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# Working with the bundled Consul service

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/high_availability/consul.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/high_availability/consul.html)

*   [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
*   [Configuring the Consul nodes](#configuring-the-consul-nodes)
    *   [Consul checkpoint](#consul-checkpoint)
*   [Operations](#operations)
    *   [Checking cluster membership](#checking-cluster-membership)
    *   [Restarting the server cluster](#restarting-the-server-cluster)
*   [Upgrades for bundled Consul](#upgrades-for-bundled-consul)
*   [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)
    *   [Consul server agents unable to communicate](#consul-server-agents-unable-to-communicate)
    *   [Consul agents do not start - Multiple private IPs](#consul-agents-do-not-start---multiple-private-ips)
    *   [Outage recovery](#outage-recovery)
        *   [Recreate from scratch](#recreate-from-scratch)
        *   [Recover a failed cluster](#recover-a-failed-cluster)

# Working with the bundled Consul service[](#working-with-the-bundled-consul-service-premium-only "Permalink")

作为其高可用性堆栈的一部分,GitLab Premium 包含可通过`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`管理的捆绑版本的[Consul](https://www.consul.io/) . Consul 是服务网络解决方案. 对于[GitLab Architecture](../../development/architecture.html) ,支持 Consul 利用来配置:

1.  [Monitoring in Scaled and Highly Available environments](monitoring_node.html)
2.  [PostgreSQL High Availability with Omnibus](../postgresql/replication_and_failover.html)

Consul 群集由多个服务器代理以及在其他需要与 Consul 群集通信的节点上运行的客户端代理组成.

## Prerequisites[](#prerequisites "Permalink")

首先,请确保**在每个节点上** [下载/安装](https://about.gitlab.com/install/) Omnibus GitLab.


1.  安装和配置必要的依赖项.
2.  添加 GitLab 软件包存储库并安装软件包.

安装 GitLab 软件包时,请勿提供`EXTERNAL_URL`值.

## Configuring the Consul nodes[](#configuring-the-consul-nodes "Permalink")

在每个 Consul 节点上执行以下操作:

1.  在执行下一步之前,请确保为[`CONSUL_SERVER_NODES`](../postgresql/replication_and_failover.html#consul-information)收集[`CONSUL_SERVER_NODES`](../postgresql/replication_and_failover.html#consul-information) ,它们是 Consul 服务器节点的 IP 地址或 DNS 记录.

2.  编辑`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`替换`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` `# START user configuration`部分中记录的值:

    # Disable all components except Consul
    roles ['consul_role']

    # START user configuration
    # Replace placeholders:
    # Y.Y.Y.Y consul1.gitlab.example.com Z.Z.Z.Z
    # with the addresses gathered for CONSUL_SERVER_NODES
    consul['configuration'] = {
      server: true,
      retry_join: %w(Y.Y.Y.Y consul1.gitlab.example.com Z.Z.Z.Z)

    # Disable auto migrations
    gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
    # END user configuration 

    > `consul_role`在 GitLab 10.3 中引入

3.  [重新配置 GitLab,](../restart_gitlab.html#omnibus-gitlab-reconfigure)以使更改生效.

### Consul checkpoint[](#consul-checkpoint "Permalink")

在继续之前,请确保 Consul 配置正确. 运行以下命令以验证所有服务器节点都在通信:

/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/consul members 


Node                 Address               Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC
CONSUL_NODE_ONE      XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY:8301  alive   server  0.9.2  2         gitlab_consul
CONSUL_NODE_TWO      XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY:8301  alive   server  0.9.2  2         gitlab_consul
CONSUL_NODE_THREE    XXX.XXX.XXX.YYY:8301  alive   server  0.9.2  2         gitlab_consul 

如果任何一个节点都不`alive`或三个节点中的任何一个都不`alive` ,请在继续操作之前检查" [疑难解答"部分](#troubleshooting) .

## Operations[](#operations "Permalink")

### Checking cluster membership[](#checking-cluster-membership "Permalink")


$ /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/consul members
Node            Address               Status  Type    Build  Protocol  DC
consul-b        XX.XX.X.Y:8301        alive   server  0.9.0  2         gitlab_consul
consul-c        XX.XX.X.Y:8301        alive   server  0.9.0  2         gitlab_consul
consul-c        XX.XX.X.Y:8301        alive   server  0.9.0  2         gitlab_consul
db-a            XX.XX.X.Y:8301        alive   client  0.9.0  2         gitlab_consul
db-b            XX.XX.X.Y:8301        alive   client  0.9.0  2         gitlab_consul 

Ideally all nodes will have a `Status` of `alive`.

### Restarting the server cluster[](#restarting-the-server-cluster "Permalink")

**注意:**本部分仅适用于服务器代理. 在需要时重新启动客户端代理是安全的.

如果有必要重新启动服务器群集,则以受控方式进行此操作很重要,以保持仲裁. 如果仲裁丢失,则需要遵循 Consul [中断恢复](#outage-recovery)过程来恢复群集.


对于较大的群集,可以一次重新启动多个代理. 请参阅[领事共识文档,](https://www.consul.io/docs/internals/consensus.html#deployment-table)以了解可以容忍多少次失败. 这是它可以承受的同时重启的次数.

## Upgrades for bundled Consul[](#upgrades-for-bundled-consul "Permalink")

运行 GitLab 捆绑的 Consul 的节点应为:

*   升级 Omnibus GitLab 软件包之前,健康集群的成员.
*   一次升级一个节点.

**注意:**从任何 Consul 节点运行`curl` ,将识别群集中的现有运行状况问题. 如果群集运行状况良好,该命令将返回一个空数组.

领事群集使用筏协议进行通信. 如果当前领导者下线,则需要进行领导者选举. 必须存在一个领导者节点,以促进整个集群之间的同步. 如果同时有太多节点脱机,则由于[共识破裂](https://www.consul.io/docs/internals/consensus.html) ,群集将失去仲裁且不会选举领导者.

如果群集在升级后无法恢复,请参考[故障排除部分](#troubleshooting) . [中断恢复](#outage-recovery)可能特别有意义.

**注意:** GitLab 仅使用 Consul 来存储易于重新生成的瞬态数据. 如果捆绑包的 Consul 除了 GitLab 本身以外没有被其他进程使用,那么[从头开始重建集群](#recreate-from-scratch)就可以了.

## Troubleshooting[](#troubleshooting "Permalink")

### Consul server agents unable to communicate[](#consul-server-agents-unable-to-communicate "Permalink")

默认情况下,服务器代理将尝试[绑定](https://www.consul.io/docs/agent/options.html#_bind)到"",但是它们将通告节点上的第一个私有 IP 地址,以供其他代理与其通信. 如果其他节点无法与此地址上的节点通信,则群集将处于故障状态.

如果遇到此问题,您将在`gitlab-ctl tail consul`输出中看到类似以下的消息:

2017-09-25_19:53:39.90821     2017/09/25 19:53:39 [WARN] raft: no known peers, aborting election
2017-09-25_19:53:41.74356     2017/09/25 19:53:41 [ERR] agent: failed to sync remote state: No cluster leader 


1.  在每个其他节点都可以到达的节点上选择一个地址.
2.  更新您的`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`

    consul['configuration'] = {
      bind_addr: 'IP ADDRESS'

3.  Run `gitlab-ctl reconfigure`

如果仍然看到错误,则可能必须[删除 Consul 数据库并](#recreate-from-scratch)在受影响的节点上[重新初始化](#recreate-from-scratch) .

### Consul agents do not start - Multiple private IPs[](#consul-agents-do-not-start---multiple-private-ips "Permalink")

如果一个节点具有多个专用 IP,则代理会混淆要播发哪个专用地址,然后在启动时立即退出.

如果遇到此问题,您将在`gitlab-ctl tail consul`输出中看到类似以下的消息:

2017-11-09_17:41:45.52876 ==> Starting Consul agent...
2017-11-09_17:41:45.53057 ==> Error creating agent: Failed to get advertise address: Multiple private IPs found. Please configure one. 


1.  在该节点上选择一个地址,所有其他节点都可以通过该地址到达该节点.
2.  更新您的`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`

    consul['configuration'] = {
      bind_addr: 'IP ADDRESS'

3.  Run `gitlab-ctl reconfigure`

### Outage recovery[](#outage-recovery "Permalink")


#### Recreate from scratch[](#recreate-from-scratch "Permalink")

默认情况下,GitLab 不会在 Consul 群集中存储任何无法重新创建的内容. 删除 Consul 数据库并重新初始化

gitlab-ctl stop consul
rm -rf /var/opt/gitlab/consul/data
gitlab-ctl start consul 

此后,群集应开始备份,并且服务器代理重新加入. 之后不久,客户代理也应重新加入.

#### Recover a failed cluster[](#recover-a-failed-cluster "Permalink")

如果您已利用 Consul 来存储其他数据,并想还原发生故障的群集,请按照[Consul 指南](https://learn.hashicorp.com/consul/day-2-operations/outage)来恢复发生故障的群集.