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# Related issues

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/related_issues.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issues/related_issues.html)

*   [Adding a related issue](#adding-a-related-issue)
*   [Removing a related issue](#removing-a-related-issue)

# Related issues[](#related-issues-starter "Permalink")

[Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/1797) in [GitLab Starter](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 9.4.

相关问题是任何两个问题之间的双向关系,并出现在问题描述下方的方框中. 问题可能会跨越小组和项目.

如果用户可以看到两个问题,则该关系仅显示在 UI 中.

## Adding a related issue[](#adding-a-related-issue "Permalink")


*[GitLab Starter](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 12.8 中[引入](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/2035) .
*[GitLab Starter](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 13.0 中进行了[改进](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/34239) . 当您尝试使用打开的阻止程序来解决问题时,您会看到一条警告,您可以将其关闭.

You can relate one issue to another by clicking the related issues “+” button in the header of the related issue block. Then, input the issue reference number or paste in the full URL of the issue.


[![Adding a related issue](img/8d249dc6a1ff208c520bfc8cad423a4a.png)](img/related_issues_add_v12_8.png)

同一项目的问题只能通过参考编号指定. 来自其他项目的问题需要其他信息,例如组和项目名称. 例如:

*   同一项目: `#44`
*   同一组: `project#44`
*   不同的组: `group/project#44`

有效参考将添加到您可以查看的临时列表中. 添加完所有相关问题后,请单击**添加**以提交.


[![Related issue block](img/e3439aafb873fb6b7cdb3a5c6d51c3b9.png)](img/related_issue_block_v12_8.png)

## Removing a related issue[](#removing-a-related-issue "Permalink")

在相关问题区域中,单击要删除的每个问题令牌右侧的" x"图标. 由于双向关系,它将不再出现在任何一个问题中.

[![Removing a related issue](img/9e8d2b5134e62de656bff96c60c04e10.png)](img/related_issues_remove_v12_8.png)


此外,您还可以通过[我们的 API](../../../api/issue_links.html)管理相关问题.