
const instance = getCurrentInstance()!
const vm = instance.proxy!
// 不能直接使用instance.proxy.$root,此时可能获取到的是exposed
const pageId = name ? 0 : instance.root.proxy!.$page.id
const pageId = name ? 0 : useCurrentPageId()
onMounted(() => {
addSubscribe(name || normalizeEvent(pageId, vm)!, callback)
if (!name) {
export * from './dom'
export * from './util'
export * from './icon'
export * from './page'
export * from './scroll'
export * from './getRealRoute'
import { ComponentPublicInstance, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue'
export function useCurrentPageId() {
return getCurrentInstance()!.root.proxy!.$page.id
export function getPageIdByVm(vm: ComponentPublicInstance) {
if (!vm.$) {
const rootProxy = vm.$.root.proxy
if (rootProxy && rootProxy.$page) {
return rootProxy.$page.id
import {isFunction, extend, hyphenate, isPlainObject, isString, isArray, hasOwn as hasOwn$1, isObject as isObject$1, capitalize, toRawType, makeMap as makeMap$1, isPromise, invokeArrayFns as invokeArrayFns$1} from "@vue/shared";
import {injectHook, withModifiers, createVNode, inject, provide, reactive, computed, nextTick, getCurrentInstance, onBeforeMount, onMounted, onBeforeActivate, onBeforeDeactivate, openBlock, createBlock, mergeProps, toDisplayString, ref, defineComponent, resolveComponent, toHandlers, renderSlot, watch, onUnmounted, onBeforeUnmount, onActivated, withDirectives, vShow, createTextVNode, createCommentVNode, renderList, onDeactivated, createApp, watchEffect, Transition, withCtx, KeepAlive, resolveDynamicComponent, Fragment} from "vue";
import {injectHook, withModifiers, createVNode, getCurrentInstance, inject, provide, reactive, computed, nextTick, onBeforeMount, onMounted, onBeforeActivate, onBeforeDeactivate, openBlock, createBlock, mergeProps, toDisplayString, ref, defineComponent, resolveComponent, toHandlers, renderSlot, watch, onUnmounted, onBeforeUnmount, onActivated, withDirectives, vShow, createTextVNode, createCommentVNode, renderList, onDeactivated, createApp, watchEffect, Transition, withCtx, KeepAlive, resolveDynamicComponent, Fragment} from "vue";
import {once, passive, normalizeTarget, isBuiltInComponent, invokeArrayFns, NAVBAR_HEIGHT, parseQuery, PRIMARY_COLOR, removeLeadingSlash, getLen, ON_REACH_BOTTOM_DISTANCE, decodedQuery, debounce, updateElementStyle, addFont, scrollTo} from "@dcloudio/uni-shared";
import {useRoute, createRouter, createWebHistory, createWebHashHistory, useRouter, isNavigationFailure, RouterView} from "vue-router";
function applyOptions(options, instance2, publicThis) {
......@@ -768,6 +768,18 @@ function createSvgIconVNode(path, color = "#000", size = 27) {
}, null, 8, ["d", "fill"])
], 8, ["width", "height"]);
function useCurrentPageId() {
return getCurrentInstance().root.proxy.$page.id;
function getPageIdByVm(vm) {
if (!vm.$) {
const rootProxy = vm.$.root.proxy;
if (rootProxy && rootProxy.$page) {
return rootProxy.$page.id;
function disableScrollListener(evt) {
......@@ -1889,7 +1901,7 @@ function getBaseSystemInfo() {
function operateVideoPlayer(videoId, vm, type, data) {
const pageId = vm.$root.$page.id;
const pageId = getPageIdByVm(vm);
UniServiceJSBridge.publishHandler("video." + videoId, {
......@@ -2094,7 +2106,7 @@ function normalizeRootMargin(margins = {}) {
class ServiceIntersectionObserver {
constructor(component, options) {
this._pageId = component.$page && component.$page.id;
this._pageId = getPageIdByVm(component);
this._component = component;
this._options = extend({}, defaultOptions, options);
......@@ -2126,7 +2138,7 @@ class ServiceIntersectionObserver {
const createIntersectionObserver = defineSyncApi("createIntersectionObserver", (context, options) => {
if (context && !context.$page) {
if (context && !getPageIdByVm(context)) {
options = context;
context = null;
......@@ -5034,8 +5046,7 @@ function useListeners(props2, listeners2) {
function _addListeners(id2, listeners2, watch2) {
const instance2 = getCurrentInstance();
const pageId = instance2.root.proxy.$page.id;
const pageId = useCurrentPageId();
if (watch2 && !id2) {
......@@ -5057,8 +5068,7 @@ function _addListeners(id2, listeners2, watch2) {
function _removeListeners(id2, listeners2, watch2) {
const instance2 = getCurrentInstance();
const pageId = instance2.root.proxy.$page.id;
const pageId = useCurrentPageId();
if (watch2 && !id2) {
......@@ -5171,8 +5181,7 @@ var index$b = /* @__PURE__ */ defineComponent({
emit: emit2,
}) {
const instance2 = getCurrentInstance();
const pageId = instance2.root.proxy.$page.id;
const pageId = useCurrentPageId();
const handlers = useProvideLabel();
const pointer = computed(() => props2.for || slots.default && slots.default.length);
const _onClick = withWebEvent(($event) => {
......@@ -10321,7 +10330,7 @@ function removeSubscribe(name) {
function useSubscribe(callback, name) {
const instance2 = getCurrentInstance();
const vm = instance2.proxy;
const pageId = name ? 0 : instance2.root.proxy.$page.id;
const pageId = name ? 0 : useCurrentPageId();
onMounted(() => {
addSubscribe(name || normalizeEvent(pageId, vm), callback);
if (!name) {
import { ComponentPublicInstance } from 'vue'
import { getPageIdByVm } from '@dcloudio/uni-core'
export function operateVideoPlayer(
videoId: string,
......@@ -6,7 +7,7 @@ export function operateVideoPlayer(
type: string,
data?: unknown
) {
const pageId = vm.$root!.$page.id
const pageId = getPageIdByVm(vm)!
'video.' + videoId,
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