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// Copyright (c) 2014 The sortutil Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSES/STRUTIL-LICENSE file.

// Copyright 2015 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package format

import (
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const (
	st0 = iota

// Formatter is an io.Writer extended formatter by a fmt.Printf like function Format.
type Formatter interface {
	Format(format string, args ...interface{}) (n int, errno error)

type indentFormatter struct {
	indent      []byte
	indentLevel int
	state       int

var replace = map[rune]string{
	'\000': "\\0",
	'\'':   "''",
	'\n':   "\\n",
	'\r':   "\\r",

// IndentFormatter returns a new Formatter which interprets %i and %u in the
// Format() formats string as indent and unindent commands. The commands can
// nest. The Formatter writes to io.Writer 'w' and inserts one 'indent'
// string per current indent level value.
// Behaviour of commands reaching negative indent levels is undefined.
//  IndentFormatter(os.Stdout, "\t").Format("abc%d%%e%i\nx\ny\n%uz\n", 3)
// output:
//  abc3%e
//      x
//      y
//  z
// The Go quoted string literal form of the above is:
//  "abc%%e\n\tx\n\tx\nz\n"
// The commands can be scattered between separate invocations of Format(),
// i.e. the formatter keeps track of the indent level and knows if it is
// positioned on start of a line and should emit indentation(s).
// The same output as above can be produced by e.g.:
//  f := IndentFormatter(os.Stdout, " ")
//  f.Format("abc%d%%e%i\nx\n", 3)
//  f.Format("y\n%uz\n")
func IndentFormatter(w io.Writer, indent string) Formatter {
	return &indentFormatter{w, []byte(indent), 0, stBOL}

func (f *indentFormatter) format(flat bool, format string, args ...interface{}) (n int, errno error) {
	var buf = make([]byte, 0)
	for i := 0; i < len(format); i++ {
		c := format[i]
		switch f.state {
		case st0:
			switch c {
			case '\n':
				cc := c
				if flat && f.indentLevel != 0 {
					cc = ' '
				buf = append(buf, cc)
				f.state = stBOL
			case '%':
				f.state = stPERC
				buf = append(buf, c)
		case stBOL:
			switch c {
			case '\n':
				cc := c
				if flat && f.indentLevel != 0 {
					cc = ' '
				buf = append(buf, cc)
			case '%':
				f.state = stBOLPERC
				if !flat {
					for i := 0; i < f.indentLevel; i++ {
						buf = append(buf, f.indent...)
				buf = append(buf, c)
				f.state = st0
		case stBOLPERC:
			switch c {
			case 'i':
				f.state = stBOL
			case 'u':
				f.state = stBOL
				if !flat {
					for i := 0; i < f.indentLevel; i++ {
						buf = append(buf, f.indent...)
				buf = append(buf, '%', c)
				f.state = st0
		case stPERC:
			switch c {
			case 'i':
				f.state = st0
			case 'u':
				f.state = st0
				buf = append(buf, '%', c)
				f.state = st0
			panic("unexpected state")
	switch f.state {
	case stPERC, stBOLPERC:
		buf = append(buf, '%')
	return f.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(string(buf), args...)))

// Format implements Format interface.
func (f *indentFormatter) Format(format string, args ...interface{}) (n int, errno error) {
	return f.format(false, format, args...)

type flatFormatter indentFormatter

// FlatFormatter returns a newly created Formatter with the same functionality as the one returned
// by IndentFormatter except it allows a newline in the 'format' string argument of Format
// to pass through if the indent level is current zero.
// If the indent level is non-zero then such new lines are changed to a space character.
// There is no indent string, the %i and %u format verbs are used solely to determine the indent level.
// The FlatFormatter is intended for flattening of normally nested structure textual representation to
// a one top level structure per line form.
//  FlatFormatter(os.Stdout, " ").Format("abc%d%%e%i\nx\ny\n%uz\n", 3)
// output in the form of a Go quoted string literal:
//  "abc3%%e x y z\n"
func FlatFormatter(w io.Writer) Formatter {
	return (*flatFormatter)(IndentFormatter(w, "").(*indentFormatter))

// Format implements Format interface.
func (f *flatFormatter) Format(format string, args ...interface{}) (n int, errno error) {
	return (*indentFormatter)(f).format(true, format, args...)

// OutputFormat output escape character with backslash.
func OutputFormat(s string) string {
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	for _, old := range s {
		if newVal, ok := replace[old]; ok {

	return buf.String()
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//RestoreFlag mark the Restore format
type RestoreFlags uint64

// Mutually exclusive group of `RestoreFlags`:
// [RestoreStringSingleQuotes, RestoreStringDoubleQuotes]
// [RestoreKeyWordUppercase, RestoreKeyWordLowercase]
// [RestoreNameUppercase, RestoreNameLowercase]
// [RestoreNameDoubleQuotes, RestoreNameBackQuotes]
// The flag with the left position in each group has a higher priority.
const (
	RestoreStringSingleQuotes RestoreFlags = 1 << iota



const (
	DefaultRestoreFlags = RestoreStringSingleQuotes | RestoreKeyWordUppercase | RestoreNameBackQuotes

func (rf RestoreFlags) has(flag RestoreFlags) bool {
	return rf&flag != 0

// HasStringSingleQuotesFlag returns a boolean indicating when `rf` has `RestoreStringSingleQuotes` flag.
func (rf RestoreFlags) HasStringSingleQuotesFlag() bool {
	return rf.has(RestoreStringSingleQuotes)

// HasStringDoubleQuotesFlag returns a boolean indicating whether `rf` has `RestoreStringDoubleQuotes` flag.
func (rf RestoreFlags) HasStringDoubleQuotesFlag() bool {
	return rf.has(RestoreStringDoubleQuotes)

// HasStringEscapeBackslashFlag returns a boolean indicating whether `rf` has `RestoreStringEscapeBackslash` flag.
func (rf RestoreFlags) HasStringEscapeBackslashFlag() bool {
	return rf.has(RestoreStringEscapeBackslash)

// HasKeyWordUppercaseFlag returns a boolean indicating whether `rf` has `RestoreKeyWordUppercase` flag.
func (rf RestoreFlags) HasKeyWordUppercaseFlag() bool {
	return rf.has(RestoreKeyWordUppercase)

// HasKeyWordLowercaseFlag returns a boolean indicating whether `rf` has `RestoreKeyWordLowercase` flag.
func (rf RestoreFlags) HasKeyWordLowercaseFlag() bool {
	return rf.has(RestoreKeyWordLowercase)

// HasNameUppercaseFlag returns a boolean indicating whether `rf` has `RestoreNameUppercase` flag.
func (rf RestoreFlags) HasNameUppercaseFlag() bool {
	return rf.has(RestoreNameUppercase)

// HasNameLowercaseFlag returns a boolean indicating whether `rf` has `RestoreNameLowercase` flag.
func (rf RestoreFlags) HasNameLowercaseFlag() bool {
	return rf.has(RestoreNameLowercase)

// HasNameDoubleQuotesFlag returns a boolean indicating whether `rf` has `RestoreNameDoubleQuotes` flag.
func (rf RestoreFlags) HasNameDoubleQuotesFlag() bool {
	return rf.has(RestoreNameDoubleQuotes)

// HasNameBackQuotesFlag returns a boolean indicating whether `rf` has `RestoreNameBackQuotes` flag.
func (rf RestoreFlags) HasNameBackQuotesFlag() bool {
	return rf.has(RestoreNameBackQuotes)

// RestoreCtx is `Restore` context to hold flags and writer.
type RestoreCtx struct {
	Flags     RestoreFlags
	In        io.Writer
	JoinLevel int

// NewRestoreCtx returns a new `RestoreCtx`.
func NewRestoreCtx(flags RestoreFlags, in io.Writer) *RestoreCtx {
	return &RestoreCtx{flags, in, 0}

// WriteKeyWord writes the `keyWord` into writer.
// `keyWord` will be converted format(uppercase and lowercase for now) according to `RestoreFlags`.
func (ctx *RestoreCtx) WriteKeyWord(keyWord string) {
	switch {
	case ctx.Flags.HasKeyWordUppercaseFlag():
		keyWord = strings.ToUpper(keyWord)
	case ctx.Flags.HasKeyWordLowercaseFlag():
		keyWord = strings.ToLower(keyWord)
	fmt.Fprint(ctx.In, keyWord)

// WriteString writes the string into writer
// `str` may be wrapped in quotes and escaped according to RestoreFlags.
func (ctx *RestoreCtx) WriteString(str string) {
	if ctx.Flags.HasStringEscapeBackslashFlag() {
		str = strings.Replace(str, `\`, `\\`, -1)
	quotes := ""
	switch {
	case ctx.Flags.HasStringSingleQuotesFlag():
		str = strings.Replace(str, `'`, `''`, -1)
		quotes = `'`
	case ctx.Flags.HasStringDoubleQuotesFlag():
		str = strings.Replace(str, `"`, `""`, -1)
		quotes = `"`
	fmt.Fprint(ctx.In, quotes, str, quotes)

// WriteName writes the name into writer
// `name` maybe wrapped in quotes and escaped according to RestoreFlags.
func (ctx *RestoreCtx) WriteName(name string) {
	switch {
	case ctx.Flags.HasNameUppercaseFlag():
		name = strings.ToUpper(name)
	case ctx.Flags.HasNameLowercaseFlag():
		name = strings.ToLower(name)
	quotes := ""
	switch {
	case ctx.Flags.HasNameDoubleQuotesFlag():
		name = strings.Replace(name, `"`, `""`, -1)
		quotes = `"`
	case ctx.Flags.HasNameBackQuotesFlag():
		name = strings.Replace(name, "`", "``", -1)
		quotes = "`"
	fmt.Fprint(ctx.In, quotes, name, quotes)

// WritePlain writes the plain text into writer without any handling.
func (ctx *RestoreCtx) WritePlain(plainText string) {
	fmt.Fprint(ctx.In, plainText)

// WritePlainf write the plain text into writer without any handling.
func (ctx *RestoreCtx) WritePlainf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
	fmt.Fprintf(ctx.In, format, a...)